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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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Got an infraction for talking about REAL ID, one for saying Bioware was lazy, one for looking at my cat wrong, one for drinking before 6:00pm, and a few more for not letting the wookie win.


The moderation is funny enough to warrant the signature.


Still stand by my post; releasing a game like this with another IP would've resulted in a drastically different launch and current state.


Um, I can think of at least three games that released worse that are still around. I think one of them was called world of something. It was pretty popular too despite having almost no endgame, lfg, pvp, or just about anything really. But yeah, probably to obscure a reference for you.

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I've got a fair few, but they all sort of combine into one big thing that ends in the game being just incredibly tedious to me. Firstly there's the world designs and overall ambience of the areas, as in there isn't any ambience. I've never seen weird little critters scurrying about, flocks of birds swooping across the sky, the sounds of crickets or natural wildlife, all I tend to hear are my footsteps plod plodding as I move from one quest giver to the next.


Along with the overall ambience of the areas, the lack of npc movement is just ridiculous. It happens all over but the most memorable location is outside the Jedi Temple and there's a video on youtube to show it. Watch from around 1:25 onwards.




Now imagine that scene if everything was actually animated. A Jedi taking on five students, two healers rushing in to aid some students who had gone too far. Instead we get something like bullet time, where the world has stopped but you still move.


This happens everywhere with npc's who do nothing, or just jump up and down on the spot clapping. Now you mix those two things in to my next problem and that's the actual quests. I can't tell you how many times I've had some quest giver chat to me for 3 minutes about his life, only for the quest to be, "Go here and click a glowing object.". Seriously, this is 2012, I had better quests in original EverQuest in 1999.


And so you get a dull world with inactive npcs with very little sound besides the plodding of your footsteps, which makes the quests even more dull than they already are. It's a case of fighting through mob group after mob group to reach your glowing object, click it, probably get a little animated movie, then fight back through mob group after mob group to finish the quest. Repeat until level 50.


So combined, those create my worst thing about SWTOR.

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Worst: 1) People who expect this game to look like a freaking console or high end first RPG or 1st person shooter.


Worst: 2) People who actually expect the game to be launched with every single feature that is in every other game.


Worst: 3) People who complain because the game was not designed to redefine their social standards.


Worst: 4) People who expect this game to have different quest every time they run a second/third toon.


Worst: 5) People who expect a game only a month old to be perfect.


Worst: 6) The body styles in the game.


Worst: 7) The fact you cant change your Companions names


Worst: 8) The fact that people use to complain about server populations and the reason they had to wait 15 mins to get into the game, then 2 weeks later those same exact people are on here complaining about the instancing used in the game and low planet populations.

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I used to think PVP, Guardian abilities, etc. and now I'm firmly in the camp that this game is so horrifically buggy that NO ONE can even begin to get a solid grasp on how things should work.


I can only say one thing, FIX THE BUGS. Each week we should a patch with a huge list of bugs fixed...but instead we see almost nothing but one or two fixed. I'd be fired at my job if I let such massive bugs stick around in my application, yet we seem to be giving Bioware millions of dollars...

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Got an infraction for talking about REAL ID, one for saying Bioware was lazy, one for looking at my cat wrong, one for drinking before 6:00pm, and a few more for not letting the wookie win.


The moderation is funny enough to warrant the signature.


Still stand by my post; releasing a game like this with another IP would've resulted in a drastically different launch and current state.


Pretty much truth...they have time to fix things, but ONLY because its the Star Wars IP. In my opinion, if they had the ability to fix all that needs to currently be fixed and do it in a matter of a few months, then they should have held off on the release to avoid bad word of mouth. The sad reality is that they are probably looking at over a year to fix a majority of things people dislike. A lot of the complaints simply cant be patched...world design, lack of quests, etc...

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I don't like the filters when I'm looking at a vendor's items - especially PvP. I change the drop down to usable and I see items which are above my level and require abilities I don't have. I should only see items that if I were to buy them that moment then I could use them immediately. I can use the 'all' filter if I want to see anything else.
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3. - Linearity. I know this is a themepark game, but I was really disappointed when I first got to anchorhead, ran outside the city and got Out-of-zone damage. I've never seen anything so stupid in my years of MMO experience.


Agreed. The amount of CONTROL bioware places on you is staggering. They obviously wanted to control meticulously every step of your playing experience from 1 to 50. In the early stages that's fine since you're learning, but in later stages, open it up a little. People are much more knowledgeable about the game in general by the time they've moved past the beginning worlds.


My biggest complaint? Being unable to use 'Follow'. Its a social game, its VERY hard for me to be social and chat back and forth when I can't tag onto a fellow player to type for a minute..


Small bug but has a decent impact to my playstyle.

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My least favorite thing about SWTOR? ...the hardcore MMO players to rush through the story by skipping the story scenes just so they can get to endgame and complain about endgame "problems".


I bought SWTOR because I love the story and like to take my time and enjoy games. It will probably take me many, many months to play through all the light side and dark side character classes before I even begin to worry about endgame content.


