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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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Worst thing, the game is so good even the people who hate it can't stop posting about it. What a sad sad life huh.


What do you think the worst thing in-game is? (other than community [which is simply a way to avoid the question for you.. erm.. fanboys]).

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Orbital stations.


Actually... zone to zone travel as a whole needs to be rethought. You should have a "skill" that zones you directly into your ship. Call it, "Emergency Extraction" or something.

Edited by PibbyPib
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For mine,


How they didnt release pvp in a tier format has me staggered. IMO that would have to be the worse decsion ever. It brakes pvp imo, people say a freash 50 can be beaten by a level 11 ?????


How and this is an example to what they need to fix


A 50 BH comes up against a level 11 Commando


The BH as all his abilitys ( tracer missile)


The commando has what ?



Dead commando, yeah the commando will be able to make a dent to the BH but will lose 9 times out of 10 soley for the fact he will have what, 3 attacks compared the BH complete list of abilitys to go against. The above example then dosent count for the gear as well, throw that in and wow!


Thats really my only complaint, im sure the 50's groan when they see sub 20's pvping in there groups as well so it cuts both ways


Tier pvp, give the 50's there own braket


Please sweet Jesus give us 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 PVP!


Do that then the game is a 9 out of 10 for me :)

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Meh, im having a ton of fun in the game with the wife and my guild and all of my friends that came over from wow so I cant say that there are any issues.


My pc is now 5 months old (Jeez how time has flown lol, I remember Building this ultimate gaming rig) My wife's computer is older



4 gb ddr2 ram


GTS 250


Yet the game runs perfectly on her computer as well as mine on max settings including shadows.


As far as bugs are concerned, we have just now at level 44 ran into one small bug so I guess you can say, that when talking to us thats the worst thing.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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The fact that there is nothing to discourage people from zerging on the Empire side, nor does it appear that BioWare thinks it's a problem that Republic is outnumbered 3:1 on some servers.


Do they really not think it's a problem?


That's one of the big issues with SWTOR right now.

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World Design, hands down. not the look, lighting, shading, quest content. just the design layout and the means of travelling in between hubs and quests.


Its archaic, bland, lifeless and provides almost zero scope for exploration.


Wow, really? I love the design of this game and I heard many people say good things about the stunning design. Never have I played an MMO where I just want to take a few minutes and just look around.

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What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


I have a HUGE list, personally.. but if I had to name one:


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


Your turn :)


The community's constant QQ'ing about the game. They seem to think every aspect is flawed. That is simply not true.

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You know the thing that really gets me: the broken codex. It takes the fun out of exploring when you know you're just going to have to go back and do it again when they fix everything, or you spend 6 hours looking for something that is broken and unfindable.
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50 people on planet = no lag. 90 people = lag. Attacks comes seconds after, even when mob is dead my character jumps and fire.


No Trooper class for Imperials.


Poor character creation. Females can't be fat. Can't be short. Not much hair. In the end we all end up looking the same. SWG had much better options here.


No alien races to play other then Twi'leks and they can't even fix the tentacles on them... something Sony did with SWG years ago...


Clunky combat. Something just don't feel right here.


Mobs die too fast. Do I kill them by just looking at them? Do I need any skills at all?


Only one space ship? Hello? It's Star Wars!


More solo, single play feel then a MMO.


Map is a bit wierd, could use an update to show you better where to go and so on. The icons are too small etc.


Can't see any red dot's of enemys on the radar? Maybe I missed something in the option?


Story don't change the world... give me a skip button.


No real world PvP. No city to take over or bases. No war. We just look different.


And I HATE that I can't jump over a edge or a bridge etc. Invisible walls... god I hate them so much. No freedom to move or explore. Planets look very nice, but can only run in a tunnel like a rat.


Graphics are not the best, makes WoW look good sometimes. Don't know what happen here...


Still enjoy it a little... not sure I will stay for long. Might change when friends join... IF they do...

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