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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Definitely not renewing. I quit WoW because I don't have the time to waste in a game like that anymore. This is pretty much the same thing- the endgame at least, so there's no reason for me to stay around. The leveling/story was fun while it lasted.
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I'll stick around to play the stories.


Bioware made a great Online RPG.

It's just painfully similar to WoW.


They though WoW = Money = Success = What people want

In reality though, people wanted and were expecting (stupidly) something different.


Hopefully within 3 months there's something that sets this game apart/makes it unique.


Most games won't survive without something like that.


Other than that....ToR will be around for a while, and it still has potential to be great. But instead of Content patches, they need to be pumping out fixes, innovative PVP systems, fixing delay in PVP, giving PVP meaning, giving us chat bubbles, make an LFG system, etc....lots of things to polish.


However, the game feels so much like WoW, it's a little ridiculous.


WoW is fine.

ToR is fine.


But ToR just made a "Star wars WoW", and that's not what we wanted.


At least the story/leveling up PVE is far more fun than most games...! They did that well. Sadly, Bioware forgot they were making a "never ending" mmo and focused all their power on what they already do well - making single player in-depth story driven games.

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SGRs were not implemented. Refuse to progress the story until they're added: if they're added post-50 so that the 50s don't have to reroll... then I'd have to sit through 50 levels of tedious garbage only to get a usable companion after the content is exhausted. To see this in action already: Jedi Consular. No, seriously. Ask how many of them are satisfied with getting their female companion when they're 45+). Lose-lose. PvE portion of the game out the window.


Leveling through PvP is a chore: being a punching bag for 50s is irritating at best. While I do get an ego boost from rolling half the 50s I run into, the fact that the other half are capable of bringing the expertise/biochem gap to bear is infuriating.


And even then... the PvP is pretty sad. Myth*cough* I mean Bioware went with the DAOC approach to CC again. As if watching Warhammer flounder and die while they caved to the six brain-surgeons leading zerg guilds looking for DAOC 2.0 wasn't a hard enough lesson. And then since it's Mythic, there are several months between each of the knee-jerk sweeping nerfs that don't actually address the problem, but instead nerf the symptom into the ground: as example, Biochem.


Biochem is the only viable profession because all the other professions are absolutely useless.

In PvP, Biochem is overpowered because it's the only profession which has a noticeable impact... BECAUSE ALL THE OTHER PROFESSIONS ARE USELESS.

So to balance professions... they're nerfing Biochem.


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I would suggest if you think their is a problem with the game. cancel now. re-sub 24hours, one day after your current free time ends. this would let them know you are not happy with there choices they have made with OUR Game.


Why is this OUR game, because with out us the fans it would not have been made.


Why i say for only a short amount of time, because they will need the funds to fix the game. but our voice is not heard here. it will only be heard if they think it will effect the pocket book.


I doubt many will do it.


I noticed that the suggestion thread isn't stickied.. I wonder why.. welcome to being pacified.


Repost it if you think its a good idea. More force in numbers.


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Thought about "unsubbing" and playing with timecards, but I'm even hesitant to do that. Why, you may ask? My husband's computer has been having CTDs ever since release (beta-his computer had NO problems). My computer has no problems with the game after release, but we bought TOR to play together. We thought about using timecards, but with no updates on the CTD issue (we don't even know if it's being worked on!), why should we continue to pay? I have no interest playing the game by myself. Edited by Sfcole
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Bioware, Im starting to question your developers.


1) Crappy engine. Why did you guys use an engine that was made for a MMO that failed to even launch and was cancelled after 2 months in development. Why didnt you build your own engine like Blizzard did to make WoW? Learn from the most successful MMO of all time. You guys obviously didnt learn from others success.


2) The SWTOR End game, is a carbon copy of WoW's endgame with less things to do, nothing new, and a whole LIST of problems. All of us played WoW, we wanted something different, not more of the same with only "slightly better" graphics.


