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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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Both sides having their way is not a problem AT ALL, that's why so many of us don't understand why these people are so adamant about saying "I don't like LFG tool, so YOU can't have it!"


It's because other people wouldn't be forced to play their way. Not only that, since they are having no problems while others are it's an 'advantage' for them, one that they would lose if the playing field was made to be more accessible and even.


I am immediately suspect of ANYONE who is opposed to more options and playstyles being made available.

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Picking apart several posts...


Yes you can... City of Heroes has cross-server global names and a global friends list, hey had it in the game 7 years ago, and I hear your precious WoW has this now too (called battle tags or whatever.)


This is not a valid argument.


I doubt they will use a system like this. WoW's little cross server one was horrible when it first came out as it exposed your full name. Which was bad because you had small children playing a game where they may not know better than to add everyone as a friend, and like it or not there are predators on the net - who would have loved that system. Believe it was changed with battletag but that was too little too late.


If they use a system like this, I hope they are very careful to keep personal info off the boards (IE, not showing your full first and last name which is what WoW's did.)


Each day I spent about an hour after my dailies trying to find a team and only that one day succeeded. No one does any of the level 50 FPs (which I would love to do to see the story) and they just grind HMs, but it's hard to find teams for those, and half the teams won't let you in unless you're already wearing Tionese/Columni gear ("What's your willpower?" "1150" "Get it up to 1350+ first")... and I'm a HEALER! [Like I said before, it's like those entry-level jobs that won't hire you unless you already have 3-4 years experience, it's elitist and, as Touchbass said, it's a catch 22.]


You really think this goes away with cross server dungeons? It gets worse. Maybe you missed the issues people had with getting kicked in other games due to not being geared enough, or in all epics? I've done dungeons like this where I was full epic, we weren't having issues but one guy was in the best he could get pre-heroics.... and the group kicked him because he wasn't good enough for them. (Even though he did more DPS than both the others we had in group). This is why people are against the cross server LFD.


I've logged in for about 15 minutes each day, didn't feel like grinding dailies, wanted to do FPs.


Really? If there's anything left that you can easily get from dailies that'll help with HMs you should be doing it. I get that you did... 5 days... of grinding to get into end game content, but if there's anything else from dailies you can get for the FPs you should be getting it. Call me elitist if you want for that, but 5 days doesn't seem like a lot of gearing time when other games often have you grinding for multiple weeks, sometimes months. Cross server they'll get just as pissy if you're in blues/greens and won't put forward the effort on your character - in fact, they're usually worse, because they know the chance of running across you again is less.


Yesterday I logged into my City of Heroes account, this is the game I played and loved for years while people were playing WoW. Within 10 minutes I had a team of 8 people and was running a Strikeforce mission (Flashpoint equivalent.) I had alot of fun, remembered how easy it is to get a team together to do team content in that game, remembered that even for regular missions, I was ALWAYS running with a team in that game for ALL the content, and have a BLAST.


That game was built to have the system in play. Make no mistake about that. This was not.


And now I'll just say what the naysayers are going to say to me to save them the trouble:

"So go play City of Heroes"

"Ok, bye in 58 days"

"You're lazy, log in and LFG for an hour and you'll get a team" (there's a very likely chance that even if I did spend an hour LFG I still wouldn't get one.)


Actually, no, that's not what I've said, I think I've only seen that comment made by some of those for the LFD system to those that aren't. Maybe you're not reading what I'm saying and looking at what every other person that's saying 'no, or I'll quit' is saying here. So let me put emphasis this for you since you seem to not get it. Your 'precious city of heros' has given you experience outside of the scope of this game, just as my 'precious wow/ddo/ffxi/ffxiv/lotro/aoc....' has given me experience outside of the scope of what you've done.


After they have put in a LFD tool, and we have seen how well it works. I would be willing - if servers need more for LFD - are given cross server with the option of []cross server []server only.




I feel they have too many other bugs to work out at this time to sit worrying about cross server - I would rather see the other bugs fixed and the server only LFD tool added first.


You that seem to think we're all out to get you on cross server need to take a step back and take a deep breath. Relax, read what's actually being said and stop projecting what the people that are hardline 'no' are saying on me.


