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Operatives: Most broken garbage balance ever.


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To people suggesting that he use his CC breaker to get out of the initial stun, you do realize that it doesn't make you instantly stand up from the knockdown, don't you? You still have to do the whole "lol standing up now" animation, which may as well be a 3 sec stun of its own.


Of course this could just be another fantastic bug but it's always worked that way for me when I get knocked down by an operative.

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Operatives seem to be huge problem for anything under heavy armor , however while they dont bother me much as Juggernaut i do see them bursting sorcs and other soft targets in 5 seconds like others say. And that imo is not right , in mass pvp if healers are good they should not go down if they are not focused , if 1 single class can take them out alone , then something is deffinatly working wrong. My 5 cents imo and yes i dont have any problems with operatives as jugger , but i am heavy armor class...


defend your damn healers then

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To people suggesting that he use his CC breaker to get out of the initial stun, you do realize that it doesn't make you instantly stand up from the knockdown, don't you? You still have to do the whole "lol standing up now" animation, which may as well be a 3 sec stun of its own.


Of course this could just be another fantastic bug but it's always worked that way for me when I get knocked down by an operative.


Nope you would be wrong. I tested this with another lev 50 Scoundrel. Not only do you stand up IMMEDIATELY you can go run away and HE CAN NOT STUN YOU AGAIN FOR 8 SECONDS.


But hey... lets not let the truth stop you from QQ'ing. Doesn't stop many of the regulars who are in this thread QQ'ing every day that they are proven wrong over and over again.

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I died about 10 times during the game, and I did manage to get to mid once or twice, by dropping down the running as soon as I could. He still caught me before I could do anything, and then just ***** me. I almost killed him once, but he ran around a corner, popped a heal and his biochem medpac and then vanished to rekill me again.


P.S. I've been a warlord in vanilla wow, 2500 rated rogue in arenas and decided against rolling the generic rogue this game, little did I know that they would be as broken as vanilla rogues were in wow, being able to 3 shot people, except this time they don't die in 2 gcds.


What he's saying is that there are ways to avoid popping down right away. There's a long walkway above the arena that leads to either side. Despite all your credentials, not figuring this one out means you deserve to get spawn camped, making the same silly choice every time.

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Keep making excuses. None of it's random. But, if it makes you feel better to keep denying the truth of the matter, go ahead. I've been hit, personally for 8k twice in a row, which was a two shot on me, in my gear. So don't make up some conn story of how it ain't happening because you know it is.


You're still at it? Even though you've been proven to be a fraud and liar over and over again? I don't think anyone takes you seriously yet you keep posting day after day after day the same crap which is completely untrue.


Go spend 5 minutes in a friendly duel with a Operative/Scoundrel and you will probably never lose to one again.... well if you are any good at all. I'm pretty sure that is the problem though... you are not any good at all.

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Your logic is full of holes considering everyone's damage is meh outside of one ability on a long CD or requiring a successive chain to even get effectiveness out of it. Next excuse.


First off, the operatives "knife" ability is not one attack. They have back-stab, shiv and lacation which work off each other. They all use the same animation. It's 3 abilities that look exactly alike. Sounds like ability comboing to me.

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Not really sure what to tell you here. You're in Huttball with other players. When he jumps you, CC break and then stun/slow/whatever him and let your teammates help? How is it that you were repeatedly being 1v1'ed by this guy?


The OPs you fight must be horrible, if you as a 50 OP with Biochem cant kill a none heavy armor class even when they use their CC breaker (which still gives ya 1-2 GCD due to the fact that they still have to stand up - gotta love broken mechanics) you fail.


Ive done 8k crits on my friend Merc friend in Champ/Battlemaster gear on my opner, and finished him off before he could stand up. OPs are extremely broken, our burst is stupid and so is our survival. I dont mind tho, with guard and a healer (how we normaly roll) I can butcher an entire team - fun times ;)


Consumables makes an already extremely unbalanced class much worse. I love how people always think that running to your team will help you in any way, cause it wont - break CC, restealth and finish the poor guy off. But even if it did, that means that noone can beat a OP 1on1, granted Ive got 6 pieces of battlemasters (with easy to get implants and ear), but ive never lost a 1on1 and can count on 1 hand the number of people who got away after my opner in the last two weeks... Used to play marauder, but my OP got more survival and a hell of alot more damage.

