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4 people on the entire planet...


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Quesh? If so its tiny and youll be back to a normal planet before you know it. Any other planet... that seems like trouble.


Edit: its also 8am on a weekday.


Yeah but thats why I am online, why am I penalized when they could very easily add a tool, beyond the current worthless one, to help find groups.

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How is a tool going to help you if no one is around?


A tool may help him if someone that;s on the fleet may want to do that quest. Not too hard to understand that ... i guess.


You know ... is about visibility ... is one thing that there are 3 people on that planet that see that you are looking for group for some unamed quest ... and is a different thing when the whole galaxy can see that you are looking for group for that particular quest ...

Edited by LaurV
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The tool would have a pool from everyone on the entire server or multiple servers. people on the fleet and on the planet and in his level range would all be able to queue together and be instantly matched.


obviously multiple servers grouped together make the tool that much better.

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How am I supposed to find a group with no group finder tool under these circumstances?


This is absolutely absurd.


Well The Harbinger & The Jekk'Jekk Tarr have standard loads right now and one PvP has heavy for west coast servers.


For US west it is 3 am so those players for the most part are out.

I presume the other are Australia and that area.


Mid week and patch day doesn't help either.

Even if it didn't happen wouldn't surprise me to see people made plans to be else where anyways.

Edited by Korizan
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I feel ya, Correllia would never get above 9 players the whole time I was questing there, and most of the time Ilum is single digits too.


People say this is becuase I'm a power levelling, no life, spacebar dialog skipper (which is'nt true, I listened intently to every bit) but it did really take the shine of things from a group perspective.

Edited by jedip_enguin
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It's not so hard to find a group without a tool.

Some ideas :


- Organise a rendez vous with some guildies /friends : "Tomorow, let's do the heroic quest blablabla"

- Leveling together with a good partener. With 2 companion you "should" be able to do every 4 man heroic quest together without difficulties.

- Take a little skill-crafting break in the fleet and organise a group there.

- Skip the heroic quest and continue your leveling with normal quest (while they are fun and give good rewards, you can level without any troubles while skipping all heroic quest)




I'm still against any kind of x-realm group finder with any automatic feature. This is tool for lazy guys that cba to put a bit effort to organise activities in a MMORPG. (spamming the general chat of your zone is not making effort)

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What are you talking about? You mean you don't like typing


"LFG Republic Secrets" every few minutes forever!


Its a 2-man dungeon! Don't at least one of you a-holes wanna do it with me!


Er...I digress. My point is there needs to be a que up for heroic quests and flashpoints.

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How am I supposed to find a group with no group finder tool under these circumstances?


This is absolutely absurd.


What... you want to forge group with all people on planet ? :p You are probably in the middle of questing, someone is on far side of the map because he just started and another almost finished and he is ready to leave.

This game is a linear corridor thempark MMO. Don't expect too much from it. It's not like you all having fun on the same area.

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On Giradda the Hutt, Republic side, since I've been post lvl 30 the average people on my planet is 25. Mind you I was in queues during launch that had 400+ people in front of me.


Its why PvP is a joke on my server, everyone is Imp. I'm a tank and I haven't done a heroic since Tatooine, and I'm on Belslavis (spelling?) now. I gave up waiting for FPs, I'm in a guild which has lvl 50 or it has <20s and at most 6 people on at a time. I need a bigger guild if one exists on this server.


But yeah, its sucks. I'm missing out on gameplay and story, I'm missing out on PvP because its infested with Imp lvl 50s. *** BW, not a strong case for me to continue subbing.

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It's not so hard to find a group without a tool.

Some ideas :


- Organise a rendez vous with some guildies /friends : "Tomorow, let's do the heroic quest blablabla"

- Leveling together with a good partener. With 2 companion you "should" be able to do every 4 man heroic quest together without difficulties.

- Take a little skill-crafting break in the fleet and organise a group there.