Automatic painless loot system: This is possibly the most beautiful part... There is no looting, at all. You don't even have to click bodies and interrupt the flow of gameplay. When an enemy is killed, it has a chance of dropping something, of course, this chance is multiplied by your number of team members (so if the mob has a 2% chance to drop an item, and you're in a team of 8 players, that mob has a 16% chance to drop an item.) Now here's the sweet part... When an item drops, it is automatically deposited into someone's inventory, by round robin. There is no notice to the team, it is private. The loot is distributed fairly, because the same amount always drops per person. No disputing over who gets what, no rolling, no ninjaing, no worries, no stopping the fighting to click bodies... it's complete loot peace of mind.


DDO had chests where it let you loot the chest and everyone got their own loot, but it was public. With BoP items this was ideal because we actually sat and discussed some of those and traded for things more class appropriate.


Also, for the 'destroys community' people: were you or were you not meeting more new and random people after the LFD system was put in place on WoW/rift? Ever think the reason you perceived a 'decrease' in community was that your groups were no longer made up of pre-approved friends and guildees and these 'mean people' just always existed?


Actually, I full pugged things and was happy/surprised when I saw new faces in the 50 brackets. I actually gave out a good bit of the first level epic gear in rift when it was server only. This obviously stopped when cross server LFD came into play - because we couldn't trade, and if they weren't server there was a low chance of seeing them again even if we could. To address the second part of your post (not quoting every line from everyone..) Yes, I can actually point out a few people I knew that turned into complete jerks post-cross server. I also distanced myself from them once it happened. PuGs talked less with cross server and there was more 'go go go' spam than anything out of certain people. Something I know didn't happen as much per-cross server.


Thanks for mentioning that Aeon, before the LFD days in WoW if you wanted to run an instance you had to have a certain gear level that wasn't really that casual friendly to obtain and essentialy had you outgearing the instance. "LFM for College education, most have diploma or no invite". ***? Catch 22 much :(


As for this, I never ran into that 'you must be x gear level or you can't come' with needing to outgear an instance before ever stepping foot into it.


Back to this one...


And really, it's not a big deal for those of you who don't want to team cross server, it would work just like the warzones. You could form a team with people on the server FIRST, then queue up as a group. Problem solved for you. In fact, you wouldn't have to wait after you got your team together, you'd have your team, so you could just get in and go.

Again, instead of 'forcing' the cross server/no cross server issue, let people pick within the ui. []cross server []server only.


Something people forget to mention sometimes, WoW's cross server was changed (not sure if it stayed this way) it takes from your own server first as 'priority' to fill a group, then from cross server. Essentially, if you're seeing people from other servers there either the ones from yours are grouped already, there's pre-mades in lfg that're filling, or you really don't have enough of the various roles/someone else has an abundance of the ones you need.


If given the []cross server []server only option, even looking at it pulling server first for everyone, then filling, those that chose server only would likely have a longer q than those picking cross server. It would be the price they pay for choosing to play only with people on their server.

Edited by Manathayria
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Addition: To me, the option of letting someone choose which way they group, cross server or server only, within the LFD tool would keep more people happy. The reasons?


  • It keeps people using the tool.

  • If they put in the tool, they're going to want to see people using it, they will likely remove the current lfg system, which puts those against it in a bad spot.

  • It gives people the ability to pick and choose how they use it and where it takes them better.

  • There are those that will be happy with having the option, even if it's giving them a much slower q than cross server.

  • It keeps those that don't want to use it from spamming local chat as much. If you were around when RIFT got their cross realm LFD you'd be aware that anyone against the system that used global to find a group was flamed. The same applied to WoW's Cross server LFD. This is absolutely avoidable by doing a system that's based off the old ones, but has new options.


Also, as for OPS being cross realm, with lockouts, unless they follow wow's lead with it being a severely dumbed down version of the op with lower loot, I don't think this would be a wise move. Which, for those unaware of it, WoW's LFR system essentially sets it so you get a chance at one piece of gear off each boss. Once you've won a piece off that boss you cannot get more loot off of it for the rest of the week. However, you can still get loot off of the rest of the bosses in the instance. I'm sure the hardcore players would have a field day with this idea.....

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Then the same problem would exist for end game content. No, I really want it for hard modes too. The only thing I see as MAYBE needing an exception is the Ops.


I was wondering if that might be a problem, people asking for everything. The problem Devolore brought up with Hard mode Dungeons/Flashpoints in WoW was that they had to be nerfed in Cataclysm because most average PUG's just weren't capable of handling any kind of advanced Dungeon tactics. NOT a swipe at PUGS, I prefer PUGS and I prefer "easier" dungeons. I just want to see the content and get some slightly better gear.


