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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You took too long with Warzone Brackets


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This is real world feedback. A customer cites his reasons for cancelling the service, due to how the company treated him.


This is no different than someone canceling their cable tv, mobile phone, or even simply getting up and leaving a bad restaurant -- but in the forum world, it is somehow considered being a cry baby or an annoyance.



Some at BW will actually want to know why people are canceling their service -- which is why actually do just that when you click 'cancel'. Hopefully if enough people provide quality feedback when they cancel, and BW is open to improving their retention, there might be some positive change.


Until then, if you are not happy with the state of the game, cancel. You can always resub in a year if they improve the way the treat their customers (in your case), and/or the other issues canceling customers have.


Except in a year when/if BW introduces expertise gear at a lower level then 50, and people in the 10 - 49, or 10 - 20, etc bracket are getting face rolled he'll still come back crying about how expertise should be disabled even though EVERYONE would be able to have access to the same gear.


Again I say please just leave, these forums are going to do nothing but get congested with this dribble for as long as he stays around and if it turns out he ends up spamming because no one pays attention to him, then gets banned, he will have accomplished nothing.

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Bioware showed utter contempt for their casual players by leaving out brackets at launch and then not putting them in for a month.


You showed a total disregard for your player base, opting to allow them to be farmed by level 50s in far superior gear while you sat on your hands and did nothing.


The excuse that there weren't enough level 50s was not good enough. You had other options, you could have disabled Expertise in PvP and told those at 50 it will be reinstated in a month along with brackets, but you didn't.


You did nothing.


This is why I will not resub.


The rest of the game, it can be fixed, eventually, should you get around to it.


Your attitude towards your paying customers is much harder to fix.

You're so bad at it's hilarious.



They couldn't have brackets at release or PvP queues would be non-existent.


Expertise isn't that much of an issue, you're not seeing 40% damage reduction from PvP gear, it's capped at like 10%.


They had to wait until enough 50s were queueing up. So please do quit this game, too many bad players like you are infesting PvP right now.

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I call BS on this one. We **** any lvl39s we ever meet over and over. Most 50s that doesnt have pvp gear aswell. And it will only get worse the more of us who gets battlemaster over the comming days.


Btw, your kills doesnt mean a thing. A stealther can go 30-0 easy enough and still loose.


Throw out one grenade on a group of people = 1 kill for each of them.


You get a kill for every target you damage, it isn't Killing Blows or even large percentage of damage, it is just simply any damage done to a target that later dies you get a kill for.


Anyone can top the kill list by doing AoE.


I also smell a bit of rose tinted glasses from that post, yes sometimes you will be on a team where there is equality or even disparity on your team, therefore you will have free reign to deal your highest damage as the rest of the opposition attempts desperately to deal with level 50s running around roflstomping.


You may in those situations walk away with the most damage as you have been ignored by those trying to contain the more powerful players.


That this reflects the reality of your playtime, that this is an example of the norm for you at level 39, I think is pushing the boundaries of what is true a little too far.

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Wow, im really surprised that so many people are really saying you should get owned by people that level faster then someone else? That is just silly. People that are 50 already put alot of work to get their and great for them but why would any level 50 want to play pvp against level 11s? There are what, 8 different story lines. I hope to play them all sooner or latter. Because I want to see all the content does that really mean I cant PvP?


We all pay to play this game or have paid to get the game. We should all have fun at the pace we choose to play. Honestly it was a bonehead move by BW to put level 11s against lv 50s. Will I quite over it? No, Ill make more alts and wait till they fix it. I will still play pvp when I can but I do hope that they segregate the 50s sooner rather then latter. I will say that if I can finish all storyline before they do Ill go do something else.


You are forgetting, you also get to play WITH 50s. Those same people who "rushed" to 50 are also on the same side as you so don't get the idea in your head that every 50 in the game is against some of you folks. Again, a lot of people are simply not thinking about the fact that they are shortchanging themselves. But whatever, those who think do, those who can't cancel their subs.

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You're so bad at it's hilarious.



They couldn't have brackets at release or PvP queues would be non-existent.


Expertise isn't that much of an issue, you're not seeing 40% damage reduction from PvP gear, it's capped at like 10%.


They had to wait until enough 50s were queueing up. So please do quit this game, too many bad players like you are infesting PvP right now.


Why did they have to wait?


Because it wouldn't be fair to those 50s? That htey would have to wait a long time for PvP?


