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I hate all the Consular Companions


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And that is why Consular's story, and Qyzen story both, are completely lost to you. If you don't care about understanding other species and if you judge aliens from dry human morale point of view, you are not in a role of playing interstellar diplomat and mediator.




The irony. If you would carry Fess around a lot and try and gain a lot of affection with him, you would see that he is against judging one person for behavior of whole species that person belongs to.



Hi Shadenuat... that is so funny! I was thinking it was ironic how your posts totally ignored Qyzen's lesson about not judging him based on the fact that he is a Trandoshen. Instead, it was, as you say, completely lost to you.


In your first post, you want to give Qyzen a pass because other Trandoshens are more evil. Somehow that excused Qyzen's actions in your mind. While I want to judge Qyzen based on the actions of Qyzen, not his race.


Now in this post, you take a kind of relativistic stance on morals, saying I shouldn't use a "dry human morale point of view". That's definitely another ugh. Either something is ok, or it is not ok. It doesn't matter what race does it. Hunting and killing sentient beings for magical points is not ok for humans, and is not ok for Trandoshens. Because it is plain not ok.


What race you are does not determine what is ok or not. Follow through the implications of that idea. How could you think it did?


To me, the fact that Qyzen is a Trandoshen is irrelevant. To you, it is highly relevant. You keep bringing it up. It was the whole point of your first post, and then your first paragraph here. You need to read your second paragraph here to yourself, not to me. Do you see how you contradict yourself right in this one post, much less your other one?


Your posts have a very condescending tone. But I really do not see why you see yourself in a position to condescend. The morals of your argument are plain bad, and then you self contradict yourself. I think you just got stuck with a bad starting point.


Anyway thanks for the discussion. As Qyzen might say, happy hunting!

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I haven't read anything besides the last page, but yeah, I felt more...I don't know, something with Zenith than any other male (though me and Tharan have had our fun). I liked getting to know him although I'm not finished. I wish he had been the female romance option instead of Iresso, who is a sweetie, but rather boring.


You know how us girls like saving our broody friends from themselves with love and compassion :D Or joining in and having a dark, sexy romance... <3


Hmm... I would say that this is why there need to be a few different LI:s to choose from. I never ever go for the broody types in games, too much drama for me but love the LI:s that are more of a sweetheart kind of guy. Fenris or Anders are nice but didn't really do it for me, just too much angst. Kaidan and Alistair on the other hand are much more to my liking. Hubby's consular is on Belsavis at the moment and in his opinion Iresso is just my type.And he's usually right when it comes to my bioware pixel-boyfriends so I'm really looking forward to meeting Iresso. Mind you, my girl is only lvl 12 so this will take some time.


Different people like different things, here's hoping that the next LI the female consular get's will be more to your liking since the current one seems to be just perfect for me. I want everyone to get something they are happy with =)

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Wish I had a mute for that ship droid every time I walk by him he yabbers at me. I have taken to jumping over the rail to get off my ship just so I don't have to hear him speak.

LOL I do the same! I complain to my husband all the time about SW:TOR's lack of ability for add-ons, because I know one of the most popular one would be getting C2N2 to ****. "I of course will go down with the ship," he always says, in case of space battle I guess. Well, I can't wait for that day, or the day when he is "no longer the most advanced steward droid in the galaxy".


As for Felix, he is like I said, sweet in a romance, but boring otherwise. He pretty much just thinks the Consular is the greatest thing since sliced bread because she's all "mystical", "mysterious" and "beautiful". But even with his personal quest, there's not really anything to him. Nadia is pretty great too imo, but you know, I play a female and that means no romancing even if I wanted to. I was so extremely pleased when I made a Smuggler and met Corso, I really enjoy their dynamic a lot more than any of the romances of the Consulars.


Hmm... I would say that this is why there need to be a few different LI:s to choose from. I never ever go for the broody types in games, too much drama for me but love the LI:s that are more of a sweetheart kind of guy. Fenris or Anders are nice but didn't really do it for me, just too much angst. Kaidan and Alistair on the other hand are much more to my liking. Hubby's consular is on Belsavis at the moment and in his opinion Iresso is just my type.And he's usually right when it comes to my bioware pixel-boyfriends so I'm really looking forward to meeting Iresso. Mind you, my girl is only lvl 12 so this will take some time.