The old hardcore WoW people who rush through everything and come over here complaining about stuff like that are the worst part of SWTOR.


I think the game is great. I've already re-subbed for 6 months. Got the CE edition.


Also, the game runs great on my system:



ATI Radeon 6850 1gig

8 gigs ram pc1600

Windows 7 64 Pro


I still want stuff that allows me to take advanges of my good specs, like higher res textures, more AA options, the ability to customize interface more, and stuff like that, but generally, I'm quite happy with the game. More character creation options (both options and more classes/races) would be nice too.


Being able to fast-travel to the heroic area when you're invited to party up for a heroic quest would be nice.


Oh yea, there is one major thing for me. There needs to be a "Sell Grey Items" button. I know your companion will sell the stuff, but when actually at the vendor, why not have a little "sell grey items" button????? It really blew my mind when that was not there.


Also, stores NEVER have any eq better than what I already have. I don't even visit them anymore as a few quests will make the store irrelevant, which I don't think is a good thing.


But again, most of these are minor complaints. The game is really quite good, but there are so many hardcore mmo burnouts that were hoping this would be something sooo "different" from WoW that I think people had their sights set way too high. This game never set out to break the MMO mold, it was an MMO with greatly enhanced story, that could be played primiarly as a single player story in an mmo world, and I think they've done a great job with that.

Edited by MasterStarbuck
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My least favorite thing about SWTOR? ...the hardcore MMO players to rush through the story by skipping the story scenes just so they can get to endgame and complain about endgame "problems".


I bought SWTOR because I love the story and like to take my time and enjoy games. It will probably take me many, many months to play through all the light side and dark side character classes before I even begin to worry about endgame content.


The old hardcore WoW people who rush through everything and come over here complaining about stuff like that are the worst part of SWTOR.


I think the game is great. I've already re-subbed for 6 months. Got the CE edition.


Also, the game runs great on my system:



ATI Radeon 6850 1gig

8 gigs ram pc1600

Windows 7 64 Pro


I still want stuff that allows me to take advanges of my good specs, like higher res textures, more AA options, the ability to customize interface more, and stuff like that, but generally, I'm quite happy with the game. More character creation options (both options and more classes/races) would be nice too.


Being able to fast-travel to the heroic area when you're invited to party up for a heroic quest would be nice.


Oh yea, there is one major thing for me. There needs to be a "Sell Grey Items" button. I know your companion will sell the stuff, but when actually at the vendor, why not have a little "sell grey items" button????? It really blew my mind when that was not there.


But again, most of these are minor complaints. The game is really quite good, but there are so many hardcore mmo burnouts that were hoping this would be something sooo "different" from WoW that I think people had their sights set way too high. This game never set out to break the MMO mold, it was an MMO with greatly enhanced story, that could be played primiarly as a single player story in an mmo world, and I think they've done a great job with that.


The thing is, the story is just like other MMOs.


Especially the side quests, don't even get me started on them.


The only thing this adds to the 'story' is voice acting. I suppose it adds a little bit of realism at most.

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Lack of Consequence from actions:


Both in the PvE story and PvP enviroment. All those choices you make, the light and the dark and even back talking a Darth have no effects on the game. There need to be real effects from the choices over a couple of mails. Likewise the only reason to PvP is to get PvP tokens and Valor to make PvP easier and allow you to get more PvP tokens and points. They need to bring in RvR and world/zone/guild control over rubbish like Huttball which just goes to show how PvP is just fight clubbing.

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The worst thing for me is atmosphere, story and lack of lore. For more detail here is a long version that I wrote when I decided to cancel my subscription.


Simply this: I did not enjoy the game. I am stuck at lvl 34 and I do not have the incentive to play anymore. There are many reasons for this. Most of them are the problems stated in general discussion. However the biggest failure of this game for me is atmosphere, story and lore. I was very enthusiastic about this game when I heard of it, especially when I heard that it was mainly about story. As a Bioware fan (Baldur's Gate series, Neverwinter Nights 1 and expansions, Kotor 1, Dragon Age-Origins) when I first heard about the game I started to think what the game will be like. Here is what I expected from this game before playing it: Intense, memorable moments of discovery, whether it be a new colorful galaxy or an underground ruin with sith or jedi lore. I expected a story where I rose to power in hierarchy (in a cartel if I am bounty hunter, as an officer inside a capital ship if I am an imperial agent, to start as a padawan, then become an army commander or a negotiator or a special ops strike team leader as a jedi knight, to become a teacher at jedi temple as a jedi master, to excel at crafting and become a major Auction House leader as a smuggler etc.). I envisioned cloud cities, underwater cities, metropolis cities(not in terms of largeness, but in terms of npc and pc activity) in which events such as this occurs: every now and then while I am talking to my guild mates and wasting time near the Auction House, a ship arrives, soldiers get in line and a sith lord emerges for a meeting with the city ruler. Or a Sith apprentice executes an NPC for public show of force. I thought of game mechanics where random important NPC's were targeted as bounties for bounty hunters so that players could hunt them for rewards or credibilty. I even thought of quests listed by high level guild players for low-mid level guild players to hunt a player from another competing guild of the opposite faction (for example a player who had become a jedi master and granting xp bonus to other leveling jedi's in his guild. When you kill him, you remove that bonus for 2 days. Another example is killing low level apprentice siths so that the guild loses its access to force crystals or artifacts or whatever it is there to collect for a reward. Another example is to sabotage a smuggler's ship so that he cannot use it for a day to collect goods from other planets for his guild.) I was not bothering with balance just then, just thinking mechanics that I thought was cool and fun. I was saying to myself, even if this game is designed as a WoW clone, it will be as good as vanilla WoW. So a gameplay like WoW with totally fresh new content and star wars universe and lore, it would still be acceptable for me.


