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Companion promoting Ninja Looting and how to fix it


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Companion Gear needs to be changed. I think they need to just do away with them or have them only be able to wear companion only gear not gear that other players wear.


Last night I was running a Flash Point with my Bounty hunter powertech, a BH merc healer and the imperial sniper class (smuggler but imperial) and the merc rolled need on helm with cunning. When I asked her why; she replied, "my aim was getting too high, so I decided to stack cunning." We told her mercs' only need aim and endurance as their primary stats. She replied, " well I just started playing this after 5 years WoW and don't understand the stats yet." I told he its the same concept as wow and you should know better." Well, she finally admitted she wanted it for her companion.


The story above isn't the first time this has happened, it happens in every Flash Point, I have ran. Even when I am running it with my guild mates.


The pet companion system is like how wow added duel specs it only promotes ninja looting. It could be fixed by allowing spec only need roll. I know a lot ppl think ninja looting is because of LFG, and thats not true. At least, in wow but its because of the duel spec and since there in LFD. In swtor, its because of companions, which makes this worse because people will not boot a tank or healer, because they don't want to spend 2 hours looking for one.


Mark my words: When the new wears down its even gonna be harder to find healers and tanks with no Cross server instance finder.



companion only gear (companion's can't equip player gear)

crafted gear are the only gear companion's can equip.

Get rid of companion gear and let them scale with players.

Allow only gear that's won through a Need only for companion which is higher then greed but lower then need.

or any combination of these fixes above.


What fixes do you think Bioware need to do to make gearing companion better?

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Same thing happened to me just now a person rolling need on an item for their companion when its not their primary stat.


Can report them all you want, all you can do is /ignore them or run with friends CSR won't pass you the loot or take any action on them at all. Can only hope they lock out people from need who can't use like WoW does.

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The companion scaling gear is a nice idea though, that would fix the HK problem, and the drama of gearing the companions that you didn't use often to lvl to 50, less drama.. and with the incoming commendation caps in 2.0 it would make sense, because its going to be awful to keep companions up to par.. on the other hand, it might be the sollution to make the crafting classes viable again, since they would be able to sell more low level armorings/mods/enhances
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Yea... I can understand your frustration Jefjr. But people will always find a "need" for gear companions or no. The other day I ran an HM. Everything went fine as far as the content goes. No wipes, not whining about spacebar etc. But I noticed one guy needing on everything. So I asked why he felt the "need" in group chat and he told us he was doing us a favor just being there, and as a tank he was going to need on everything as payment for services rendered. LOL! wow... just... wow. Ok, so I rolled on every tank piece that came up and won the roll on a nice chest piece that he obviously wanted as he then sheepishly wanted to trade.


TBH, I don't care that much. The gear is secondary in an FP for me. I'm there for the comms and the fun as I get my gear from Ops where this is never an issue for some reason, even with pugs. And as far as lowbie FPs and gear go, I make enough in credits and in gear as I level to not have to desperately grind FPs for gear.


My point is some peeps will try and "game" the system to their advantage no matter the scheme. Not being able to gear your companions might help a little but ultimately peeps will find another reason to keep being douch bags.

Edited by Rafaman
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You can't stop people from being people. There are positives and negatives to all MMO experiences.




I've seen people needing on L50 blue trash in HM FP's. Why would they even bother with possibly creating an issue in the group for something they could get on the GTN for 2k? Because they're idiots. I questioned one dude about it a few weeks ago, and his reply was something like "Well, it's for my class". Iirc, he was the only Trooper in the group, so apparently he felt he had a god-given right to ever scrap of Aim gear that dropped regardless of how crappy it was. After that, everyone in the group waited for him to roll first. If he needed, so did everyone else. If BioWare had a system where you could only need on class-specific items, you'd still see people like that guy. The only difference would be that the group couldn't do anything about it other than kick him.


I also think that a companion-need option would be useless. It'd just become the new greed and we'd be no further along than we are now.


The best idea is to establish the loot guidelines up-front when grouping. When we run stuff with the guild, we tell new members "If you NEED something for the character/class you're currently playing (meaning its an upgrade over what you have), hit need. Otherwise, it's ALWAYS greed - unless its a vanity item like a speeder or pet, then you can need if you want it. Crafting mats are always greed."


Imagine how nice it'd be if everyone went by those simple guidelines?