Well here is my new compromise. Keeping Hard mode Flashpoints cross-server and adding in new Nightmare level Flashpoints which are same-server. Only problem I see with this will Bioware be willing to add another tier to Flashpoints?




Normal mode leveling Flashpoints

*NEW* Normal mode Level Fifty Flashpoints

Hard Mode Flashpoints

Normal mode Operations



*NEW* Nightmare mode Flashpoints

Hard/Nightmare mode Operations

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You really think this goes away with cross server dungeons? It gets worse. Maybe you missed the issues people had with getting kicked in other games due to not being geared enough, or in all epics? I've done dungeons like this where I was full epic, we weren't having issues but one guy was in the best he could get pre-heroics.... and the group kicked him because he wasn't good enough for them. (Even though he did more DPS than both the others we had in group). This is why people are against the cross server LFD.

But at least there's a better chance of getting teams with people at my same stage in gearing.


Really? If there's anything left that you can easily get from dailies that'll help with HMs you should be doing it. I get that you did... 5 days... of grinding to get into end game content, but if there's anything else from dailies you can get for the FPs you should be getting it. Call me elitist if you want for that, but 5 days doesn't seem like a lot of gearing time when other games often have you grinding for multiple weeks, sometimes months. Cross server they'll get just as pissy if you're in blues/greens and won't put forward the effort on your character - in fact, they're usually worse, because they know the chance of running across you again is less.

I said, all my gear is slotted with level 50-51 purple armoring, hilt, enhancements, mods. Have a purple earpiece. My belt and bracers are lvl 50 blues, but I can't get purples of those without doing FPs. My relics are lvl 50 blues, but I can't craft purple artifacts without getting alloys from HM FP bosses. The only thing left to get from dailies is the implants, but those are 120 x2 commendations, at 27 commendations per day. Yeah i can do dailies for those, but I'm at a good stage of gearing to get into level 50 FPs (which no one does apparently), and I should be able to start the lower hardmodes. I need alloys from hardmodes to make my relics.

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You really think this goes away with cross server dungeons? It gets worse. Maybe you missed the issues people had with getting kicked in other games due to not being geared enough, or in all epics? I've done dungeons like this where I was full epic, we weren't having issues but one guy was in the best he could get pre-heroics.... and the group kicked him because he wasn't good enough for them. (Even though he did more DPS than both the others we had in group). This is why people are against the cross server LFD.


I've had this happen as well. Worst case scenario I get a group, I get booted then I queue back up in get another group in 10 minutes tops. People make it sound like when they would queue up it was getting groups and getting booted for several hours straight.


I can point out in this game alone where I got discriminated for my class because groups were doing 'class' runs. Doesn't mean that is justification to say, hide all class names and only show roles or some such nonsense. Just because its technically possible to abuse something doesn't automatically disqualify it as useful.


"someone somewhere booted me from a group one time because of my gear when things were cross server therefore it is bad!" yeah doesn't work that way. Like I said, correlation does not equal causation. Thats about as much proof against x-server as saying I didn't run into as many mean people before the internet so therefore the internet made people mean.


If 100 in 500 people are jerks same server then 10000 in 50000 people are jerks game wide. More people you run into, the more jerks you are going to run into. Same server you will run into less jerks but you will also run into less people including nice people.


Why don't we just start with a same server LFG finder first and see how it goes? If it takes too long to queue then we can move to cross server.

This is exactly what BW intends to do.

Edited by Neiloch
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I was wondering if that might be a problem, people asking for everything. The problem Devolore brought up with Hard mode Dungeons/Flashpoints in WoW was that they had to be nerfed in Cataclysm because most average PUG's just weren't capable of handling any kind of advanced Dungeon tactics. NOT a swipe at PUGS, I prefer PUGS and I prefer "easier" dungeons. I just want to see the content and get some slightly better gear.


Well here is my new compromise. Keeping Hard mode Flashpoints cross-server and adding in new Nightmare level Flashpoints which are same-server. Only problem I see with this will Bioware be willing to add another tier to Flashpoints?


I don't think it was always them being unable to, quite often the term 'unwilling' could be applied.


Bioware wouldn't necessarily have to add another tier to flashpoints either (depending on current difficulty for people) they may simply give us an easier HM with lower loot rewards. Remember the ones that people don't have issues with right now may be easy simply because of us using tactics, not because of having easy dungeons.