3) Ability Delay, your developers worked on this game for 5+ years and for some reason failed to acknowlege this horrible problem and fix it within that time? I think you knew this was a problem, but failed to do anything about it, why you waited is beyond me. Horrible decision that has and will cause a loss of subscriptions, something you could have dealt with BEFORE the game launched, but chose not to, hope the loss of $$$ makes you realize this mistake.


4) Zero World PvP, my server had a 2 hour queue to log in every night when I leveled, I ran into 3 players of the opposing faction from levels 1-50. Three. Your game has no world pvp. Something so many people wished it had and thought it would.


5) Bugs, I have never, EVER, played a game that had as many bugs as this game.


6) Performance. Lets be honest, the games graphics are mediocre at best, and slightly above WoW. Yet so many people are having performance problems running this game, espeically in Warzones. WoW was successful because their engine was made to compliment hundreds of players in one space and large scale PvP.


7) No interaction with the opposing faction. Does the republic even exist? I never see them, we cant raid their cities, we cant go to any of their planets, we cant interact with them unless we queue up for two instances warzones.


8) Everything is small-scale. The planets are huge, but nothing else is. The games engine cant handle hunderds of people on the screen at once, so kiss raiding cities goodbye, and you will NEVER see a 40v40 warzone like AV in WoW.


9) Lack of player immersion. The game feels like once you hit 50, you beat the game and there is nothing else to do. Sure you can log in and raid once a week, sure you can queue up for Huttball, but is this really worth $15 a month?


10) Lack of polish. Quite frankly, the game feels extremely unfinished and rushed, it lacks pretty much any feature of newer MMO's, feels old, and makes you feel like your a beta tester.


11) Legacy system is a complete and utter embarassment to your company. You literally implemented a legacy system, it tells you "you have gained a legacy level" but it does absolutely nothing. What an embarassment Bioware. Why even implement this if it has nothing to offer? It just makes your game look rushed.


12) This list can go on forever, the point is, BW, you gave us so many things to complain about. Why didnt you just try to please us and make us happy with your product instead of leaving us dissapointed.


Nope. For those reasons. Bioware closed my earlier thread.

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Last day on my subscription. I will be home from work in six hours, the maintenance will still be going on then.


I will definitively not re-subscribe. I could live with the bugs and all, but I can not live with being pissed on by BioWare every week.


Would I really pay more than american customers for this game only to get crappier service for the effort? Nope, I wouldn't.


Goodbye SWTOR. I hope you all the best. Once BioWare comes to their senses and starts to provide service for the European customers too I will re-subscribe; unless I already have moved on to some other game of course.

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No. Though I did buy a 3 month bundle. I plan to play that long then stop unless the endgame radically changes.


Lockouts kill endgame for me. Basically my problem with SWTOR endgame is that it doesn't encourage grouping outside of 4, 8 or 16 people things... and you more or less need to run with the same people every time or you'll be screwing your buddies out of an easy run. Want to help a friend with a hard mode flashpoint? Sorry, you ran it today with some other people needing help. The same can happen with operations as well.


Not to mention if I'm going to pay monthly I'd like to actually play the character I want instead of being forced to wait another day (or week) to play content that I enjoy/progresses my character. It just reeks of money grubbing.

Edited by Falchoin
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I agree 1000% and these people should be band from the forum, purely because their here to cause the game halm.




Because its an affliction to the community and the game.

No one wants to spend their time reading negativity when they don't respond to it or feel differently. Posting it here is just causing more hate and is infectious to the community.

The bugs and problems won't ruin this game, people who promote contagious hate will.


And while "many" may have the same view, it is the minority, so if you intend to at all help this game, don't post that here.


No one wants to read it.



I'm re-subbing, I still have a lot I want to do in this game, it's been fun so far.