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I've seen people needing on L50 blue trash in HM FP's. Why would they even bother with possibly creating an issue in the group for something they could get on the GTN for 2k? Because they're idiots. I questioned one dude about it a few weeks ago, and his reply was something like "Well, it's for my class". Iirc, he was the only Trooper in the group, so apparently he felt he had a god-given right to ever scrap of Aim gear that dropped regardless of how crappy it was. After that, everyone in the group waited for him to roll first. If he needed, so did everyone else. If BioWare had a system where you could only need on class-specific items, you'd still see people like that guy. The only difference would be that the group couldn't do anything about it other than kick him.


I also think that a companion-need option would be useless. It'd just become the new greed and we'd be no further along than we are now.


The best idea is to establish the loot guidelines up-front when grouping. When we run stuff with the guild, we tell new members "If you NEED something for the character/class you're currently playing (meaning its an upgrade over what you have), hit need. Otherwise, it's ALWAYS greed - unless its a vanity item like a speeder or pet, then you can need if you want it. Crafting mats are always greed."


Imagine how nice it'd be if everyone went by those simple guidelines?


Those should be the default rules, they sure were back in TBC in WoW and violating them on purpose would just get you banned from groups (and sooner or later: guilds) on the realm real fast. Exceptions were made, if agreed upon beforehand. Alas, things certainly seem to have gone downhill since then.


Being able to only need on class gear would be a nice start. Back in the day (iow, when I dinged 50 in januari last year) it was proposed to bind "need" to your class (and specialisation) and add a "companion need" (or greed) button (on top of the regular "I don't care about this item but it's another 7k credits and I'm space poor" greed button.


But since nothing has happened in a year it should be pretty obvious that EAWare doesn't care.

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Get rid of companion gear and let them scale with players.


What!? NO WAY! Just NO. Just because you encountered some ninjas does not mean they should dumb down companion mechanics like they did with Mass Effect 2 and a bit with Dragon Age 2. Companions must be fully customisable, I hate the "scaling, gearless" idea completely.


Don't like ninjas? Quit pugging and join a guild.


The companion scaling gear is a nice idea though, that would fix the HK problem,


There is no problem with HK at all. I'm levelling a mercenary with HK and he is best companion for levelling so far. Just get him low level custom shells and mod him just like any other companion while levelling.

I just don't get it why people are fine with gearing normal companions while levelling, but when it comes to HK some people suddenly refuse to gear him themselves.

Edited by Aelther
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No problem whatsoever with my companions being able to perform. They just do not have their own advanced class trees like a regular toon. If you do not like companions then do not use them. You can co-op the entire game if you want. For the rest of us, we want more companion features, and possibly a way to summon a third during combat.
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There is no problem with HK at all. I'm levelling a mercenary with HK and he is best companion for levelling so far. Just get him low level custom shells and mod him just like any other companion while levelling.

I just don't get it why people are fine with gearing normal companions while levelling, but when it comes to HK some people suddenly refuse to gear him themselves.


Didn't mean there was a real problem, it was just a big hassle to get him modded on my new alt, got him at lvl 10, but i already used leftover mats for the char itself and another companion, it was a mistake of 'wishfull reading' on my side, i thought i had seen a dev comment that they wanted the HK gear to scale.

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I'm with NONONO guy. I got ninja'd on a sweet chestpiece the other day that I actually needed (Trooper, Aim) by a couple stupid Jedi (never had that happen as an Imp) who both chose need. It did not make me want to get rid of comp customization. It DID make me put those asses on ignore and never group with them again (they did it repeatedly).


Pretty much any time where the choice is, learn your lesson or institute tighter more restrictive rules to protect people, I prefer learning the lesson to losing freedom of customization.


One run's worth of gear is not the end of the world. Ignore them and move on.

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gear is so damn easy to come buy in this game though.


the other day, a purple jacket dropped that wouldn't have been lovely for my operative. I asked if I could trade him something for it, he said "no, I'm going to give it to my companion" ok, I shrugged. not like I don't have other options, between stuff I can buy with badges, mods I can just gtn, crafted shells, cartel market shells, etc etc. even set bonuses are no big deal since usually, I just buy campaign armorings for that.


the best part about that jacket i didn't get? dropped for me again, the very next day, in one of those boxes you can buy with Tionese fragments. on my main, I geared Xalek (companion I use pretty much exclusively nowadays) while barely trying


would I prefer if people only rolled need for stuff they need for themselves and asked about companion gear? sure I would. that's my personal modus operandi regardless of what other people do. but I can't demand that random people I just met behave according to my personal standards. and its just easily replaced pixels anyways.

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