The difference between a pug that wouldn't use tactics, and a pug that did when going through a dungeon such as say... Heroic Magister's terrace in wow was massive. You got face rolled if you didn't use them, but if you did it could be a very smooth run with no deaths.

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I really can't stand this whole 'friends/guild/community' excuse for why we don't need a dungeon finder tool.


You can group with them any time, with or without a tool.


You can get groups using LFG and never speak to anybody beyond the initial invite.


You can join an LFD group and initiate conversation.


If it breaks your heart that nobody wants to respond to you in an LFD group, you have to realize two things: 1) that can happen in a 'regular' group also! and! 2) Nobody in this game has to speak to you if they do not desire to. Just go ahead and leave the group if it bothers you that much, it's not a big deal. They can find another DPS to take your spot.


In wow, i've actually made a ton of cross-server friends using the tool, so your community-killing nonsense goes straight out the window. Besides, you were never a community - you're telling people to find guilds and group with your guild, that's not community. THAT is what is killing your idea of community - the thought that you have to find a small group of individuals to join with so that you can enjoy the games content. You are, yourself, splintering your server into tiny little factions. Good job.


If you can't handle your community becoming larger due to cross-server, well, you can just stick to your guild like you are right now. You're not hurting anybody, and neither am I with my randoms and my cross-server buddies.

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I doubt they will use a system like this. WoW's little cross server one was horrible when it first came out as it exposed your full name. Which was bad because you had small children playing a game where they may not know better than to add everyone as a friend, and like it or not there are predators on the net - who would have loved that system. Believe it was changed with battletag but that was too little too late.


If they use a system like this, I hope they are very careful to keep personal info off the boards (IE, not showing your full first and last name which is what WoW's did.)


Battle Tags should go a long way to alleviate this, as it's just a global "username". And agree Real ID was a godawful idea. Would be nice for Bioware to have made our Legacy names universal for ALL servers, so then we could maybe have added people based off their Legacy name. Though, I now, some people like still being anonymous so they could just turn off the option to allow people to know your Legacy name.



Also, as for OPS being cross realm, with lockouts, unless they follow wow's lead with it being a severely dumbed down version of the op with lower loot, I don't think this would be a wise move. Which, for those unaware of it, WoW's LFR system essentially sets it so you get a chance at one piece of gear off each boss. Once you've won a piece off that boss you cannot get more loot off of it for the rest of the week. However, you can still get loot off of the rest of the bosses in the instance. I'm sure the hardcore players would have a field day with this idea.....


I see nothing wrong with a "dumbed down" version of Operations, as you put it. Some of us aren't *********** A-list gamers and just want to see and play the content and maybe get some loot in the process. Plus Bioware already said they made Normal mode Operations for the casual player. So why not make it like WoW's new Looking For Raid? Cross-server and relatively "easy".

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Besides, you were never a community - you're telling people to find guilds and group with your guild, that's not community. THAT is what is killing your idea of community - the thought that you have to find a small group of individuals to join with so that you can enjoy the games content. You are, yourself, splintering your server into tiny little factions. Good job.


haha exactly. Cliques != community.

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Battle Tags should go a long way to alleviate this, as it's just a global "username". And agree Real ID was a godawful idea. Would be nice for Bioware to have made our Legacy names universal for ALL servers, so then we could maybe have added people based off their Legacy name. Though, I now, some people like still being anonymous so they could just turn off the option to allow people to know your Legacy name.





I see nothing wrong with a "dumbed down" version of Operations, as you put it. Some of us aren't *********** A-list gamers and just want to see and play the content and maybe get some loot in the process. Plus Bioware already said they made Normal mode Operations for the casual player. So why not make it like WoW's new Looking For Raid? Cross-server and relatively "easy".


Dor the universial feature, I'd disagree, It would ruin peoples options for picking last name, everyone with the last name 'Cake' would have to change it. ETC.

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I don't think it was always them being unable to, quite often the term 'unwilling' could be applied.


Unwilling or unable, what's the difference? I get that you seem to not like people that aren't up to your level of skill, but either way PUGS were having a hard time with the content. Thus, Blizzard should have added Leveling Dungeons for levels 80 to 84, Normal Level 85 dungeons, and then had Hard Level 85 dungeons that were perhaps NOT in the LFD interface. (All this from Devolore on Tankspot, btw. Not my original idea).

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After they have put in a LFD tool, and we have seen how well it works. I would be willing - if servers need more for LFD - are given cross server with the option of []cross server []server only.