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The OPs you fight must be horrible, if you as a 50 OP with Biochem cant kill a none heavy armor class even when they use their CC breaker (which still gives ya 1-2 GCD due to the fact that they still have to stand up - gotta love broken mechanics) you fail.



This statement is 100% COMPLETELY FALSE, so everything else you posted is most likely a complete lie and completely made up story. I am calling you out liar.


Go post your gross exaggerations elsewhere.

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PvP Balance has and always will be a paper, rock, and scissors. Learn which of these you are and get with the program.





Except operatives destroy paper, rock, AND scissors. I am in full pvp and tank spec and if I don't have my ability to break stuns I am almost dead before I get up from my face being planted on the floor.

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This statement is 100% COMPLETELY FALSE, so everything else you posted is most likely a complete lie and completely made up story. I am calling you out liar.


Go post your gross exaggerations elsewhere.


Prove me wrong then :p Never seen a 8-9k crit on an opner? Thats about 1/2 of most peoples healthbar and its doable with consumables on people in Champ gear - and if ya dont have about a GCD after being knocked down and getting up even when breaking it instantly with your CC-breaker, you're lucky or a liar.


You sir fail at PvP

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Prove me wrong then :p Never seen a 8-9k crit on an opner? Thats about 1/2 of most peoples healthbar and its doable with consumables on people in Champ gear - and if ya dont have about a GCD after being knocked down and getting up even when breaking it instantly with your CC-breaker, you're lucky or a liar.


You sir fail at PvP


You prove me wrong. I am in champion gear... only using the Columni Relic for 220 Surge and Crit... and I HAVE NEVER BROKE 6k DAMAGE IN A SINGLE HIT. NEVER. NOT EVEN AGAINST A LEVEL 10.


You sir fail at PvP.

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You prove me wrong. I am in champion gear... only using the Columni Relic for 220 Surge and Crit... and I HAVE NEVER BROKE 6k DAMAGE IN A SINGLE HIT. NEVER. NOT EVEN AGAINST A LEVEL 10.


You sir fail at PvP.


Try to pick up Biochem and some PvP stims - if ya can hit 6k without, you can hit about 9.5k with em... relic (use power not surge/crit) + adrenalin + stim + 15% damage...

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Try to pick up Biochem and some PvP stims - if ya can hit 6k without, you can hit about 9.5k with em... relic (use power not surge/crit) + adrenalin + stim + 15% damage...


I prefer not to do that. But I think we just proved it's buff stacking the problem... not Operative/Scoundrels.


That's not to say I don't 3 hit non level 50's... or people who have crap for gear. I do get a 5k opener, 3kish backblast, and 3kish upperhand (if they all crit) vs non 50's or sorcs without their shield up. But those OP big numbers are not the class... its the buff stacking.

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I prefer not to do that. But I think we just proved it's buff stacking the problem... not Operative/Scoundrels.


That's not to say I don't 3 hit non level 50's... or people who have crap for gear. I do get a 5k opener, 3kish backblast, and 3kish upperhand (if they all crit) vs non 50's or sorcs without their shield up. But those OP big numbers are not the class... its the buff stacking.


I agree that buff stacking is a major part of the problem - but it just goes to show which classes are already abit over the top, with consumable stacking and buff it becomes very obvious. I would prefer less burst damage and more utility - so the class requires abit more skill to play - cause it doesnt take much effort or skill to kill people as things are now - and Sages and Sorcs are just walking free solo kills. In its current form, a 4v4 deathmatch (if there was such a thing) would be won by 4 Ops/scrappers every time.

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I agree that buff stacking is a major part of the problem - but it just goes to show which classes are already abit over the top, with consumable stacking and buff it becomes very obvious. I would prefer less burst damage and more utility - so the class requires abit more skill to play - cause it doesnt take much effort or skill to kill people as things are now - and Sages and Sorcs are just walking free solo kills. In its current form, a 4v4 deathmatch (if there was such a thing) would be won by 4 Ops/scrappers every time.


