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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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This is the cutest/sweetest/most-innocent post for an anti-LFD I've seen yet. And I almost don't want a LFD just to keep you in your little bubble of fun and joy.

(and the *********** EQ boats sucked).


I kinda feel the same way, the last thing I would want to do is hurt that kind of a persons gameplay. Btw Good Morning Blue, what has you up so early? I'm stuck at work personally >_>

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You're not trying to find "workable solutions". You think that the ONLY solution is a sloth friendly, ADHD compliant cross server NPC finder.


Yes, I do think that it is the only real solution and many otheres are waking up to that reality. Why do you care so much about my personal game decisions? Do you have a hard on for moi? You've been unable to provide any causation to why a LFD is bad, just mild correlation which isn't evidence and a sour **** of a attitude.


I'd be personally fine with an internal tool or a revamped tool but I have never seen one that works. You can't do anything about not having players online, but with a cross LFD you can.

Edited by Touchbass
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That was perhaps a bit unfair to use the nuclear weapon (that quoted sentence), but it sums it up.


No one is asking for NPC's to clear content for them, you shouldn't feed his trolling. He's been unable to amount any sort of argument on these forums and thus has resulted to trolling.

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I really appreciate how the Devs are both responsive to the community's requests, but still confident in their design decisions as to why they left certain features out.


Seems a lot of people keep saying "Gimme Gimme Gimme!" without thinking the process through the entire way.


Good job, BW! Keep it up!

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How am I trolling? Cross sever LFD is the equivalent of getting NPCs to assist you in your FPs. NPCs would be even faster though and thus more amazingly awesome for those unable or unwilling to even pretend that there could be other options.


I apologize if you weren't trolling, but it appeared to me at first that you were saying what some others have said "you just want one button loot pinatas".


Why I don't want just 3 other NPC companions to accompany me is that the experience just isn't the same. For example, I love the game Left 4 Dead. Being able to roam through a town with four friends, strangers, or any other kind of people killing the **** outta zombies was an absolute blast. Of course, I would run into some idiots online who would do stupid things, but when it was fun, it was REALLY fun! Same can be said for WoW and it's LFD. Sure I've had **** groups, but like Touchbass said, a vast majority have been great or even amazing. And I want that same experience in SWTOR. That's all. I'm not asking for the *********** moon or for SWTOR to become a sandbox game. I just would like things to be a LITTLE bit easier to get into a group for GROUP PVE content.

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I apologize if you weren't trolling, but it appeared to me at first that you were saying what some others have said "you just want one button loot pinatas".


Why I don't want just 3 other NPC companions to accompany me is that the experience just isn't the same. For example, I love the game Left 4 Dead. Being able to roam through a town with four friends, strangers, or any other kind of people killing the **** outta zombies was an absolute blast. Of course, I would run into some idiots online who would do stupid things, but when it was fun, it was REALLY fun! Same can be said for WoW and it's LFD. Sure I've had **** groups, but like Touchbass said, a vast majority have been great or even amazing. And I want that same experience in SWTOR. That's all. I'm not asking for the *********** moon or for SWTOR to become a sandbox game. I just would like things to be a LITTLE bit easier to get into a group for GROUP PVE content.


Sorry maybe it is being on a RP server PVE but my main is level 48 now and I never never not gotten a group when needed, maybe it is my personality, maybe it is because instead of LFG DPS XXX KODSO I actually talk to people, ask how there day was, make a few jokes have some fun by the end of it I usually have new friends or people asking to be my apprentice but nope never not actually been able to get a group in SWTOR.

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I think there are 6 different groups of people in regards to this issue


1) People who only play at prime time and don't recognize this as a issue


2) People on low population/republic servers that are screaming "save me"


3) People who play 4-5 hours per session so prolonged group making isn't an issue


4) People who are fine with not being able to run a group if no one is available


5) People who have limited playtime and can't afford to waste time meandering around


6) The lazy, bad apple part of the population that ruins communities


I wish people would realize that the majority of people asking for LFD are 2) and 5), not 6)

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Sorry maybe it is being on a RP server PVE but my main is level 48 now and I never never not gotten a group when needed, maybe it is my personality, maybe it is because instead of LFG DPS XXX KODSO I actually talk to people, ask how there day was, make a few jokes have some fun by the end of it I usually have new friends or people asking to be my apprentice but nope never not actually been able to get a group in SWTOR.


