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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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If you dont like it, feel free to go back to WoW and prepare for you Pokemon pet battles, that will keep your end game interesting i bet !


So funny with these snidy fanboi-comments. And even more ironic considering raidbosses in WoW is ten times more challenging than those in SW:ToR.

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After my mistake of purchasing a 6 month sub is up the answer is simple: No

Poor game engine choice will be the "death star"of swtor. I am just disgusted that with this type of budget this is all they come up with. Truly disappointed. I am embarrassed I hyped this game up to my fellow co workers and gamers.

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If you dont like it, feel free to go back to WoW and prepare for you Pokemon pet battles, that will keep your end game interesting i bet !


Comments like these really remind me of AoC. First few months (especially in the Tortarge area) everyone was saying "this is so much better than WoW" and "WoW fanbois go home" etc.


Personally I won't be taking out a subscription but neither will I be going back to any other MMO.

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I have 30+ days left on my sub since I activated a GC last month, and I'm already determined to leave when those days end.


First of all because it's extremely boring. There's simply too little end game content to keep people interested.


Not to mention if you are a hardcore PvPer like myself, it even gets frustrating once you've hit the rank of Battlemaster. You only get a Battlemaster Commendation like every 10 bags and you need 2 for each set piece. It's all based on RNG and if I stay subbed any longer I feel like I'm paying/rewarding Bioware for this crappy system, praying every day that I will get a Battlemaster Commendation from the crappy RNG system.


This is not how it should work. Especially since you can only get Battlemaster Bags from doing your daily/weekly. So many Battlemasters just leech these by AFKing in Ilum or 'defending' in Warzones, and they have equal chances to progress in gear as the people who are fighting for victory.


Also the bugs are just too much. This game might be relatively new, but this is pushing it. I can already mention 10 flaws in Ilum PvP alone for example. And the rate at which they get fixed is just disappointing. Customer Service doesn't even read your ticket half of the time and just copy+pastes a standard reply that doesn't even affect you.


In the end TOR also feels more like a single player game than a multi player. In that case I prefer unsubbing and watching all storylines on YouTube, or wait a few months until this game is F2P so that I can play through all 8 storylines before departing forever.

Edited by dnomz
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Yes. I'm having a great time. Tons of content left to explore. I am a very satisfied customer,offcorce they must a lot of thnks to fix butt its a 2 months game :D:D


The "things to fix" should have never been in game on realease, many of them are design flaws, not only bugs.


I keep playing because there some good aspects in this game (storyline, PvP Warzones like Hutball) and maybe I am too forgiving, but I have a limit and will call b.u.l.l.s.h.i.t b.u.l.l.s.h.i.t.

Edited by Midichlorien
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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


You rushed to 50 and now you're complaining that you're bored. Very typical.


I have a lot of play time on my hands, and I've got two 50s in tier gear, and a 3rd 50 that needs a little work, but... bored..? I don't think so. Still tons of stuff for me to do. And 5 more story lines for me to enjoy.


This game is just as worthy of a sub as any other. I can't think of any game I've played (recently or otherwise) that has so much to do that you can't hit cap and gear up pretty quickly.


And I like this game, with all of it's flaws. I'm sticking with it. Less than 2 months since release, and I'm not expecting all of the coding to magically code itself. Every week there are updates... They're not exactly slacking.

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I have 30+ days left on my sub since I activated a GC last month, and I'm already determined to leave when those days end.


First of all because it's extremely boring. There's simply too little end game content to keep people interested.


Not to mention if you are a hardcore PvPer like myself, it even gets frustrating once you've hit the rank of Battlemaster. You only get a Battlemaster Commendation like every 10 bags and you need 2 for each set piece. It's all based on RNG and if I stay subbed any longer I feel like I'm paying/rewarding Bioware for this crappy system, praying every day that I will get a Battlemaster Commendation from the crappy RNG system.


This is not how it should work. Especially since you can only get Battlemaster Bags from doing your daily/weekly. So many Battlemasters just leech these by AFKing in Ilum or 'defending' in Warzones, and they have equal chances to progress in gear as the people who are fighting for victory.


Also the bugs are just too much. This game might be relatively new, but this is pushing it. I can already mention 10 flaws in Ilum PvP alone for example. And the rate at which they get fixed is just disappointing. Customer Service doesn't even read your ticket half of the time and just copy+pastes a standard reply that doesn't even affect you.


In the end TOR also feels more like a single player game than a multi player. In that case I prefer unsubbing and watching all storylines on YouTube, or wait a few months until this game is F2P so that I can play through all 8 storylines before departing forever.


Same here, I have 34 days left, two lvl50 chars (scoundrel and vanguard). The vanguard is just finishing Correlia and it is boring beyond believe. Why do I have to kill EVERY single mob when I want to go from A to B?


Not to mention patches, that either do not fix anything or fix one thing while breaking two others.


TOR should be a SP game with MP possibility. Oh, wait, it is a SP game with MP possibility. Well, somehow I do not have the urge to pay mothly fees for an SP game.