Here is what I think after playing the game: For me, even WoW has more story an lore than this game. I will tell what WoW had that made it a success in my eyes, for you to understand what is lacking in this game. WoW had abundance of lore spread in the game. You can read it in ingame books, on signs, under statues, inside libraries, in dungeons, as chat in various places, in scripted scenes. It has magnificent, and varying world and area designs. I remember sitting near a waterfall and roleplaying with another player that I just met. Both of us were there because the scene was so beautiful and the ambient music matched the scene so well and wanted to enjoy it some more, maybe take a screenshot. When I entered a new zone, the music, the atmosphere, or I can say the theme changed so much that I immediately wanted to explore the new zone. WoW had memorable characters, faction leaders. WoW had very different unique playable character models. WoW had very different, unique, impressive faction cities. WoW had chat bubbles. In WoW when you enter an inn or any room, it is full of doodads such as plates, food, everyday items, armors, shields, wardrobes and does not feel empty and lifeless. Look at your empty vision of a cantina, of a city full of life such as Nar Shadaa. Nar Shadaa is a bustling city where crime thrives. It is not a city of corridors where in one corridor there are green npcs and just around the corner there are red droids roaming. There is no immersion in your game. There is abundance of empty barren environments in your game. Even WoW included pod racing as an easter egg in their game. And look at your envisioning of Tatooine, sand, sand, more and more empty sand, oh wait there is a single mob standing there. Voice acting and quests are too repetitive. I am just level 34, and I am tired of hearing "care to elaborate on that", "tell me my role in this" options. Making "kill x number of y" quests a bonus is not making them any fun. Killing 5 jedi apprentices surrounded by mob groups standing in a large room with no purpose is not suddenly immersive and fun just because you added generic voice acted chat before I took the quest. I am tired of your randomly generated faces of quest givers such as a nearly bald blonde sith with black mustache only. The list goes on and on.


Notice that none of my rant is about gameplay, pvp, rewards, items, grinding etc. It is mainly about atmosphere of the game. I canceled because you cannot correct these mistakes with updates. They are major design flaws. Once upon a time Bioware made great games with memorable moments, story, characters. However, sadly they are not designing games for my taste anymore. I thought hard about it and came to the conclusion that voice acting has a major effect on this. I do not know the specific reasons but it may be consuming too much of your design time and resources. Itmay be preventing the design team to polish the quests, dialogues etc. because once voice acting is done, changing it will be costly. It may be reducing the branching options and variety in dialogues so that your story writers cannot express the thoughts on their minds. As I said, I do not know the exact reason. But it killed the quality of your games. I will always prefer a well conducted, well written wall of text over three meaningless and recurring conversation options.

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What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


I have a HUGE list, personally.. but if I had to name one:


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


Your turn :)


Pretty much all the base mechanics, from the stat formula's in reguards to abilities, to broken mitigation mechanics.


Coupled with stright up bad class design, and lack of combat fluidity.



Then theres the god awful flash based interface, not only is it a pain to code for (making it time consuming on a development standpoint, its also puts ten times more demand on system resources compaired to industry standard of LUA based interface)


Overall most issues point to the engine choice.

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What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


I have a HUGE list, personally.. but if I had to name one:


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


Your turn :)


Graphic detail. In my opinion, this is the flat-out ugliest, most offensive looking PC game I have seen since Horizons: Empire of Istaria. I mean that. EQ2 has higher rez textures than SWTOR does and that game came out in 2004.


Some people like the art here though. That's fine. Some people also like Picaso whereas I am more a Monet or a Degas fan.

Edited by Laeris
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I'm not able to play nearly as much like some of the gamers therefore I can't QQ about lack of content.


...on the reals though. I'd say I wish you could get xp from killing players and not just from the dailies or win/lose matches. I love pvp but its not a viable way to lvl and I have a lvl 34 sniper with like 3 days of played time to prove it. Gonna see how long it takes to get to 50. It is fun though and it'll get better once I don't have a bunch of 50s on opposing team with high expertise and stacking buffs.


Note- he'd be lower but I completed act one.

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