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  1. I beg for this. I found the Jedi Battlelord set on Torhead, and then later got every piece from the GTN, except the belt, at around level 30. At level 50 I stormed the final area, repping my great Jedi Gear, but the experience, I feel, could have been much greater if I was able to put the hood down on the gear. Jedi are not ment to be afraid to show their faces. I think it'd be more appropriate for Sith to be the ones wearing the hood with a mask etc. Oh and by the way, the hood down toggle couldn't be too difficult. I just did The False Emperor and the final boss, whom I won't reveal for spoiler senses, actually took his hood off in an animaton. It can't be too hard to preform it since I'd assume the hoods in the game are uniform, as in the same hood model was used for all the hoods existing in the game. Please Bioware, give us some indication you are working on it, or making some kind of progress towards helping us bald Jedi Knights!
  2. I got lucky on my server and found most of the essential pieces on the GTN. Just missing the headgear, belt and bracers.
  3. Personally, I'm hoping that the legacy system will allow us to play as other races that are in the game but we cannot play as. I for one really wanna play as a Nautolan! I find it strange that Bioware made so many differend head types for them and have not included them as playable.
  4. Yeah I'm having really horrid FPS as well. My computer is definantly in the lower end of computers nowadays but before today SWTOR was running perfectly smoothly but now it's running like a PowerPoint Slideshow. I sent an ingame request into customer service, but most of the messages I recieve from them when I report bugs is just throwing words around about how they're "going to fix it." Honestly, I would have rather had the game not come out for another month or two just for them to fix up all the optimization and other issues.
  5. Hey fellow Guardians! I'm currently a level 20 Guardian and loving it so far- going for a DPS character. The only problem I have so far is that I thought the armor you see your character wearing within the creation phase (brownish robe with white armour) or the standard brown cloak with green armor as shown on the jedi on the game's cover. I was wondering if this gear is avaliable ingame and if so, could someone point out the name of it and level reqs, where to find, etc. Thanks all. nultma
  6. Preordered 27/7 and not in, thinking about going to bed and waking up to a nice email telling me to play
  7. As soon as you start up the game the list comes up. Source: I watched my brother enter the game for the first time (20/7/2011 preorder)
  8. Does it really matter that much? I personally am playing the game to have fun and see what Bioware can do with the Old Republic Era still, I don't care about getting to level 50 first, all of that stuff is second priority. Personally, if I get in tonight I just wanna get the Jedi Battle Armour and a Lightsaber
  9. They've already done first wave, but we can hope for the second one!
  10. I'm thinking they send the waves in hour by hour, so the next wave should be around 25 past. Fingers crossed everyone.
  11. I can't tell if this is sarcasm but it's not true! I know a person whoose ingame right now! Infact, he's downstairs. I watched him launch up the game. You'll know if you're in because you have to go through a bunch of terms of service forms.
  12. My brother got in at 25 past 10 (aussie time) and he preordered on the day they first opened up. I preordered a week after and I'm mashing F5 on my email like crazy.
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