That option for people who only want to team on server would automatically be in a cross server system, all you would have to do is preform your team then queue as a group like in warzones.


I feel they have too many other bugs to work out at this time to sit worrying about cross server - I would rather see the other bugs fixed and the server only LFD tool added first.

There will always be bugs. I would gladly hold off and wait for bug fixes to actually be able to team up and play the game. As it is now, I can't play. I don't have the time energy or patience to wait an hour to get a team, it's stressing me out and boring me, that's not fun, it's making me lose interest in this game, so I don't bother trying anymore, until I am given a way to get a team. A game should not be a source of stress, and definitely should not cause boredom. I am literally not playing last 5 days, and I don't think I will unless they put this tool in for me. I'm completely fed up.



You that seem to think we're all out to get you on cross server need to take a step back and take a deep breath. Relax, read what's actually being said and stop projecting what the people that are hardline 'no' are saying on me.

I didn't say you personally were "out to get me", but many of us are sick of the people who selfishly want to deny us what we need to make this game fun. Even though they simply don't have to use it if they don't want to and it doesn't harm them.




DDO had chests where it let you loot the chest and everyone got their own loot, but it was public. With BoP items this was ideal because we actually sat and discussed some of those and traded for things more class appropriate.

Yeah I played DDO for a few months, I liked the chest situation. Only reason I stopped playing that is I didn't want to pay for the extra quests and I didn't feel it was worth paying another subscription for (I was already paying monthly for CoH, and two accounts for Anarchy Online, which I still played with my girlfriend at the time.) But yeah, it was a decent game.

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Dor the universial feature, I'd disagree, It would ruin peoples options for picking last name, everyone with the last name 'Cake' would have to change it. ETC.


I just used Legacy as an example to make it easier for Bioware to leverage an existing system to be similar to Blizzard's upcoming Battle Tags system. They can create a whole new system, if they feel that is better. Either way they will probably need to make a system for friend-ing people cross-server at some point, to help with the sense of "community".

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Finding a group can take anywhere between 1-15 minutes.


I've never ahd any problem. I go to town shout "LF__M for _____: Need ___ and _____"

eg. LF3M DPS+Heals+Tank for Athiss


etc, always have whispers coming in.


And because you're not having a problem, on your server, at the time you play... SUPPOSEDLY... then no one else could possibly be having a problem finding a team, on their server, at the time they play.... That's what you're saying, right? Like a dozen other BSers before you in this thread.


I really am getting annoyed with people who come in here and say this same unsympathetic nonsense.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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I just used Legacy as an example to make it easier for Bioware to leverage an existing system to be similar to Blizzard's upcoming Battle Tags system.


Or Bioware can log into City of Heroes and see how a cross-server global chat name and global friends list system, which has been working perfectly with no need for modification for 7 years, works. :)

Edited by AeonWeapon
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Found some fun links about how the "community" fight is still going on in WoW. :D


mmo-champion: (scroll down the page past the Pet Battle info)



And a direct link to the thread with Blizzard supporting their tools and pretty much putting it to the people who think "community" was better before LFD.



So basically, this fight WILL NEVER END! ;):rolleyes:


Here's a link to the first Bizz post saying the OP's opinion is subjective.


Edited by BlueSkittles
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I have news for some people... WoW is not the MMO standard, it's not the best quality MMO, it's not the one with the most features, it is not the one that invented LFG features... it's only the most popular MMO, that does not indicate anything other than "popularity begets popularity" and aggressive marketing. You need only turn on the television or the radio or go to a movie theater to realize that alot of complete and utter trash becomes popular and that the majority of people don't always like the best. Alot of great, high quality things go unrecognized simply because people don't look outside of what happens to be popular. Most popular does not mean best. Many of us have played other great MMOs with great quality features, and seen them succeed AND maintain community using features like this. Just because bad things MAY have happened in WoW, even if they DID, doesn't mean they would in other MMOs or other "communities".


Example: Star Wars is kind of popular, but only with a fringe crowd... You know what's more popular these days? Harry Potter and Twilight. Does that mean they're better than Star Wars? Hell no...

Edited by AeonWeapon
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That option for people who only want to team on server would automatically be in a cross server system, all you would have to do is preform your team then queue as a group like in warzones.

Why are you so against the idea of someone being able to not preform, but just queue and say they want to be paired with people local server? This doesn't have to be seperate queues, and probably means that hey are going to be in the queue longer because of their preference.


