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98% of the player base is sorc/sage


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Your right i often do not use said items aside from sometimes a stim and my relic's often,yah see i do not need to get every little check here and there to be good,i also dont need a class like the sorc with an army of inquis's to get kills,what this say's is more about you and the type of player you are,,,you like it EZ.


Umm... I like it easy because I use the things, like adrenals, that give me higher burst when I'm on my operative?


I like it easy because I play an Op and can instagib people?


Or I like it easy because I win in pvp?


Or I like it easy for having a tank powertech who dominates in pvp?


Or I like it easy for getting 3 or more caps a game on my low level SW by using mostly force push and my charge?


Or I like it easy for having a sorcerer?


I'm sorry, but you're the one complaining about not being able to get past a sorc shield when, if you use the tools given to you, you easily can- so how exactly are you supporting yourself being 'good' when you're asking for a class to be nerfed because you can't beat it while others can quite easily?



Do you see where you're flawed here? No, didn't think so.

Edited by fungihoujo
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I've run the calculation and it is about 3k depending on gear and talents. I think someone that plays the class at 50 would know more than someone who doesn't??? :confused:


So your telling me that a full champ geared scoundrel in stealth opens up with his flechette,Relic,stim and does the backblast and it absorbs it is only 3k? you better check your stuff again.

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agree. I mostly see Sages and Troopers on my side. Guess why?


They are the most OP classes? Hmmmmm.....naaaaa.....lets all jump on the "OP" operative/scoundrel bandwagon


Sorcs/Mercs are the best PvP classes right now and most especially healer hybrid builds - they are also the most played classes and hence their counter class ( ops/scoun) get tons of QQ - even though without them no one would be able to kill them

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Umm... I like it easy because I use the things, like adrenals, that give me higher burst when I'm on my operative?


I like it easy because I play an Op and can instagib people?


Or I like it easy because I win in pvp?


Or I like it easy for having a tank powertech who dominates in pvp?


Or I like it easy for getting 3 or more caps a game on my low level SW by using mostly force push and my charge?


Or I like it easy for having a sorcerer?


I'm sorry, but you're the one complaining about not being able to get past a sorc shield when, if you use the tools given to you, you easily can- so how exactly are you supporting yourself being 'good' when you're asking for a class to be nerfed because you can't beat it while others can quite easily?



Do you see where you're flawed here? No, didn't think so.


Tell me then how do you get around the shield mighty one?

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my dps PT doesn't do more single target than a sorc, does less aoe, and doesn't have any of your abilities, like sprint, knockback, root, snaring attack, whirlwind, and most importantly *********** bubble. Bubble needs a nerf for non healing sorcs. There I said it.


Give me heavy armour or op/scound burst then.


Or even better stop being a scrub and focus fire down a sorc/sage, all their bubble will do then is delay death a gcd.


Light armour shouldn't mean you get to faceroll an easy kill. Stop acting as if it should.

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Tell me then how do you get around the shield mighty one?


Do 3k damage.


BAM- ask and ye shall be answered.


After that- you have a sorc with no other defensive CDs AND you have a class with the least mitigation.


Why not try playing a sage, then you can see just how fragile the shield is? If you know how to deal damage well, you can bypass it in one attack as a burster, or two or three as a tank.

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So my intial burst,which is alot of my damage is null and void and then i get 2k,lol,then what does Mr Sorc do? you know the answer dont you,and 2K lol boy in sure your scared in your little robe.



If you're having trouble as a Scoundrel in PvP you are doing something terribly wrong. Plain and simple. Scoundrels/Operatives are probably the all around best PvP class, and certainly the best killers.


It isn't that hard. BTW you have other skills you can do after your opener ;)

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It is clear that alot of the QQ in this thread is from people not understanding what a huge bump having 450+ expertise is.


If you're a sorc/sage with full pvp gear you can expect 1k crits with your spamable lightning/rock throw. This is because your target has much less expertise.


If you are a dps class or dps specced tank you can expect to see 6k crits. If everyone had the same gear though, this would never happen.


There are two things that make 1 player more powerfull than another.


1. Gear.


2. Skill.


(In that order)


Everyclass has some awesome skills that only become awesome once you have the gear.


For example, here is a Jedi Guardian stomping on people with 6k+ crits.



Another example, here is a comando hitting 5k heals while tanking 3-4 dps class for about 2 solid minutes. Later in the video he hits a 5k heal one second and then a 2.5k damage a second later.


Here is a sage pwning in a similar fashion.



And here is a Shadow showing off.



The thing is the class isnt overpowered. Its gear + skill. Mostly gear...

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Do 3k damage.


BAM- ask and ye shall be answered.


After that- you have a sorc with no other defensive CDs AND you have a class with the least mitigation.


Why not try playing a sage, then you can see just how fragile the shield is? If you know how to deal damage well, you can bypass it in one attack as a burster, or two or three as a tank.


Again it is NOT 3K.

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Give me heavy armour or op/scound burst then.


Or even better stop being a scrub and focus fire down a sorc/sage, all their bubble will do then is delay death a gcd.


Light armour shouldn't mean you get to faceroll an easy kill. Stop acting as if it should.


armor does absolutely nothing in pvp

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what do you call a sorc that does a lot more damage and a lot higher burst than the average sorc, and is tough as nails to take down?




a bounty hunter




be glad that all the randoms want to be a palpatine clone shotting lightning and look no further than the plain cool factor.

the day they discover tracer missile we all are f*cked lol




people who complain about sorcs would cry an ocean's worth of tears if the sorcs rerolled BHs.