I still would like to know how you guys that claim that the sorcs bubble is no big deal because i do WZ's daily many hours every day and im not seeing what you are stating,matter of fact i bet i can count on one hand where i was able to get a sorc to half his hit points after the bubble dropped,where as i get steam rolled 85% of the time by sorcs/inquis (Of equal gear) and yes i have 4 or more pieces of champ gear.


I think you have motives here and you are not being honest,sry if i am wrong but your description is far and away from what i see daily.

Edited by Sathid
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Prove me wrong then :p Never seen a 8-9k crit on an opner? Thats about 1/2 of most peoples healthbar and its doable with consumables on people in Champ gear - and if ya dont have about a GCD after being knocked down and getting up even when breaking it instantly with your CC-breaker, you're lucky or a liar.


You sir fail at PvP


Haha just for fun I searched your post history to see if you really were an operative. And a week ago you were saying you rarely break 6k.


I guess you decided to level the soon to be nerfed biochem this week and it made you really good at the game. Nice work, bro.




Scroll down.

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I was being spawn camped... how is that possibly ramboing.


Seriously stop complaining and blaming operatives for a second and take a look at yourself. Have you or any one else defending you considered you just might suck in game?


I mean I have been killed by just about every class and not once thought "Waaa it's because they are OP". closest i EVER get is "Hmm, how the **** did I die?" ... or "Hahah ***?!? lol"


The thing is, you as far as I can tell ( apologies but I got sick of reading all the whining and blaming about 6 pages in) never stated A. What level you were at the time of "camp killing" or "Lynching" as I enjoy calling it.

B. What class you are/were


and C. if you even attempted to ask for help from those other players around you with green letters above their heads also know as ...YOUR TEAM!


oh my god you had a team?...wait? you mean other people were playing and uh..oh jeeze here is a crazy idea "dying" other than you?... and in dying needed to also re-spawn.


Here's a fun thought: ever consider running out at the same time as other people on your team.



Truth be told, I am not an Operative. Nor do I intend to play as one until I have completed the already massive amount of game play stories I already started...


I am simply putting in my 2 cents in for the devils or in this case as OP (original poster) called them "the OP-OPS"


It seems to me, when grouped in large amounts Troopers can become "OP". Same with a **** ton of lighting all at once from inquisitors.


Hell, imaging a three on one with gunslingers, vanguards, ANY CLASS scares me a little. But more so it inspires me to become skilled enough to take them all on.


How about you stop being a wuss over a little "knock back stun invisible killing" and instead either A start a new toon which better suits your IMO lack of tact game play. Or B stop playing PVP


In my experience and mind you I simply have armor from game play have not even bought a single "PVP" piece yet. (something I reserve for when I hit level 50 as a reward for dedication to becoming awesome and one with my toon)


I have killed OPS, Snipers, Jedis', Troopers, Mercs, Smugglers...the list goes on.


And I have also like previously stated...been OMG imagine this "Killed" by them.


My current Toons are as follows for those who wish to "debate" and I use that term loosely...


Level 26 Merc.

Level 27 Vanguard

Level 25 Jugg Head

Level ... well the rest truly don't matter they are simply pack mules with no purpose in life until the former 3 hit lev. 50.


That's all I have to say on that.


PS: Invisible = not really all that invisible. I flame throw/trooper shock the **** out of these so called "invisible" *********** all the time. Blurry and Opaque maybe but certainly non invisible at least in pvp...

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I agree that buff stacking is a major part of the problem - but it just goes to show which classes are already abit over the top, with consumable stacking and buff it becomes very obvious. I would prefer less burst damage and more utility - so the class requires abit more skill to play - cause it doesnt take much effort or skill to kill people as things are now - and Sages and Sorcs are just walking free solo kills. In its current form, a 4v4 deathmatch (if there was such a thing) would be won by 4 Ops/scrappers every time.