Different people like different things, here's hoping that the next LI the female consular get's will be more to your liking since the current one seems to be just perfect for me. I want everyone to get something they are happy with =)


Haha, I loved Fenris and Anders. But I also loved Alistair while Kaidan bored me. Kaidan and Felix are both sweet, dedicated, and occasionally passionate guys, but for me I need something more. Alistair was funny and easygoing so I really got along well with him, while I feel that Felix and Kaidan are a bit more uptight. They have senses of humor, but they're not the comedian Alistair was. So yeah, even one extra romance option would have been nice. I am not really say attracted to Zenith, but I am attracted to challenges and conflict...I guess I can see that even in me and my husband's relationship, so yeah, different strokes for different folks :)

Edited by Xelestial_Dragon
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Haha, I loved Fenris and Anders. But I also loved Alistair while Kaidan bored me. Kaidan and Felix are both sweet, dedicated, and occasionally passionate guys, but for me I need something more. Alistair was funny and easygoing so I really got along well with him, while I feel that Felix and Kaidan are a bit more uptight. They have senses of humor, but they're not the comedian Alistair was. So yeah, even one extra romance option would have been nice. I am not really say attracted to Zenith, but I am attracted to challenges and conflict...I guess I can see that even in me and my husband's relationship, so yeah, different strokes for different folks :)


Ohh... so Iresso is something along the lines of Kaidan in your opinion, well that and cuzt 1 pretty much made my day =) looks like my consular will be in for a treat. I won't even mention how many different FemShep's I have that romanced Kaidan. Or romanced him and then went on to Liara or Jacob. Or... well, let's just leave it like that, lol


Here's hoping for a nice set of pixels with enough of challenges and conflict to keep you entertained next time you roll a fem consular.

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It seems the Team Zenith beast is stirring! Celibacy is what my Sage has to look forward to also unless they open up a romance with him, I refuse to speak to Iresso because I don't want to have to break the guys heart...


There are some that believe it will come in the future, this is my hope and yes, it does make sense, in fact that's how it should be. So yes Bioware, we're waking up and we'd like our Twi'lek please...

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I seriously think there is a pro zenith sentiment strong with us sages we should make a club :)


I think Felix is just to hookie for me. He is sweet which should be the kind of guy a sage likes but Im too complicated for it, I have dallied between militaristic options and compassion, and I like to fight as well as heal, so Zenith comes across as a good personality for me, he's tough, doesnt talk much and even his side chats have me drawn in.


And lol another club I see popular is the **** bot club cause that android works my last nerve see im not the only one who can't take his babbling about the fat crew, or going down with the ship or how hes the best steward blah blah.

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Ohh... so Iresso is something along the lines of Kaidan in your opinion, well that and cuzt 1 pretty much made my day =) looks like my consular will be in for a treat. I won't even mention how many different FemShep's I have that romanced Kaidan. Or romanced him and then went on to Liara or Jacob. Or... well, let's just leave it like that, lol


Here's hoping for a nice set of pixels with enough of challenges and conflict to keep you entertained next time you roll a fem consular.


I did romance Kaidan and I certainly enjoyed the romance but it wasn't satisfying for me as much. I wasn't like a wild fangirl of the couple. I actually cheated on him with Garrus lol, whom I love and I'm very interested to see how they'll handle this. I'll probably get the popcorn and be disappointed but who knows? If they made Zenith romanceable, I would probably break it off with Felix and if I make a Sage, go back to Felix, but I feel my Shadow is more Zenith's type :)


It seems the Team Zenith beast is stirring! Celibacy is what my Sage has to look forward to also unless they open up a romance with him, I refuse to speak to Iresso because I don't want to have to break the guys heart...


