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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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you're the type of gamer that is ruining MMOs and is an prime example why blizzard and others are forced to rush content out leaving the players with buggy and sometimes vague content.


I've never understood why people who don't have a lot of time to play assume that people who do are "rushing".


I work from home. I run my own business. I have plenty of free time AND I suspect I make more than most people posting. Yet I'm ruining MMO's because I have free time to play longer than you? I'm supposed to , what, handicap myself and not play the game so that I don't outlevel your precious "allowed time to 50" schedule?


I wish people like you could just get over yourselves. Any game that doesn't make allowances for the rushers, hardcore and people with nothing better to do than rush to max level is going to run into trouble.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


Doesn't sound like the game for you! I would spend more time doing other things, real things... If you completed all the content that fast then you probably rushed through all of it. I have issues with a number of things in the game, and am not sure if I'll resub yet either. If you don't like it, then quit. No one likes people coming to the forums complaining.

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man it must suck to be bored of a game after 30 days :confused: Maybe its the players and not the game?


i will continue my subscription because the game is fun and i get enjoyment from it. I also play a few other games so i don't burn out on any single game.


Variety is key to gaming.

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I've never understood why people who don't have a lot of time to play assume that people who do are "rushing".


I work from home. I run my own business. I have plenty of free time AND I suspect I make more than most people posting. Yet I'm ruining MMO's because I have free time to play longer than you? I'm supposed to , what, handicap myself and not play the game so that I don't outlevel your precious "allowed time to 50" schedule?


I wish people like you could just get over yourselves. Any game that doesn't make allowances for the rushers, hardcore and people with nothing better to do than rush to max level is going to run into trouble.



Get over ourselves? Who's the one claiming to "make more than most people posting"? The hypocrisy in your post is on an astounding level.


I've never understood why people "think" they have to inform everyone that they make a lot of money to sound "important." You checkbook balance isn't important in a video game. How much time you have to play is not important in a video game.


We all knew what this game was about before we purchased it. If you think this game is designed for end game hard core junkies in its current state, you're sadly mistaken.


The game will do fine in and of itself. This thread is yet another example of the many that claim the sky is falling, yet the majority in this thread alone are keeping their subs. It's not an accurate account of actual numbers, but judging from what I've personally read/heard, the majority are sticking around. Me, my wife, my daughter and my son are also sticking around. Why? Because it's fun. Nothing more, nothing less.

Edited by Alkiii
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I've never understood why people who don't have a lot of time to play assume that people who do are "rushing".


I work from home. I run my own business. I have plenty of free time AND I suspect I make more than most people posting. Yet I'm ruining MMO's because I have free time to play longer than you? I'm supposed to , what, handicap myself and not play the game so that I don't outlevel your precious "allowed time to 50" schedule?


I wish people like you could just get over yourselves. Any game that doesn't make allowances for the rushers, hardcore and people with nothing better to do than rush to max level is going to run into trouble.


Playing twice as much as the average player and getting to endgame so they can complain about lack of content IS rushing. MMO's never have much endgame at launch.


I wouldn't agree that you're ruining the game by playing more than guys like me. I get 10-15 hrs a week maximum. I really can't imagine people who game for 30-40 hrs a week really do much of anything constructive with themselves. No one is asking you to wait, we're asking that you not complain when you arrive at endgame before the rest of us.


I doubt they'll 'run in to trouble'. They have people like me sub for the same $15 you pay and demand less content at launch, you're demanding more service for the same price I pay and expect less service. If you run your own business you should understand this... I run a privately owned health club btw ;)

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Yes I will/am...


Actually I have 2 subscriptions... 1 for me, 1 for my son... we're playing and leveling together. Haven't had that much fun in an MMO since the beginning of STO.


People should compare it to STO instead of WoW, since that one is a SCI-FI MMO and not Fantasy.


For me:

Fantasy MMO = Don't like 'em...



Best games ever:

1. ME1

2. ME2


4. KOTOR 1 & 2

5. Auriga (C64)

6. Zak McKracken (C64)

Edited by Iron_Lord
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I've been playing since the first day of early access and I have played nearly every day usually for a few hrs and I just hit level 44 yesterday. I have been playing any chance I get trying to manage my time between work, friends, and girlfriend. If you maxed everything out in 1 week you probably need to take a long look at your life.... that is not healthy.
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Yes I will/am...


Actually I have 2 subscriptions... 1 for me, 1 for my son... we're playing and leveling together. Haven't had that much fun in an MMO since the beginning of STO.


People should compare it to STO instead of WoW, since that one is a SCI-FI MMO and not Fantasy.


For me:

Fantasy MMO = Don't like 'em...



