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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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My biggest problem with the game? my BIGGEST problem?


Surely, and this is the clear winner, it must be the shower of fools that have nothing better to do but bash the game constantly on the forums.


How small must a persons life be, that they would buy a game for 50 euro, and then pay a fee for a game they hate, just so they can complain about it on the forums, in the hope of getting some attention?


Pretty. Small.

Edited by Anomagnus
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My list:


  1. The haters, wow/blizzard/rift fan boys, and general idiots on the forums
  2. Missing High Rez Textures
  3. User interface
  4. GTN interface


I'm not an apologist or an Bioware fan. I know the game has its issues, what i listed are what I think are its worst and what detract from it for me; however, none of that I listed has diminished my enjoyment of the game to the point that I would quit. I am loving the game. I rolled a SW Jugg and found at 50 that i really didn't enjoy the play-style so I'm rerolling a IA Op medic and enjoying it much more. Did I do all these same quests just 2 weeks ago? Sure, but they are still fun, even the voiceovers. My personal feelings are that this is a good game, despite its many flaws, and is well worth playing and paying $15 a month for. I am enjoying myself and that's whats important to me.:)

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If you had truly read my old posts, you'd understand I've stated many times that I am an ex SWTOR fanboy :).




No really, read your own posts. You contradict yourself around here in regards to things you say even about Wow.


It's kind of embarrassing to watch.

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My biggest problem with the game? my BIGGEST problem?


Surely, and this is the clear winner, it must be the shower of fools that have nothing better to do but bash the game constantly on the forums.


How small must a persons life be, that they would buy a game for 50 euro, and then pay a fee for a game they hate, just so they can complain about it on the forums, in the hope of getting some attention?


Pretty. Small.


Or perhaps they bought the game in hopes of it being good, and found it to be quite terrible. Displeased with the product, they post on the forums so perhaps one day, BW can fix the game and they can play again?


Nah, that'd never be it :rolleyes:

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No really, read your own posts. You contradict yourself around here in regards to things you say even about Wow.


It's kind of embarrassing to watch.


What part of ex SWTOR fan boy don't you understand?


I was blinded from the truth.


After hitting end game, I realized just how bad this game was.

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BF3, Skyrim capped at 60fps @ 1680x1050 with high settings, also with the overclock i'm on pair with stock non OC'd 560's performance wise (not Ti).


Try again.



you must have the settings turned down or using a lower resolution if your getting the performance you say you are in those games with that card.

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we can start comparing to LotRO if you like.


i started it yesterday and you know what it told me ?


"You can use DirectX11 grafix, want to ?"


I choosed yes and i finally saw my new gtx 560.

SWTOR only managed to crash my computer with the new card, but not always, just sometimes.


YOU started it yesterday, but the game itself started in 2007... If you are under the impression that the game was bug free one month after launch, it becomes apparent you where not first in line when you 'choosed' your brain.


So while we are comparing the two games, lets take the LotRO patch notes from 25 October 2007, 6 months after launch :


The word 'Fix' or 'Fixed' occurs 38 times in them. One even associated with a frequent crash, and some others with graphical issues.


Does that make LotRO a bad game? Oh please no! There is no such thing as perfect software, and reading about fixing bugs is better then reading about them not fixing it.

Does it make YOU look silly for comparing a month old MMO to a 4 and a half year old MMO? well...

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What part of ex SWTOR fan boy don't you understand?


I was blinded from the truth.


After hitting end game, I realized just how bad this game was.


You didn't notice until 50?


You'd think it would be obvious if the game was so bad. Troll on.

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That statement is simply untrue. Maybe you should post a fraps of Caspian Border doing 60 fps to prove me wrong ?




This is my old video in Skyrim playing at highest settings @ 1680x1050, i rarely drop below 40fps and keep in mind that the streaming software is huge CPU drain and its cutting fps ALOT.


I'm too lazy to install BF3 just to prove you're wrong.

Edited by Kelcior
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You didn't notice until 50?


You'd think it would be obvious if the game was so bad. Troll on.


No, because all I did between 1-50 is quest. The quests are alright, but other than class quests.. it's very VERY grindy (just like 99% of other mmos really).

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What part of ex SWTOR fan boy don't you understand?


I was blinded from the truth.


After hitting end game, I realized just how bad this game was.


That's shouldn't change what you say about Wow between then and now.



Like I said, hypocrite. No credibility.

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What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


I have a HUGE list, personally.. but if I had to name one:


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


Your turn :)



Clunky UI?

Low res textures?


Horrible draw distance on foliage, looks like your in a giant chia pet growing in fast forward?

UI bugs like a 4th crew skill and not being able to zone intoa instance?


I don't know...I must have missed one....


The WORST thing you ask? That's a tough one.

Edited by Your_dominus
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Honestly, if you have such a long list of complaints, why do you play?


1) I don't play anymore.


2) It's called constructive criticism. Do you realize 'haters' like us are actually more beneficial to the SWTOR future, than fan boys like yourself?

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No, because all I did between 1-50 is quest. The quests are alright, but other than class quests.. it's very VERY grindy (just like 99% of other mmos really).


I've seen your rants, you've listed all kinds of "problems" that should have bothered you from the beginning if you aren't trolling.


Sorry troll your story doesn't add up at all. You even said the game is "quite terrible" earlier in the thread. Fail troll is fail.

Edited by Gohlar
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