There are some that believe it will come in the future, this is my hope and yes, it does make sense, in fact that's how it should be. So yes Bioware, we're waking up and we'd like our Twi'lek please...


I do believe they'll go back and add more romancable companions, but a lot of people are pushing for a full Tharan romance as well as same-sex romances, so it's anyone's guess who will be romancable next. Lol watch it be Qyzen.


And lol another club I see popular is the **** bot club cause that android works my last nerve see im not the only one who can't take his babbling about the fat crew, or going down with the ship or how hes the best steward blah blah.

LOL. I'm in.

Edited by Xelestial_Dragon
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I do believe they'll go back and add more romancable companions, but a lot of people are pushing for a full Tharan romance as well as same-sex romances, so it's anyone's guess who will be romancable next. Lol watch it be Qyzen.



LOL. I'm in.


Lizard and I are best buddies and all, but let's not go there :p


I would very much support the idea of making Zenith romanceable. In fact, I initially thought he was and was rather disappointed when I discovered it wasn't possible.


Felix is sweet, but I find him a bit too simple for my Consular. I just don't see her staying deeply interested in him for a long time, and his smitten-like-a-kitten attitude would probably get tiring after a while. But then she's not me, and she might have spent long enough in the company of brooding Jedi to appreciate him differently.


I would definitely romance a same-gender companion, but I don't see either my Consular or my Trooper going for theirs. Nadia is just too young and Elara is not my up my alley. On the other hand, my Smuggler would definitely do Risha. If they introduce this option, I would certainly hope that there would be more female companions to choose from.

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INCOMING WALL OF TEXT! I actually just read the first few pages of this thread and found myself laughing a lot, and only a bit surprised. So I wanted to throw my 2 cents in now that I've played to 50 in the manner of those posts. After seeing some of the previous posts, I have new thoughts about the companions but will try to only state my first impression.


Qyzen: Seemed like a nice, loyal guy. Looks like a plastic reptile toy though but looks aside, his one-track mindedness about hunting and constant disagreeing and the fact that he sucked arse as a tank- AND that I am a tank, meant that he has stayed on the ship since I got Tharan. Overall, he's fine but I could take him or leave him.


Tharan- Really confused me at first. I liked his flirty, light-hearted nature but his voice and clothes (I mean he's like a metrosexual from the 1700s mixed with a 70s porno actor) and girly combat screams ("Help! I said I surrender!") and incessant "Did I mention I'm a pacifist?" questions made him the object of much verbal abuse from me, according to my husband. Holiday annoyed me and Tharan's relationship with her kind of creeped me out, but I must admit I began to like her as I saw that she kept Tharan in line and became useful in combat and in the storyline. He's not the best at knowing when to heal and when to shoot but he manages the job in a bind.


Still, as I got affection with him and progressed my story I really began to like Tharan because while he was cocky, he was still a genuinely nice guy-and he was smart and made himself very useful in whatever way he could. In fact, I'm still going to get him geared now that I'm 50 just in case I need a healer. Plus, him and Holiday were good comic relief for me. Overall, I like both of them. He's at about 6000/10000


Zenith- Have already spoken a bit about him. I find him gruff, stoic and basically a jerk. But the more I talk to him, the more I begin to understand him and somewhere along the line I began to even respect and like him. He definitely intrigues me and I feel almost privleged when he talks to me. As for combat, I used him for awhile and he was only average to me. Pulled too much and died too much too. Overall, I think I like him, I just want to get inside that strange brain of his and tell him he can stop fighting now. He's at about 7000/10000.


Felix- Already spoken a bit about him. I love romances in BW games and I was excited to finally meet this guy. But I was underwhelmed by his personality. He seemed only slightly more interesting than most NPC quest givers. He was nice enough but boring to me. But I sucked it up and got to romancing him anyway, which proved difficult. His responses when clicked and in combat are quite possibly the most boring in the whole game and there's one in there that seems angry and out of character even. I feel like BW just put him in there because they had to (I don't see why anyone else couldn't have been the token black guy, Tharan or Zenith could have) but I don't know why they felt they had to.