Yet despite that you will maintain that it WAS fair for those under 50 to be roflstomped by them? even going so far as to play down how easy it was, despite the numerous posts on this forum by level 50s in expertise gear stating how easy it is and how bored they are of it.


It bemuses me that fanboys will do whatever it takes to try and defend their latest crush.

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Gearhammer online 2.0 LoL it amazes me they did the exact same error that killed a MMO in record time.


I win buttons through gear handed to the early adopters will in the end starve the game of new players. Such poor game design


L33t players will tell you to go elsewhere and the majority of the population will.


People constantly make post like this, but don't take advantage of the fact that they have access to the same gear as the rest of us, they just don't want to put in the time because they consider themselves to casual. Well hey here's any idea, whether you use comms or complete the daily/weekly quest you are still getting the rewards you just have to decide whether it is a big deal to you whether or not you are dying. PERIOD!

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You are forgetting, you also get to play WITH 50s. Those same people who "rushed" to 50 are also on the same side as you so don't get the idea in your head that every 50 in the game is against some of you folks. Again, a lot of people are simply not thinking about the fact that they are shortchanging themselves. But whatever, those who think do, those who can't cancel their subs.


The problem with this answer is you think that just because it is the opposition getting roflstomped that I should be ok with that.


That despite my complaint being the attitude of the company toward their "playerbase" that complaint can only be valid when it is MY team being roflstomped.


That makes no sense, perhaps you should take your advice and think more?

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Breaking news!


This just in - Bad players are bad at all levels.


Its not the level, or the expertise. Its you. Yep. You.


Just remember that when they add the 50 bracket tomorrow and you are still getting owned. Its not because they have 10 more levels than you. Its because you are bad.

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If you're going to unsub then why QQ on the forums? Go play runescape.


Hello Mr I didn't bother to read the thread but feel compelled to post anyway because surely someone as cool as me has something to add that hasn't been said before or refuted or answered in the 20 odd pages so far!!


How have you been, not seen one of you guys for ages!! Not that we missed you.

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Breaking news!


This just in - Bad players are bad at all levels.


Its not the level, or the expertise. Its you. Yep. You.


Just remember that when they add the 50 bracket tomorrow and you are still getting owned. Its not because they have 10 more levels than you. Its because you are bad.


Of course, blame me, if it helps you justify giving money to a company that has provided you with dross, by all means.


Or live up to the reality and then feel embarrassed that you can't bring yourself to stop paying.


Either way you will keep paying, perhaps this way you feel better, plus on the another note you get to pretend that you have some skill, for surely only those bad players complain, and you aren't complaining so that must make you one of the good players!!


if that makes you feel better.

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oh please. i started the game late, am at valor 29, and am definitely not a level 50. i really don't mind fighting level 50's - in fact i found it to be fun no matter my level.


i also think that the bracket system is a bad idea. warzones are pvp, and in pvp, sometimes you get owned and sometimes it isn't fair. that's what makes it fun. what's next? restricting level 50's from camping nar shaddaa? you people are going to ruin this game, i swear.

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The problem with this answer is you think that just because it is the opposition getting roflstomped that I should be ok with that.


That despite my complaint being the attitude of the company toward their "playerbase" that complaint can only be valid when it is MY team being roflstomped.


That makes no sense, perhaps you should take your advice and think more?


You and the other crybabies do not speak for a player base. I do not feel ignored at all, and you are the minority.

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Not just 50s...everybody would have had long queue times.


that doesn't even make sense...



I like how lively this discussion is.


Still wondering if someone might help me solving this puzzle though:


How is SWTOR different?



Dark Age of Camelot

World of Warcraft

Guild Wars

Age of Conan

Warhammer online




some of the more popular MMORPGs of the last decade. All of them bracketed PvP right at launch. Worked for all of them. Why? And why would it not have worked for SWTOR?

Edited by mufutiz
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You and the other crybabies do not speak for a player base. I do not feel ignored at all, and you are the minority.


You might be right, it seems in this game decent and sensible PvPers really do seem to be the minority - unfortunately :D


And therein might lie the answer to my question. But again, I just don't want to believe that :(

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Of course, blame me, if it helps you justify giving money to a company that has provided you with dross, by all means.


Or live up to the reality and then feel embarrassed that you can't bring yourself to stop paying.


