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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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Clunky UI?

Low res textures?


Horrible draw distance on foliage, looks like your in a giant chia pet growing in fast forward?

UI bugs like a 4th crew skill and not being able to zone intoa instance?


I don't know...I must have missed one....


The WORST thing you ask? That's a tough one.


The draw distance on grass is terrible.... I hope they fix it.


Agree with everything else as well.

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1) I don't play anymore.


2) It's called constructive criticism. Do you realize 'haters' like us are actually more beneficial to the SWTOR future, than fan boys like yourself?




I love TOR. But I will continue to be vocal about it's flaws to be a part of helping it improve.

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Constructive critisism involves being constructive.


Saying something is bad is a statement of opinion, you need to offer a way in which it could be improved in order to qualify as being constructive.


Your intial post for example...


What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


I have a HUGE list, personally.. but if I had to name one:


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


Your turn :)


Saying something is clunky is a statement, you offer no insight into what makes it clunky, or any idea's for improvement, so all you;re offering is an opinion, and you know what they say about opinions...

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1) I don't play anymore.


2) It's called constructive criticism. Do you realize 'haters' like us are actually more beneficial to the SWTOR future, than fan boys like yourself?


Why do you want us to hate the game if you don't even play anymore?


Thinking about it, why do I respond to you? You aren't part of this community so what's the point?


Go enjoy life instead of bashing it.



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Constructive critisism involves being constructive.


Saying something is bad is a statement of opinion, you need to offer a way in which it could be improved in order to qualify as being constructive.


Your intial post for example...




Saying something is clunky is a statement, you offer no insight into what makes it clunky, or any idea's for improvement, so all you;re offering is an opinion, and you know what they say about opinions...


Because combat clunky-ness is an opinion?


You do understand ability delay has been proven, yes?

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The graphics department is REALLY lagging for a game that came out in 2011.


Everything maxed, 60+ constantly.


Reflections off my armor, game is gorgeous, well if you have a good computer that is. It is rough on slower machines but that will catch up in time.


Gotta love people confusing hardware limitations with bad graphics though. Silly noobs.

Edited by Gohlar
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I was hoping for better graphix but it would just make the game have more lag then it allready has I would also like to have 2 companions again.



I can play many games that look far better, some of them MMORPG's, and they don't " lag"

( assuming you mean fps)

TOR needs to be polished and optimized. Improving the graphics wouldnt bring my pc to it's knees, I assure you.

It's the bad coding in the way of this right now.

Edited by Your_dominus
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Everything maxed, 60+ constantly.


Reflections off my armor, game is gorgeous, well if you have a good computer that is. It is rough on slower machines but that will catch up in time.


Gotta love people confusing hardware limitations with bad graphics though. Silly noobs.


I play on everything max (including optimal quality set in amd control center), 1920x1080 resolution.


This game is very lacking for graphics.

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I'd have to say the single most annoying thing about SWTOR is the community. It's filled with impatient cry babies who can't seem to recognize the single greatest thing about this game: BioWare. We have a developer who, despite what 99% of forum posters say, are very dedicated to the game and its community; they are working hard to fix the issues people are having and keep new content coming down the pipe. Yet the community continues to post threads filled with logical fallacies and unnecessary drama. That's what makes or breaks an MMO, having a good developer. Even in the face of sinister comments, empty threats, and a boat load of QQ they continue to be respectful and diligent. They keep us informed and so far they have remained calm in all situations.


I get that there are issues and I also get that you have a right to come here and bring them to BioWare's attention. However, most of you could do it with a lot more respect and a lot less sarcasm or whining. Point out the bad things about the game all you want. Just don't be such a jerk about it. Calm down and realize that BioWare is doing their best to get to all the issues and in time they will be fixed. Wording your posts to emphasize your victim mentality doesn't make BioWare read it any faster or with any more weight than any other post. Grow up and exercise some golden rule.

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BF3, Skyrim capped at 60fps @ 1680x1050 with high settings, also with the overclock i'm on pair with stock non OC'd 560's performance wise (not Ti).


Try again.


I run a GTX 460 and I'm fine with a two year old PC. Was there not some sort of fix in Beta for AMD's and poor performance?

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I can play many games that look far better, some of them MMORPG's, and they don't " lag"

( assuming you mean fps)

TOR needs to be polished and optimized. Improving the graphics wouldnt bring my pc to it's knees, I assure you.

It's the bad coding in the way of this right now.


Agree. Engine optimization is terrible in this game.

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