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So what's the OP flavor of the month so far?


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I have to IA's. One is a lvl 17 engineer who kites and bombs. Its a lot of fun. You can run close enough to the enemy until your bomb gets in range, throw and then run away. When your bomb cooldown expires, you run back toss. Repeat.


I don't play this toon to kill any particular player, instead, I use it to lure people away from objectives they are guarding.



Another IA is a 25 stealth. I use it to get close and personal. Backstab, dart, shiv, ravage. Repeat and mouse turn on keyboard turners. Its quick and efficient killer. This toon focuses on an enemy until one of us dies.

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I have to IA's. One is a lvl 17 engineer who kites and bombs. Its a lot of fun. You can run close enough to the enemy until your bomb gets in range, throw and then run away. When your bomb cooldown expires, you run back toss. Repeat.


I don't play this toon to kill any particular player, instead, I use it to lure people away from objectives they are guarding.



Another IA is a 25 stealth. I use it to get close and personal. Backstab, dart, shiv, ravage. Repeat and mouse turn on keyboard turners. Its quick and efficient killer. This toon focuses on an enemy until one of us dies.



According to the Assassin forum, it's like the worst class there is..lol.

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Take your pick... ops/scoundrel has a cc-into-burst from stealth, merc/whatever the mirror is has a high dps turretmode using tracer missile that people are mad about, sorc/sage has extremely high utility so it's really good at Huttball, there's lots of whining about healing in general... and the only reason people haven't started complaining about the insanely high sustained damage of sent/mara is that there are very few good sents out there right now.


Did I miss anything?

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why? Because you're too bad to stop a move that requires standing in place for 2 seconds to fire?






LOL no. I play a tank assassin PVE and PVP, and I love it, and I personally don't have much trouble being successful with it. I was just curious what the community thought about who was OP right now.


I plan to continue to play my Assassin until I don't enjoy it anymore, then I may try another class.


I like to think I'm not a baddie and wield classes pretty well, so it's always fun to jump on the current OP class and just smear the ground with people. :-)

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FotM is probably BH.


1. There are a lot of them.

2. Hard to kill.

3. High damage with semi-easy rotation.

4. Can be effective at low levels.


Sorcs seem to be less popular than at launch. Not as OP as some would have had you believe....


The argument against Ops/Scoundrels being the FotM


1. Still very few of them on my server.

2. Easy to kill out of stealth.

3. High burst, but lower sustained.

4. Not effective until acid blade at L40... and less effective without good gear.

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Because everyone caught wind that Scoundrel/Ops were OP as hell and jumped on the OP Band Wagon.


Yeah, they're all level 15 and counting!! I am seeing a lot more low level operatives than before, it's true......but they're not max level yet. Operatives/scoundrels are getting an indirect nerf to their burst damage in the next patch, anyhow, so by the time anyone who is currently trying to level this class gets anywhere with it, the lemmings will have moved on to crying about something else.


Come the **** on.


I think that right now the true flavor of the month is sorcerer. Have you seen what they can do in PvP? Pretty awesome. And there are a TON of them. Seriously, they are everywhere. They are an immensely popular class that is also extremely powerful in PvP.....that spells flavor of the month to me. :]


Well, that or bounty hunter. I see a lot of them running around, too, and they can also be pretty tough.

Edited by belialle
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Until we get real rated PVP, it's impossible to tell what's OP.


Too many random variables in PVP (consumables included) for people to make an informed opinion about the class balance currently.


Now my take on why Sorc's are no longer in the spotlight? Well it goes a little something like this....


Say you're a city dwelling fellah (like myself). A fly lands on your nose, you notice immediately and swat at it. It keeps buzzing around your head and flail your nerd limbs like a maniac until it finally retreats.


Now, picture this same nerd, 10 years deep in a Peace Corp term in Africa. You think after he's had literally hundreds of flies buzzing around his head for the last 10 years he really gives a CRAP that they annoy the hell out of him anymore? Nope.


And my friends, Sorcerer/Sage are those flies. There are just so many, everywhere, no matter where you go. How can you even care how strong they are anymore? It's like complaining that the sky is blue or that day turns to night.

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There are just so many, everywhere, no matter where you go. How can you even care how strong they are anymore? It's like complaining that the sky is blue or that day turns to night.



I think that the fact that you see so many of them might explain why you don't see as much crying about them anymore. People don't cry and beg for nerfs to their own class. :p

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