Players like you make this game a really special place and I mean that. There are so many mitigating factors why people can't find groups it'd be impossible to list them all. If you get a chance, someone made a repost of my thoughts on the idea on page 6 if you'd like to read a bit more about the other side. Cheers and happy gaming

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I think there are 6 different groups of people in regards to this issue


1) People who only play at prime time and don't recognize this as a issue


2) People on low population/republic servers that are screaming "save me"


3) People who play 4-5 hours per session so prolonged group making isn't an issue


4) People who are fine with not being able to run a group if no one is available


5) People who have limited playtime and can't afford to waste time meandering around


6) The lazy, bad apple part of the population that ruins communities


I wish people would realize that the majority of people asking for LFD are 2) and 5), not 6)


+1 This! 1000x this! We're not ALL rapists and child molesters who want to steal your candy.


And hey Touch. Good to see you fighting the good fight.

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Um. What?



Assuming I read this ridiculous analogy properly, it's stupid.


A more appropriate analogy would be:


Calling your friend's house from Bioware? Too bad, there is no such thing as a phone. Get off your fat arse, be more social, run over to their house and shout at them from the street; that's social. Phones are for people that are lazy and antisocial.


That is the best analogy I have ever read.

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This is really, at the heart of it, false.


If an LFD-style system is set up, people will use it. Those people will then be removed from the pool of people who run things under the current system, making it even more difficult to put a group together that way.


If such a system is implemented, that will be how you get PUGs. You won't be able to do it the old way any more, at least not without a lot more effort, which is why I think the way it gets implemented is critical, and I really hope it doesn't work like the ones in WoW and Rift.


Having a system is not, in itself, really a good or bad thing, but the system wouldn't as optional as you're making it out to be. I would effect everyone.


The inclusion of a cross server LFD tool doesn't make finding pugs the old fashioned way any more or less difficult. You're still able to spam general chat for group mates. No one gets removed from the pool of potential pug members just because LFD gets added.


It is still entirely optional.


Basically, the point you're arguing is 'if BW makes an LFD tool, everyone will use it, therefore, no one will ever pug the old fashioned way'. There's two things wrong with that statement: A) Its false, and B) Its another way of saying 'it will be so wildly popular that no one will want to run pugs the old fashioned way'.


People are still free to pug the old fashioned way. There is absolutely nothing stopping you (the general 'you') from forming groups through chat channels with the inclusion of an LFD. And in fact if WoW is any indicator, it happens pretty regularly (or did before I quit prior to Cata's release). But for every person who doesn't have the time, patience or just flat out doesn't want to form groups through chat channels, you're saying 'tough luck'.

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Ok let me clear things up from my point of view. I do NOT believe the current General Spam is good. TBH right now in the game there is a tool available (not the most polished) that would allow you to detach yourself from fleet and go do anything you wish elsewhere. The reason why it happens and has gotten to a point of a need is because people refuse to adapt to a different system.


Answer me this. You are a DPS wanting to do Hard Mode Black Talon or Esseles. You open up the search window and type "LFG HM" and see a list of say 20 people. You look at the comments and see 3 tanks, 5 healers and 12 DPS including yourself can you or can you not form a group?


  • Do you have to be in fleet?
  • Do you have to repeat DPS LFG <whatever> over and over?
  • If you decide to take the initiative to be the party leader do you even have to wait?


No to all of the above.


The other thing is we're talking about gamers here, and no matter how much they say you're being lazy for wanting X, Y or Z. That you're lazy to want EZ mode. Almost ALL will use the easier system, farm the dumbed down content, use whatever trick/loophole/oversite to get ahead. Just take a look at Ilum. Do you think it was the casuals that were reaping the rewards of the mishap that happened? No. So if a fully automated cross server system is implemented it will pretty much be longer to use the (quite flawed and don't know why they use it) General Chat Spam or any system that wouldn't be in place to not use an automated cross server system.


