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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You took too long with Warzone Brackets


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No, it isn't, because WoW was made in 2004, and TOR was made in 2011. And it's not how long it took battlegrounds to enter the game - that is completely irrelevant - it's that they had brackets for 100% of their existence.


Besides, Bioware developed the battlegrounds to be available from launch - they could have developed brackets to be available from launch if they so desired. Clearly they did not - why?



But their que times were painfully long.... sometimes and often an hour long. That was not fun at all and people back then were like you threatening to quit because of it. As I said Bioware had to make a business decision to not bracket and have short que times and add a 50's bracket later. I respect that decision far more.

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Source? Your arse doesn't count.


& Before you become an e-thug, this is a serious post, so don't call me a troll, i genuinely want a source on where you get your levels/per server from.


It isn't my argument mate.


It is Biowares. I don't believe it either.

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But their que times were painfully long.... sometimes and often an hour long. That was not fun at all and people back then were like you threatening to quit because of it. As I said Bioware had to make a business decision to not bracket and have short que times and add a 50's bracket later. I respect that decision far more.


Long wait times has not been my experience in WoW.


The thing is, the wait times would only have been long FOR THE PEOPLE WHO RUSHED TO 50. Not everyone else.


Warhammer proved this to be the case. Never had problems getting into warzones for the other level ranges

Edited by EternalFinality
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2 Brackets 1-49 and a 50 one. That lease a lot of the expertise gear out. Altho lvl 40 gear has alittle bit. If the Q is long at 50 that was people choice to rush through the game.


So the choice to level quickly is just like your choice not to be 50 yet right?

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Long wait times has not been my experience in WoW.


The thing is, the wait times would only have been long FOR THE PEOPLE WHO RUSHED TO 50. Not everyone else.


Warhammer proved this to be the case. Never had problems getting into warzones for the other level ranges



Long wait times have not been around since they linked the servers together but before they did that it was painful. I personally can not speak on Warhammer as I did not play that one. I will say many of my friends did try that game as a break from WOW and told me horror stories and caused me not to play it

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The thing is, the wait times would only have been long FOR THE PEOPLE WHO RUSHED TO 50. Not everyone else.

If you work, have a family, go to school etc there is still no reason for someone not be 50 yet. This game is amazingly easy to level in. The thing that frustrates me the most is some people log in twice a week for 2 or 3 hours and think they are casual. This is like... SUPER minority casual.


How long is this time frame to be considered "rushed to 50". Is it when you hit 50? When the majority of your friends hit 50? Most people I know who are casual are 50 now. The lowest level of any guildie i have is 37. He can only play on the weekends: so... Friday-Sunday.

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This is a massive game if you sign up at the release date there will be bugs. Most people never pick up an OS until service pack 1 because there will be bugs. There will always be software bugs. If that bothers you, in the future either:


1) don't sign up for an mmo until its been patched a few times


2) don't act so butthurt when you don't have a perfect game at launch


Those are your choices.


There will always be people who expect the world and when its not delivered pout and demand retribution. No one cares. Bioware doesn't care, they are listening to the people giving constructive feedback.



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This is a massive game if you sign up at the release date there will be bugs. Most people never pick up an OS until service pack 1 because there will be bugs. There will always be software bugs. If that bothers you, in the future either:


1) don't sign up for an mmo until its been patched a few times


2) don't act so butthurt when you don't have a perfect game at launch


Those are your choices.


There will always be people who expect the world and when its not delivered pout and demand retribution. No one cares. Bioware doesn't care, they are listening to the people giving constructive feedback.




you didn't read much of this thread did you?

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So PvP in TOR has unforgivable flaws ... what MMO do you suggest to play for PvP instead ? I played WoW for 3 years and PvP there is crap. 3v3 deathmatch = all there is in WoW. Rift I just couldn't get past lvl 20 with my char ... Aion maybe ? Or ... I got nothing.


Guildwars 2

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This pvp is a disgrace. As a non 50 in a PvP match you cant even touch the 50s, when boosted, you do to little damage and dont have the defense to defend against there attacks. But thats not even the worst thing.


It gets worse when the 50 has pvp gear, I just witnessed 1 decked out lvl 50 in pvp gear that only got 72 damage from my skill that is supposed to deal 340-500 damage.....WoW.!

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Bioware showed utter contempt for their casual players by leaving out brackets at launch and then not putting them in for a month.


You showed a total disregard for your player base, opting to allow them to be farmed by level 50s in far superior gear while you sat on your hands and did nothing.


The excuse that there weren't enough level 50s was not good enough. You had other options, you could have disabled Expertise in PvP and told those at 50 it will be reinstated in a month along with brackets, but you didn't.


You did nothing.



I agree so much with you. A total non sense.

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This pvp is a disgrace. As a non 50 in a PvP match you cant even touch the 50s, when boosted, you do to little damage and dont have the defense to defend against there attacks. But thats not even the worst thing.