I really wouldn't agree with that... I don't instant kill most people and it certainly takes as much if not more skill to run people down than it does to pop constant knockbacks/cc's and shoot someone from range.


On my server the the imps are all Sorcerers.... 7/8 of them are Sorcs (I exaggerate but not by much). The sorcs I catch without their shield on are probably going to die... but there's a bunch that keep their shield on most of the time and they have the talent that stuns on break. They are impossible to kill.. impossible. I barely do 1-2k damage on my opener (if it crits) and I get stunned, they run, I vanish and open again, maybe get them down to 40%-50% maybe (if I get crits), they stun and run away, I trinket and cripple, they cyclone run away and spam lightning and kill me before I can reach them. This happened 6 times in a row one match vs a guild of all Sorc's and happens a lot vs any sorc specced right.


I made my Scoundrel to counter Sorcerers because I made a 50 Guardian already and saw all Sorcs almost every game and it just gets me I can't kill these guys. Not that they are better... they have more buttons and they know how to use them. So no I would not say Sorc/Sage are walking freekills... not by a longshot. Guardians are walking freekills... Sorc's not so much.

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Operatives in full pvp gear < Any other class in full pvp gear.


Stealth opener is all we got, l2p and stop complaining.


>> Stealth opener is all we got


Yah. Isn't that the whole problem in a nutshell? Stealth and a 9k immediate drop - before a player can pick himself off the floor?


Good grief.

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I really wouldn't agree with that... I don't instant kill most people and it certainly takes as much if not more skill to run people down than it does to pop constant knockbacks/cc's and shoot someone from range.


On my server the the imps are all Sorcerers.... 7/8 of them are Sorcs (I exaggerate but not by much). The sorcs I catch without their shield on are probably going to die... but there's a bunch that keep their shield on most of the time and they have the talent that stuns on break. They are impossible to kill.. impossible. I barely do 1-2k damage on my opener (if it crits) and I get stunned, they run, I vanish and open again, maybe get them down to 40%-50% maybe (if I get crits), they stun and run away, I trinket and cripple, they cyclone run away and spam lightning and kill me before I can reach them. This happened 6 times in a row one match vs a guild of all Sorc's and happens a lot vs any sorc specced right.


I made my Scoundrel to counter Sorcerers because I made a 50 Guardian already and saw all Sorcs almost every game and it just gets me I can't kill these guys. Not that they are better... they have more buttons and they know how to use them. So no I would not say Sorc/Sage are walking freekills... not by a longshot. Guardians are walking freekills... Sorc's not so much.


Your post and mine begs the question,why cant people be honest on this forum?

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It doesn't even matter if you have battlemaster gear...if you get opened up on by a operative from stealth you will be dead. Even the Operatives know it isnt fair. Same thing happened in WOW with Rogues and they put in some fixes. The problem is that the stealth itself is broken in my mind. Higher pvp gear should allow you to see them sooner and they should not be perm stealth. Also, they should have a serious health nerf and damage nerf and some cooldown tweaking. The armor pen should have a cap that is not 100% pen from what I hear. The combat stealth is way op skill and if they havea DOT on them it shouldn't even work at all. I have had 2 DOTs on a person and they run very far away before the stealth breaks. That is just a broken system. Then again all of the Imperial classes at this point are better then their mirrored Republic classes. Way to much proof of this fact on the forums. All you can do is...Run premades and or just live with dying and losing alot more on the Republc side until BW can get their heads out of their butts. The brackets will help a little bit for you non-50s but the 50s will still get 1-2 shotted by Operatives.


However, I do not think that you continually running out of your huttball spawn is a problem. If you do that and die that is on you. Wait for another person and go in pairs if you got a Operative camping.





Lol delusional...d e l u s i o n a l


The problem with tanks is that they have too much armor. We need to strip that down to right around light armor. And those snipers...how dare they hit me from range. 15 m max range for those fools.

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I'm a bounty hunter. The different between medium and heavy armor mitigation is less than 10%. They also ignore 50% of armor.


10% may not sound like a lot, but it is. Otherwise, 10% expertise would not be as overpowered as it is.

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