Touch you mentioned making friends on other servers with the RealID which is cool. The thing is we do not have that here. I had one problem with the RealID. I had to use the e-mail address tied to the account. I couldn't register a different e-mail address with my RealID, but that's my personal paranoia issue. When I did use it I only used it for VERY close friends not any and everyone and certainly not some random person I met in LFG. As I said my personal paranoia issues.


The main reason as I see it why people say it ruins the community is that people are more anonymous and regardless of their actions the system will place them on a group. They don't have to worry about gaining a bad rep cause they'll get a party anyway. The community can't deal with these idiots by excluding them from the group content and having him/her a social leper in a social game. When you look at the forums people claim the game is lacking social interactions and even though I disagree with them, a fully automated cross server system is a step away from social interaction.

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I never had any problem finding a group.

I'm 100% PU, no guild.


Since game launch, that LFG tool had no chance to be a priority for us, and for the dev team.

Today that's clear that this envy (not a need because a need concerns only something vital), to have a LFG Tool has sunk deep down on the priority list.


Claiming for such a tool, today, is silly.

Look downstairs, the house is burning.

I maintain that the lack of a LFD tool has caused more people to get frustrated and leave the game than any other issue the game has.


Why would anyone in their right mind think that most people want to play a game where after the first couple of Heroics and FPs it's already very clear that a huge amount of their time is going to be spent spamming LFG messages and/or waiting for groups to find healers and tanks? This game isn't in a bubble of 7 years ago. People know that the competition will at least enable them to PLAY the game.

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Please get this in place soon. I have to say, this game is amazing, I love it and want to keep playing, standing around for hours looking to do anything though is killing the game.


I have played all MMOs (mainstream) released to date and unfortunatly have bought every CE that has been available. This game has such potential, but if people are bored, they quit. If people cannot just que for a group, they will go back to a game they can until you impliment it.


A system is not that hard to add, and I am disappointed this was not in at release, I meant games like AoC, STO, DC, and many other free to plays have a better system already and they are not even large companies compared to Bioware. I think you guys should have investigated more into what makes an MMO last, this is not an insult, I just feel it is a lazy way to program a game.


Content is great, do not get me wrong, but why add a new flashpoint with no lfg system ? to me it is counter productive, what good is 50 instances if it is impossible to find people to run it with.


Anyhow I am resubbing because I want this game to succeed, but if nothing soon, I cannot be bothered, cpl more months max.


Take care and thanks for at least understanding we need this.

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i see ninjalooters, trolls and players behaving bad/rude ect, already want lfd finders since no one on their server wants them in their groups/ops anymore.


well thats your fault, should have behaved yourself better.


pro tip roll on a new server and be nice.

I call "storytelling" on you. I do that because in my 12+ years of online gaming the worst ninja looting I ever saw going on was WoW pre-LFD tool. I saw two occasions of it after the LFD tool was implemented after leveling 5 characters. The worst trolls and players behaving badly was hands down original UO, then second would be WoW pre-LFD tool.


In SWTOR I've seen a couple of occasions where people tried to "police" someone by calling their name out in general for bad behavior. The people themselves were the ones told they were getting put on ignore. No one cares about your vendettas. They don't care because most know that 90% of the time that's all it is, a petty vendetta that has nothing to do with ninja looting or bad behavior being acted on.

Edited by Umbral
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You're not trying to find "workable solutions". You think that the ONLY solution is a sloth friendly, ADHD compliant cross server NPC finder.
I'd say you're the one that's slothful since you just want to sit around on your butt and spam the same message over and over instead of, you know, actually getting a group and doing the work to clear the content. I'd say that it was you that was ADHD because you can't concentrate long enough to actually do the heroics and FPs properly with your class, and are afraid of a LFD tool because if it's easier for people to get in groups they won't feel trapped in bad groups with bad players that don't know what they're doing. You know, groups filled with the types of people that are subscribing to a virtual world chat room, not an online game. Edited by Umbral
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