It gets worse when the 50 has pvp gear, I just witnessed 1 decked out lvl 50 in pvp gear that only got 72 damage from my skill that is supposed to deal 340-500 damage.....WoW.!



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Wrong. Killed plenty of 50s in champion.


This....as a lvl 43 and Valor 31 near 32 i can say that i killed tons of 50's pvp geared with only my little pvp sword and my lovely expertise stim ^^


You suffer the gear gap only in grp pvp and outnumbered; in a fair 1 vs 1 even a 40+ can take down a 50 pvp geared if he dont know how to use his class and only facerolling on keyboard sure of his gear gap :p


Never underestimate your opponed or it can be......:mon_trap:

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My level 13-19 alts. Stunned, killed by 3 hits from scoundrels/ops: 5000 3000 5000..


My level 50 juggernaut. Stunned.. 4000 3000 4000 400 300 300.. I get up 2000 200 3000.. dead..


There is no skill there.. just 2 broken classes, that allow for quick kills every 1 minute.

Edited by Notannos
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Yes I might not be the best of the best in pvp, but I aint bad either. Breaking the 5-7 medals during each pvp match and mostly always end up in the top 7, unless the enemy team is full of 50s.


And that there is the problem. 50s. Thank god they get there own bracket, but when they are decked out, they cant be touched by anyone lower then 50 and even then as a 50 it is quite hard if your not decked out somewhat similar. 72 damage from a skill that is supposed to do 300+ as its base damage? You call that bad pvp, even though it is out of my hands, when its the game at fault.

Edited by Notannos
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your the best :]

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ok, I will be honest that I didn't read every post on this thread, but then I tried to ignore the haters and whiners and hopefully this post won't be read that way.


Here's my challenge with PvP gameplay presently (and honestly, I will be honest in saying I am new to this type of PvP gameplay so I probably do suck at it, but everyone has to learn somewhere)


1) the latency in many of my techniques compared to my Empire 'mirrors' are BRUTAL to say the least, losing .7 to 2 seconds on an ability per ability adds up to little damage, a whole lotta deaths and lots of frustration.


2) while levelling up quick is 'easy' its about time, and as always in games, those that are the highest ranked are those that have the most 'time' to play any game. This doesn't phase me as much as the disparity between the levels.


Why don't I have the option to get gear as good or better than those at levels higher than me? I mod my gear like mad but the limitations on what I can move up to are challenging since I need the creds, the PvP tokens to get the gear (which can be hard if you aren't winning your PvP matches) and then even when I have them, I can only buy gear ranked to my current level. Ok...this is a way to 'level' the field, but looking at how the champion gear is so much superior, it seems like much is designed for those that hit the PvP play early, levelled up quickly and thus, are far 'SUPERIOR' to all of us noobs (normal players) out there.


3) Bioware's answer to many of my tickets, issues around the latency, about group play bugs, PvP bugs, general game bugs is kind of upsetting. With the customer support team why does it take over 4 days for a response to my ticket only to have ALL of them CLOSED with no resoultion - ever? And I know that I am not the only one, and honestly, I am not one of those 'ticket' everything kind of people - but so far, much of the 'support' in my experience as a customer has been fairly NON-EXISTENT.



They (Bioware) staggered the early game access, gave an unfair advantage off the top of the game to a few individuals, then now, comes the bracketing and PvP 'bonus' for those at the 'top' of the game too.


Ok...so I guess my only option as being someone who was not part of the CHOSEN ONES is to fight harder, work longer and know that I will NEVER achieve a top rank in the PVP circuit no matter how 'Superior' I get at the game play since the current game limitations and imbalances have set me up to fail. While I know that there are ways around this issue, some of the 'bugs in PVP currently do make this impossible when playing REP.


Hopefully, they will fix some of these issues, maybe take some of the SUPER WISE SUGGESTIONS made by many here on the forums and realize that PvP play is a critical part of the game and that these issues, do need to be addressed with more than a 'TICKET CLOSED' attitude that we have seen thus far.


PEACE and yes, please feel free to kick my *** in PVP until this gets sorted :)



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We recently had to removed several posts from this thread due to posts that did not contribute constructive discussion. A reminder that regardless of the topic, it is part of our Rules of Conduct that:

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  • Make constructive, on-topic posts that add to the discussion.

Thank you for understanding.


Will remember that, sorry x.x

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Easy Solution, hit 50 and stop complaining.


This is the most useless comment i have ever seen in this topic.


What is that supposed to mean anyways?


Shouldn't we sign up for PVP till we reach 50?


Is pvp a feature that can only be made by level 50's?


What kind of logic is that you use?


Bioware, just learn something from WoW's pvp brackets -.-


LEVEL 50's are just farming the others ,cant you see?


I find the guy right about his attitude towards the subscription..


I am thinking of cancellation as well. I wait for a patch about pvp system. Either it comes and fixes those nonsense issues or people like me and writer will continue to quit SWTOR...


Whoever let level 50 to enter the same WZ with level 10's, should be kicked out from BIOWARE.



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