Edited by Embrosil
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yes, i will stick to my plan "see what happens until March ends". 1.2 promises a lot of a proper changes, so i will definitely be here to see them.


Funny but right now SWtor is the only game i CanBA to play, i couldnt even motivate myself to get a DLC for DEx3, and i am rather a complitionist by nature.


Hell i didnt even finished Skyrim (was a mistake getting a Bethesda game after all hehe) i got bored so much since the story was absolutely predictable (OH LORD I AM DRAGONSLAYER A HERO OF THE PAST, and i know this after 1 hour of gameplay).


May be i like SWTor because it gives me room to learn and improve, and i actually enjoy this most in gaming. too bad PVE in SWTOR is very dull at the moment for someone who did hardcore WoW during Ulduar (top 3 russian guild) - its too easy, too predictable, too bugged. PvP is fun tho, warzones are cute, huttball is a disaster or a total satisfaction depending on who do you play with and against.


Lets see where is this all going. Personally i wait most for the proper large scale pvp, pvp space fights (and new ship customization ofc), new warzones/rated warzones, and may be an interesting PvE content.

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Entirely PvP on my Juggernaut with occasional breaks to keep up with my class storyline; level 31, and I'm enjoying the hell out of myself.


I get to come home after uni, log on, and smash nerds for hours. Along with steak and sex, smashing nerds is one of the greater pleasures in life, and I appreciate SWTOR providing me the opportunity to bathe in the tears of the unworthy.

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What do people actually think is coming in March?


Some of you sound like its come huge content patch thats going to significantly improve the game.

Its just a couple of new features, not really that amazing


A new OPs. That's the only reason why I'm keeping my sub until then.


SWTOR was/is one of the fastest rising games, and will also be one of the fastest plummeting games. This game will be dead after the March patch.

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A new OPs. That's the only reason why I'm keeping my sub until then.


SWTOR was/is one of the fastest rising games, and will also be one of the fastest plummeting games. This game will be dead after the March patch.


As much as i dont want to admit, i think you maybe right.

It seems a lot of people are basing there subs off of what is coming in march.

I think a lot of people are expecting more than what has been announced, and they simply wont get it.

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So funny with these snidy fanboi-comments. And even more ironic considering raidbosses in WoW is ten times more challenging than those in SW:ToR.



Played wow until January 5th, Cleared every content available since Vanilla, in heroic modes.

WoW was a great game indeed but was getting worse every expansion (after TBC),

wasted more than 500 /played days of my life there and enjoyed every single one of them.

But all good things come to an end, and after clearing Dragon Soul i realised that this was the end of WoW i loved.


SWTOR is a new game , and alot more promising than the future of WoW.


Comparing starting content of a game to end game content of another game is stupid,

i see current content of SWTOR something like Naxx/Sartharion was back at WOTLK.


That said i wouldnt call my self a fanboy, but an all arround mmo-player.

How about u ?

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You are playing the wrong game. As far as I know EQ still has a few servers online, try there.


I m playing the right game since i m by far a fan of the movies since the original trilogy,the first movies i ever saw and played all SW games,i will not put TOR over KOTOR series witch i still believe are the best rpg i played EVER!I never played EQ cause i didnt had internet connection or internet centers near my home but that changed so i got hooked on some mmorgs tryed em all SW has the best story and Lore ever even though later prequels mixed things up a bit.I just get so angry when people whant all things done on their plate i mean common you all whant it easy dont have to struggle a bit to succeed? Are we all so lazy even for a game?:confused:

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Cancelled my sub, that ends on the 18th. This game is very lackluster overall. People can argue the game is new and so on, but the truth is the game was under development for over 3 years and when relesead it never felt as a complete product. After hitting 50 with 2 toons and witnessing the yawn fest that happens at the fleet everyday I decided it's time to move on. Add to this the lack of communication from Bioware, the absolute appaling customer service (spent 2 hours on the phone paying international calls to talk to a machine) and the failed endgame content and it's bye bye for me. Might be back when the game is tweaked.

For those that stay have fun with the game.

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SWTOR is a new game , and alot more promising than the future of WoW.


How does it differ? It's the same carrot on a stick raid/PvP system WoW used but with less depth in virtually every other area


Comparing starting content of a game to end game content of another game is stupid, i see current content of SWTOR something like Naxx/Sartharion was back at WOTLK.


You're seriously comparing this game today to what WoW was after two expansions? This game barely has enough content to keep casual 50s busy. If the same type of players were playing vanilla WoW they wouldn't have even hit 60 by now. Certainly they wouldn't have cleared MC because it took over 5 months from launch before Rag was killed, let alone being on farm for your average player.

Edited by CommonKnowledge
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No. I took up playing STO recently and then this at the behest of a friend who couldn't stop gushing over it. It's *********** WoW with a Star Wars mod. STO makes this game look half assed and lazy with a functioning and proper space combat system and ground combat system. I'm struggling, really struggling to try and give this game a chance but it's so bland and boring in it's story and gameplay mechanics that it makes me angrier and angrier to think I wasted fifty euros on it when I could have gotten the exact same experience with a F2P WoW clone.
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