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Does this make you cringe when you see it?


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planet - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - shuttle ship - loading screen - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - ship - loading screen - fly to new planet - get off ship - loading screen - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - shuttle ship - loading screen - planet!


For the first time in my life i am leaving a game because of something so small. Thanks Bioware

Edited by Nanomancer
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they should have done what they did in mass effect with elevators.... show you taking the thing and having your NPC's shatter on about something. thats something i liked about ME, when running around for the first several hours going up and down elevators on the citadel.... no damn loading screens.
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planet - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - shuttle ship - loading screen - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - ship - loading screen - fly to new planet - get off ship - loading screen - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - shuttle ship - loading screen - planet!


For the first time in my life i am leaving a game because of something so small. Thanks Bioware


Well, yeah, it makes me cringe mostly because it's grossly exaggerated. Most of the places you claim there are loading screens, there aren't.


Yeah, it could probably be streamlined a bit, but frankly, anyone who'd quit over the almost obscenely easy travel in this game was going to find a real issue to quit over eventually anyway.

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Well, yeah, it makes me cringe mostly because it's grossly exaggerated. Most of the places you claim there are loading screens, there aren't.


Yeah, it could probably be streamlined a bit, but frankly, anyone who'd quit over the almost obscenely easy travel in this game was going to find a real issue to quit over eventually anyway.


I say its a small issue but really last night i asked myself "why am i playing a game that i find tedious" "arnt games suppose to be about fun?" Then i played Bastion and Rayman Origins for a couple of hours then got some work done


So yeah i say small issue but being tedious is not a small issue

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No, it doesn't make me cringe. :(


To be honest, I like to look around, and when I'm relaxing and playing a video game, I'm not exactly in a huge rush. I even sat around in the spaceport on some planet and took screencaps of the different ships that were taking off. I thought it was actually pretty neat that there was a nice variety of ships and sounds, and it's something I never would have noticed if I'd just been rushing to get out of the building ASAP.

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Those interlude quests where u need to fly from planet to planet kind of make me want to rage quit. Some planets are poorly designed for questing aswell; run back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...back and forth. Lastly speeders dont seem very 'speedy'...do they?
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Yes the opening post made me cringe...


Then again the whole deal with airlock and even personal hangar is kinda redundant... It would be great to just skip them if there isnt any story elements to see... afterall they serve no other purpose right now.


What come to loading screens... I rather have them than watch my world freeze while content loader triest to keep up with my movements. Afterall everyone does not have SSD's and stuff that are required for real-time content loading in complex, content-rich environments.

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Soooo..... less than a month in and you are bailing on something that will likely be addressed soon??


Ok!!! personally, I like the mystery of wondering when and why you left. thanks for spoiling that for me.


What on earth makes you think this will be addressed? And just what do you suggest they do to fix it?


They had 5 years to think about this and now it is too late, they have already pissed off too many people, and I am getting there.

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Wasn't all that bad at first. But now, after about a week /played it's horribly tedious having to go thru the same pointless pitstops over and over.


In all honestly, while slightly offtopic, sprint should also be given at 10, with mounts at 20.

Edited by nilssen
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Agreed, OP, it's another reason I'm convinced Bioware didn't bother playing any MMO's before making this MMSPRPG.


Those interlude quests where u need to fly from planet to planet kind of make me want to rage quit. Some planets are poorly designed for questing aswell; run back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...back and forth. Lastly speeders dont seem very 'speedy'...do they?


Yeah the level design is terrible; they've doubled content simply by making everyone backtrack through areas; it's pathetic.


Soooo..... less than a month in and you are bailing on something that will likely be addressed soon??



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It's funny, this complaint from the OP... yet there are others that want longer time sinks between travel because it's more immersive. So we either got people quitting because there is too much running around, or there are people quitting because there is not enough running around. BW can't win for loosing. I guess they should just settle for the general populace and let the people that are a bit nitpicky on both sides of the fence fall to the wayside.



If the game is not fun, don't play. Simple. You don't have to come to the forums and whine about it.

Edited by Kaosbain
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Soooo..... less than a month in and you are bailing on something that will likely be addressed soon??


Ok!!! personally, I like the mystery of wondering when and why you left. thanks for spoiling that for me.


Please post a link to where they say this will be addressed. If so I will be pumped, but I am pretty sure this is just baked into the design and will never change.


One other thing - why is it necessary that I see the loading screen when simply ALT+TABing out and back in? Bioware must LOVE that loading screen art. I agree with the OP that this is irritating to the extreme and very immersion breaking. It just feels really lazy. Let's not optimize the game, lets just put loading screens everywhere.


The loading screen to enter your ship is silly. You alreay have to look at the loading screen when you take the elevator to your ship! Why not just load the ship up at that point so I can just walk into my ship? Hell, your code should be able to determine my class and just load the one ship model into memory when i am in the elvator. Lazy lazy lazy.

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Soooo..... less than a month in and you are bailing on something that will likely be addressed soon??


Ok!!! personally, I like the mystery of wondering when and why you left. thanks for spoiling that for me.


Like the OP perhaps... I don't pay money for magical pretend content that may or may not exist or ever come to pass. I'll come back if they actually do some of these things. I chose to cancel a couple days ago when I saw they couldn't even publish a 15mb bug fix patch on time... not once, but twice.


That tells me content is going to be slow and I don't pay for hopes and dreams. I let the fanbois foot that bill. I'll come back after you guys pay them to fix it.... and maybe then I'll enjoy what your money paid for.

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planet - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - shuttle ship - loading screen - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - ship - loading screen - fly to new planet - get off ship - loading screen - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - shuttle ship - loading screen - planet!


For the first time in my life i am leaving a game because of something so small. Thanks bioware



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What on earth makes you think this will be addressed? And just what do you suggest they do to fix it?


They had 5 years to think about this and now it is too late, they have already pissed off too many people, and I am getting there.


Lemme guess... this is your first MMO, yes?


Lets just go with the other MMO as an example. City portals to everywhere. Reduced cool down on hearthstone.... Character that can send you to any major city... Etc... Etc... Etc... That was not all in the original release in that MMO either.


If it becomes a hang up, it will be addressed. I too would like to see a bind point to my ship. I think it makes sense. I expect that in time, it will happen.

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