His personal quest was about the most interesting thing and even that seemed boring as it led to nowhere and it seemed so random and odd I felt like they had to make his over-the-top to account for his boring personality. Once I began to romance him, I felt like he was this kinda naive, simple and sweet guy who was smitten and mesmerized by my Consular. Which is nice and he can be pretty damn romantic and very honest with his feelings but that's the extent of him. Combat, useless as I'm a tank and he does worse damage than Zenith. He's maxed out in affection.


Nadia- Actually my favorite companion as I find her strange Force abilities intriguing and I love her voice actress. She pretty much approves of 98% of everything I do so we get along well. I think she's pretty strong and independent and it's been nice to see her grow from a depressed girl who lost her father to a confident Padawan/Jedi. She's smart and I was amused how she turned down Tharan and realized what he was trying to do. She also doesn't seem to be afraid to speak her mind and is very passionate. She's my homegirl since she's the best DPS and I'm a tank and we're both Shadows. I feel like she is my Consular's best friend, second to Tharan (I know, sad isn't it?). My Consular's like her big sister.


I like most of her battle cries if not all and they were well executed by her VA. I love how when I summon her she's energetic and ready to go, and in battle she is as fierce as she can be. I agree with an earlier post by a fellow tank about her "It hurts!" dying combat dialog because as her friend, master and in the role of a protector as a tank, it kinda pulls

at your heart and makes you feel like you need to protect her better and save her. She's maxed out easily. I don't like the idea that she can be romanced however as she seems too young and naive and easy to take advantage of. Although I think she can also handle herself by the end of her quests, with a dark side male I can see she'd be vulnerable, esp when you first get her. I guess I am just protective of her. Also, I like how interesting she looks.


Overall, I feel our companions are seriously lacking, but they have some good qualities unless you want to only look at them in a negative light. Except C2N2, for whom we all await the day our ship explodes and we watch him die a firey death in our extra-padded escape pods.

Edited by Xelestial_Dragon
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I do believe they'll go back and add more romancable companions, but a lot of people are pushing for a full Tharan romance as well as same-sex romances, so it's anyone's guess who will be romancable next. Lol watch it be Qyzen.



LOL. I'm in.



I was already in :D, my Sage even wears Balmorran Resistance social armour sans chest lol


And on the topic of a full Tharan romance...what? No way!..It would be nice to get a consensus, Zenith or Tharan, I have a feeling Zenith is far more popular with the ladies (and even some gentlemen), even if just for the voice.


It would have been nice (and yes I'm sure very expensive) if all companions were at first romanceable, allowing you to choose just one, after that the other romance arcs become locked or whatever, we should have been given a choice.../heavy sigh

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I don't like the idea that she can be romanced however as she seems too young and naive and easy to take advantage of. Although I think she can also handle herself by the end of her quests, with a dark side male I can see she'd be vulnerable, esp when you first get her. I guess I am just protective of her. Also, I like how interesting she looks.

As a LS male Shadow Consular, I've done the Romance dance with Nadia. I have to admit I had mixed feelings at first, for the very same reasons : she becomes your companion at the time she is the most vulnerable, and her being your padawan on top of it makes it awkwardly reminiscent of an Oedipian gone wrong.

What is interesting is how the romance develops along with her own maturing personality. Nadia, of all the Consular companions, is, I think, the only one that truly grows and matures during the story - the others are already experienced and somewhat set in their ways, and while they can have their moments of doubt and tension, they stay essentially the same, while Nadia becomes an (admittedly still young and fairly enthusiastic) adult before your eyes.


Which, by the way, makes the fact that she joins you late all the more regrettable : the relation and evolution is crammed into a couple of planets' worth of content, while Qyzen - essentially static - slogs through the whole length of levelling. I think they should have added Nadia much earlier - Tatooine at the latest, probably earlier.


