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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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The problem is the way you approach this subject. If you want people to give you straight forward answers without all the nonsense in between, then you cannot appear biased from the start.


Try Titling it something like:


-- Rate features 1 - 10 and average them out

-- Best and Worst Features. Tell us yours!

-- List out all of the features and have everyone rate them.

-- Create a top ten list in order of importance.

-- Areas you would like fixed


See how those sound less biased? They don't immediately put people on the defensive with you simply by the title.


Secondly, you can't claim that anyone who enjoys this game is a fanboy just because you aren't.


Yes, there are fan boys out there, and there are regular MMO fans that also enjoy this game, not just one or the other, this isn't black and white.


Who is here?

Pre-20th -- Everyone free on forums who spent $5.00, includes those who dislike the game completely.


Post-20th -- Those with enough interest in the game willing to spend the money on subscription.


What does this mean?

It means that those who are still here most likely want this game to succeed. It also means that MOST of the pollution in the forums will disappear. There will still be complaint threads, and people who dislike the game. The sheer volume will drop dramatically though, and that will create a much friendlier environment to play in.


Unbiased, without emotion, constructive threads is what this game needs to build a good community.


^This post contains far too much logic, common sense and maturity. It very well may cause the forums to self-implode! :D



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Originally Posted by djsmileey



The problem is the way you approach this subject. If you want people to give you straight forward answers without all the nonsense in between, then you cannot appear biased from the start.


Try Titling it something like:


-- Rate features 1 - 10 and average them out

-- Best and Worst Features. Tell us yours!

-- List out all of the features and have everyone rate them.

-- Create a top ten list in order of importance.

-- Areas you would like fixed


See how those sound less biased? They don't immediately put people on the defensive with you simply by the title.


Secondly, you can't claim that anyone who enjoys this game is a fanboy just because you aren't.


Yes, there are fan boys out there, and there are regular MMO fans that also enjoy this game, not just one or the other, this isn't black and white.


Who is here?

Pre-20th -- Everyone free on forums who spent $5.00, includes those who dislike the game completely.


Post-20th -- Those with enough interest in the game willing to spend the money on subscription.


What does this mean?

It means that those who are still here most likely want this game to succeed. It also means that MOST of the pollution in the forums will disappear. There will still be complaint threads, and people who dislike the game. The sheer volume will drop dramatically though, and that will create a much friendlier environment to play in.


Unbiased, without emotion, constructive threads is what this game needs to build a good community.


^This post contains far too much logic, common sense and maturity. It very well may cause the forums to self-implode! :D




I agree completely, that post was COMPLETELY objective and is totally logical, funny how the OP won't respond to it.

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Name one game that has personal stories for each of it's classes that are fully voiced, has multiple dialogue options, and has different endings based on said dialogue options (note that this only includes MMOs).


Name one game that has a system in place that allows your characters to have relationships to each (e.g. Your alt is married to your main character, your other alt is their son) that persists and has rewards.


Those amazing dialogue options that change the endings? I'm not seeing it. At least not to the extent of, say, ME1-2, DA1, etc. What I do with certain things (Let somebody live/die, take something, etc.) should alter the story quite a bit, but I don't see that.


And the relationship thing really doesn't do a lot for me. Cool feature, but it doesn't give me the "OMG I'M MARRIED!!ONE!ELEVEN!"


What you've basicly stated is stuff that's AWESOME for a single player game. =/


These innovations are seen in single player games, and to me, aren't exactly stunning. The dialogue gets boring the 4-5th time you've gone through it (Taris, i'm looking at you).

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Two things:


1- There is no auto attach, hate to keep pressing the same button, just silly


2- you cant change your subclass, this has been a huge topic but personally i think subclass is something you should be able to change. Changing class should remain the same but Sith Warrior is Sith Warrior wheter it is Marauder or Juggernaut.


Thats my 2 cent atleast.

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Those amazing dialogue options that change the endings? I'm not seeing it. At least not to the extent of, say, ME1-2, DA1, etc. What I do with certain things (Let somebody live/die, take something, etc.) should alter the story quite a bit, but I don't see that.


And the relationship thing really doesn't do a lot for me. Cool feature, but it doesn't give me the "OMG I'M MARRIED!!ONE!ELEVEN!"


What you've basicly stated is stuff that's AWESOME for a single player game. =/


These innovations are seen in single player games, and to me, aren't exactly stunning. The dialogue gets boring the 4-5th time you've gone through it (Taris, i'm looking at you).


But you need to understand, even if you DON'T like the innovation, that does not mean it is not an innovation. You made the claim that the game was not innovative, but it is. Also, it may not be huge alterations, but your choices in your class story DO have lasting impact, for example:

You can spare a Darth at the end of Nar Shadaa in the Sith Warrior story, and if you choose to, he will show up to help you at the end of the story in it's final encounter.



So I'll repeat, just because you do not like an innovation, that does not mean that it is not an innovation, furthermore, MOST people disagree with you -- I'm still enjoying that particular innovation quite a bit.


Also, I can't think of ONE game that has the legacy system in singleplayer or multiplayer. Maybe something SOMEWHAT similar, but something that allows alts and mains to be related and other things like that?

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But you need to understand, even if you DON'T like the innovation, that does not mean it is not an innovation. You made the claim that the game was not innovative, but it is. Also, it may not be huge alterations, but your choices in your class story DO have lasting impact, for example:

You can spare a Darth at the end of Nar Shadaa in the Sith Warrior story, and if you choose to, he will show up to help you at the end of the story in it's final encounter.



So I'll repeat, just because you do not like an innovation, that does not mean that it is not an innovation, furthermore, MOST people disagree with you -- I'm still enjoying that particular innovation quite a bit.


