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I rather cry on the forums about it, thank you :mad:


There are two legitimate reasons to be unhappy with the ini editing solution. First of all, we shouldn't have to hack ini files to access a basic game feature. Secondly, we don't know whether or not doing so might be a violation of the TOS/EULA or a bannable offense.

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There are two legitimate reasons to be unhappy with the ini editing solution. First of all, we shouldn't have to hack ini files to access a basic game feature. Secondly, we don't know whether or not doing so might be a violation of the TOS/EULA or a bannable offense.


not a violation.

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So, AA didn't make it into launch. I have to say, that's incredibly disappointing. It also looks like the "high definition textures" people talked about in Beta didn't make it in either.


It seems pretty ridiculous that a 2011 (almost 2012) game doesn't have anti-aliasing!


You thought the mythical golden fix everything patch the 'its beta' crowd talked about was a reality?


Ha, Ha, Ha.

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There are two legitimate reasons to be unhappy with the ini editing solution. First of all, we shouldn't have to hack ini files to access a basic game feature. Secondly, we don't know whether or not doing so might be a violation of the TOS/EULA or a bannable offense.


Look at me hack the ini files, like the hardcore hacker I am. I'M IN THE MAINFRAME!


This be srs business yo! Def perma ban for sure!

Edited by Harower
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Haven't read the whole thread, so I don't know if this has been said or not. James Ohlen (Game Director) said this in an interview only 3 days ago...




IGN: For graphics options, will there be any additional tweak options you can make just in the menu aside from what we've seen in beta when the game goes live?


James Ohlen: We have some. Some of the textures we had were messed up a little, we've fixed that up. Anti-aliasing is something that we're going to have in either right after launch or for launch. It's just something that we had on very late so that's another graphical option that you're going to be able to have access to.

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being able to hack an INI file to enable anti aliasing means AA is a feature ALREADY IN GAME, just not yet supported/enabled for official use. So yes, saying that it could be in by launch is a very real possibility. no 'magic patch' necessary, just a small tweak.
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So, AA didn't make it into launch. I have to say, that's incredibly disappointing. It also looks like the "high definition textures" people talked about in Beta didn't make it in either.


It seems pretty ridiculous that a 2011 (almost 2012) game doesn't have anti-aliasing!



My god it is Shogun 2 all over again..


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So, AA didn't make it into launch. I have to say, that's incredibly disappointing. It also looks like the "high definition textures" people talked about in Beta didn't make it in either.


It seems pretty ridiculous that a 2011 (almost 2012) game doesn't have anti-aliasing!


While it won't prevent me from enjoying the game enough to waste a ton of time on it, it is a great disappointment that neither of those features are in for release. (Unless they are planning some "day 1 patch" on the 20th.)


For those like me, with Nvidia cards, AA can be forced on through the Nvidia control panel. This is what I'll end up doing. I'll probably also end up maxing out the texture filtering in the Nvidia control panel as well.

Edited by Wapner
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First thing I looked for this morning was AA :(


I was sad, but things still looked decent. I was just happy to log in with no problem, start playing and enjoy myself!


(I'm a bit jaded about launches... this was the smoothest I've ever felt.. *Yes I know real launch is the 20th...but whatevs). :D

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lol..no AA? how about DX10-11 support? it's not 2003 BW...


Who cares about dx10-11 that adds next to no valuable asthetic visuals at all?

AA is by far the most important graphics option in any game, it does not just improve eyecandy, it helps every single object in the game blend well together and fit in the environment. It helps immersion by not having flickering jaggy pixels everywhere screaming "THIS IS A GAME" in your face everytime you move the camera.

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Yay a useless aesthetic feature isn't in the game.


Seriously, complaining about no AA is like complaining there is no slight blue tint to the screen.



We play on PC's for a reason.

Those of us with high end rigs and big monitors need AA on in our games or it is a jaggy mess. Sorry that it does not bother you, but it bothers many others users and it is far from useless. I can't stand not being able to have AA on. AA is a big reason why many gamers stay up to date with new GPU's...its AA.


Complaining about people complaining about common place PC graphic options is pretty stupid.

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What possible reason would they have for not including this for the EGA launch?


It just isn't ready yet I guess. James Ohlen said it will be in by launch (20th), or soon after launch. I can wait another week or two for AA. I'm just happy that it's going to be included as an in-game (non-forced) option.

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We play on PC's for a reason.

Those of us with high end rigs and big monitors need AA on in our games or it is a jaggy mess. Sorry that it does not bother you, but it bothers many others users and it is far from useless. I can't stand not being able to have AA on. AA is a big reason why many gamers stay up to date with new GPU's...its AA.


Complaining about people complaining about common place PC graphic options is pretty stupid.


Its stupid to waste development resources on something that can be forced using the GPU's control center. Why should Bioware or any company waste valuable man hours implementing it when the company who makes your GPU likely allows you to force it?

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