Either way you will keep paying, perhaps this way you feel better, plus on the another note you get to pretend that you have some skill, for surely only those bad players complain, and you aren't complaining so that must make you one of the good players!!


if that makes you feel better.


Who is us? The reality is you are still the minority.

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You might be right, it seems in this game decent and sensible PvPers really do seem to be the minority - unfortunately :D


And therein might lie the answer to my question. But again, I just don't want to believe that :(


I am not sure PvPers are the minority, I just don't think the majority are that upset with the current state of the game. My server is pretty much instant queues with players of all levels.

Edited by Evilsteps
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I am not sure PvPers are the minority, I just don't think the majority are that upset with the current state of the game. My server is pretty much instant queues with players of all levels.


People who are really interested in PvP will just keep queuing anyway, sure. Doesn't mean it is not leaving a very sour taste in their mouths.


Also I think this issue is much more evident on european PvP realms because the servers are a lot less well populated than US servers... another big issue with severe PvP ramifications and beyond...

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As I said before, it isn't about being able to compete, or even the disparity in gear.


It is about a company sitting on their hands doing nothing about a large number of their playerbase being roflstomped due to a design error.


The error itself isn't the problem, the problem is the reaction to that error.


To do nothing. To sit and wait, while weeks go by, doing nothing.


This issue deserved a short term hotfix while they looked at the larger problems.


Not two weeks of sitting around doing nothing.


Sorry but in the first weeks of the game brackets for pvp should be low priority.


Heres a few examples of more important things that they work on in the first few weeks that you take for granted and would truly ruin everyones game experience.


1. Server stability. If the server isnt up the game isnt very fun. This also includes lag and such, probably 80% of their day to day job in the first few weeks is tweaking servers to handle loads and run smoothly 24hrs a day.


2. Game breaking bugs/exploits. A bug that stops your story quest progression or an exploit that makes other people in your zone crash. Bosses that one shot you, things like that.


So, maybe you should look at the bigger picture here. You can log on to a stable server and play any part of the game at your leisure with few(if any) glitches, lag, bugs, or interruptions. Perhaps putting in brackets takes, oh i dont know a week or 2 to code in as well, im not a dev.


Good luck with your no effort/patience attitude in the real world and... oh my queue popped i need to go weed out some more lowbies like you before the patch hits. BYE!

Edited by phluke
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I have a pretty simple solution to this issue that would help a lot but my Bork things later on. Why not just introduce lower lvl pvp gear? IE a lvl 20 set and a lvl 40 set The complete 20 set would take you to say 125-150 expertise and the complete 40 set would take you to 225 or 250. This would make a huge difference and they could be bought with normal commendations for fairly reasonable prices.


This would allow people to have some kind of progression within pvp as opposed to being held back until 50 to even have a shot at gear.


I'm going to go ahead and say something a lot of other people (especially some 50's) won't say. Yes we like killing lvl 11's in pvp, it's absolutely awesome to roll over your opponents so hard they /ragequit.


That being said, it sucks when the same thing happens to us. Even playing as a 50 premade we occasionally get rolled. The difference is, you won't see us or other legit pvpers whine and cry about it. We all know that famous saying, "You can't win them all" is very true. If you can't cope with that in a game I don't understand how you handle real life.


This is all coming from someone who got the game Dec 29th, pvped extensively pre-50, is 50 and has 400+ expertise

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I have a pretty simple solution to this issue that would help a lot but my Bork things later on. Why not just introduce lower lvl pvp gear? IE a lvl 20 set and a lvl 40 set The complete 20 set would take you to say 125-150 expertise and the complete 40 set would take you to 225 or 250. This would make a huge difference and they could be bought with normal commendations for fairly reasonable prices.


This would allow people to have some kind of progression within pvp as opposed to being held back until 50 to even have a shot at gear.


I'm going to go ahead and say something a lot of other people (especially some 50's) won't say. Yes we like killing lvl 11's in pvp, it's absolutely awesome to roll over your opponents so hard they /ragequit.


That being said, it sucks when the same thing happens to us. Even playing as a 50 premade we occasionally get rolled. The difference is, you won't see us or other legit pvpers whine and cry about it. We all know that famous saying, "You can't win them all" is very true. If you can't cope with that in a game I don't understand how you handle real life.


This is all coming from someone who got the game Dec 29th, pvped extensively pre-50, is 50 and has 400+ expertise


The simplest solution is to just remove expertise until there are enough 50s for their own bracket.

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