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Game is far from perfect, but yes I am enjoying it immensely.




2 Chapter 1's done...2 hugely satisfying chapter conclusions (despite knowing the conslusion of one of them ahead of time). Can't wait to progress further with those characters and complete chapter 1 with my other characters.


Bravo Bioware...keep it coming...

Edited by Thunder-God
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I agree its a great mostly single player game.....

Maybe in a few months , it might mature into a mmo IMO.

Sorry to disagree, but it is a great MMO. It definitely has room to get better, but it is not a mostly single player game unless that is the way you choose to play it.

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I daresay the vast majority are enjoying this game. It's a good game, and virtually every person I encounter in-game is pretty happy with it.


Forums are always a terrible representative sampling of the playerbase. If the forums truly reflected the general player feeling towards the game, WoW would have died before the summer of 2005.


Of course, bad games will have grumbling on the forums that really is representative, but you will also see that grumbling ingame. For example, STO had a lot of unhappy people ingame as well as on the forums, and looking at it objectively the flaws were much, much more severe in that game.


Yes I played STO on day one just like I did SWOR I played the beta for this game and loved it so much I put up a 6 mo pay out from the get go. I see new planets being put in and more content on the ones already hear in the years to come. STO I quit less than 60 days into it A kilingon at lev 1 is a klingon at lev 60 it was so very boring. I see Endore with ewaks popping up some time in the next year their is like 300 years of content or so till obiwan is even born. I see this game getting very very big before we know it. could even make the planets round so you can walk from one end to the other no MMO has ever done that. Well I can dream. Thank you

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My Brother, a friend and I rolled end of Consular Act I last night. it was 1 AM...didn't get out until 2:30 and had to be at work at 8:00. Not. Even. Sorry.


Does that answer it?

Edited by priest
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My Brother, a friend and I rolled end of Consular Act I last night. it was 1 AM...didn't get out until 2:30 and had to be at work at 8:00. Not. Even. Sorry.


Does that answer it?


So this!!! I can't count how many times I've gotten home from work, sat down with a 6 pack of beer, told myself that I am stopping at 10pm, no matter what, only to go to sleep at 2am, and wake up at 6 to get ready for work....


I truly feel sorry for people whose nerdrage is interfering with their ability to enjoy this game.

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i would not call almost 3 million a few :D



by this time next year SWTOR will be HUGE.




patchs will bring new things and fix other's and people will forget the minor issues.


The true real fans will have storys of going up hills both ways in the snow.





Edited by Mrpoodles
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My Brother, a friend and I rolled end of Consular Act I last night. it was 1 AM...didn't get out until 2:30 and had to be at work at 8:00. Not. Even. Sorry.


Does that answer it?


LOL...try this...beat the final boss of my Sorcerer's Chapter 1 this morning at about 3am...was up until about 4:40am with the followup quests. Had to be at work at 8am. Had to be up at 6:30am...so I figure I got about 1.5 hours of sleep...


yay 5 hour energy (the **** works for me)


Uphill both ways through the snow while carrying a rancor on my back

Edited by Thunder-God
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meh to all the "bugs" apart from the 2 I've encountered... an evading mob and a bugged node I haven't noticed anything myself, I wouldn't know what to look for anyway lol.


I'm not that critical that I sit there dissecting everything as I play... too busy exploring and trying to keep the kitten off my head :D

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Iv been playing MMO's sence ultima online like 60 days asfter that everquest for 5.3 years lost the will to play. After did evry kind of F2P and some pay ones LOTRO STO WOW. I hope SWTOR keeps me going for years and years to come.
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...that are still enjoying SWTOR and are looking forward to seeing where Bioware goes with the game...




Don't make the mistake of thinking forum grievers make up any significant amount of the mmo population. These few loud kiddies give real mmo players a bad name :o

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