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No patch on 1/17/2011


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What if the reason they delayed it was because they encuntered a bug the patch caused. Would you really want that going live, a patch breaking more things?


At least, thats what i got when i read and didnt OMG RAGE QUIT.


This is going to sound extremely harsh so sorry about it.


But lets be reasonable pulling a patch 5 hours before they release it.. thats a no go. Then just dont say when you are going to release a patch. Untill you cant find a single thing wron with it anymore. Or atleast so little wrong with it that a quick hotfix (50 mb or something) can fix it immediately the other day.


If this bug is so "massive" and they finally after 2 weeks of reading the forums just 5 hours before the release discoverd it. They either have horrible PTR testers, or horrible in house testers.. i mean if its true what some people (Even in this thread) say that in beta there where bugs. Thats still have not been solved to this date. I mean why not push this patch out if everything was rushed in the first place. The more bugs the happier right?!.


In all honesty if you delay something in such a short notice. Atleast give us the exact reason not some "vague" we found a "major bug because of help from the community feedback on the ptr forums". Even if this is true why not tell us the exact reason for example: Putting this patch on our servers to update to your game causes your whole pc to explode (yes i know over exaggerating doesnt change my point).


Simply put: Share more information to get a better response from the community otherwise you will get what you have achieved now people who feel cheated.


I dont say it cant be true hell if its true then thank god they didnt put it out yet. But if there is not "legit" reason no to launch this patch now. And people find out that there was no reason you will have alot of unhappy customers.


PS: Also adding more stuff to the current patch to please people is also a bad choise why? : because this for me only will mean the patch was ready (for today with its current features). And not to find a way to delay this patch by adding additional stuff to the current patch. Then this will feel again like cheating the community because you promised patch 1.1 had said features and fixes. And just because with the subscription (which is how it feels now) it was better to delay the patch a few days.


PPS: If they release it tomorrow or in the next 24 hours disregard anything said above.


Sorry for any english mistakes, also dont see this as hating i just find it really odd that they would pull patch 5 hours before release without any clear reason to me atleast why they would do such a thing.

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I, and many, many others, have been extremely patient waiting for this 1.1 patch to fix some of the most substantial issues in the game (particularly the Kira Carsen Jedi Knight bug which has been ongoing since beta and even engendered a 180+ page thread).


Sneakily postponing this patch with only a few hours to spare before its release is an outrage and a very, very poor business decision.


This nonsense is truly the straw that has broken the proverbial camel's back, and I will simply copy and paste what I've already done:



"Your subscription has been cancelled.


You have 1 day of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code."




Anyone else getting all upset with this feel free to do the same. Just so I don't have to possibly run into you in game. You want them to release a patch that has known bugs because you are upset that some bugs that are to be addressed in this patch will be delayed. What if the patch breaks something else that will generate another "engendered 180+ page thread".


People who play mmos are ridiculous.

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Sorry for any english mistakes, also dont see this as hating i just find it really odd that they would pull patch 5 hours before release without any clear reason to me atleast why they would do such a thing.


Without any clear reason?


Do you need it lit up in neon or something? The explanation I read was pretty clear.

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wait, let me get this straight. We bash BW for rushing SW out the door early with bugs, and then we bash them again for delaying a patch to make sure the patch is good and ready?




Its the timing in which they are doing it.... right before the next payment cycle. It feels like they held on to this patch just for this reason.


okay guys we got alot of people calling us out on stuff we have a big patch ready but lets hold on to it till the last week of the free month. Then we will delay the patch so people have to sub to see all the stuff we added and we get paid for another month and have more time.



Just feels awfully shady that 5 hours before it slike BOOM delay till a later date.... feels like they are trying to milk subs for people that were waiting to see what 1.1 would bring to the table before they resub now if they want to know they have to resub for a month just to see :)


Money making 101.

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Oh now Bioware cares....lol


I mean really with everything that is borked in the game atm, I say release it!! How could it possibly get any worse...


They didnt care about things like the republic faction, pvp, and ability delay during beta, so at least they 'apparently' began caring now. Even though they didnt say what bug they are fixing.


And maintenance happening off and on for the next three day? Fantastic. Great motivator to keep playing before my sub renews.

