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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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It's up to 39 pages. I think you're wrong. :)


Worse thing about SWTOR? Aside from the glaringly EVIL bugs / DCs? I'd say their end-game. It's not innovative AT ALL, it's just like (sorry to say it) WoW.


You reach max lvl and you have to do


1) PVP

2) PVE (raids, flashpoints)

3) Dailies


Can't do any of those? Go roll an alt!


Those are things I would expect at end-game. What were you expecting? Sunshine and puppies?

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It's up to 39 pages. I think you're wrong. :)


Worse thing about SWTOR? Aside from the glaringly EVIL bugs / DCs? I'd say their end-game. It's not innovative AT ALL, it's just like (sorry to say it) WoW.


You reach max lvl and you have to do


1) PVP

2) PVE (raids, flashpoints)

3) Dailies


Can't do any of those? Go roll an alt!


Does something have to be innovative to be fun? Would you be happy if they introduced some crazy new innovative idea but it was terrible and not at all fun? How about having to run around the entire planet on foot to get gear, that would be crazy boring, but no one has ever done that so lets put it in!!!!

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uh, what?


Leveling was alright, fairly enjoyable. A ton of grindy quests, but it was fun.


Endgame is terrible, nothing to do, so many bugs become apparent.. leveling an alt is hell because this game is very linear.


Why do you keep making hate TOR threads OVER and OVER. Your threads are NOT constructive, even if you intended them to be (which you DO NOT) they never turn out that way. It's all knights attempting to slay trolls, and the worst part is in the end NOTHING changes. You may ANOTHER thread about it, so what differentiates you from a troll in any way?

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1. Population imbalance -- my suggestion; give the Republic exclusive alien-like playable species (Kel-Dor, Togruta, Nautolans, etc.) to incentivize rolling Republic.


2. Empty worlds -- remove the sharding already!


3. Lack of innovative end game content -- need to implement multi-player space combat, pazaak and other mini games and fix Ilum asap.

Edited by DocVandar
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Why do you keep making hate TOR threads OVER and OVER. Your threads are NOT constructive, even if you intended them to be (which you DO NOT) they never turn out that way. It's all knights attempting to slay trolls, and the worst part is in the end NOTHING changes. You may ANOTHER thread about it, so what differentiates you from a troll in any way?








You're right, I've never made constructive threads :rolleyes:

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Does something have to be innovative to be fun? Would you be happy if they introduced some crazy new innovative idea but it was terrible and not at all fun? How about having to run around the entire planet on foot to get gear, that would be crazy boring, but no one has ever done that so lets put it in!!!!


Actually, it HAS to be innovative. If I want to play WoW i'll go play WoW. If I wanna play EQ2, i'll go play EQ2.


Right now, this game feels a lot like WoW, except for the questing. =/

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Okay, let me reword that. A lot of your threads are troll threads.








Honestly, you don't respond to people with truly constructive feedback. You're quick to correct people here who say that the community is their least favorite part, but when someone lists ALL their complaints you let that slide.


Not to mention, your wording is provocative and you are not providing any constructive feedback in this thread. This whole thread itself from the start was nothing but "Hey guys, let's bash TOR SMILEYFACE!".

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Actually, it HAS to be innovative. If I want to play WoW i'll go play WoW. If I wanna play EQ2, i'll go play EQ2.


Right now, this game feels a lot like WoW, except for the questing. =/


Honestly, it innovated in one area in quite a large way, and that's all you can ask from a game. No game in the history of EVER has innovated in all aspects, most games haven't innovated in more than one aspect, and there are quite a few games that did not innovate at all.


I'm sorry that you can't enjoy the game, but honestly, you expect too much.

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Honestly, it innovated in one area in quite a large way, and that's all you can ask from a game. No game in the history of EVER has innovated in all aspects, most games haven't innovated in more than one aspect, and there are quite a few games that did not innovate at all.


I'm sorry that you can't enjoy the game, but honestly, you expect too much.


I was going to reply nicely to you, but... meh... that final paragraph told me you were a fanboy or just don't want to have a conversation with somebody because you like to assume.

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Honestly, I've never played an mmo before right at release, so I'm not sure how many bugs are actually just kind of 'expected'. I did manage to get stuck in the terrain within the first hour of play however, and keep needing to desummon / resummon companions because they don't follow me. Mobs evade a lot, quest tracking could be more helpful (I shouldn't have to tab out and google what to do). Crafting tab doesn't display the number of items correctly. The world maps I've navigated so far are not intuitive at all. Basically a lot of little bugs that shouldn't be in a more polished product (but as I said, never played an mmo at release before and I would expect that this is something that happens to some extent in all of them).


