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Why can't we play as Cathar?


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I mean, they're obviously completely-made races with a variety of faces/hair/features/etc/etc, and you see them a whole lot.


I don't really see why at least the Republic can't have them as an available race. We know they can be Jedi, for example (there's a Jedi Cathar featured in the Sith Inquisitor class storyline on Taris.).

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Because according to DE, you can't releate to an alien that isn't extremely similar to humans.


I thought you could romance Jorgan with a female trooper? :p (my trooper doesn't romance comrades but I know she had the chance to flirt with him once)


If BioWare adds Cathar for Legacy in March, instead of month by month I'll jump for a 6 month sub. Heard that, BioWare? *waves some USA dollars*

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I hope when they add the legacy system, if you unlock additional species, they ask you on each character you log onto. Do you want to change this character's species? And it keeps you with your same level and all your stuff. Just a pixel change. If they don't, then that's stupid
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If you have played as Trooper and tried putting helmets on Aric you'd know why they aren't playable. I don't think I have seen a single helmet that fits him properly.


I'm not really that bothered that I can't play a Cathar. The oens in TOR are the boring/horrible Juhani type, if they actually proper Leonine Cathar I would be happy but as they aren't all I can say is Meh.

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I want to make another character for a second play through to experience more of the game with a different class story. Thats not going to happen unless they add some new races 'Cathar' being one of many. The races are far too similar to Humans and look far to boaring.

Finding less reasons all the time to stay with this game another month. Lack of races being one.

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I want to make another character for a second play through to experience more of the game with a different class story. Thats not going to happen unless they add some new races 'Cathar' being one of many. The races are far too similar to Humans and look far to boaring.

Finding less reasons all the time to stay with this game another month. Lack of races being one.


Not playing a humanoid doesn't bother me. You understand that all the models and armoring were modeled around the same frame, right?


You also must choose a humanoid because they speak basic. There isn't a fully developed language for non-humanoids.


Personally, I don't want to see bioware wasting a ton of time on new skins, frames and models for a new type of species. I would rather see content and bug fixes.


Perhaps in time we will get more species with fully fleshed languages and models. If we do, great. Until then we have to be happy with humanoids and basic.


If that is enough to make you quit, I am sure Bioware appreciates your response. I hope you find a game that more suits your taste.

Edited by Arkerus
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Not playing a humanoid doesn't bother me. You understand that all the models and armoring were modeled around the same frame, right?


You also must choose a humanoid because they speak basic. There isn't a fully developed language for non-humanoids.


Personally, I don't want to see bioware wasting a ton of time on new skins, frames and models for a new type of species. I would rather see content and bug fixes.


Perhaps in time we will get more species with fully fleshed languages and models. If we do, great. Until then we have to be happy with humanoids and basic.


If that is enough to make you quit, I am sure Bioware appreciates your response. I hope you find a game that more suits your taste.


I would love to see bug fixes and more end game content, I fully agree with you there. It's a priority and needs adressing.


However There is such a vast amount of content already that i still havent seen! That being, the 7 other class stories. How much time and effort do you think bioware put into making these stories not to be seen... they want players to see them.


I for one do not want go through the whole game again looking at another Human or species so close to a human that it isnt worth being called anything but human... cyborg and Miraluka.. really bioware, really! what a let down.


For them claiming to have the best star wars experience going, yet only a handfull of playable species from such a HUGE universe. Big let down for a Star wars fan.


Oh by the way, alot of the other species do speak basic a.k.a nautolan, Cathan, togruta, devaronian. The list goes on...

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Not playing a humanoid doesn't bother me. You understand that all the models and armoring were modeled around the same frame, right?


You also must choose a humanoid because they speak basic. There isn't a fully developed language for non-humanoids.


The point is that there are plenty of interesting aliens that are basically "all in the head". They have humanoid frames for models and speak basic just fine as NPCs, and even seem to have lots of NPC customization options. Togruta, Cathar, Kel Dor... all species that COULD have been playable, really have nothing special going on except in the head, and would have added a LOT of variety to the playable races with almost no additional art/modeling overhead.


My desire for a playable Togruta female is hard to quantify, in fact :)

Edited by nezroy
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I mean, they're obviously completely-made races with a variety of faces/hair/features/etc/etc, and you see them a whole lot.


I don't really see why at least the Republic can't have them as an available race. We know they can be Jedi, for example (there's a Jedi Cathar featured in the Sith Inquisitor class storyline on Taris.).


Basically, its because Bioware is lazy. They didnt want to spend the time on the facial animations for the Cathar so they omitted them. Its the reason they didnt add a lot of other races that wouldve been much better than the colored humans we have now.


Case in point ... the first quest helmet a Trooper gets (bike helmet with goggles) ... put in on Aric Jorgen. Lazy. ;)

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There is a "cost" associated with non conforming models.


I can't quantify the cost as I don't know BW's costing model, but I can assure it would be extremely time consuming and expensive to add anything beyond humanoid models.


I am not saying it won't happen but for those of you who would really like to see it...I suggest you get ready for the long haul.

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