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Who cares about EGA lets discuss this galactic imbalance


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In EVERY MMO EVER there has been a strong initial surge of players joining the "evil" side. Once the playerbase settles in, there's always a significant dwindling of the "evil" side and steady growth of the "good" side, eventually reaching the point where the "evil" community is very small and is vastly outnumbered by the "good" guys.


And then Blood Elves happen and everything gets thrown out the window. :D


(Note that there are always anomalous exceptions to this rule for certain servers)

Edited by Ashkael
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Ultimately, the faction imbalance means very little.

then this is will be news to u what do u think is going to happen to u if the server as

around 80/90% players that is not of your side?

do u think u can quest in peace?

do u think u can shop at your AH and get all the stuff that the dominating side gets?

do u think u can win any open pvp event if ther the start to have then like wintergrasp in wow

Edited by Chiffen
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Noticed the imbalance last night. Took almost three hours for a Warzone queue to pop. And when it did, we started to school the Republic players. At which point a few of the Republic players dropped out and poof--the warzone shut down. So almost three hours of waiting for less than five minutes of PVP. Not fun. :(


So I guess if you are a PVP person--pick wisely. May want to go Republic just for the quick queues.

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It is a HUGE issue. Look at WoW and what happened to world PvP.


Bioware needs to think of something to help. Whether it's giving special bonuses to the underdog faction, or what, I don't know, but they can't just let it go.


Of course, this is also a great way to make money, as Blizzard showed us. You allow the factions to get even worse by allowing people to pay to switch sides.

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then this is will be news to u what do u think is going to happen to u if the server as

around 80/90% players that is not of your side?

do u think u can quest in peace?

do u think u can shop at your AH and get all the stuff that the dominating side gets?

do u think u can win any open pvp event if ther the start to have then like wintergrasp in wow


If some of the PVP servers on WoW are any indication? I can expect to die a bit but be relatively left in peace for the most part without too many problems. Certain things not withstanding as much like perhaps the wintergrasp events not going in my direction as often but I can live with that.


I'll actually have to watch my back more on the PVE servers in flagged situations than I will on the PVP Servers.


They've shown an interesting Phenomenon that there tends to be more respectful tendancies on the pvp servers in these cases than there are on the pve ones where these types of environments are limited. A "I leave you alone and you leave me alone" mentality so to speak that has evolved over the years.


now of course there are a few that either haven't developed this mentality or purposely break it but they tend to be the minority.

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Republic stories boring? Check.


Democratic stalemates and ineffective partisan bickering in a gridlocked Senate boring? Check.


Rust colors, robes, and earth tones boring? Check.


Jedi and their completely non-nonsensical philosophy that emotions are bad and that you should probably get a lobotomy. Check.

Self-righteous speeches of Freedom, Justice, and Liberty, while murdering billions, developing super weapons that put the Death Star to shame, performing experiments on unwilling subjects, brokering political deals with street gangs, etc. Check.



That is exactly what makes playing a DS Jedi so fun.


Dark Side points for playing 'Hide the Wompa" with the twilek chic on the starter planet? CHECK.


Sign me up!

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i was going to roll republic but with staggered start heck no lol. i play pvp only so it will get ugly by tomorrow out numbered and level 50s running around no thnx lol. i will play empire and join the masses in the slaughter of all the lowbies. on the 20th good luck leveling on a pvp server as republic;)
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Nobody cares about imbalance when they can't actually play the game to begin with. Whoever had the idea of putting people in multiday long forced ques rather then a few hours of server que needs to have his head checked. See if he actually has a brain.


This is your brain on SWTOR

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First of all, do me the decency of typing to me with proper grammar. It's insulting to be spoken to in the manner you are speaking to me.


Second of all, YES, OPEN WORLD PvP zones, where you are FLAGGED WITHOUT CHOICE exist on both PvE and PvP servers.

and lets see and u are then forced to enter

a open pvp zone on a pve server on a pvp the hole server is one big wintergrasp and u roll on a pvp server just for that.

and lets see can i kill u on a pve server if i meet u ouside of WG or when your pvp flag is not turnd on ?

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If some of the PVP servers on WoW are any indication? I can expect to die a bit but be relatively left in peace for the most part without too many problems. Certain things not withstanding as much like perhaps the wintergrasp events not going in my direction as often but I can live with that.


I'll actually have to watch my back more on the PVE servers in flagged situations than I will on the PVP Servers.


They've shown an interesting Phenomenon that there tends to be more respectful tendancies on the pvp servers in these cases than there are on the pve ones where these types of environments are limited. A "I leave you alone and you leave me alone" mentality so to speak that has evolved over the years.


now of course there are a few that either haven't developed this mentality or purposely break it but they tend to be the minority.


i did play on the burning stepps when the horde hade 80% and more its was sometimes hell in outland to even fends of the damn orcs and undead but that is part of it on a PVP SERVER

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It is a HUGE issue. Look at WoW and what happened to world PvP.


Bioware needs to think of something to help. Whether it's giving special bonuses to the underdog faction, or what, I don't know, but they can't just let it go.


Of course, this is also a great way to make money, as Blizzard showed us. You allow the factions to get even worse by allowing people to pay to switch sides.


World PVP died forever ago in wow.....now all people care about is arena and BG

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Yeah all the whinny 17-19 year old emo kids have it now and are rolling Sith


The recent trend in MMOs lately is all the immature people play the bad-guys. When WoW first started, it was alliance heavy, but you play lately, most of the solo'er kids are horde. They think they are good and there is no team work. Same with rift. Guardians had all the healers. Defiant had all rogues. Defiant refused to work together and usually got stomped.


I am willing to bet rebels will be the better side. Most of the really good pvp guilds will go there because they like the challenge being out-numbered, same with the solo'ers. They will also be more willing to work together because they know they are out-numbered.

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World PVP died forever ago in wow.....now all people care about is arena and BG


what they care about is Honour points. Their fastest way to get them is by doing Arena's and battlegrounds... So it's actually the Honour Point System that killed off a lot of the world PvP going on. it stopped being about Prestige and all about getting that currency to buy the next set of gear or getting that ranking...


But even before that PVP servers tended to have a bit of respect going on. I got burned out bad on PVP a long time ago. But I still go quest on a PVP server from time to time just to get away from the annoyances of some PVE servers to a place Where I don't get yelled at for jumping in and helping an opposing faction member take down a tough mob as long as I watch my AoE's and such for example.

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