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You Successfully Solo'd the end class quest fight - How?


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some tricks that helped me in the final fight (this was pre patch, don't know if the bossfight was altered with the patch); i played as focus dps guardian; I used T7 in his tank stance

i needed about a dozen tries to kill him eventually.


- I opened the fight with a saber throw; the emperor teleports down and you can interrupt his first cast with force leap


- T7 has an "EMP" ability; unlike your own AoE attacks this ability works against the clones. remove the austocast from this abilty and manually trigger it while the clones are out - it will destroy some/all of the clones in range at once.


- Awe can help a lot in one of the clone phases - kill the clones with 1 strike each while they are mezzed


- i believe there were 3 or 4 clone spawn phases in total; at some point the emperor stopped spawning more clones and from that point the fight was rather easy; so if you survive the clone phases, the fight gets significantly easier (don't know if this was a bug or working as intended)


- i did a few tries to learn the mechanics of the fight and when i felt that i was "almost there" i used the 20 minute cooldown (call on the force or something like that?) for my last (successfufl) try -the constant healing makes a huge difference. don't wait too long- when your T7 is dead you can't pop the cooldown any more


- try to interrupt most of his casts - his melee attacks aren't very dangerous. if you manage to lock down his spells, you will win. use a roation of force kick, stasis, force push, force leap (possibly hilt strike if you are tank guardian) to interrupt as much as possible; if one of his AoE spells gets through, try to get out of the effect's range quickly


- near the end of the fight, he started using some very long cast; i think this attack had killed me in several attempts (I believe this is an instant kill ability if he manages to pull it off) - so interrupt that at any cost.


- kill the adds methodically - you only have to hit each of them with a single strike to remove them - no need to waste strong attacks on the adds.



it was really tough to kill him - at least for me (maybe better players found him easy) but as long as you stay calm, take out the adds methodically and interrupt his casts, you will have a good chance to win. try to keep T7 aliva for as long as possible (call on the force helps a lot with this, although you can only use this ability every 20 minutes). don't get too frustrated; i almost gave up but in retrospect I'm happy that i continued and finally made it - it felt really epic and I actually had the feeling that I deserved the master title after that encounter ;)

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I just did the fight with t7 as a jedi sentinel with no problems after about 3 attempts. I did gear up t7 before this fight and one of them was a lucky purple droid drop on the way there but honestly my best advice is to beef up t7 a bit. (i hadnt used him since kira but i did use like 80000-90000 credits to gear him up + commendations.. When i beefed up my t7 he almost had the same hp(i think he may have had slightly MORE HP then me) at way over 12000 as me which made him useful for tanking the emperors clones. And the main point with this fight is like any other JK boss fight... interrupts! Interrupts! interrupts! There is on specific attack thats slow charging which is massively damaging make sure you intterupt that and just concentrate on the emperor the shadow things will usually go after t7 anyway and i think even the emperor was going after t7 lol but yeah concentrate all attack on the emperor and make sure t7s geared up well enough tpo withstand damage.. He died on me when the emperor only had 20% health left if that.. and i hadnt even popped a medpac. Also a thing to note is that i used awe but i saved it until after t7 died as mentioned above.


I'm not a great player by any means but i expected it to be a lot harder maybe there has been some sort of nerf...


One more thing do not force jump into this you will need it since as soon as he attacks he will jump accross the room.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Pillar humping and such on this guy, sounds like a really long and boring game of Space Invaders. All the future seems to be is one big step backward. Hope its fixed by the time I get around to rolling one of these guys up.
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Did they make the fight easier with the 1.1 patch? because I did it on friday and it wasn't realy hard at all. The only thing you had to do was interrupt the charging ability when he's around 10-15% health because that is an instant kill. Other then that I don't think I droped below 80% health myself (no medpacks used).


...I was kinda disappointed tbh.

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Awe. And T7 AOE attack. EMP pulse i Believe. It does wonders. People are making it harder then it has to. T7 wasnt even geared up. Look at the cutscenes and you see T7 electrocuting the clones The emp sucks and has low armor. DIdnt even die in this fight.
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Did they nerf the living crap out of this fight?


I figured I'd finally do the story quest, and after reading stories on the forums I figured I'll die a few times. My T7-01 literally has no upgraded gear except one piece. I didn't even know you were supposed to single target the adds, I just burned the main body, interrupted everything. At first I thought it was supposed to be an "easy" fight before the "true" final fight but that wasn't the case.


Granted I'm almost in full Champ gear.


Did my fight glitch out or something?

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I'm really not certain what all the fuss is about. It took me three tries.


On the third try, I simply stayed focused on the emperor, and completely ignored the adds. Interrupted when I could, made sure to interrupt his long casts, as I couldn't figure out which one had killed me the other two tries. I figured I had a time limit to finish the fight, so I focused everything I had on him. Once I ignored the adds, everything else was simple.

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Did the fight with another sentinel in my guild right after the patch. We were both watchman specced and burnt him down in about a minute if not less. Seemed way to easy with two of us but I can see the trouble if it was just you and T7 not upgraded.


My suggestion if you want to do this by yourself is...


Upgrade T7 with lvl 50 gear before going in.

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Not true.


I went in solo with my levelling oranges/greens. T7 was in a ragtag bunch of level 20-30 gear (didn't touch him once i got doc).


I failed twice, but mainly from having my head boggled by all the clones.


Once I worked it out it was depressingly easy.


Ignore the clones. Interupt his massive hit, and interupt as much else as you can. Burn him down. Don't stand in aoe.


You do not need to LoS. You don't need to kill the clones. You don't need to gear up T7...


I think it's safe to say he got hit by a massive nerf stick...

Edited by Psybin
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Starter, I am combat specced(something similar[at work]).


my gear= mostly champion/centurion gear


this was pretty easy once I saw the mechanics of it. popped transcendence right after the fight started as i tab killed the clones via valorous call and popped rebuke as well. try to kick as many things as you can(seemed like the kick was working), pop medpacks. t7 dropped pretty early. I never really use zen since it doesn't do that much in ataru in comparison to the other forms.


MAKE SURE you use saber ward early as well so that you can use guarded by the force for the heal and free reset of saber ward. also using pacify is nice as well. i got this on my second try(first try i didn't know mechanics)

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At the bottom of the ramp near the door to get to the emperor there is a giant round pillar i simply ran around that los him using hit and run tactics ..jump in interupt hit a few times run out i didnt get hit much at all.


Another tip is turn off t7's agro abilitys have him simply pull the emperor while you run away he will teleport to you and keep him passive till the emperor is at around 60% health then you can have t7 do damg while you have the agro doing los around the giant pillar,every so often the emperor will teleport back to his main room but dont worry he will come running back to you with his adds simply make sure you stay los.


I found the fight very easy doing it this way i think if bw made the adds die to aoe damg the fight would be very simple straight up with watchman spec, but because you have to target the adds you cant keep the emperor perma interupt meaning 45k one shots could happen ...thats the flaw with the fight if bw did not intend for us to use los tactics.


(i did this fight around the 25th of Dec so not sure if he has been nerfed or not)

Edited by lytham
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Took me four tries but I got him solo. I finally resorted to setting a focus frame for the proper Emperor and kept him targeted, the other key was to keep him silenced.


Also, I was told before I hit 50 I was told to gear up T7 before you go in. Entered the fight with 13.5k hp on T7. He lasted 2/3 of the fight but I was able to finish it up.

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