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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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well you guys can have it but I want to have the ability to turn it off completely. no new flirt options for me. I don't want a repeat of that whats his name(Z something) from Dragon Age


Few characters in TOR are as sexually aggressive as Zevran. Malavai is not one of them - my female Sith Warrior had to flirt with Malavai to get his attention, and he was very surprised by it. And surprise: you're probably not expected by Bioware to like every single companion. That's why there are 42 different companions across eight classes and two factions.

Edited by Cythereal
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I fully support the rights of others, and if same sex relationships is something enough people want in the game i'm fine with that.


But, I would also like the option to force choke my male companions if either of them make any untoward advances towards my Sith Warrior.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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I fully support the rights of others, and if same sex relationships is something enough people want in the game i'm fine with that.


But, I would also like the option to force choke my male companions if either of them make any untowrd advances towards my Sith Warrior.


So long as I can force choke the ogr's and og flirt npc's as well? Sure, I actually like that idea. :p

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... By allowing us to Force choke *everyone* and *anyone*. :D


As I've been playing a few of my alts (while my JK sits around doing nothing waiting for this issue to get resolved) I've come across a ton of opposite gender come ons and flirts, many of which are so sleazy I wonder why BW included them at all. A force choke would have been the perfect "Not interested" reply. :t_mad:

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I fully support the rights of others, and if same sex relationships is something enough people want in the game i'm fine with that.


But, I would also like the option to force choke my male companions if either of them make any untoward advances towards my Sith Warrior.


Can my smuggler have the ability to hire a Sith to force choke Corso while were at it? ;)

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Oh, I don't want to choke Corso with the Force... ;)


My dislike of Corso developed the first time I heard him whine "fight me fair!" in combat. It turned to hate by the 1 billionth time he said it.


OT: I support anyone's desire to have Corso as OGRA or SGRA. Just because I hate him doesn't mean others shouldn't have access to what they like. So, please Devs, throw us a bone; when/how is the SGRA going to be implemented.

Edited by Vodalus
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As I've been playing a few of my alts (while my JK sits around doing nothing waiting for this issue to get resolved) I've come across a ton of opposite gender come ons and flirts, many of which are so sleazy I wonder why BW included them at all. A force choke would have been the perfect "Not interested" reply. :t_mad:



I gather your knight then has not come across Doc yet? I think he's by far the worst, even more so than the obvious type casted NPC arch types >.<

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Can my smuggler have the ability to hire a Sith to force choke Corso while were at it? ;)


Sure, i'll even do it for free :) ..................... My Sith is not a very nice person, he even insults npc that flirt with him in game but then theres Jaesa to worry about. She's more blood thirsty than I am and she doesnt like to share.

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remember in kotor, and that woman's protocol droid that ran away because it was ..........


or I think actually that there is a similar situation in the Nar Shadda bonus missions ....


I think there has been a few note in that direction in the books too... yeah Actually when it comes to SW lore, really nothing has been untouched when you REALLY pay attention.

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I gather your knight then has not come across Doc yet? I think he's by far the worst, even more so than the obvious type casted NPC arch types >.<


No, when I started playing I had no idea there were no same gender romances, I just assumed that there obviously would be. Around level 25 I noticed I wasn't getting any flirt options with Kira, then came to the forum and the rest is history so to speak. Deleted the character remade it, played till Kira joins, then went and parked in the cantina till the game gets fixed.


As for Doc, what I've heard hasn't been all that great, I won't say more than that so I don't offend anyone that likes him. :p

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I don't know if anyone else noticed, but some-one posted asking for a lesbian/bi friendly guild in the General Discussion thread:




Interestingly the mod merely told her to post a new thread in the Server forums and use her original message - I don't want to get my hopes up too much but this appears to be a step forward at least? :cool:

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I don't know if anyone else noticed, but some-one posted asking for a lesbian/bi friendly guild in the General Discussion thread:




Interestingly the mod merely told her to post a new thread in the Server forums and use her original message - I don't want to get my hopes up too much but this appears to be a step forward at least? :cool:


There is a difference here, she is basically asking for an LGBT guild, not SGRAs.

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There is a difference here, she is basically asking for an LGBT guild, not SGRAs.


