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Why does PVP need a gear grind? Why cant the competion be enough?


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Guild Wars did it best when it comes to PvP.... You shouldnt have to grind out for months to get the best gear. PvP should be Skill vs Skill not Skill vs gear and Gear winning.


Those that argue otherwise need the gear to compensate for there lack of skill


/end thread

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I'm not sure if I'm understanding the question correctly, but if you're suggesting that PvP should have no gear rewards, that can't happen. Inevitably, the players who just want to PvP the majority of the time will end up getting steamrolled when the PvE players with their superior raid gear decide to waltz into the warzones/open areas. This will cause PvP players to scream bloody murder, and for good reason. There needs to be gear for PvP heavy players. No one wants to get destroyed by someone who never PvP's simply because their stats are so much better.

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Sadly, instead of making a fun and/or meaningful PvP system to keep people playing, they opt for a gear treadmill just like everyone else


When it started in WoW it was pretty obviously just another grind to keep people paying/playing. I don't see why there needs to be different stats at all, the gear could be the same you just have 2 choices on how to get it.

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Alas, this is how they designed the game, and I don't see it changing at this juncture.


I never really expected TOR to be a heavy hitter in terms of quality PvP though.


This is true, I mean when a game sells itself as a storybased RPG with MMO tendencies....you can't really expect them not to bring epic fail to PvP

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I'm not sure if I'm understanding the question correctly, but if you're suggesting that PvP should have no gear rewards, that can't happen. Inevitably, the players who just want to PvP the majority of the time will end up getting steamrolled when the PvE players with their superior raid gear decide to waltz into the warzones/open areas. This will cause PvP players to scream bloody murder, and for good reason. There needs to be gear for PvP heavy players. No one wants to get destroyed by someone who never PvP's simply because their stats are so much better.


Well thats just because the whole reward system in this game is based on gear over all. Lots of games have existed that did not require gear as a litmus to success. Sadly instead of using a good system, they just copy/pasted WoW's system.

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When it started in WoW it was pretty obviously just another grind to keep people paying/playing. I don't see why there needs to be different stats at all, the gear could be the same you just have 2 choices on how to get it.


Mainly because raiders believe that there way is the only way, and refuse to put up with equal gains via PvP.


My statement on that is that if you need a 'special stat', then put it on the PvE gear, no boss mob has ever rage quit and canceled there sub before.

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Guild Wars did it best when it comes to PvP.... You shouldnt have to grind out for months to get the best gear. PvP should be Skill vs Skill not Skill vs gear and Gear winning.


Those that argue otherwise need the gear to compensate for there lack of skill


/end thread


So... why have gear upgrades at all, even for pve? I mean it's all about skill right? That would be a fun game, right? This is an RPG, as with all other RPGs like ever gear is important and should matter. If you're not happy with gear being a factor go play an FPS like MW or COD... oh wait, you level/gear up there too, OHNOES!

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Would people really pay monthly if there was no character progression? I know I wouldn't. Its fun getting new gear and knowing winning produces tangible benefits.


Character progression does not automatically equal = gear domination


Look at games like DAoC for ideas on how gear, while valuable, was not the core of progression.

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So... why have gear upgrades at all, even for pve? I mean it's all about skill right? That would be a fun game, right? This is an RPG, as with all other RPGs like ever gear is important and should matter. If you're not happy with gear being a factor go play an FPS like MW or COD... oh wait, you level/gear up there too, OHNOES!


That is incorrect. There are lots of ways to have character growth and progression without creating gear sets to stomp on the previous gear set.

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Stats can easily be made static upon entering a WZ -Skill shuold be the defineing factor . Rewards shuold be cool titles or pvp only "costumes" for armor or weapons . There are alot of alternatives to gear.
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So... why have gear upgrades at all, even for pve? I mean it's all about skill right? That would be a fun game, right? This is an RPG, as with all other RPGs like ever gear is important and should matter. If you're not happy with gear being a factor go play an FPS like MW or COD... oh wait, you level/gear up there too, OHNOES!


PvE is about roleplaying which means that the character's skills are supposed to determine the outcome. Character skills are represented via stats.


PvP is about action which means that the player's skills are supposed to determine the outcome.


Blending the two almost always leads to both PvE and PvP fans hating the bastard child.

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Well thats just because the whole reward system in this game is based on gear over all. Lots of games have existed that did not require gear as a litmus to success. Sadly instead of using a good system, they just copy/pasted WoW's system.


You're absolutely correct, but because it's a gear based system, the Expertise gear (or at least semi-viable PvP gear) needs to exist. They'd have to re-work the base mechanics of the game to fix this without PvP gear rewards.

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Swtor is a character advancement and progression game. Gear is part of character development. What the character has and is capable of should be the most important thing.


For people who don't want to play a character development game there are many alternatives. If you don't want to develop your CHARACTER then you are simply in the wrong place.

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Stats can easily be made static upon entering a WZ -Skill shuold be the defineing factor . Rewards shuold be cool titles or pvp only "costumes" for armor or weapons . There are alot of alternatives to gear.



we all just want pixels. Only people that need gear advantage to win would be against this. Id much rather have cool costumes. Though seeing how BW made all pvp/pve tiers of gear look the same, so making cool gear may not be BWs strong suit.

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Guild Wars did it best when it comes to PvP.... You shouldnt have to grind out for months to get the best gear. PvP should be Skill vs Skill not Skill vs gear and Gear winning.


Those that argue otherwise need the gear to compensate for there lack of skill


/end thread


Guild wars is not a character based game. If you don't like character based games don't play them. A lot of people like character based games.

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