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In all honesty...if you can't find groups for FPs and HMs...you shouldn't play MMOs.


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What does any of this rant have to do with a dungeon finder?


I used chat through EQ, DAoC, WoW and other more forgettable games. It's not cool, it's not fun, I'm not forging lasting relationships, I'm sitting around waiting to play the game.




It did for me, maybe people just don't like you? :p

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I never sit around waiting for groups, because I do have a friends list and a guild list to recruit from.


With that said... what about two months from now when most people are 50 and people are trying to group up to do lower FP's?


What about new 50's trying to run normals 3 months from now? There isn't going to be the massive amounts of people to group up with while you level and make friendships with. Sooner or later, the game will consist of mainly end-game and not very many leveling up still.


A LFD system is what you make of it, and many people complain about the LFD system ruining communities in WoW. In reality... Blizzard has done a great job with their BNET system. REALID allows you to group up with others that are on different servers. With that said, if you meet someone that you want to group with in the future you can add them to your REALID friends and group up with them cross-server. This really gives a huge feel of diversity and almost acts as one giant server.


This does NOT stop you from creating friends on your own server, or still looking for people to group with on your own server.

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It did for me, maybe people just don't like you? :p


Your comment makes no sense. I said I enjoyed playing with others. I don't get these anti social people who don't want to allow people to play with people they don't know.

Edited by Gohlar
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I have been doing flashpoints for weeks with my RL friends/guild but on the off chance neither of them can join, I'd rather not play than try and attempt finding/forming a team.


After 20 minutes of looking for a DPS (We had a tank, healer, dps who've done all the hardmodes very, very quickly and without issues) we gave up, this was on a saturday after checking with out guild, previously known good players on friends list, looking on LFG comments and asking in fleet.


Apparently, this game isn't for me, apparently I'm a bad player because other people are not looking to join is my fault?


Arrogant and Ignorant is what I think of the OP, it's not an insult, you just don't understand that experiences may vary depending on time, server, faction and, random chance and look down of those who can't get that perfect team in under 5mins flat.

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The reality is ALL MMOs make people jump through hoops, provide timesinks, and make things tedious for players. That's the nature of MMOs. WoW just taught them to move their preference for the hoops, tedium, and timesinks into endless cross server LFD weak sauce cycles. WoW encouraged MMO play to become largely a series of mini-games accessed through cross server LFD.


Notice you used the word "play" to describe what WoW encouraged. Kind of the opposite of "not playing" which is what I'm doing right now as I'm waiting for a healer for this FP.


I don't know what a "weak sauce cycle" is?


People playing an endless cycle of dungeons formed via an automated system really bother you? Would you have felt better if those players sat around a major city spamming "LF1M tank/healer" ad nauseum before they formed their group? Or does what other people choose to do with their time on seperate servers from you have absolutely zero affect on you besides irritating your personal problems and philosophy with "laziness" in accordance to playing a video game?

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WoW encouraged MMO play to become largely a series of mini-games accessed through cross server LFD.



How? By doing the SAME instance that you're about to do, but with someone on a different server? :confused:



If you really like someone you grouped with, did you know that you can still add them and group with them again even if they are on another server?

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How? By doing the SAME instance that you're about to do, but with someone on a different server? :confused:



If you really like someone you grouped with, did you know that you can still add them and group with them again even if they are on another server?


Whatever you do don't tell Andryah that Bioware encourages the same endless cycle of "minigames" in the form of flashpoint hardmodes at End Game. The only difference is the amount of potential party members is a lot smaller.

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chose a better server in mine on republic side at prime time is always 120 arround that.

And during the week.


So your solution for people is to re-roll on your server?


How WAS someone supposed to know that their server would be dead in two weeks when the game launched?


Fail logic is fail.

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See what I don't get is it's easy to make friends in mmos. That's where guilds come in.


If I want to run a quick instance with strangers, or quickly fill in a slot or 2, what exactly is the problem?

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See what I don't get is it's easy to make friends. That's where guilds come in.


If I want to run a quick instance with strangers, or quickly fill in a slot or 2, what exactly is the problem?


It's because for some people, simply knowing that another random stranger is out there somewhere partying up with another random stranger destroys their sense of community.

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So your solution for people is to re-roll on your server?


How WAS someone supposed to know that their server would be dead in two weeks when the game launched?


Fail logic is fail.


Remember when you got your early access email stating how it was time to start your Star Wars Legacy!? Make sure the historians record down the part where you had to abandon your character and start over just because you wanted to play group content!!!

Edited by HoneyBoy
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I don't know if WoW has just pacified people or what but I can run HMs anytime I want because I was smart. As an MMO veteran in games such as Final Fantasy XI which required a 6 person group to do 99% of the game's content, I know exactly how to find groups...so I am going to help you WoW players out who are pacified and do not understand how MMOs work.


Step 1:

As you play, and group up for heroics and FPs while leveling, be sure to add everyone to your friends list. Bioware has implemented a great post-quest add-friend feature to SWTOR. Be sure to use it.


Step 2: Hit 50.


Step 3: Whisper people on your friends list who are also 50 (your list should be gigantic at this point) to do a HM FP. The majority of the time they will say yes. If they need further convincing, stroke their ego and say you are asking them because you have played with them in the past and remember that they were a skilled player.