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This is going to sound extremely harsh so sorry about it.


But lets be reasonable pulling a patch 5 hours before they release it.. thats a no go. Then just dont say when you are going to release a patch. Untill you cant find a single thing wron with it anymore. Or atleast so little wrong with it that a quick hotfix (50 mb or something) can fix it immediately the other day.


If this bug is so "massive" and they finally after 2 weeks of reading the forums just 5 hours before the release discoverd it. They either have horrible PTR testers, or horrible in house testers.. i mean if its true what some people (Even in this thread) say that in beta there where bugs. Thats still have not been solved to this date. I mean why not push this patch out if everything was rushed in the first place. The more bugs the happier right?!.


In all honesty if you delay something in such a short notice. Atleast give us the exact reason not some "vague" we found a "major bug because of help from the community feedback on the ptr forums". Even if this is true why not tell us the exact reason for example: Putting this patch on our servers to update to your game causes your whole pc to explode (yes i know over exaggerating doesnt change my point).


Simply put: Share more information to get a better response from the community otherwise you will get what you have achieved now people who feel cheated.


I dont say it cant be true hell if its true then thank god they didnt put it out yet. But if there is not "legit" reason no to launch this patch now. And people find out that there was no reason you will have alot of unhappy customers.


PS: Also adding more stuff to the current patch to please people is also a bad choise why? : because this for me only will mean the patch was ready (for today with its current features). And not to find a way to delay this patch by adding additional stuff to the current patch. Then this will feel again like cheating the community because you promised patch 1.1 had said features and fixes. And just because with the subscription (which is how it feels now) it was better to delay the patch a few days.


PPS: If they release it tomorrow or in the next 24 hours disregard anything said above.


Sorry for any english mistakes, also dont see this as hating i just find it really odd that they would pull patch 5 hours before release without any clear reason to me atleast why they would do such a thing.


mmm, understandable. Wish they hads told us what the actual issue was to calm the more reasonable angry people. My opinion solely rests on if this is truly a new bug or an old one told about weeks ago.

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This is going to sound extremely harsh so sorry about it.


But lets be reasonable pulling a patch 5 hours before they release it.. thats a no go. Then just dont say when you are going to release a patch. Untill you cant find a single thing wron with it anymore. Or atleast so little wrong with it that a quick hotfix (50 mb or something) can fix it immediately the other day.


If this bug is so "massive" and they finally after 2 weeks of reading the forums just 5 hours before the release discoverd it. They either have horrible PTR testers, or horrible in house testers.. i mean if its true what some people (Even in this thread) say that in beta there where bugs. Thats still have not been solved to this date. I mean why not push this patch out if everything was rushed in the first place. The more bugs the happier right?!.


In all honesty if you delay something in such a short notice. Atleast give us the exact reason not some "vague" we found a "major bug because of help from the community feedback on the ptr forums". Even if this is true why not tell us the exact reason for example: Putting this patch on our servers to update to your game causes your whole pc to explode (yes i know over exaggerating doesnt change my point).


Simply put: Share more information to get a better response from the community otherwise you will get what you have achieved now people who feel cheated.


I dont say it cant be true hell if its true then thank god they didnt put it out yet. But if there is not "legit" reason no to launch this patch now. And people find out that there was no reason you will have alot of unhappy customers.


PS: Also adding more stuff to the current patch to please people is also a bad choise why? : because this for me only will mean the patch was ready (for today with its current features). And not to find a way to delay this patch by adding additional stuff to the current patch. Then this will feel again like cheating the community because you promised patch 1.1 had said features and fixes. And just because with the subscription (which is how it feels now) it was better to delay the patch a few days.


PPS: If they release it tomorrow or in the next 24 hours disregard anything said above.


Sorry for any english mistakes, also dont see this as hating i just find it really odd that they would pull patch 5 hours before release without any clear reason to me atleast why they would do such a thing.


As BW stated before patch day is Tuesdays, so if not today then next week(or the next, or the one after that).

Edited by Waxmask
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Without any clear reason?


Do you need it lit up in neon or something? The explanation I read was pretty clear.


ok so what was the reason? i have checked out the test forum and can't find any gambreaking issues. if you can please point me to it.