- Skip the heroic quest and continue your leveling with normal quest (while they are fun and give good rewards, you can level without any troubles while skipping all heroic quest)




I'm still against any kind of x-realm group finder with any automatic feature. This is tool for lazy guys that cba to put a bit effort to organise activities in a MMORPG. (spamming the general chat of your zone is not making effort)


Do I have to work for it? I already have a full time job, why do I need to work here as well?

Edited by Reevax
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This is not a permanent problem, just a temporary one. Corellia is a higher level planet. Only people level 47+ are going to be there. YOU may be there right now but the majority of your server isn't there yet. I bet if you went to places like Nar Shaddaa you'd find it crowded.


The devs posted info. on the slicing patch just four days ago. In the statement four days ago (1/13), they said, and I quote, "...now with only a small minority of players at endgame level and the vast majority of our characters in their 20s..." These are cross-server, population-wide statistics, and the devs are saying that at this point (in 4 days little will have changed) most of the player base is about halfway to level cap -- and thus 20+ levels below where you need them to be.


You got there faster that probably 95% of your server, so there probably ARE lots of players around, just not where you are. A server-wide LFG tool would probably not help you right now very much, because people are on but they are not playing at your level. This is the price you pay for getting their first... you have to wait to do group content for people to catch up. Eventually, the rest of the player base will catch up to you and you will have tons of level 45s and 50s to play with. Just not right now.


Just wait a few months... until 95% of the population is in the 40s and 50s... then you will hear reverse complaints, about how people can't get groups on Tython and Korriban because everyone is high level and off the starter worlds. That is just how these things go.

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I do solo questing at night/morning and wait with the group quests for peak hour.


Note for OP: Reevax, if you can play only at night/morning hours, you might want to consider moving to American servers. There might be more people there at that time. It should solve the problem with low population and make it far easier to get a group. The latency difference is minimal.

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I think I've missed about 3 Flashpoints simply due to the fact that I'm out doing missions and you never find anybody looking for a Flashpoint group unless you are on the Fleet Station. It is a little ridiculous in that you have to hang around in one place where nothing else happens other than people training or using the AH.


The option to show that you are looking for a group is well meaning, but pointless unless you're on the Station as nobody would search /who on another planet. I can understand in WoW that the LFG was a necessity as you had to travel to the dungeon entrance to find your group or at least summon others to you. But in SWTOR all the Flashpoints are accessable from the Fleet Station, and even if you take the Flashpoint shuttle on any planet, it takes you to the Fleet.


If you can play at peak times then I could imagine that it's easy to find a group, but personally I don't so I would agree, a Flashpoint Finder would be a good idea, even if it simply that you put yourself on a list of people looking for a Flashpoint and then you receive an invite and you must travel to the Fleet. The facility of being instantly placed in the Flashpoint is not necessary, it's easy enough to get to the Fleet from anywhere.


We are however still in the first month of the game and Bioware have said that many updates will be coming and regularly, so fingers crossed that they do something to increase the ease of finding a group. I don't want to be instantly ported to the Flashpoint and then placed back where I was as in WoW, but just something which would allow me to find a Flashpoint group while out levelling would be good. :)

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I notice there is a lot of ill will towards the introduction of a automatic

LFG tool on these forums, which is understandable.

As anyone who has played 'that other MMO' has realised, the problem

with a LFG tool for raid content is that it must be tuned for the lowest common denominator. In a large group, it is very easy for lazy / or ill prepared players to hide at the back, contributing little. This ofc means that encounters must be made extremely easy, which does not prepare the player for a challenging raid environment. No challenge, no satisfaction.


I propose a ranking metric. Every player in the Op / Flashpoint is awarded a number of points as the encounter progresses, for contributions such as damage output, interuppts, effective healing etc ( I am having trouble coming up with values for tanking classes, suggestions welcome). Points are deducted for being AFK for ready checks, taking AOE damage etc.

After each boss in the op / flashpoint, players who do not contribute a sufficient amount are removed.


This could also add another method of advancement - Player Skill Level™. Every player could level up their PSL , which could unlock rewards etc :)


I feel this method would remove the major stumbling block from LFG, and allow access to convenient, challenging content to all regardless of schedule


Constructive critique is welcome, trolling is not


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