Edited by blackcerberus
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So your telling me that a full champ geared scoundrel in stealth opens up with his flechette,Relic,stim and does the backblast and it absorbs it is only 3k? you better check your stuff again.



It's actually less than 3k for the majority of players. Only fully battle-master geared sorcs will have it shield for more.For the average Sorc with just a couple of champion pieces it's more like 2300ish.


The equation is 1162 + 327% of healing bonus.


In other words, you need 562 healing bonus to have a 3k shield (which is well above what the average Sorc has). To be fair though, a lot of Sorcs do pick up 2/2 Lightning Barrier. I'd say a good average estimate for lvl 50 sorcs would be 2800. Fully BM geared sorcs with 2/2 LB are sitting at about 3200. So 3000 is a fairly good estimate (if not a little high). I'd wager that the average is more along the lines of 2500-2800. Very few people are sporting full BM gear at this point.

Edited by Poochymama
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It says you play a scoundrel... the one class that is GUARANTEED to bypass the shield in one shot... and you can't do it? What are you doing wrong? Are you not using adrenals and buffs? Have you geared incorrectly?


You still have to choose your gear correctly... also, if you're the wrong spec you have no reason to complain- I can only imagine you've geared wrong, or you're a healer.


Actually you would be wrong. The only thing guaranteed on opening on a Sorc (on my server) is you stun yourself on their shield.


When a sorc's shield is down... yes I beat them into a bloody pulp. When their shield is up they are walking gods because they have so many escape mechanisms for any 1 class to have.


They need to remove the talent from Sorcs where it mezzes on break, or at least put it so far up the healing tree noone else has a remote chance of getting it.

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Just as a quick note as I play Sorc, healing specc. In a civil war today I would often become the target of two or three people and they would ignore all other people and come at me. Given that I am a healer that is pretty smart. One of them spent the entire time tracking me down and beating me up hehe. Anyways he was a Jedi, tank/dps spec it seemed and for the most part the two of us would fight for almost two whole minutes and I would mostly sit there having to spam every healing and defensive ability I had just to keep my health from dropping too fast while the sniper that was with me killed the guy.


It is possible, through gear, and skill, and practice. For just about any person to lock a sorc down to doing nothing but heal them selves to keep alive. Yes, they are annoying to deal with in PVP but I can tell you that commandos and smugglers have both ensured that in three days I have not gotten one cap in hutt ball. My shield does disappear after just one or two hits. And if a couple people focus on them it is easy to hit them with enough things in10 seconds they have to blow all their defensive CD just to stay in the fight which brings them back to having just about their channeling and instant abilities.


Now I do not disagree that the shield is a little annoying with being placed on other people. I wouldn't really complain if the shields cool down was set to 10 seconds so a single sorc could only keep two or three up at a time. Some fights I have been known to get 6 up before the first shots are fired. But the shield every 30 seconds many fights have been the only thing that keep me standing long enough to do any significant healing for my side.

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It's actually less than 3k for the majority of players. Only fully battle-master geared sorcs will have it shield for more.For the average Sorc with just a couple of champion pieces it's more like 2300ish.


The equation is 1162 + 327% of healing bonus.


In other words, you need 562 healing bonus to have a 3k shield (which is well above what the average Sorc has). To be fair though, a lot of Sorcs do pick up 2/2 Lightning Barrier. I'd say a good average estimate for lvl 50 sorcs would be 2800. Fully BM geared sorcs with 2/2 LB are sitting at about 3200. So 3000 is a fairly good estimate (if not a little high). I'd wager that the average is more along the lines of 2500-2800. Very few people are sporting full BM gear at this point.


Fair enougth but when that breaks ive noticed like ppl have posted above me many times it is very hard to get at a sorc,and they know it,good gig they got going with the crys to nerf my class and its mirror.

Edited by Sathid
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My server [Thana Vesh] seems to have a lot of Mercenaries, Marauders, Sorcerers, followed by Juggernauts, Operatives, Snipers and Powertechs. Assassins seem to be rarer than most. While popular, I haven't seen a flood of them. Sure, sometimes WZ's will have three or four Sorcs, but does anyone complain when there are four Marauders, or Powertechs, or Snipers? Seems Sorcs and Operatices are knee-jerk -inspiring classes.
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My server [Thana Vesh] seems to have a lot of Mercenaries, Marauders, Sorcerers, followed by Juggernauts, Operatives, Snipers and Powertechs. Assassins seem to be rarer than most. While popular, I haven't seen a flood of them. Sure, sometimes WZ's will have three or four Sorcs, but does anyone complain when there are four Marauders, or Powertechs, or Snipers? Seems Sorcs and Operatices are knee-jerk -inspiring classes.


Ive gone up against anywhere from 4 to 6 sorcs/inquis's match after match and a guild called Quietus seems to run with these classes alot and claim they are uber or something,which i find hilariuos also ive noticed they have leveled some Op's recently true FOTM boys.

Edited by Sathid
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what do you call a sorc that does a lot more damage and a lot higher burst than the average sorc, and is tough as nails to take down?




a bounty hunter




be glad that all the randoms want to be a palpatine clone shotting lightning and look no further than the plain cool factor.

the day they discover tracer missile we all are f*cked lol




people who complain about sorcs would cry an ocean's worth of tears if the sorcs rerolled BHs.


I have a Sorcerer, Mercenary, Operative, and Powertech, and by far the most damaging in PvP and PvE is the Powertech. Mercenary is a one-trick pony; too stationary. I don't like the bursty damage of Operative. Powertech is fun, but it comes down to personal aesthetics for choosing sorcerer.


I guess I'm a clone. ;)

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