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ok so what was the reason? i have checked out the test forum and can't find any gambreaking issues. if you can please point me to it.


yeah i couldn't find it either. but i guess it is probably something to the effect that one thing was fixed, another thing got broken.

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Agree totally with you! I'm really starting to wonder if a giant yellow bus dropped half of these people off to these forums.....and yes u know what type of yellow bus I'm talking about!


No, it was a short bus, not a giant one.

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ok so what was the reason? i have checked out the test forum and can't find any gambreaking issues. if you can please point me to it.


I looked as well, can't see any threads pointing to gamebreaking issues by the diligent Test Server forumites.

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ok so what was the reason? i have checked out the test forum and can't find any gambreaking issues. if you can please point me to it.


The reason is... if they release it now people won't resub. they are waiting for people to sub for another month, then they'll release the new content ;)

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incompitent idiots postponing it a few hours before its supposed to happen... I spent all night working my *** of getting back to 400 biochem so id be able to use my biochem items still after patch.. but now It becomes obvious i could've stayed artifice and continued to try crit trough theyr worthless rng piece of **** system.


Honestly bioware, stop being so god damn unreliable.. postponing a patch is fine, but don't drop it in our laps a few hours before its supposed to happen...


Take responsibility for gods sake, keep your community updated instead of waiting until the last minute every time.

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I am pretty disappoint that BioWare have decided last minute not to release patch 1.1 tomorrow as scheduled. I realize that issues arise within development that can delay this sort of thing, but I was looking forward to not having to deal with the stupid green glow from companion healing. Not to mention that it would be really nice if we Jedi Knights who have been with you since launch could progress our storylines with Kira Carsen. She's been bugged from the beginning for me.


The first thing I thought of when reading this was a shirt that my kid likes to wear that says "I am disappointment in your grammar"

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It feels like they held on to this patch just for this reason.


Seriously? It's one month after launch, and some of the issues are big ones. And you think they were just holding onto it?


Software doesn't just spring whole out of programmer's heads. It takes time. So, yeah, they overshot their due date. That's irritating, but a conspiracy? Come on. I was actually pretty amazed they were attempting to fit so much in when they probably didn't even start working on most the bug fixes until after launch.


If they held this patch back just to keep people hanging, then their programmers must be inhumanly fast.


And you honestly think promising to fix bugs in the future is going to keep more people than just, well, fixing them?


Most of this stuff is so completely, laughably ridiculous I don't know if people even believe what they're saying.

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The game has only been released for a month. I honestly do not understand how anyone can think that game-sweeping changes could come within a month's time.




You seem to fail to realize countless of posts with regards to issues that were in beta

all along being Not-fixed, or Not-addressed even. This game indeed has only been released

for about a month. But this game has been testing for QUITE AWHILE.


For all of you who think BW is delaying the patch to fix stuff, here's what I think...

They should not have added new content in the first place when the old one still suffers

many issues. Assuming the new content has given more bugs, and the delay is due to

such then well that just isn't right. Every new content has it's own set of issues to come

and bugs to screw thing up, and looking at how they have handled testing things so far?

I do not trust them with new content at all.


Simple example. -Points to the ToR Beta build issues- -Points to ToR now.-

Compare. The issue is not that people are crying because they like to cry.

People are disappointed that they delayed a patch that fixes something they really

want fixed. Acting as if you are adults who "have a life" and can be all cool and say

yeah BW is fixing things, does not help improve their efficiency.


An ADULT knows whether or not their 15 bucks is worth spending and an ADULT is

also allowed to feel impatient, unjustly treated, or possibly for lack of a better word

"Scammed". Just because the rest of you believe otherwise, does not make everyone

else kids. Assuming everyone else is a kid does not neccessarily make you an Adult either.

So cut the whole "babies" bull ****. If people want to unsub, let them, if people want to complain, let them.


To me, I'm uncertain if I'll remain subbed. Disappointed? I am? Can't say I did not expect

this though. I mean I'm really looking at a trend of how things are being handled by

Bioware. Am I hoping things to be better? Sure as hell. Do I want to enjoy this game

for every month I might be paying in the future? Sure as hell yeah.


