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Hood On/Off Toggle?


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Are there any upgradeable heavy armor for Jedi Knight guardians that don't have a hood?


Nope not any.


I am a Synthweaver and I am still searching for a hood down schematic for heavy armor, I have every schem from the trainer and been picking up any schem that I can find I don't have off of the GTN. I can honestly say there is not any Heavy armor without a hood. I say this as a confirmation for any one new to this thread.


The only mod-able gold armor I can currently make which is hood down, is the Aspiring Knight's Vest. Lvl 15 medium armor, schem acquired as a bonus drop from lvl 10-16 Underworld Trading. The Hood is down on this armor, and is static. This is the exact same armor as the lvl 10 commendation armor from Tython, only in reverse colors. With lvl 50 Guardian Armor 22A, installed in this armor, there is just over a 200 point hit to AC vs Heavy armor with the same mod, just as a FYI.

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Thanks for sharing.


Personally, I don't want a lvl 10 medium armor skin just to see my hair :/ (and my eyes)

And it's not even a jedi robe / cape.

I think that I will wear a soldat chest for a couple of lvls


The point is BW knows that hoods are annoying: in every advertising videos and most NPCs have their hood off

Edited by Hyrune
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Thanks for sharing.


Personally, I don't want a lvl 10 medium armor skin just to see my hair :/ (and my eyes)

And it's not even a jedi robe / cape.

I think that I will wear a soldat chest for a couple of lvls


The point is BW knows that hoods are annoying: in every advertising videos and most NPCs have their hood off


I just watched Jedi Knight class progression. Out of some 7 outfits, only one was hooded -- the final Sentinel robe. The Guardian is even wearing the exact armor from the splash screen/character selection screen WITH ITS HOOD DOWN.


Obviously they knew in advertising that hoods down was more appealing.

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Sounding in on this one. A simple toggle would be nice, or just offer some Orange heavy gear for Jedi that is hoodless.


I also like how in LoTR you can have up to three "cosmetic outfits" that don't alter your stats, just how you look. How hard would that be to implement here if they can do it on a FTP game?

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I just watched Jedi Knight class progression. Out of some 7 outfits, only one was hooded -- the final Sentinel robe. The Guardian is even wearing the exact armor from the splash screen/character selection screen WITH ITS HOOD DOWN.


Obviously they knew in advertising that hoods down was more appealing.


This blows me away. Most of the advertising and previews... hood down...

Founder splash screen... hood down...

Every single hooded armor in the game except one unmoddable robe... hood up.


I assume this has been an oversight or a "we gotta get the game out there, we'll fix it later" issue on Bioware's end.

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I am also desperate for this feature, I have forgotten what my character looks like! All I can picture is...every other JK out there who looks just like me with their hood up.


Surely a simple /hood command would do?

Edited by kiwimorgs
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Not having any robes for Jedi Knight Guardians with hood down is so lame annoying me so much, Why have they made like every robe with hood up its so stupid? i always see like one persin in /1 complain about it like once a day.


Hood on/off toggle would be amazing a few people in my guild rerolled because they hate having hood up all the time. A dev needs to respond and say if they plan on putting a hood toggle ingame or not. Or loads more robes with hood down. Its annoying so much lol.

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Several hood down armored robes exist. However they only appear that way on the Empire. We did learn that you can take items and transfer them to the other faction via the Hutt Cartel trade network. However when the same robe that looks like everything my Knight ever wanted turns out to be the same old generic crap I keep throwing away on the Republic side? THAT upsets me. Greatly. Even just enabling the Republic/Empire versions of armor on your character would make a lot of classes happier. Can you imagine how many Sith Juggernauts would gladly wear Trooper gear? It's a topic on the fleet once every other day.
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I really would like to ear some official feed back on this (or the related thread: http://www.swtor.com/fr/community/showthread.php?t=97688 that asks for hood less armored robe).


You, Bioware, asked for the community to point the most looked forward changes to your game (e.g. the guild vault feature).

Well IMO the hood toggle is a key feature as it is needed/useful for most of the force users.


I know the community managers cannot answer every thread, but I would be really thankful for any feedback on this subject

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Dear Bioware,


You knew enough about advertising to show hood-down Jedi in commercials, splash screens, and character creation.


How did you not know enough about players to know we'd be disappointed to discover we CANNOT make our Jedi look like the one in the commercial/splash/creation screen?


You knew hoods down was marketable or all the Jedi commercials would be wearing hoods. (They aren't.)


So why did you just decide to screw us in game?


Favoritism for Sith? (Since apparently the same model gear can come hood-down on Sith of a mirror class?)

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We are supposed to be the hero of our own Star Wars saga. How often does the hero in movies and such have a hood over their head all the time, not that often at all.


