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Everything posted by Throne_Senpai

  1. And you sit here and act like there is only one Operative in the WZ lol..../band wagon
  2. Because everyone caught wind that Scoundrel/Ops were OP as hell and jumped on the OP Band Wagon.
  3. So you prefer the power adrenal and the power relic over the surge adrenal and the crit and surge relic?
  4. So why did you go with the crit and surge relic instead of the power relic? Just curious cuz I used power myself and I dont see a real difference with the other one.
  5. LOL as a Battlemaster myself you realize that there is a 4-6 point in stat difference from champion to BM. Stop crying its not as bad as you think. I personally wanted a gear grind in the first place to make people work for it so it separates the men from the boys.
  6. Hahahahaahhahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha!
  7. Throne_Senpai

    PvP Armor

    I second this in hopes of a redesign
  8. Now I know there's a few Sin streamers out there but I just wanted to throw mine out there as well. I'm just doing this for fun and by no means I'm saying i'm the best pvper but I consider myself pretty skilled so if you want to check it out here it is. Enjoy! -Osyrix http://www.twitch.tv/lg_jenjidai
  9. Now I know there's a few Sin streamers out there but I just wanted to throw mine out there as well. I'm just doing this for fun and by no means I'm saying i'm the best pvper but if you want to check it out here it is. Enjoy! -Osyrix http://www.twitch.tv/lg_jenjidai
  10. Don't let the door hit yall on the way out! I hear pandas are a real trend these days.
  11. That was a great event! We must do that again! -Osyrix
  12. I've been experiencing some good pvp on Jung Ma! Keep it up!
  13. I've been experiencing some good pvp on Jung Ma! Keep it up!
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