Step 4: Run the instance


Optional: A cheap ventrilo server to communicate for the more intricate HMs such as False


Benefits: By making friends on your server, and becoming well known to other players, soon you will be getting invites for things such as operations because other players have played with you and know you are skilled player as well. This opens up your chances further to see more content, while making more friends, the essence of an MMO.

Side Benefit: By helping other players, you can always call in a favor later.



It is not hard; you just have to play smart. Good luck.


Yes, because spending 40 minutes setting up a group, 20 minutes getting people together, choosing roles, going to the instance, 30 minutes wordlessly doing instance and getting loot is somehow inherently better than spending 10 minutes in a queue and 30 minutes wordlessly doing instance and getting loot.


I'm glad you are on a well populated server with a nice community. I am not, especially at my timezone. At present, the only reason I am able to find groups is becuase there are a lot of people leveling/doing the content I am. In 6 months it *will not* be possible.


This game needs a Finder. Maybe not for Operations, but for FPs/Heroics? Yes please.

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Whatever you do don't tell Andryah that Bioware encourages the same endless cycle of "minigames" in the form of flashpoint hardmodes at End Game. The only difference is the amount of potential party members is a lot smaller.





Also... people may have the thought process that groups are easier to form with 4 people instead of 5. This isn't the case. The amount of groups is limited by the # of tanks & healers that are LFG. In this game, less DPS slots are going to be available.

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It seems some peoples forte isn't making friends :p


Maybe some people don't want to "befriend" someone under the pragmatic guise that they may utilize them for a group run later down the line?


Maybe people genuinely befriend people who aren't the class role they are stuck looking for?


Maybe some people just want to run group content without making friends?


Some people just have different agenda's with this wide encompassing video game.


Edit: if your forte is making friends I'm sure a cross-server dungeon finder won't impede on any of that charisma :]

Edited by HoneyBoy
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Maybe some people don't want to "befriend" someone under the pragmatic guise that they may utilize them for a group run later down the line?


Maybe people genuinely befriend people who aren't the class role they are stuck looking for?


Maybe some people just want to run group content without making friends?


Some people just have different agenda's with this wide encompassing video game.


Edit: if your forte is making friends I'm sure a cross-server dungeon finder won't impede on any of that charisma :]


Well said.


"Server community" is a myth. There are still ninjas and griefers, and no one cares if you tell /1 after. Runs are still mostly silent with people only there to fill a role.


If I want social interaction, I will join a guild. Adding an extra cycle of overhead to group content does very little for building a community and is just going to shut out newcomers/alts down the line. Remember those Group quests in WoW, or those leveling dungeons? How often did *anyone* run those 7 months after release (and getting a 60 to run you through doesn't count).


Already, it can take me up to 20 minutes to find people for a Heroic quest and 30 for a FP. And that is with a friends list, on an 'unofficial Oceanic server'.

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Sure I can find a group, but it is so much nicer getting off work, queueing up for a dungeon and then maybe grab a drink, get out of my work clothes, relax and then jump back to my computer when I hear the noise informing me that a group is ready.


I don't really give a rats arse about finding bromances, soulmates, yearbook signing events or any of that crap.

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Yep, it has. But don't expect the pacified to actually admit to it. ;)


You're such a dynamic rebel for playing a videogame! Go you!


I don't really give a rats arse about finding bromances, soulmates, yearbook signing events or any of that crap.


Exactly. For many of us, this is just a game rather than a substitute for interaction with people in real life.


It seems some peoples forte isn't making friends :p

This would have more bite if one wasn't trying to keep out features because one was afraid people would stop talking to one if the game didn't force them to.

Edited by Caelrie
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It seems some peoples forte isn't making friends :p


Oh yes i'd love a repeat of burning crusade where i had loads of "Friends" who's only social capabilities were "hai how are you?" "Good thanks how you doin" "Tank for me?"


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So, your suggestion is..


spam random people who you added to your friendslist just because they grouped with you, for something entirely unrelated, in the past?


People you added, without their consent.

Without them even knowing you added them?


You don't see how this is rude at all?

Edited by acheros
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I don't know if WoW has just pacified people or what but I can run HMs anytime I want because I was smart. As an MMO veteran in games such as Final Fantasy XI which required a 6 person group to do 99% of the game's content, I know exactly how to find groups...so I am going to help you WoW players out who are pacified and do not understand how MMOs work.


Step 1:

As you play, and group up for heroics and FPs while leveling, be sure to add everyone to your friends list. Bioware has implemented a great post-quest add-friend feature to SWTOR. Be sure to use it.


Step 2: Hit 50.


Step 3: Whisper people on your friends list who are also 50 (your list should be gigantic at this point) to do a HM FP. The majority of the time they will say yes. If they need further convincing, stroke their ego and say you are asking them because you have played with them in the past and remember that they were a skilled player.


Step 4: Run the instance


Optional: A cheap ventrilo server to communicate for the more intricate HMs such as False


Benefits: By making friends on your server, and becoming well known to other players, soon you will be getting invites for things such as operations because other players have played with you and know you are skilled player as well. This opens up your chances further to see more content, while making more friends, the essence of an MMO.

Side Benefit: By helping other players, you can always call in a favor later.



It is not hard; you just have to play smart. Good luck.


As a tank/healer, sure.


As a DPS... not so much.

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