The perspective on the others is essentially based on role (Shadow tank), gender (male character) and general gaming style (always play duo with a healer/DPS smuggler). The early part was fairly boring, because Consulars get a tank (Qyzen) as their first companion while the first two of the Smuggler are tanks as well :/ I switched to Tharan as soon as I could because a Smuggler, even healer-specced, can DPS better than a tank companion can if you remove all the aggro moves [and the Smuggler used Risha as soon as she popped]. I would be tempted to use Nadia in non-challenging solo mode (another of my alts is a Sentinel JK and I use Kira constantly, which means I'm getting used to having a Nadia-like companion nuking around), but a couple of tries have made me very wary of her tendancy to aggro whatever is is her line of sight even if its completely out of actual aggro range - we once ended up with a four-group pull just because Nadia jumped to a second group, then to a third aas soon as her own mob was killed, aggroing a patrol on her way. I've never used Zenith nor Iresso (Iresso for obvious role reasons, Zenith just because we were already settled with me tanking and Cedrax healing, and the Smuggler pair providing the nukes).


Personality-wise, Qyzen is single-minded and obsessive, which makes him a pain in the neck most of the time, even when you learn what tickles him the right way easily enough. Cedrax does not fit very well with my Shadow - frowning on all things linked to the Force, not white side enough, not straightforward enough, conversations with him along were a roller coaster most of the time. Zenith is the silent, lone wolf type, who has trouble adjusting, and I mostly leave him alone. Iresso I find bland - well-meaning, could-have-been-interesting, but bland. He is your basic grunt with a troubled past, and reminds me of Jacob in a way - and not necessarily in a good way. I think they should have made him more smart-mouthed and sarcastic, a bit more Wrex-like, so to speak (Wrex was probably one of my favourite companions in ME1). Iresso is easy-going enough, though.


All in all, I was not impressed with the companions choices of the Consular and the pace at which they are gathered : most of the time, it was not enough, too late. That coupled with the remarkably underwhelming (how's that for an euphemism ?) class story makes the overall levelling a pretty bland experience in my opinion.

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I would be tempted to use Nadia in non-challenging solo mode (another of my alts is a Sentinel JK and I use Kira constantly, which means I'm getting used to having a Nadia-like companion nuking around), but a couple of tries have made me very wary of her tendancy to aggro whatever is is her line of sight even if its completely out of actual aggro range - we once ended up with a four-group pull just because Nadia jumped to a second group, then to a third aas soon as her own mob was killed, aggroing a patrol on her way.


Pretty sure you know this, but just in case: Turn of her aoe knockback. I had the same problem at first, ended up with some needlessly difficult fights when she used to push one mob far away in the middle of another group, and of course jumped right after the mob agroing the others. I'm balance sage and for example when soloing Belsavis dailies, I use her for everything else but the two champions in the HC2, that simply needs Tharan (HC4 needing a team).


Story wise, yeah, we really should have gotten Nadia sooner. There's only two planets to play with her, so the story (and romance for us males) goes way way too fast. Her gaining silly amounts of affection from the quests doesn't help either, you have to constantly run to ship/cantina to talk. Compared to other companions the progression doesn't feel natural.


If I got to decide, she would have been introduced on Coruscant or Taris, and joined the crew after/during Tatooine. But that's too late now ofc. Good thing is when the story continues, I at least assume all our companions will progress at same pace, so it won't feel so rushed with the late joining ones.

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I am definitely in the Zenith romance want boat even put it in my signature cause I just feel it makes more sense. He is more complicated he has a personality that conflicts with my character but its like a balance thing he is my Yin and its bugging me that he cannot be romanced.


Felix seems like a sweet guy but as the good guy of this story having him as a partner is bland. It does nothing for me to have someone who agrees with everything I do I am finally realizing why we have such difficult companions. We maybe a force for helping others including the weak but its not cut and dry as good and evil. I realized already that sometimes I pick options that reflect on the need for combat and war. IE in Balmora when you get a choice between weapons or healing.


I think of my sage as a commander and while Felix would be a perfect lacky I want someone as strong as I am to help me keep things in line. And Qyzen is too pet like for me to even consider as a romance option.


Theran (finally spelled his name right lol) I really didn't take him seriously still and fighting for him with a hologram seemed beneath me. Id rather let them be together and not be the third wheel to that twisted relationship lol.