True, but still they're letting her openly ask for a guild knowing the potential backlash and not just shutting her down as certain other game developers have done in the past with similar requests, so there is at least a little 'public' inclusiveness going on there - in my overly optimistic head annyway :D

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True, but still they're letting her openly ask for a guild knowing the potential backlash and not just shutting her down as certain other game developers have done in the past with similar requests, so there is at least a little 'public' inclusiveness going on there - in my overly optimistic head annyway :D


Was it that bad, that even asking about LGBT guilds was enough to get your thread locked? I'm honestly shocked.

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Not here, but there was a huuge storm in 2006 regarding recruiting for a GLBT guild in WoW, and again last year with a blizzcon video incident - not going to post links as there's quite a few pages on the incidents.


But yeah, despite our issue with lack of info at the moment, Bioware is a lot more welcoming than other comapnies.

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Was it that bad, that even asking about LGBT guilds was enough to get your thread locked? I'm honestly shocked.


Can't say for any particular incidents but I doubt that kind of a post would have been tolerated a year or so ago. But it gets better :)

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Just out of total curiousity...


A lot of you are saying you're levelling until you get a certain companion, and then totally stop playing. I was going to do that, as well on my Consular with Nadia! However, being as she wouldn't be good for me in combat (I kept Tharan the whole time, because I need healings) I left her on the ship.


Now my Consular is at level 50 and Nadia's affection is 10,000 and I've never, ever spoken to her outside of the one quest you were forced to do so. From what I understand, most of the flirt options happen in those Cantina/Ship conversations, so couldn't we be safe in waiting by just not talking to the companions we like until we get an answer on this?


I'm asking this honestly, because I play all female characters so I have rarely seen any companion flirt options!

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Just out of total curiousity...


A lot of you are saying you're levelling until you get a certain companion, and then totally stop playing. I was going to do that, as well on my Consular with Nadia! However, being as she wouldn't be good for me in combat (I kept Tharan the whole time, because I need healings) I left her on the ship.


Now my Consular is at level 50 and Nadia's affection is 10,000 and I've never, ever spoken to her outside of the one quest you were forced to do so. From what I understand, most of the flirt options happen in those Cantina/Ship conversations, so couldn't we be safe in waiting by just not talking to the companions we like until we get an answer on this?


I'm asking this honestly, because I play all female characters so I have rarely seen any companion flirt options!


I believe you are right. There are some times in the story line where i've been able to flirt with a guy or girl (depending on character). And that has affected those characters just in the story line and nothing else.


The only time you would have to stop playing the character is if they are a story line npc that will not be with you all the time. Like Jaxo for the trooper has flirt options if male. but if you want to flirt with her as a female you'd have to wait for that to change.


My companions i left on the ship until i wanted to talk to them. there was an occasional chance to flirt i believe, but those were usually before they came on the ship. The romance all happens in the side quests with the companions.

if there's a same sex relationship i'm curious to see, i've simply not done any of their side convos hoping that when implemented i can just deal with it then.


However, you can gain all the affection you want with them and not have it affect them. On my male trooper I courted Elara but after i was already well towards 8,000 affection. I was vanguard needed the healer. Did not affect any outcomes from the side story.


I just want to know from Bioware if they truly do plan to follow up with it or if it's a flight of fancy they have. If it is truly a plan, i really just want a vague timeline... like this year even. before October kind of thing.

Edited by Brazin_Coal
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Just out of total curiousity...


A lot of you are saying you're levelling until you get a certain companion, and then totally stop playing. I was going to do that, as well on my Consular with Nadia! However, being as she wouldn't be good for me in combat (I kept Tharan the whole time, because I need healings) I left her on the ship.


Now my Consular is at level 50 and Nadia's affection is 10,000 and I've never, ever spoken to her outside of the one quest you were forced to do so. From what I understand, most of the flirt options happen in those Cantina/Ship conversations, so couldn't we be safe in waiting by just not talking to the companions we like until we get an answer on this?


I'm asking this honestly, because I play all female characters so I have rarely seen any companion flirt options!


Sure you could do that, but for me that would kinda ruin the whole pacing and context of the romance in parallel with the class story. I don't want to level my JK to 50, then if/when they add sgra's get spammed by Kira with one conversation after another. I want to play and experience the story the way it is meant to be just like all the ogra's have been allowed to do since launch.


/sigh BW really dropped the ball on this bad, the longer I go without being able to play the characters I want to play the less and less interested I get in the game overall.

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