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You took too long with Warzone Brackets


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It's called arrogance. They did not listen to the non-fanboy testers during beta very much. They also broke what didn't need fixing with more gear tiers, removing presence as the healing stat, and adding expertise.




With willpower controlling healing and damage, the damage of healers, and the healing of DPSers is to much.


And yeah, lets not even talk about the debacle that is expertise.

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With willpower controlling healing and damage, the damage of healers, and the healing of DPSers is to much.


And yeah, lets not even talk about the debacle that is expertise.


As a Merc aim controls my healing and damage......

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What bothers me is Bioware rewarding players for rushing to 50. They knew it was out of balance to allow expertise gear vs non expertise gear. regardless of level. They knew Champ bags were giving the rewards fast but nerfed that too.



Whatever, I will cont. to play and enjoy the game. It just shows you the mind set of Bioware/EA.

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What bothers me is Bioware rewarding players for rushing to 50. They knew it was out of balance to allow expertise gear vs non expertise gear. regardless of level. They knew Champ bags were giving the rewards fast but nerfed that too.



Whatever, I will cont. to play and enjoy the game. It just shows you the mind set of Bioware/EA.


See I learnt my lesson a decade or two ago with Sony Online Evil.


When you deal with a company that is arrogant, ignores its customers, treats them like rubbish because they have the best thing out there, the sooner you leave the better off you are.


Sony should have learnt the lesson, the moment WoW came out, almost everyone deserted their game, no-one had any game loyalty towards them at all, here was a game that ruled the roost for about 8 years and because of their attitude they had absolutely no brand loyalty at all.


Instead of having 500,000 subscribers that would stay with them or join their next venture, they had a handful, the rest resented them and the way they behaved.


I don't intend to ever do that with a company again, as one of those avid EQ players that spent years playing and putting up with SoEvil I won't put myself through that again.


As soon as a company shows what they think of their playerbase I would rather move on and do something else.

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Since you took the time to reply to me, do me the honor and answer the question: What is the difference between SWTOR and every other, at least minorly successful MMORPG of the last years?

Why has bracketed PvP worked in every other game but would not have worked in this one. I am genuinely curious. I am unable to see it but unlike many community members I am always willing to broaden my horizon. So educate me please.


They are going to put brackets in, the reason they are out right now is because they were worried there wouldn't be enough people pvping at all level ranges in the first weeks of opening to support fully bracketed pvp. The queues are ridiculously long as it is with only the one bracket 10-50. Its not rocket surgery and the only people who seem to have trouble grasping this simple concept are the ones screaming for every fix to every issue RIGHT NAO or i dun resub :PPPPP!!!11


people just need to chill the hell out and give the game a couple months to get the kinks worked out.

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They are going to put brackets in, the reason they are out right now is because they were worried there wouldn't be enough people pvping at all level ranges in the first weeks of opening to support fully bracketed pvp. The queues are ridiculously long as it is with only the one bracket 10-50. Its not rocket surgery and the only people who seem to have trouble grasping this simple concept are the ones screaming for every fix to every issue RIGHT NAO or i dun resub :PPPPP!!!11


people just need to chill the hell out and give the game a couple months to get the kinks worked out.


2 Brackets 1-49 and a 50 one. That lease a lot of the expertise gear out. Altho lvl 40 gear has alittle bit. If the Q is long at 50 that was people choice to rush through the game.

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that doesn't even make sense...



I like how lively this discussion is.


Still wondering if someone might help me solving this puzzle though:


How is SWTOR different?



Dark Age of Camelot

World of Warcraft

Guild Wars

Age of Conan

Warhammer online




some of the more popular MMORPGs of the last decade. All of them bracketed PvP right at launch. Worked for all of them. Why? And why would it not have worked for SWTOR?


You just making stuff as you go along? I played WOW at launch and they didn't even have BG's then or any end game material period. I also played Age of Conan at launch and they not only did not have BG's at the start it was so buggy you could barely play the game and in alot of cases you couldn't. Not to mention, AOC was heavily instanced and still had lots of connection issues and bugs that took over a year to fix.

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I also played Age of Conan at launch and they not only did not have BG's at the start it was so buggy you could barely play the game and in alot of cases you couldn't. Not to mention, AOC was heavily instanced and still had lots of connection issues and bugs that took over a year to fix.


Gotta love funcom, I don't know if you played anarchy online, but when that thing released it was so bug ridden that you couldn't even finish the nub tutorial.

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2 Brackets 1-49 and a 50 one. That lease a lot of the expertise gear out. Altho lvl 40 gear has alittle bit. If the Q is long at 50 that was people choice to rush through the game.


So the choice to level quickly is just like your choice not to be 50 yet right?

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Increase the pvp boost so everyone will have the same stats that are only influenced by talents...


But we know bioware is never going to do that because losers are gonna get so mad that cant faceroll and 3 shot others while lvl 10s can barely scratch them xD


Honeslty, you think bioware is stupid.... Sorry, everything is on purpose because its more profitable to make many losers win at 50 and have others hope they do the same at 50 than making every class equal in pvp therefore making everyone understand how sucky they are and then ragequiting by blaming the game isntead of their brainz

Edited by Labradoraki
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Gotta love funcom, I don't know if you played anarchy online, but when that thing released it was so bug ridden that you couldn't even finish the nub tutorial.



Never played that one but I have played SWG, WOW, Age Of Conan, Dc Universe, City of Heroes, and Star Trek Online all at day 1 launch. This game is way beyond the shadow of a doubt the smoothest launch I have seen.


This game came out with 3 BG's and Endgame content that is playable. Most of the list I mention either did not have BG's or end game content. This game has both and some of you have the audacity to complain? Really?