I didn't say you personally were "out to get me", but many of us are sick of the people who selfishly want to deny us what we need to make this game fun. Even though they simply don't have to use it if they don't want to and it doesn't harm them.

I ask you again why would you be against an option for people to choose to queue locally with nobody in their group just a check box? This isn't saying no dungeon finder or no cross server just purely the option to queue as fits you.

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Again, instead of 'forcing' the cross server/no cross server issue, let people pick within the ui. []cross server []server only.


Something people forget to mention sometimes, WoW's cross server was changed (not sure if it stayed this way) it takes from your own server first as 'priority' to fill a group, then from cross server. Essentially, if you're seeing people from other servers there either the ones from yours are grouped already, there's pre-mades in lfg that're filling, or you really don't have enough of the various roles/someone else has an abundance of the ones you need.


If given the []cross server []server only option, even looking at it pulling server first for everyone, then filling, those that chose server only would likely have a longer q than those picking cross server. It would be the price they pay for choosing to play only with people on their server.


Besides, you were never a community - you're telling people to find guilds and group with your guild, that's not community. THAT is what is killing your idea of community - the thought that you have to find a small group of individuals to join with so that you can enjoy the games content.

As for finding guilds in lfg... I found my guild in LFG in both WoW and Rift. That didn't cause me to stop pugging, nor did it cause me to only group with them. Generally WoW's cross server hasn't been amazingly friendly and I personally hadn't made friends cross realm (mind you, this was pre battle tag). If you assume that everyone runs only guild instances while in guild....


I am critical of the cross server because I know there are people against it. It should not 'hurt' the community to allow for both cross and server only groups through the same LFD tool. Understand, I am just as likely to hit cross server LFD as server only LFD when it comes out, all dependent on how I feel at the time.


That said... an issue that would have to be addressed as far as loot is companions. While it's rather hard to 'ninja loot' something, I'm fairly sure those for the finder are going to be rather peeved when the drop they're hunting for as a STR based class gets taken by the Wis based class 'because my companion can use it'. Which means they'll need to put in an option for loot that disables you from rolling on what you cannot use/is not for your class. WoW fixed this by making certain things limited to the classes that need the stats from them.


I see nothing wrong with a "dumbed down" version of Operations, as you put it. Some of us aren't *********** A-list gamers and just want to see and play the content and maybe get some loot in the process. Plus Bioware already said they made Normal mode Operations for the casual player. So why not make it like WoW's new Looking For Raid? Cross-server and relatively "easy".

Agreed with nothing being wrong with the 'dumbed down' version.


It keeps those that don't want to use it from spamming local chat as much. If you were around when RIFT got their cross realm LFD you'd be aware that anyone against the system that used global to find a group was flamed. The same applied to WoW's Cross server LFD. This is absolutely avoidable by doing a system that's based off the old ones, but has new options.

That option for people who only want to team on server would automatically be in a cross server system, all you would have to do is preform your team then queue as a group like in warzones.

Eh.. refer to above. I'm suggesting something that will keep both sides happy and makes the compromise without opening either side to flaming in game. Just like you guys are tired of seeing people screaming and digging in to say no, I'm tired of people that think that the old black and white solution is the only one, but neglect to remember or be aware of what happened on release of that system in other new games (IE cross server similar to WoW's being used in Rift).



I can point out in this game alone where I got discriminated for my class because groups were doing 'class' runs. Doesn't mean that is justification to say, hide all class names and only show roles or some such nonsense. Just because its technically possible to abuse something doesn't automatically disqualify it as useful.

It seemed they changed drops so that they are not focused on class specific last patch. Is this maybe why? Buddy of mine was soloing dungeons to get cosmetic gear and after 5 runs they ran into several BH items and Marauder items... they're a sorc. Not entirely sure how the low level instance drop rates compare vs high level. Would be interesting to see.


*The reason I keep returning to wow as an example is, and lets be honest, it is probably one of the bigger most successful MMOs. They are not the standard, however, if you threw a penny at a large gathering of gamers, your likely hood of hitting someone that played WoW at some point is probably higher than any other MMO. It is the gateway 'drug' of mmos before you move on to bigger and better things.

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This doesn't have to be seperate queues, and probably means that hey are going to be in the queue longer because of their preference.


You nailed it. This is exactly what I was meaning with the '[]cross server []server only' checks. I guess I may not have been clear enough.

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