I just cannot understand why our ships become the halfway houses to the galaxy but I guess as the resident problem solvers for the game setting up shelters for wayward aliens is just one of the tasks we must put up with.


I really hope the Devs update us and give us Zenith for romance though *pretty please with sugar and sparkles* :p

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As a LS male Shadow Consular, I've done the Romance dance with Nadia. I have to admit I had mixed feelings at first, for the very same reasons : she becomes your companion at the time she is the most vulnerable, and her being your padawan on top of it makes it awkwardly reminiscent of an Oedipian gone wrong.

What is interesting is how the romance develops along with her own maturing personality. Nadia, of all the Consular companions, is, I think, the only one that truly grows and matures during the story - the others are already experienced and somewhat set in their ways, and while they can have their moments of doubt and tension, they stay essentially the same, while Nadia becomes an (admittedly still young and fairly enthusiastic) adult before your eyes.


Which, by the way, makes the fact that she joins you late all the more regrettable : the relation and evolution is crammed into a couple of planets' worth of content, while Qyzen - essentially static - slogs through the whole length of levelling. I think they should have added Nadia much earlier - Tatooine at the latest, probably earlier.

I assumed there was some sort of financial reason for not having her earlier, but she could have come earlier and they could have just stretched out her quests. I felt irritated that my husband got Kira early and I had...Qyzen. And then Tharan provided some relief, but not much. And then you get like 3 companions within 3-4 worlds. Sigh. I feel better about the light side male romance but not having experienced it, I still feel kinda that Oedipus complex thing with it, because she wasn't like Kira, which I don't think I have to explain. You just know Kira can take care of herself while Nadia...can but she has to figure that out first. Which yes, makes her story even better that she actually matures. Even though it felt really weird because she pretty much matured on Voss lol. One minute she was sad and unsure, the next confident and comfortable with her role in the universe.


The perspective on the others is essentially based on role (Shadow tank), gender (male character) and general gaming style (always play duo with a healer/DPS smuggler).
True, I had the same role. I was Shadow tank with Tharan healing for most of the game, my husband switched from Guardian tank so provide damage while I learned tanking and he also had Kira providing the nuke. They were always the cavalry.


Iresso I find bland - well-meaning, could-have-been-interesting, but bland. He is your basic grunt with a troubled past, and reminds me of Jacob in a way - and not necessarily in a good way. I think they should have made him more smart-mouthed and sarcastic, a bit more Wrex-like, so to speak (Wrex was probably one of my favourite companions in ME1). Iresso is easy-going enough, though.
I agree, except I hated Jacob because he had a constant stick up his butt where Iresso lacks that at least. Iresso had a couple of times where he showed a glimmer of personality by joking around a bit, but then it faded.


All in all, I was not impressed with the companions choices of the Consular and the pace at which they are gathered : most of the time, it was not enough, too late. That coupled with the remarkably underwhelming (how's that for an euphemism ?) class story makes the overall levelling a pretty bland experience in my opinion.
Yeah, sometimes I felt like meh diplomacy while my husband as a Knight was off killing Sith Lords and what not. I was rather satisfied with the respect you get as a Consular and I did love the diplomacy part of things. Our class story was just sort of weird for me, with good parts and meh parts. But having not personally played any other beyond Coruscant yet, I look forward to the possibility that every other class story and companion will now be more exciting lol.
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I have to ask, have you completed the story for all of the companions? Because your descriptions of the companions read more like bios the game provides. If you haven't then your judging a book by it's cover.


I maxed out Iresso, and the rest are all around 7k. (except C2-N2 ofcourse) I am maxing them out slowly as well, but with the story over it only goes as quickly as my diplomacy. That, and I'm pretty much only on my 50 for raid nights and dailies now.


If the descriptions seem basic to you, it's a reflection of how I see our companions, as very 2-dimensional.


