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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I foresee a hotfix for patch 1.1


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"Force Leap now has a 30 seconds cooldown."


As a result of Force Push refreshing Force Leap and massive whine from Bounty Hunters due to their experiences in huttball matches.


Cause BHs have soooooooo much to complain about. Sorry if the "derp trace missile derp" class has to think about playing for once as opposed to spamming a single key and knock back. Melees aren't that great on Hutt Ball anyways. It's only if you're dumb enough to give them a target to leap to that they score. Nerf stupidity. Can we sprint with the ball, knock ppl back, CC 3 times, AND pull allies to the score zone? No.

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"Force Leap now has a 30 seconds cooldown."


As a result of Force Push refreshing Force Leap and massive whine from Bounty Hunters due to their experiences in huttball matches.


Why don't you people just stop posting crap that gives Devs more stupid ideas?

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I don't think it's going to be that big of a deal.


Sure, Force Push resets the CD on Force Leap. But Force Push itself has a 1 minute CD, which can be brought down to 45s with proper skills. So that means one or two extra Force Leaps per minute over the usual 4. That shouldn't be game-breaking in any way.


The developers know this quite well. They know it's barely throwing Guardians a bone. The reason why this change is being implemented, I'm sure, is for those people who complain about Force Push. After all, Guardians are the only tanks without both a gap closer and a pull. (Shadows have Force Speed and Force Pull, Vanguards have Storm and Harpoon, and the Sith classes have mirror equivalents.)


But another complaint is that we're a melee class that knocks people away from us, which seems counterintuitive. The Force Leap refresh is saying, hey guys, sure you knock your enemy back but now you're guaranteed to be able to leap right up to the enemy, no doing Force Push and then having to run up to the enemy because Force Leap is on CD.


So again, it's a token gesture, and I don't think it's going to get the kind of hysterical response you expect.

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I play a jug. I foresee the same problem in huttball.


Right now I can clear most of the map under the right conditions with intercede/force charge. With the ability to force charge, push a guy across the fire pit then immediately leap to him ppl are going to complain.


Sure we can't kill anything and our defense skills don't work.. but we will be able to move the ball well.

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I play a jug. I foresee the same problem in huttball.


Right now I can clear most of the map under the right conditions with intercede/force charge. With the ability to force charge, push a guy across the fire pit then immediately leap to him ppl are going to complain.


Sure we can't kill anything and our defense skills don't work.. but we will be able to move the ball well.


So, because we MIGHT be OP in Hutt Ball you should nerf our class further into the dirt. What about sorcs/sages? They're WAY more OP than us in Hutt Ball. Are they gonna nerf the crap out of them too? Likehood = 0. Stop giving the devs more reasons to make our class suck more.

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Why don't you people just stop posting crap that gives Devs more stupid ideas?


Seriously. Some mouthbreathing dev from this game's idiot pvp design team is going to be like, "JG's" are OP now, derp.


JG's have gotten nerfed literally EVERY patch since last summers beta. Even this buff comes with a tiny "nerf" in that taunt is now going to be much more obvious.

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Seriously. Some mouthbreathing dev from this game's idiot pvp design team is going to be like, "JG's" are OP now, derp.


JG's have gotten nerfed literally EVERY patch since last summers beta. Even this buff comes with a tiny "nerf" in that taunt is now going to be much more obvious.


I really doubt the average drooler(95% of the population) that plays this game will notice the taunt or stop attacking the person they are currently on or just do anything different in general.

Edited by Stncold
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Cause BHs have soooooooo much to complain about. Sorry if the "derp trace missile derp" class has to think about playing for once as opposed to spamming a single key and knock back. Melees aren't that great on Hutt Ball anyways. It's only if you're dumb enough to give them a target to leap to that they score. Nerf stupidity. Can we sprint with the ball, knock ppl back, CC 3 times, AND pull allies to the score zone? No.


Not all Bounty Hunters are Mercenaries you know...

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You know this is pure and simple stupidity at it's finest. I'm level 50, have 2 artifact-quality items (bracers and legs) and I make an almost laughable profit from dailies because I die repeatedly. This class is, I hate to say, one of the best stories in this game. But it's "DPS" is too weak to be a real DPS class comparison. I say this knowing that my Trooper destroys groups with 1-2 global cooldowns well into his 30s. My Vig-Guardian only does that to grey mobs when I go help guildies.


Tanks don't have this issue, they just kill slow. Which is pretty much how it should be. Max survival, lower output. However this minimal survival so-so output is hogwash. And yes, I said hogwash because even as mad as I am right now I don't want to say something offensive.

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I really doubt the average drooler(95% of the population) that plays this game will notice the taunt or stop attacking the person they are currently on or just do anything different in general.


95% of droolers focus fire knights anyway

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When I went to sleep last night I considered this scenario in my head:


Grab the Huttball

Guardian Leap to ally

Leap towards enemy

Push enemy closer to his goal line

Leap to him again


I want this Push -> Leap CD refresh change, but I don't want to add yet another abusive mechanic to Huttball. There needs to be some sort of middle ground.

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i dont like the change at all. it is obviously very abusable in huttball and makes the general gameplay far more situational. this change is not needed and not wished for.


perspective of other classes: in general the guardian will leap less, but suddenly they will leap leap leap non stop. others will notice it, will be annoyed by it and will call for nerfs. its like with the sweep critz, one big number is the only thing everyone sees and calls NERF, background is not of public interest. no i dont want situational gameplay.

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I play a jug. I foresee the same problem in huttball.


Right now I can clear most of the map under the right conditions with intercede/force charge. With the ability to force charge, push a guy across the fire pit then immediately leap to him ppl are going to complain.


Sure we can't kill anything and our defense skills don't work.. but we will be able to move the ball well.


You can do this now, so I don't understand what the complaining would be about.


Oh no, a 1 minute CD will reset a 15 second CD! Everyone run for the hills!

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I don't think anyone will actually notice the change.


Once a minute you can leap/push/leap? Yippie.



Im not sure, but would not this help if you have unremitting? Doing that leap you get 4s unremitting -> hack&slash that 4s -> push&leap again you get another 4s of unremitting..

Edited by Mig-go
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