Wearing the hood up is not an iconic Jedi look, it is much more for sith than Jedi. Anakin, Darth Maul and the Emporor all have scenes with their hoods up because it makes you look much more sinister and evil.


This is not a heroic look for us Jedi's.

I beg of you dear developers, you have made some of the best looking armors and gear in gems like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, Do not let this be the first Bioware game where I can't stand the look of my character because of such a minor detail. I really want to play on my Jedi Knight, but I just don't want to ruin the story by having to see only a hood.

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Throwing my name in this arena as well.


All this time customising our character's facial appearance for nothing. I'd be fine with the upgraded armours if only they had an option for /hoods. As it is, I'm using level 15 modded synthweaved armour, stuck with 51 armourings, and using those instead of the tier 3 rakata gear because of the hoods.


I know that BioWare has stated that they plan to allow Armouring to be removed from artifact/tier gear later, but that doesn't change the incredibly poor selection we have to choose from that DON'T have hoods. It's addressing the problem without addressing the underlying issue of the problem. We simply need more to choose from.


Simply put, having the helm option in character preferences remove hoods off robes would solve so much so easily.

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I beg for this. I found the Jedi Battlelord set on Torhead, and then later got every piece from the GTN, except the belt, at around level 30. At level 50 I stormed the final area, repping my great Jedi Gear, but the experience, I feel, could have been much greater if I was able to put the hood down on the gear. Jedi are not ment to be afraid to show their faces. I think it'd be more appropriate for Sith to be the ones wearing the hood with a mask etc.


Oh and by the way, the hood down toggle couldn't be too difficult. I just did The False Emperor and the final boss, whom I won't reveal for spoiler senses, actually took his hood off in an animaton. It can't be too hard to preform it since I'd assume the hoods in the game are uniform, as in the same hood model was used for all the hoods existing in the game.


Please Bioware, give us some indication you are working on it, or making some kind of progress towards helping us bald Jedi Knights!

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I beg for this. I found the Jedi Battlelord set on Torhead, and then later got every piece from the GTN, except the belt, at around level 30. At level 50 I stormed the final area, repping my great Jedi Gear, but the experience, I feel, could have been much greater if I was able to put the hood down on the gear. Jedi are not ment to be afraid to show their faces. I think it'd be more appropriate for Sith to be the ones wearing the hood with a mask etc.


Oh and by the way, the hood down toggle couldn't be too difficult. I just did The False Emperor and the final boss, whom I won't reveal for spoiler senses, actually took his hood off in an animaton. It can't be too hard to preform it since I'd assume the hoods in the game are uniform, as in the same hood model was used for all the hoods existing in the game.


Please Bioware, give us some indication you are working on it, or making some kind of progress towards helping us bald Jedi Knights!


The real kicker here is that jedi battlelord headpiece actually removes the hood, if you don't have the toggle head slot on, but you're stuck with the vizor thing on your face. You're only SOL if you want both, no hood and no face thingamajig.


So removing the hood isn't really a technical issue. Just an issue of them finding the time to put in a toggle for something that already happens under certain circumstances.

Edited by aeterno
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tbh i would rather just have more models of armor to choose from

specificly the one advertised and from character creation


the sith have both versions , hood up and down ... the models are ingame


it would be much easier to just ad more loot then implement a toggle with all the checks and whatnot


you wouldn't even have to ad full sets , just existing set robes with hood down ...


also a toggle would mean you will probably have to open up your options window wich is kinda stupid if you like to toggle alot


and for the sith you can do the exact opposite , those that only have hood down versions give em some with hood up ... (b4 i get trolled by imps :p)

Edited by Sosyn
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in an interview- Interview: BioWare’s Cory Butler and the Future of Star Wars: The Old Republic- found here: http://www.dualshockers.com/2012/01/26/interview-biowares-cory-butler-and-the-future-of-star-wars-the-old-republic/


he says:


G: Will there be more character customization options in the future? Are there any plans to implement some sort of barber shop or plastic surgeon that will allow players to change their appearance in game? Maybe a toggle for the hoods?


C: Do you want to be able to drop your hood and put it back up?


G: Yeah I’d like to drop my hood, because I play a Guardian and basically all our armor has hoods.


C: That’s definitely stuff we talk about often. We haven’t really announced any formal plans, but it’s very important to us to allow players to fullfill their own personal Star Wars fantasy and along with that we want them to be able to customize their character the way they want, so it’s something we’re currently taking feedback on and we’re making plans on how to address in the future.




so there we have it, they are aware, "taking feedback" and it seems it will be awhile before its addressed

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I'm having a hard time figuring out how those people collecting people haven't noticed :


"Put gear with hood down you removed right before launch or add hood toggle !"


"Fix the large butt issue that turns any jedi into ridicule !" Which are two of the most popular threads on the class forum.


That's the sad thing, they DID see it, and they reported it. Bioware just couldn't care.

Edited by Strayth
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