Best games ever:

1. ME1

2. ME2


4. KOTOR 1 & 2

5. Auriga (C64)

6. Zak McKracken (C64)


Because comparing it to it's #1 competitor in the genre is stupid, right guys? right?

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I think i will play for a month or 2 more then quit . It's a decent game but i was bored of WOW and this game is simply WOW with new graphics.


Why couldnt they have spent any of there money and time trying to do 1 original thing in this game.

Edited by gingerbill
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Get over ourselves? Who's the one claiming to "make more than most people posting"? The hypocrisy in your post is on an astounding level.


I've never understood why people "think" they have to inform everyone that they make a lot of money to sound "important." You checkbook balance isn't important in a video game. How much time you have to play is not important in a video game.


We all knew what this game was about before we purchased it. If you think this game is designed for end game hard core junkies in its current state, you're sadly mistaken.


The game will do fine in and of itself. This thread is yet another example of the many that claim the sky is falling, yet the majority in this thread alone are keeping their subs. It's not an accurate account of actual numbers, but judging from what I've personally read/heard, the majority are sticking around. Me, my wife, my daughter and my son are also sticking around. Why? Because it's fun. Nothing more, nothing less.


You sound kinda... aggitated... Why?


If his post made me angered I wouldn't respond, but unfortunately you did.


And he does have a point. Sorry.

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The only thing I'm really missing in this game is... Atmosphere. I guess it mostly has to do with the lack of ambient sounds and the boring/non existant music. I will continue playing though as there's nothing more fun for me out there at the moment.


Really, atmosphere can kill or make a game for me, and I don't think I'm the only one. :)

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man it must suck to be bored of a game after 30 days :confused: Maybe its the players and not the game?


i will continue my subscription because the game is fun and i get enjoyment from it. I also play a few other games so i don't burn out on any single game.


Variety is key to gaming.


Its definitely the players and not the game. People have expectations based on coming from games like WoW. I see the game as a single player story rpg, co-op and pvp options. I'm actually VERY happy with how the game is structured at the moment compared to other mmo, and feel substantially less inclined to race to max level like many of the trolls here do.

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I've been playing since the first day of early access and I have played nearly every day usually for a few hrs and I just hit level 44 yesterday. I have been playing any chance I get trying to manage my time between work, friends, and girlfriend. If you maxed everything out in 1 week you probably need to take a long look at your life.... that is not healthy.




I ve had loads of time off over Xmas and played loads but I am still only lvl 38 and enjoying the game a lot.


Last week I saw a thread called "What lvl are you".


Some of the folk in that thread were claiming to have 7-8 toons from max lvl to low level. I mean what do these people do for a living?


Images of that Jabba like creature from Blade come to mind.

Edited by WiGhTkNiGhtt
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TOR is not actually an MMO. I see no point in paying a monthly subscription fee for a single player game with a smidgen of online play. My subscription has one day of time left, and I'm assuming today is that one day.


Like many others, I'll be back in a few months when TOR is F2P. I wonder what they'll put in their cash shop?

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I will continue to play. I was a PVPer in wow but left wow because MMO's and PVP are just not fun unless you are playing +40 hours a week.


I play SWTOR for PVE and PVE alone. I do some pvp but not much if I want to pvp now I play SC2(diamond baby) or LoL. The story of SWTOR is just so epic.

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Hell, yes, I'll keep my subscription. Why, because my experience and opinion is pretty much the opposite of yours.


Bye now.



Love the game.

Love the idea of the game.

Bioware will take it to great places.


Heres +1 Internets for you for getting to 50 before 90% of the community

Heres +1 internets for you for raiding and clearing everything before 95% of the community

Heres +1 internets for you for being able to tout your purples in fleet, and make sure everyone knows that you are of rare elite status, sitting alone in Fleet with your epics and acheivements that noone else has...the mere fact that you have nothing else to do in the game, should get you one more internet, so heres +1 internet for that.



Take your internets, and unsub. Bye.

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TOR is not actually an MMO. I see no point in paying a monthly subscription fee for a single player game with a smidgen of online play. My subscription has one day of time left, and I'm assuming today is that one day.


Like many others, I'll be back in a few months when TOR is F2P. I wonder what they'll put in their cash shop?


#1. It probably wont go f2p, get real.

#2. It probably feels like a single player game because you probably dont group up for the heroic quests or flashpoints. And if you do, then what is so different than WoW?


How is the MMO experience so different from WoW?

In both games, you either group for group quests, or dont...making it a multiplayer experience, or single player. You group for dungeons or flashpoints. You group for raids, or dont raid. You PVP, or dont pvp. Its the same thing. I dont understand this arguement.


The game is what you make of it folks.

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