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Are you blind Bioware? Tanks!


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The only problem I'm aware of in PvP that tanks have is that our shield generators don't proc off force and tech moves. In PvE they do, I'm sure I read somewhere it's just a PvP bug and it needs fixing.


On another note, seriously I am a full Champion geared Tank with nearly 19k HP and an Operative dropped me from 100% to 30% in his opening few moves. There is something very wrong with that. I shudder to think what they can do to medium and light armoured targets.

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Ahem. I do a fair bit of pvp at the high end, usually as a healer. And this thread is so wrong it's laughable.


A healer-tank combination is one of the nastiest, most unstoppable things you can find in pvp. The tank kills things while maintaining guard on the healer, and the healer keeps both of them alive. In a 4v2 fight, they will usually win; it takes focus fire from 5 or 6 people (or a few subtle tricks) to bring this pairing down.


Unless one of the server's best dpsers is along, the tank will often come top in damage done on the leaderboard - not because their dps is higher, but because they almost never died and spent more time fighting than their squishier counterparts.


(Note that this is relating to some of the best players around, and experiences further down the scale may be different)

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The most exp tanks know the best tanks are the ones who can simply hold aggro. Cause when your in a top notch guild with killer dps this becomes the most important thing, not your ability to absorb damage, that is 2nd.
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Bleeds (internal) and Magic (elemental) have been the bane of tanks since MMOs began, and for that matter since RPGs began.


It's completely intentional and should be there.


And I play an Immortal Juggernaut as my main.


I'm not sure how this thread got to eleven pages when this quote ended the thread on page three.

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I'm lvl 27 Jedi Gaurdian and just got destroyed by a lvl 24 droid that spit out a rocket fire thing at me and killed me on Tatooine. I also fought a lvl 24 lizard on Tatooine and it had me down to HALF HEALTH before me and my companion killed it


For 27 lvls its been nice n smooth,...but soon as I landed on Tatooine....OH MY GOD! I have hit a wall...my leveling has literally stopped! I don't know what to do. It's like all of a sudden every mob I attack is in god mode


This can't be right unless they want us to force group at this lvl. Because right now I am having a very if not impossible time soloing at lvl 27 on Tatooine

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The issue is that there is no tank stats for PVP but Expertise meaning that ALL classes get the same damage reduction also meaning Tank speccs are USELESS and severely flawed!



Yeah, like that has never happened in any MMO before. :p


Tanks want to be immortal. We all know this. Why don't they just come out and say it.


I find it ironic that "TANKS" tend to be the whiniest group in all MMOs. If there is no crying in baseball, there should be no crying and whining in Tank-Land either. :)

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The most exp tanks know the best tanks are the ones who can simply hold aggro. Cause when your in a top notch guild with killer dps this becomes the most important thing, not your ability to absorb damage, that is 2nd.


You mean having to deal with scrub dps that just go "Herpa derp dmg!!!" from the start not bothering to think about dropping some aggro, all claiming to be the top dps so you dont know who to guard. Whilst at the mean time bothering the healers because they stand in the proverbial fire to get there rotations right. Meaning the healers have to heal more and cant trow in some extra dmg. Also because the tank is taking more dmg because he got loldps gear...


Yeah top notch...


Btw you do realize that aggro doesn't work in pvp does it? And the ironic thing is that there are ways of getting entire enemy teams to focus on you, but guess what that requires 10% health and lots of mitigation...

Edited by Wiggletphyre
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I'm lvl 27 Jedi Gaurdian and just got destroyed by a lvl 24 droid that spit out a rocket fire thing at me and killed me on Tatooine. I also fought a lvl 24 lizard on Tatooine and it had me down to HALF HEALTH before me and my companion killed it


For 27 lvls its been nice n smooth,...but soon as I landed on Tatooine....OH MY GOD! I have hit a wall...my leveling has literally stopped! I don't know what to do. It's like all of a sudden every mob I attack is in god mode


This can't be right unless they want us to force group at this lvl. Because right now I am having a very if not impossible time soloing at lvl 27 on Tatooine


My honest suggestion would be for you to finish up more quests on the previous planet you were just on. I always try to at least be even with the level 'requirements' listed on the Galaxy Map before hitting a new planet. Sometimes a level makes all the difference in the world.

