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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Finally getting *WORRIED* About SWTOR.


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Well, as the title says, I'm finally getting worried about SWTOR.. :/


Yeah, there have been ALOT of bugs / glitches / things that really should have never made it into a live version of a game.


But hey, it's only what, a month out almost now? a lil over that if you include early access? So that's all good, right? yeah.


But now, last week they did not even do maintenance? Kay - Now this week they ya know announced ya! the patch is coming NOW yay!!..


And yet again, no maintenance OR patch.. "Delayed a few days"..


This is just NOT looking good so far, these kinds of things just.. Don't shout HEY LOOK AT US! WE ARE DOING GREAT HERE!..


It looks sloppy, yeah sure some people were happy no maintenance last week, but still it's.. odd?


And now no patch? How about they DO NOT ANNOUNCE that "YES! IT IS COMING!" When they are not even sure if it's fully ready?..


Was hoping that AFTER launch, ya know, after they pushed it out early with far to many things still wrong, that MAYBE they would take there time and make up for it and push out great updates. Eh.


That is all, for now. :p

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I must admit, by now I would have loved to see this as KOTOR 3,4,5,6....instead. Stories are great and fun to play through, and Bioware make them just as great as always. But I don't honestly think they're having fun with doing an MMO. I just get a sense of....we don't want to do this anymore.
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Hit 50 and find that end game had no testing done, slapped on, and just poorly designed...then all of the people that deny will finally begin to worry. Not to mention the horrible customer service and the lack of fixes. 1 month in and barely anything has been patched. But wait we have a new flashpoint and 4 new raid bosses!!!!....oh wait.
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Mostly because you cant win. If you dont announce crap, people have their little hissy fits about being left in the dark.


If you do tell them, and something changes people have their hissy fits about being told the wrong thing.


An unfortunate truth.

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Agree. I didn't start getting worried until I hit 50.


I was worried around level 20 or so when I was questing and realized that I hadn't seen another player in hours despite being on a heavy server.


Definitely did not feel like the *massively multiplayer* game it was advertised as.


MMOs are about socializing and interacting with the server community. *Not* shutting yourself off from the world in a story instance.

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Well, as the title says, I'm finally getting worried about SWTOR.. :/


Yeah, there have been ALOT of bugs / glitches / things that really should have never made it into a live version of a game.


But hey, it's only what, a month out almost now? a lil over that if you include early access? So that's all good, right? yeah.


But now, last week they did not even do maintenance? Kay - Now this week they ya know announced ya! the patch is coming NOW yay!!..


And yet again, no maintenance OR patch.. "Delayed a few days"..


This is just NOT looking good so far, these kinds of things just.. Don't shout HEY LOOK AT US! WE ARE DOING GREAT HERE!..


It looks sloppy, yeah sure some people were happy no maintenance last week, but still it's.. odd?


And now no patch? How about they DO NOT ANNOUNCE that "YES! IT IS COMING!" When they are not even sure if it's fully ready?..


Was hoping that AFTER launch, ya know, after they pushed it out early with far to many things still wrong, that MAYBE they would take there time and make up for it and push out great updates. Eh.


That is all, for now. :p

So wait, they wanted to work out more bugs in the patch, and that is a bad thing?


They can't win.


People whine about maintenance week after week and they didn't do it one week and that is a bad thing?


They can't win.

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I was worried around level 20 or so when I was questing and realized that I hadn't seen another player in hours despite being on a heavy server.


Definitely did not feel like the *massively multiplayer* game it was advertised as.


MMOs are about socializing and interacting with the server community. *Not* shutting yourself off from the world in a story instance.


Join a guild and talk to other people.


Not that hard really.

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The fact that they announced the patch before it was ready suggests that management is panicy or very nervous about the state of the game.


This. Especially because the postponement notice suggests there was a known or noticeable issue with the patch. If it was noticeable, it would have been for the last few days--it's on the public test!


I don't think anyone with any sense has a problem with patches being delayed because of bugs. But this just screams "FISHY!"


Can it really just be a coincidence that the largest group of players enter the billing cycle in two days and they pull the patch at the last minute because of a noticeable issue?

Edited by Dezzi
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I was worried around level 20 or so when I was questing and realized that I hadn't seen another player in hours despite being on a heavy server.


Definitely did not feel like the *massively multiplayer* game it was advertised as.


MMOs are about socializing and interacting with the server community. *Not* shutting yourself off from the world in a story instance.


Go to Dromund Kaas. You will see many people there. Not only that, but if you're familiar with "Barrens Chat", you'll know that DK is the place that trolls thrive.


On a side note: There were 341 people at the Fleet last night ...


Felt like an MMO to me.

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Yeah, there have been ALOT of bugs / glitches / things that really should have never made it into a live version of a game.


You have no idea what "a lot" is. In other words you're completely devoid of any comparison. I launched WoW, EQ2, SWG, LoTRO (Good launch btw), Rift and a half dozen other MMOs. TOR is not nearly close to the list of bad launches or buggy games a month after. EQ2 had major roll backs on servers where people lost levels, WoW had days where the servers were down and weeks where the game was unplayable at times.


Both games survived and thrived. TOR will too.

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why worry? you got good game value for the basic pric eyou paid.

don't like it? don't renew subscription. end of story.


if it wasn't for the guild i made and the people in it, i'd cancel subscription and come back in 6 month...


Nah, I do like it.. I said i'm worried about it.. i WANT IT TO DO GOOD so it stays around..

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I must admit, by now I would have loved to see this as KOTOR 3,4,5,6....instead. Stories are great and fun to play through, and Bioware make them just as great as always. But I don't honestly think they're having fun with doing an MMO. I just get a sense of....we don't want to do this anymore.


I know I've dumped on Bioware a lot, but a big share of the blame is EA making them shove this thing out the door for a good quarterly report.

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