My initial bet was to lay it upon 1.2, hoping it will bring out "Some" legacy content, and depending on whether or not that content will be "Up to my standards" will decide whether or not I'm unsubbing.


Yes we are each paying 15 dollars a month, we are allowed to have standards that decide whether or not we should continue paying and yes it differs per person.

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ok so what was the reason? i have checked out the test forum and can't find any gambreaking issues. if you can please point me to it.


Why are you looking for gamebreaking issues? The very clear explanation does not mention that.


Besides, have you seen the kind of complaints people throw out around here? Everything is gamebreaking these days.


Considering the flack they get for even the most minor issues, and all the people screaming for bug fixes for absolutely everything, I wouldn't blame them for trying to get this out the door without adding new ones, gamebreaking or not.

Edited by imtrick
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I agree with the OP this is huge disappointment. I understand that there are some important Ilum features that need to be fixed, but at least push the Kira fix (which from all I have heard have finally been fixed on the test server) forward in a hotfix patch. It should be fairly simple to do this and there are just as many people afflicted with that bug as those that are interested in the Ilum changes. Let me continue playing my main character again Bioware, give me the Kira fix. I stopped leveling once I found out I was bugged with Kira at lvl 31 as I wanted to try and do her storyline in conjunction with my leveling.
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You seem to fail to realize countless of posts with regards to issues that were in beta

all along being Not-fixed, or Not-addressed even. This game indeed has only been released

for about a month. But this game has been testing for QUITE AWHILE.


For all of you who think BW is delaying the patch to fix stuff, here's what I think...

They should not have added new content in the first place when the old one still suffers

many issues. Assuming the new content has given more bugs, and the delay is due to

such then well that just isn't right. Every new content has it's own set of issues to come

and bugs to screw thing up, and looking at how they have handled testing things so far?

I do not trust them with new content at all.


Simple example. -Points to the ToR Beta build issues- -Points to ToR now.-

Compare. The issue is not that people are crying because they like to cry.

People are disappointed that they delayed a patch that fixes something they really

want fixed. Acting as if you are adults who "have a life" and can be all cool and say

yeah BW is fixing things, does not help improve their efficiency.


An ADULT knows whether or not their 15 bucks is worth spending and an ADULT is

also allowed to feel impatient, unjustly treated, or possibly for lack of a better word

"Scammed". Just because the rest of you believe otherwise, does not make everyone

else kids. Assuming everyone else is a kid does not neccessarily make you an Adult either.

So cut the whole "babies" bull ****. If people want to unsub, let them, if people want to complain, let them.


To me, I'm uncertain if I'll remain subbed. Disappointed? I am? Can't say I did not expect

this though. I mean I'm really looking at a trend of how things are being handled by

Bioware. Am I hoping things to be better? Sure as hell. Do I want to enjoy this game

for every month I might be paying in the future? Sure as hell yeah.


My initial bet was to lay it upon 1.2, hoping it will bring out "Some" legacy content, and depending on whether or not that content will be "Up to my standards" will decide whether or not I'm unsubbing.


Yes we are each paying 15 dollars a month, we are allowed to have standards that decide whether or not we should continue paying and yes it differs per person.



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IF there are issues with the patch: small subsequent patches to fix the major patch as they have been doing so far.


However, substantial game-breaking bugs persisting from beta, still unfixed and now delayed once again? Yeah go **** yourself moron and don't even try to patronize those who are dissatisfied with a product they are paying for and dumping their time into.



LOL, you need to take a break. Maybe get up from the keyboard and go take a walk or something. If you are that dissatisfied with the product then please quit. Your money would be better spent on some anger management classes or something.

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incompitent idiots postponing it a few hours before its supposed to happen... I spent all night working my *** of getting back to 400 biochem so id be able to use my biochem items still after patch.. but now It becomes obvious i could've stayed artifice and continued to try crit trough theyr worthless rng piece of **** system.


Honestly bioware, stop being so gosh darn unreliable.. postponing a patch is fine, but don't drop it in our laps a few hours before its supposed to happen...


Take responsibility for gods sake, keep your community updated instead of waiting until the last minute every time.


I love the fire in this post, but I must say, if you use the word "****", please do not use "gosh darn" in the same post. Thanks. :D:D:D

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