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No patch on 1/17/2011


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Total no-win scenario.


They don't test it with players, release bugged content, whiners scream about how they don't test.


They test it with players, they don't hold up a patch when relevant issues are found, they get screamed at for not listening to the players.


They test it with players, they hold up a patch when relevant issues are found, they get screamed at for listening to the players.


You are why we can't have nice people.

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I agree, I have already cancelled...to bad because even thou I am still subscribed to WOW and the future of panda-land, I will get Diablo 3 to play for free. Hmm...let me see.



Release just over 1 month, Players: mostly in PvP gear (easy to acquire than raid), Players are in Champion and some are now hitting Battlegear (ut-OH). New Players can't do WarZones - killed in 2 hits by lv 50 battlegear players and 3 / 4 hits by champion gear players (kills the fun - for pve servers). Server balances - just out of WHACK. Bugs / exploits - mentioned in beta testing 6 months ago were exploited upon release (wasn't fixed).

Friends - Left WoW (lol - mad at me because they made it to tatoonie and were camped the entire time by a guild. The guild left - and 2 lv 50's killed 10 / 12 players because of gear / lv difference - they have went back to WoW (where they have geared toons).


Me - I play WoW and will wait now for Diablo 3 and Guild War 2, which both will not cost me a month subscription.






Sounds like the guild was just lazy. Plain and simple. You get camped one night on Tatooine and they all quit? lol.

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Go read the interview on MMORPG.com


BW is fully staffed with same team as before launch!


Well, I'm giving them another month to see how things change. I started Rift in April, 1 month after it's launch and it was pretty amazing technically and performance wise. The amount of bugs were nowhere near what I'm seeing in SWToR... and some people here are claiming Rift at launch was really bugged.


If Trion was able to fix Rift into the amazing state it was in when I started in April, then I'm sure Bioware should be able to do an even better job... given they have a bigger team and a larger budget.

Edited by crimsonhart
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This whole topic just brings to mind one of the first rules of MMO's. NEVER release a specific date for content patches. Makes people go up in arms when they have to delay.


first rule of deadlines: always make them well past when you'll be done so that if you run into errors late you're still on time.

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I've seen belated patch before with DCUO because SOE cared too. It just happened so it slipped outside free month period. Tough luck. Well, I started 2 weeks late just like SWTOR so I'll probably get to see the patch without subscribing again.


Hah I remember that. I beta tested that game like hell, and kept a close eye on it after release but it was clear it was doomed. SOE didn't care about balancing the factions, balancing content, or balancing the classes.

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This whole topic just brings to mind one of the first rules of MMO's. NEVER release a specific date for content patches. Makes people go up in arms when they have to delay.


nah if they had not given a specific date people would be complaining BW doesn't communicate and give specific times... it's a lose/lose scenario

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I started Rift in April, 1 month after it's launch and it was pretty amazing technically and performance wise. The amount of bugs were nowhere near what I'm seeing in SWToR... and some people here are claiming Rift at launch was really bugged.


Rift probably set a record for least bugs at launch. It was pretty flawless.


The game bored me to death, but their launch was damned clean.

Edited by imtrick
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This whole topic just brings to mind one of the first rules of MMO's. NEVER release a specific date for content patches. Makes people go up in arms when they have to delay.


I rather have no content update at all at this moment. But as it is now, BW has two teams, 1 bugteam and 1 devteam. So now the bugteam gets to fix the content update, devteam goes on with new content and the bugs that where here from day one still not get adressed.

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This whole topic just brings to mind one of the first rules of MMO's. NEVER release a specific date for content patches. Makes people go up in arms when they have to delay.


They know that, it's one of the first rules of MMO's after all. They announced specific date to make it seem as they had good intentions of releasing the patch within the free month.

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They know that, it's one of the first rules of MMO's after all. They announced specific date to make it seem as they had good intentions of releasing the patch within the free month.


Yup and it's not the first time for us MMO-vets (+10 years, yer not a VET if you came to the mmo-world during WOW)

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so they closed my thread and force me to post in this one...since they cant tell that my point was different then just "hey no patch tommorrow" ill have to spell it out here AGAIN for them (pulls out crayons)


so...no patch tomorrow (or tonight for aussie/nz)


why not still do maintainence and just implement the patch during NEXT weeks weekly maintainence....



oceanic regions already lose 1 day a week for downtimes (which is fine coz we causl raiders anyway) but EVERY week you have screwed us over with sporatic patching.....




EA/BW are the laughing stock of the MMO community...never has ANY company in an MMO i have tested been this much of a cluster f**k.


get organised people or sell the rigts to someone who atleast has half a clue what they are doing

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I'll most likely be cancelling tomorrow if the level-50 bracket is not implemented tomorrow. I'm getting ready to start my last semester of college and if I cannot PVP casually in a relatively-fair environment, I do not a see point to keep subscribing.


I highly doubt the bugs/issues that delayed such a patch were conflicting with the minor feature above, so I see no reason not to release things that you have in a finished state.


For such a minor feature that has been in many modern MMORPG's, it will be disappointing.

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this really sucks ***. i was hoping to actually get to pvp again...


guess not!


Agreed. Infact, i've cancelled my subscription until Bioware starts pulling through with their promises. Sure, i'll reactivate. I already know i will. But i refuse to pay them for the time that they're not coming through with promises. Hell, on that note i'm glad that they picked this date to postpone their big patch. Means i actually get to not pay since it's at the end of a month.

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