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Yes, I'll be keeping my subscription! I am having a great time in SWTOR, as I actually find myself interested in the PvE content the game has to offer as opposed to any other MMO I have played. The engaging story and emphasis on community (instead of mindless queues) have really sold me.


I truly find the negativity on these forums mind-boggling, as I encounter none of it in-game. I mean, the general forums may as well be called "hyperbolic statements by those with an axe to grind." Honestly, the only reason I am posting and not playing is because of scheduled maintenance. :D

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If you don't enjoy playing MMOs, then you probably won't play SWTOR for more than a month (if you are playing hardcore).


I love the game. I love PvP (despite knockdowns and rooting not being valued the way I would like).


If anyone is on the fence, my advice would be to get involved with a (large) guild... It makes a huge difference.

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Because I like it.


Why the hell else would I keep subscribed? You think I'm going to listen to the complaining minority who forget just how basic all MMO's are at their launch?


No. No freaking way keemosabi.


Screw those people.


Hell, maybe I'll bump my sub up to six month recurring just to piss them off.


Example: One persons complaint was "lack of polish".


Uh, hello? Welcome to MMO's at launch! No MMO starts off polished. I don't give a CRAP what year it is. But you know what? If Bioware/EA had postponed the release to "polish" the game? We would have a whole different kind of complainer on our hands.


Damned if they do, damned if they don't. Some people are just never pleased(And some people need to be punched in the face and have, "This is the real world, it doesn't work according to how you want it to work!" screamed at their broken visage). Those same people have selective memories and unrealistic expectations.

Edited by Vaegaknight
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Absolutely yes, because:


- I have a lot of fun

- Almost all my friends from the other game are here

- I am not aware of better alternative (for me)

- very good server communities, especially The Progenitor EU

- good perspective of a 'healthy' MMO environemnt without any cross-server horrors such as LFwhatever

- there will be content patches

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I will definitely be resubscribing, it is an awesome game with a lot more potential to come.


The forum community is probably the most pathetic I have seen. A vocal minority so jealous that there are people out there capable of enjoying something which does not cater to their every whim. What a sad state of mind these people have when they appear addicted to posting their negative rants over and over.


As for signatures stating cancellations with weak ultimatums, how pathetic can you get? No one cares.


BW should perma ban these people. They aren't worth having as customers and the community is better off without them.

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I'm giving it three months, if BW cannot do a substantial enough job by then, they never will.


Right now my only peeves are the lack of big bug sqashing, and their fascist like control over what they think our computers can run, for us.

Edited by Kaverf
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At the moment im starting to think i wont be here for much longer. Not because of bugs but because im starting to get bored with just picking up the next quest, drive somewhere, kill/collect/activate x of something ...


I started playing on first day of early release and i am lvl 42 with my BH, so no, i didnt rush through anything but im starting to get anoyed when i see the "new quest available" sign on the minimap.


I think im just not made for this kind of MMO.


In swg, whenever i started to get bored with killing stuff i could just switch to crafting, collecting/searching resources or get up in space and do something there.

Here, i cant even pass time with crafting because all you do is make your crew craft/gather materials and then its waiting time...

And the "space" game in TOR is just...

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Yes staying.


Am normally a hardcore raider on that 'other game' and continuously checking logs and making sure I am in the top 200, clearing new content in a week (apart from Heroics)...


This has been... refreshing. I am learning to smell the flowers and enjoy the journey with TOR the way I never have before. I am levelling 3 toons in my own time and damn. If it isn't rewarding. God dammit I am even doing PVP which i never do and loving it!!!! How satisfying is it to take down a lvl 50 when you're only lvl 18.... Boom!


I am however worried by the massive amounts of negativity from lvl 50 players... I'll see what it's like when I get there...


Only 4 more hrs of work...



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Yes - most definately.


Early days yet and impressed with the game overall. Yes there are bugs and balancing issues, and you cant please everyone. As in life take the glass as half full - if you find the negative in everything then it usually taints how you look at things.


Good job so far.

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