As far as I am concerned those of you who are threatening to leave need to leave. People like you will never be satisfied and all you do is complain without trying to better the game. We don't need people like you whom all you do is throw a fit like a child not getting their way. You all will never be satisfied no matter what they do.

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Breaking news!


This just in - Bad players are bad at all levels.


Its not the level, or the expertise. Its you. Yep. You.


Just remember that when they add the 50 bracket tomorrow and you are still getting owned. Its not because they have 10 more levels than you. Its because you are bad.


u mad bro?


scared like a little girl when being forced to PvP like a man come tomorrow without being able to farm lowbies?


Awww here have a cookie



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You just making stuff as you go along? I played WOW at launch and they didn't even have BG's then or any end game material period.


You think you're making a point but you're not. When WoW launched battlegrounds - they were bracketed from day one.


What he's referring to is that for as long as any of those games had battlegrounds they were bracketed. Explain why TOR was different such that the developers felt it was a GOOD IDEA to not bracket them.


Remember, Warhammer has bolstering too, and even that was bracketed. What did Mythic feel was different about TOR that made it not necessary?

Edited by EternalFinality
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You showed a total disregard for your player base, opting to allow them to be farmed by level 50s in far superior gear while you sat on your hands and did nothing.


The excuse that there weren't enough level 50s was not good enough. You had other options, you could have disabled Expertise in PvP and told those at 50 it will be reinstated in a month along with brackets, but you didn't.


Or they could have just done it their way, which was probably the easier option.


Also, you say they disregarded the player base, but in the very next breath, you say they their "excuse" wasn't good enough?


If they really were ignoring you, they wouldn't have given a reason at all.


Thanks for the troll thread bro, enjoy your extra $15 a month.

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You think you're making a point but you're not. When WoW launched battlegrounds - they were bracketed from day one.


Their battlegrounds also came out until almost a year after release (June of 05, release was Nov of 04)


So your point is kind of invalid.

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You just making stuff as you go along? I played WOW at launch and they didn't even have BG's then or any end game material period. I also played Age of Conan at launch and they not only did not have BG's at the start it was so buggy you could barely play the game and in alot of cases you couldn't. Not to mention, AOC was heavily instanced and still had lots of connection issues and bugs that took over a year to fix.


I call BS. WoW had endgame material from launch day.


No BGs though, but when they added them they were bracketed alot harder then this game.


Lying is bad mmkey.

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You think you're making a point but you're not. When WoW launched battlegrounds - they were bracketed from day one.


What he's referring to is that for as long as any of those games had battlegrounds they were bracketed. Explain why TOR was different such that the developers felt it was a GOOD IDEA to not bracket them.


Remember, Warhammer has bolstering too, and even that was bracketed. What did Mythic feel was different about TOR that made it not necessary?



I can agree here when they Finally launched a BG you mean? Yes they were bracketed but that was a while after launch and even when they finally did the que times were painfully long. I remember before they linked the servers together the only time we played an Alterac Valley was on the weekend.



Bioware had to make a business decision to put BG's in at the beginning while people are leveling or not and they decided to do it. They did this to try and make the pvp community (like me) happy. I salute them for that. Could it have been better? Sure but no launch is perfect (Although they have easily came close to that).


If you put in bracketed BG's right now prepare to wait god awful long que times. Is that what you want? Is that fun to you? I know it isn't to me. Now, they also decided to not link servers together to build a community within the server. If they had decided to link servers together then your argument to have brackets would carry alot more weight with people but until that happens I don't want to wait 30 min plus just to get into a BG.

Edited by Macabrae
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Their battlegrounds also came out until almost a year after release (June of 05, release was Nov of 04)


So your point is kind of invalid.


No, it isn't, because WoW was made in 2004, and TOR was made in 2011. And it's not how long it took battlegrounds to enter the game - that is completely irrelevant - it's that they had brackets for 100% of their existence.


Besides, Bioware developed the battlegrounds to be available from launch - they could have developed brackets to be available from launch if they so desired. Clearly they did not - why?


I can agree here when they Finally launched a BG you mean? Yes they were bracketed but that was a while after launch and even when they finally did the que times were painfully long. I remember before they linked the servers together the only time we played an Alterac Valley was on the weekend.


On my high pop server wait times were low, and there were 2 Alteraac Valleys running at once often.

Edited by EternalFinality
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There are so few level 50s that they won't be able to do warzones.


Source? Your arse doesn't count.


& Before you become an e-thug, this is a serious post, so don't call me a troll, i genuinely want a source on where you get your levels/per server from.

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If you put in bracketed BG's right now prepare to wait god awful long que times. Is that what you want? Is that fun to you?


Would you rather have a quality experience that you wait for, or instant gratification and a junk matchup?


It's the difference between a sit down restaurant and McDonald's.

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And here we go again with people trying to penalize those that put more time into the game than they did. If you're mad you didn't hit level cap fast enough and you want to cancel your subscription so you can freeze yourself at the same lack of progress, why did you subscribe in the first place?


You mean those special players that made level cap in 1-2 days just so they could advance quicker in PVP and dominate? I'm 50 with 2 pieces of expertise gear and I can't even touch some of these players.


The problem is - while you're having a blast bashing people's skulls in many will quit out of pure frustration. I'm not talking care-bear players...I'm talking about hardcore PVPers who won't like being pummeled every single match just to try and get gear to catch up.


SWTOR and Wow PVP is care-bear to me. I've played in some of the nastiest PVP MMO's like Eve and the even nastier Darkfall Online with full corpse looting.


I've been in WZ pug groups where no one on our side even killed anyone and the Imp side was full of level 50 full expertise-geared players who just rolled over us like we weren't even there. Hell...I just sit down and wait for the match to be over since all I end being is farming fodder.


Bottom line: The gear should not make players invincible.

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