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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Worst thing about SWTOR?


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I love the game. I poke fun at some of the silly things that still need worked out. As it is now, the worst thing about SWTOR is the level of sensitivity mods are showing for criticism of the game. Even the harmless pokes at things that are really, really funny that are in the game. Like this:


-Dear stickyricky,

-You have received a warning at STAR WARS: The Old Republic.


For posting:


Original Post: Top 5 mob names in the game!



Raid Boss Monster 1

Raid Boss Monster 2

Raid Boss Monster 3

Raid Boss Monster 4

Raid Boss Monster 5

Edited by stickyricky
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as far as the game goes so far ability delay but hey they are fixing that :D


You explained it better than me!


I have been having a blast and decided to peek into the forums today and wow!

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The whining forum posters


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as far as the game goes so far ability delay but hey they are fixing that :D


good to see someone who shares my view 100%


Nothing terrible with the game. Would like to see the ability delay adressed for it to be even more fun.


Hopefully the forum issue will also be adressed come the 20th and we will be able to fully enjoy and contribute to the improvement of this great game. :)

Edited by Nemmar
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Who cares what game you choose? Little to win, and nothing to lose. I advise incense and peppermints to alleviate your disdain for this game.


Cheer up bud, better things lie on the horizon than just mere virtual games. Go outside and have a ball!


But it's winter here.. and winters suck.


It gets to like -45 C here.. which is -49 F (for you americans).


Although it's been pretty nice so far, coldest it's gotten is only -20 something (-4 F)

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Your graphics card is a piece of garbage, and it's weighing your entire system down.


My biggest complaint would be that the story is awesome but that story "points of entry" on some planets are too few and far between. I would have preferred more story "impacts" (i.e. individual story-related quests), even if they were nothing more than simple dialogue interactions.

yeah i was thinking the same thing about his computer and have to agree with EA on this one.
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<1 gig memory on card makes it a dinosaur.


Try again.


Do you even know how GPU Memory works? I dont need 1GB as i'm not playing on Full HD and higher resolutions.


Also MSI Afterburner says the game is using around 500MB VRAM.


Try again.

Edited by Kelcior
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hard earned gear vanishing into thin air. 5 minute loading screens. no lfg tool. the ui from eq1. customer service taking a week to respond to problems, or just not responding at all.


yeah. packin' it up and moving back to Telara. this game is bunk.

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hard earned gear vanishing into thin air. 5 minute loading screens. no lfg tool. the ui from eq1. customer service taking a week to respond to problems, or just not responding at all.


yeah. packin' it up and moving back to Telara. this game is bunk.


Hard earned gear vanishing?


Is that real? That really sucks if it's true.

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- No addons


Damage Meters made DPS so much more enjoyable. Without any indicator of damage, I really don't have "solid" way to better my playstyle/rotation, and that really sucks.


Not being able to compete with my buddies is really crappy as well. :mad:


I need a customizable UI at the least!

And to people who say "Addons usually make UIs look messy!".



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- No addons


Damage Meters made DPS so much more enjoyable. Without any indicator of damage, I really don't have "solid" way to better my playstyle/rotation, and that really sucks.


Not being able to compete with my buddies is really crappy as well. :mad:


I need a customizable UI at the least!

And to people who say "Addons usually make UIs look messy!".




Can't say I disagree. Addons are a big part of a game (Atleast, they should be!)

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Yeah, too bad my GPU usage is around 20-40% on the warzones/fleet.


"Forum experts". :cool:


You're doing something wrong if you're getting 5-10fps on fleets, I have a phenom 955 @ stock clocks and a slightly underclocked 6870 ( as the Vram has become unstable at stock clocks - need to RMA) and I get no lower than 25fps in fleets even when there are 250 people there

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Papazooki, I'd just like to say you're quite the hypocrite:





It's pretty clear EA/Bioware hurt your feelings, but seriously man, you should read your own posts from just a few weeks ago.


If you had truly read my old posts, you'd understand I've stated many times that I am an ex SWTOR fanboy :).



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You're doing something wrong if you're getting 5-10fps on fleets, I have a phenom 955 @ stock clocks and a slightly underclocked 6870 ( as the Vram has become unstable at stock clocks - need to RMA) and I get no lower than 25fps in fleets even when there are 250 people there


It's not rocket science, my CPU is bottleneck as the game engine is garbage.

No matter what graphic settings i set there is no fps improvement, which proves my theory.

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