Also, I can't think of ONE game that has the legacy system in singleplayer or multiplayer. Maybe something SOMEWHAT similar, but something that allows alts and mains to be related and other things like that?


Smuggler story must suck then, in terms of stuff changing based on your decisions... Mostly I get "Hey! You did XYZ! Here's some credits!"


And, once again, we don't know what legacy is. It could just be some character customization options, which is nice, but nothing that will make me stay.


Now if Legacy will = the AA system in EQ1? That would be awesome, but I doubt they'd do that. =/

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You're saying it's innovate... Why?


Questing? Full voice acting? Yes, these are awesome and amazing, but not innovative.


Huttball? This one i'll give...


Legacy? How can you even CONSIDER that to be innovative? It's like saying air is the next best thing. We don't know what it even IS. It could just be a barber shop!


Anything else?


I listed 8 things, you addressed 3... and you agreed with two of them and then asked for more examples lol... at this point I think you might just be a troll. So you admit that every single thing I listed IS innovative for an MMO! Nice! I'm glad we could finally agree.

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Smuggler story must suck then, in terms of stuff changing based on your decisions... Mostly I get "Hey! You did XYZ! Here's some credits!"


And, once again, we don't know what legacy is. It could just be some character customization options, which is nice, but nothing that will make me stay.


Now if Legacy will = the AA system in EQ1? That would be awesome, but I doubt they'd do that. =/


They've released a good deal of info on the system, not all of it but a good deal.


I don't really know, people say the smuggler story does indeed suck but I haven't seen it personally. Apparently, Imperial Agent has the best story overall.

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I listed 8 things, you addressed 3... and you agreed with two of them and then asked for more examples lol... at this point I think you might just be a troll. So you admit that every single thing I listed IS innovative for an MMO! Nice! I'm glad we could finally agree.


Funny, I don't believe I was talking to you. Are you a troll? Because I think I was talking to that trooper guy, not you.

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Funny, I don't believe I was talking to you. Are you a troll? Because I think I was talking to that trooper guy, not you.


Name's Bob, use it or die >:o.


Your first reply was to him though.



Originally Posted by Durasturan

... This point makes absolutely no sense what so ever. If something is fun, it is fun, it does not need to be innovative to be fun. However STWOR IS innovative and anyone saying otherwise is a troll. Implying SWTOR is in no way innovative is absurd. Are you MAD that SWTOR has raids? Would you rather they did not just so they dont have something in common with WoW?

Things SWTOR has that WoW does not: Personal Spaceships, Space Missions, Companions, Customizable Gear, Same Faction vs Same Faction Warzones, Free For All Combat Zones, LS/DS and morality choices.

You're saying it's innovate... Why?


Questing? Full voice acting? Yes, these are awesome and amazing, but not innovative.


Huttball? This one i'll give...


Legacy? How can you even CONSIDER that to be innovative? It's like saying air is the next best thing. We don't know what it even IS. It could just be a barber shop!


Anything else?


I interjected on his behalf, cus he forgot legacy :/.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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Name's Bob, use it or die >:o.


Your first reply was to him though.




I interjected on his behalf, cus he forgot legacy :/.


Ahh my bad... And where is the quote button!? I can't see the quote thingy. Heck, I can't even see the quote you quoted!! :confused:


And hai bob!


Am I allowed to call him a fanboi though? Just curious..

Edited by Barathos
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Ahh my bad... And where is the quote button!? I can't see the quote thingy. Heck, I can't even see the quote you quoted!! :confused:


And hai bob!


Am I allowed to call him a fanboi though? Just curious..


*Pulls blaster away from Barathos' head* Hello.


Honestly hope this thread gets closed, the OP was just trying to get White Knights to attempt to slay all the Trolls, and it worked.


EDIT: If you think he is lol, I don't think he is but I dunno.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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Sorry , was playing -that other mmo-.


I think my thread is titled fine, as it the content. Sorry. :D


That's the issue lol. You think it's fine to troll people, and you keep doing it over and over when instead you could make a constructive and objective thread.

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Funny, I don't believe I was talking to you. Are you a troll? Because I think I was talking to that trooper guy, not you.


Uhhhhh, you quoted me three times, the only time I've respondent to you is when you have responded to me, do you not understand how the QUOTE function works? You specifically quoted me and then made comments abotu the quoted material. You see that name at the top of the quote that says Durasturan, yeah, that's me. TROLL ALERT.

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*Pulls blaster away from Barathos' head* Hello.


Honestly hope this thread gets closed, the OP was just trying to get White Knights to attempt to slay all the Trolls, and it worked.


EDIT: If you think he is lol, I don't think he is but I dunno.


No, my intentions were exactly as stated in the OP:


For people to post what the worst feature in SWTOR is.

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*Pulls blaster away from Barathos' head* Hello.


Honestly hope this thread gets closed, the OP was just trying to get White Knights to attempt to slay all the Trolls, and it worked.


EDIT: If you think he is lol, I don't think he is but I dunno.


Well he got all hostile when I was bashing the innovative part, so usually I kinda get this in my head:


"You dissing my game, brah? You dissing it? Imma pop a cap in you!"


At least that's what I got from his response. =/


Edit: Oh and i'm still enjoying the game, playing a jedi guard with my bro right now. Just, I'm gonna play through most of the stories and if it's kinda the same deal, well... :(

Edited by Barathos
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That's the issue lol. You think it's fine to troll people, and you keep doing it over and over when instead you could make a constructive and objective thread.


Not trolling though. I asked a simple question in the OP, and many people have given the answer. So the thread is working as intended.

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