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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Turn Ilum into DotA


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I also love this idea and pray to the mmo gods that they implement this into the game. (being able to play lol in sw <3) as far as the size is concerned, personally I Like the idea of it being huge, on my server there are quite a few 50s and I isn't hard to find people, expetially if u go outside there base.


Any way love the idea

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The big problem is, at least on my server, that if you had this system in place, Empire would consistently dominate the map at all hours of the day.


There just aren't enough Republic players to compete. We usually outnumber them by 10:1 in Illum.

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Good idea, but how do you handle the 2:1 - 3:1 imbalance of level 50 Empire to Republic?


Cap the higher population side (Empire lol) and put a queue in for that side if they want to join Ilum. Would piss a lot of people off but maybe they would reroll to a lower pop side??

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Cap the higher population side (Empire lol) and put a queue in for that side if they want to join Ilum. Would piss a lot of people off but maybe they would reroll to a lower pop side??


I never liked the idea of forced caps.


On the other hand, 10:1 population differences are extreme...

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BW has shown they don't think their system is perfect, though I agree that they have been blatantly ignoring their subscribers, and that is why this game is spiraling in the toilet bowl at the moment.


When they suggested what they wanted to do for Ilum, everybody was in an uproar on the forums. I don't know how 1,000,000 people were able to clearly see that there is a population imbalance, so one side would dominate and force the other side out, so that nobody can do anything in Ilum; but the game developers just ignored them and did it anyway. I don't actually believe the developers will lend serious consideration to this suggestion, or give much care to subscriber suggestions. (outside of bugs and what-not)

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Good idea, but how do you handle the 2:1 - 3:1 imbalance of level 50 Empire to Republic?

Couple ways:


1)Buff the NPCs, not the players (this includes defensive structures, mainly in hp or number of npcs, but not damage)


2)Add items unique to the underprivledged side:


Some ideas:


Targetting computer: Directs the fire of npc units in the area to your next target-OR-Take command of an NPC (makes it your companion for a duration).


Deployable turrets.


Deployable med centers to heal nearby Npc's.


Repair units for structures.


Ability to call in reinforcements.


(Some of these should probably be in the game anyway purchasable for both factions off of some resource exclusive to Ilum looted off of Npc's or structures, in which case you could lower the cost of the items for the underplayed faction and give them an expiration time to ensure they can't be banked.)


3)Closer spawn points for underpopulated faction.


There are a few ways to make it work, but the biggest challenges are in remaking zone gemoetry and dealing with performance issues from that much action in close quarters. The also don't appear to have any precedent for spawning waves or NPCs, Having Vehicles that acutally obey targeting and deal damage(they have some that look real good when they shoot, though. This can be resolved by making some rocket troopers or something to shoot at structures as a temp filler), and of course designing the npcs and pathing/structures to present a decent balance rate.

Edited by Lina_Inverse
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  • 2 months later...
It seems quite obvious.


We have two bases on either end of the map.


We have drop-ship dropping off walkers and robots on a regular basis.



Why not simply have these walkers walk towards the enemy base at a slow yet steady pace. Add a few automatic defense turrets that attack said walkers, just like towers in DotA.


Add a few turbo-laser turrets throughout the map that increase the spawn-time for enemy walkers and leave the rest to the players.


Players need to guard and assist the walkers in beaching various defensive lines and to blast open the gate to the enemy base, while stopping the other team from doing the same.


Once a base is sacked, have a reset period before staring over.


There's no way BioWare could handle the strain on their servers. MAYBE as a warzone but this would likely explode SWTOR.

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Maybe implement a buff system in respect to the number of players in the PVP area per faction. Nothing massive i know that'd only bring a whole new array of issues. But maybe

1-3 players in zone: Plus 15% all stats


4-6 players in zone: 9% buff all stats

7-10 players in zone: 5% buff all stats

10+: no buff.


Wouldn't fix outnumbering issues but would make it somewhat more playable and balanced.

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  • 9 months later...

I thought of this only to find 10 other threads about it :)

Can't say I'm surprised.

Really good idea I think. It would make me get more into PVP . . . wonder if the new improved Ilum .. . could it possibly be?!?!? . . . that Bioware actually . . ?!? . . . nah, not likely XD


A point system for reinforcements . . . interesting, this could be a reality

Edited by Evgen
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Ilum is supposed to be a PvP Planet, not a WZ that happens to be on a planet. Making the PvP area smaller is not what is needed.


What is needed is to just get rid of the Western Ice Shelf altogether, and scatter those objectives around the PvE side of the planet. Make Ilum auto flag as soon as players come in to do their dailies. Skirmishes will erupt all over the place. And there will be much whining.


Also: Don't necro old threads!


Also also: Don't make a new thread when an old thread already exists!


Also also also: Either way, you were doomed.

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I thought of this only to find 10 other threads about it :)

Can't say I'm surprised.

Really good idea I think. It would make me get more into PVP . . . wonder if the new improved Ilum .. . could it possibly be?!?!? . . . that Bioware actually . . ?!? . . . nah, not likely XD


A point system for reinforcements . . . interesting, this could be a reality


the PvP community has been offering bioware countless awesome ideas for Ilum ever since launch. there was a really great one that has been lost, but some guy made pictures and maps and everything, it was very detailed and sounded like a blast to play.


unfortunately we are limited by the game engine, which struggles with 8v8 PvP, let alone open world.


the upcoming event that will focus on ilum should boost activity there, perhaps we will see some life breathed back into the PvP zone

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