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I'm lvl 27 Jedi Gaurdian and just got destroyed by a lvl 24 droid that spit out a rocket fire thing at me and killed me on Tatooine. I also fought a lvl 24 lizard on Tatooine and it had me down to HALF HEALTH before me and my companion killed it


For 27 lvls its been nice n smooth,...but soon as I landed on Tatooine....OH MY GOD! I have hit a wall...my leveling has literally stopped! I don't know what to do. It's like all of a sudden every mob I attack is in god mode


This can't be right unless they want us to force group at this lvl. Because right now I am having a very if not impossible time soloing at lvl 27 on Tatooine


Been through Tatooine with 4 characters now. The first time you meet a new mob it surprises you. Learn to adapt to your environment. Seriously, learn to adapt your play to your enemy.


Rocket shooting droids hurt, so overpower them if you want to live. Interupt them and dps the crap out of them. They go down quickly if you do. If you hesitate or you are lazy with the dps, they will own you. If you get an add and it is a droid with rockets, then you must switch to the droid and drop him as fast as possible. They go down pretty quick if you overpower them with dps and interupts.

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I'm trying to see this through their eyes, I really am, but I can't understand why they'd roll tank and then complain about not being able to drop people.


If you die the most in a PvP match as a tank, along with having the most protection, you were the best tank.


We die.


We are the cannon fodder.


We chew up the damage so our squishies can survive and kill people.


We're the castle walls, not the catapults.


^^ This... taunt, stun, interrupt, switch targets, rinse repeat.. toss some aoe taunts in there, throw your guard on a healer...


Most of my kills come from seeing that one enemy with like 8% health that everybody seems to ignore... nothing a nice instant attack can't fix.

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^^ This... taunt, stun, interrupt, switch targets, rinse repeat.. toss some aoe taunts in there, throw your guard on a healer...

Slightly more complicated than that, since single target taunt is on a 15sec cooldown, stun is on a 50sec cooldown (with points thrown in it), and guard has a 15m range.

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How do you "taunt" in PVP?


By pressing the taunt key?


You do realize it reduces the damage output of the person you taunt by 30% against all targets other than you, don't you?


If I have guard on someone and then you attack and I taunt, you're going to be barely scratching them.

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As a Juggernaut I have 6% resistance to internal and elemental. Plus I have a barrier that absorbs a "moderate" amount of any damage on a short cooldown..like 12 seconds if I recall.


Plus I have 5 ways to interrupt casting, although they don't work on champions and only 1 of them work on elites...and the abilty delay makes them mostly useless..but they are there.


The guys who design encounters know we can't mitigate this damage as well as other types and i'm sure its taken into account when assging damage values.

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By pressing the taunt key?


You do realize it reduces the damage output of the person you taunt by 30% against all targets other than you, don't you?


If I have guard on someone and then you attack and I taunt, you're going to be barely scratching them.


Nope - I did not know that! I don't have a tank in swtor, so that's why I was asking. I didn't realize this, thanks!

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Nope - I did not know that! I don't have a tank in swtor, so that's why I was asking. I didn't realize this, thanks!


Yep, same as in WAR.


So if you notice yourself suddenly missing 1/3rd your damage, look for the tank that taunted you.


Lasts about 6 seconds, but taunt is on a low cooldown so they can keep it on you a lot of the time.

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As a Juggernaut I have 6% resistance to internal and elemental. Plus I have a barrier that absorbs a "moderate" amount of any damage on a short cooldown..like 12 seconds if I recall.

The original poster seems to be a Powertech. They don't get any bonuses to internal or elemental damage and their barrier ("Energy Shield" is the name) is on a 2min cooldown.

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The original poster seems to be a Powertech. They don't get any bonuses to internal or elemental damage and their barrier ("Energy Shield" is the name) is on a 2min cooldown.


Our equiv barrier is on a 3 min, the barrier the other guy was talking about is a damage shield we get when we use force scream, it's a talent high up in Immortal.


It doesn't absorb much, but it takes the edge off a hit or two.

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