The only thing that truly annoys me so far is the market interface - it's hard to believe that developers didn't think that the setup they have wasn't an aggravating system.


I guess I also don't like how, in this game, you need to seriously have wires crossed in your head to naturally end up a Dark Side aligned character. This is disappointing due to there (at least currently) being alignment rewards. It's not really that fun to have an RPG 'choose your destiny' game where you are made to feel that you MUST choose a certain option, especially if one of those options is often 'be a completely psychotic *ss for absolutely no reason whatsoever'. 'Falling' to the dark side would be no threat in this world since you would literally need to be born completely mental to manage it.


Overall, I don't think the game is bad (so far), but I have gotten the impression so far that I'm playing a more expensive version of KotOR.

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Customer Service. I put in a ticket on New Years Eve. Got a response 6 days later closing my ticket and telling me to put the same information into a different format on a new ticket.


I then got a response on that ticket 8 days later that simply stated. There is no way to assist with exchange/lost items since there is no way to verify this after 24 hours. And they closed my ticket.


Essentially... Sorry pal... we need to know inside of 24 hours to solve this ticket... even though we won't answer your ticket for 2 weeks.

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Actually, it HAS to be innovative. If I want to play WoW i'll go play WoW. If I wanna play EQ2, i'll go play EQ2.


Right now, this game feels a lot like WoW, except for the questing. =/



... This point makes absolutely no sense what so ever. If something is fun, it is fun, it does not need to be innovative to be fun. However STWOR IS innovative and anyone saying otherwise is a troll. Implying SWTOR is in no way innovative is absurd. Are you MAD that SWTOR has raids? Would you rather they did not just so they dont have something in common with WoW?

Things SWTOR has that WoW does not: Personal Spaceships, Space Missions, Companions, Customizable Gear, Same Faction vs Same Faction Warzones, Free For All Combat Zones, LS/DS and morality choices.

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I was going to reply nicely to you, but... meh... that final paragraph told me you were a fanboy or just don't want to have a conversation with somebody because you like to assume.


Assume what? You say you want the end game to be more innovating, but that's simply asking too much. They put their focus into innovating the story aspect of the game, asking them to innovate anything more is simply too much. Besides, how would they innovate end game? I honestly don't see how it's even possible.


I'm fine with a conversation, and if I must be labeled as a "fanboy" because I enjoy the game, then yes I'm a fanboy. I'm merely stating that they have innovated, and you expect them to innovate in more areas, which I submit is too much to expect, and it's a bit unrealistic to hope for it even.

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Things SWTOR has that WoW does not: Personal Spaceships, Space Missions, Companions, Customizable Gear, Same Faction vs Same Faction Warzones, Free For All Combat Zones, LS/DS and morality choices.


*cough* You forgot legacy system *cough*.


Also I completely agree. When people talk about TOR not being innovative, they completely ignore the areas where it IS innovative. Though I don't know that the person you directed the comment at was doing that, that seems to be what a lot of people do.


Remember folks, just because it does not innovate in the areas you want it to innovate in, does not mean that it does not innovate.

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the FPS mostly around the holo device on ship, but certain other areas as well.


Meh i know this is two but also


Customer service... i opened a ticket about my BH shooting at dead targets after they have fallen to the ground dead and my responce was about not being able to log off so hit alt f4 ROFL @ that.

Edited by DarthSabreth
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... This point makes absolutely no sense what so ever. If something is fun, it is fun, it does not need to be innovative to be fun. However STWOR IS innovative and anyone saying otherwise is a troll. Implying SWTOR is in no way innovative is absurd. Are you MAD that SWTOR has raids? Would you rather they did not just so they dont have something in common with WoW?

Things SWTOR has that WoW does not: Personal Spaceships, Space Missions, Companions, Customizable Gear, Same Faction vs Same Faction Warzones, Free For All Combat Zones, LS/DS and morality choices.


You're saying it's innovate... Why?


Questing? Full voice acting? Yes, these are awesome and amazing, but not innovative.


Huttball? This one i'll give...


Legacy? How can you even CONSIDER that to be innovative? It's like saying air is the next best thing. We don't know what it even IS. It could just be a barber shop!


Anything else?

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You're saying it's innovate... Why?


Questing? Full voice acting? Yes, these are awesome and amazing, but not innovative.


Huttball? This one i'll give...


Legacy? How can you even CONSIDER that to be innovative? It's like saying air is the next best thing. We don't know what it even IS. It could just be a barber shop!


Anything else?


Name one game that has personal stories for each of it's classes that are fully voiced, has multiple dialogue options, and has different endings based on said dialogue options (note that this only includes MMOs).


Name one game that has a system in place that allows your characters to have relationships to each (e.g. Your alt is married to your main character, your other alt is their son) that persists and has rewards.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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