UPDATE: I now have a lvl 32 trooper, and 16 Imperial Agent, and I love all of the companions (that I have so far) on these two classes. So, as I suspected, it's just the consular companions and story that seem to have been done halfheartedly. I was thinking about it the other day, and even our ship is lame compared to the others. I wonder if the consular was completed last, when everyone was burnt out, or on a Monday or Friday (car manufacturing rules).


The best part of this is, ofcourse, that I am done the consular, so all the stories and companions remaining are going to be better! No where to go but up!

Edited by meancraig
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I was thinking about it the other day, and even our ship is lame compared to the others. I wonder if the consular was completed last, when everyone was burnt out, or on a Monday or Friday (car manufacturing rules).


The best part of this is, ofcourse, that I am done the consular, so all the stories and companions remaining are going to be better! No where to go but up!


Agreed on the last part, but our ship is exactly the same as the Jedi Knight's.

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Ah, but the trooper ship is pretty cool. And then I got the Imperial Agent one, and it is AWESOME!!! Like a sleek lamboughini, or something.


Well, I think we can blame the Jedi Council for that one. They probably said to a shipbuilder "build the most plain, practical ship you can" because Jedi don't go for luxury and extragance and all that stuff. I just got my Smuggler ship and it already blows away the Consular one, and I've seen my husband's Troopers and that looks pretty cool as well.


Ah well, like you said, at least we got the most boring class (not gameplay-wise though) out of the way, so everything else seems an improvement.

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Qyzen is my buddy! I find that his culture is interesting although I do lose a few points with my decisions I just make them up with gifts. At level and being in good gear, he definitely does well. I don't seem to have trouble with and AoE's from him so I'm not sure what is up with that.


Theran and Holiday are my comic relief. I think she is a riot. These are the only two I have, so far.



Making you one of the most emotionally mature people in this thread. They are funny. This fem-bot thinking that people should be one way or another is ridiculous. you just be what you are and roll with the rest. I thought my sister and I were about the only ones out there to see this all as entertainment and nothing to get our little feminists whines out of the way. FOLKS the point of what should have been a great movement (but is a joke among those with eyes to see) wasn't to make others change, but to change how you dealt with your world. Unfortunately, yes you all act more like the bots than the companions you complain about. Think about it. You might need the adjusting, not the characters.

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There are some of us who hate Theran for being a giant jerk and not because of the whole idea that he's some kind of misogynist. I always found him to be an immature brat who thinks he should always get his way because he's a (let's face it he really is) a brilliant scientist who doesn't suffer from any sort of social phobias. I never saw Holiday as sexist I just thought oh, holographic life form, that's actually kind of cool I wonder how that works. I have no idea why she cares for him and the only reason I can think of is that he does take good care of her maintenance.


I thought it was annoying that if you even showed respect for Jedi teachings he would give you negative affection points. Why on earth does he even bother coming with you if he hates everything about who and what you are?


The point I'm trying to make being, not everyone who hates Cedrax is on some kind of feminist vendetta. Some of us just think his character sucks because we wouldn't want to be friends with a jerky egomaniac.

Edited by Aquarra
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UPDATE: I now have a lvl 32 trooper, and 16 Imperial Agent, and I love all of the companions (that I have so far) on these two classes. So, as I suspected, it's just the consular companions and story that seem to have been done halfheartedly. I was thinking about it the other day, and even our ship is lame compared to the others. I wonder if the consular was completed last, when everyone was burnt out, or on a Monday or Friday (car manufacturing rules).


Tanno Vik is kind of an *** but yeah at leas I got what he was supposed to be.

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Making you one of the most emotionally mature people in this thread. They are funny. This fem-bot thinking that people should be one way or another is ridiculous. you just be what you are and roll with the rest. I thought my sister and I were about the only ones out there to see this all as entertainment and nothing to get our little feminists whines out of the way. FOLKS the point of what should have been a great movement (but is a joke among those with eyes to see) wasn't to make others change, but to change how you dealt with your world. Unfortunately, yes you all act more like the bots than the companions you complain about. Think about it. You might need the adjusting, not the characters.


I think most people just find the guy annoying. "Did I mention, I'm a pacifist?"

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