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Pulling a player with the huttball should not be allowed.


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So sorry that your pvp experience has been one where you are upset at a team playing well together. Huttball is one of the easiest games to play if you are playing against people who do not think outside the box.


But let me tell you how you prevent this from happening, and this is for all of you folks saying that friendly pull should not be allowed. If you see a player of that class simply standing still on your teams ledge, 9 times out of 10, they are getting into position for the maneuver. It would be best if you attempted to kill that player first and foremost and then go after the ball carrier because they are looking to move quickly around.


And for you folks who are upset at the Guardian/Jugg ability to leap to a friendly..., same thing as before kill the player sitting and waiting in position. This accomplishes two things.


It removes the possibility of the ball-carrier to pass to someone (regardless of class), and it also removes the possibility that a player will be pulled.


BW is not going to come up with a strategy to win these games for you and it is foolish for you to come here whining about how people who learned their class are playing them well. And if you unsubscribe, there will be 10 other people who will subscribe in your place and enjoy the game that much more because you are gone. So please, just delete your character, unsubscribe and maybe some of that hate you have at all the other people who play well will be gone.

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Can a dev please stop this thread? I've found myself reading the first 5 pages or so wondering if I would see something interesting happen. Instead it is just the same person complaining about a perfectly legitimate game mechanic being used against him and then giving no thought or option for other people to disagree without turning into a five year old.


OP, you need to realize that the game mechanic isn't flawed, first of all. It works that way for a reason and it's fine. The only thing I might suggest would be to potentially shorten the range just a tad on pull/push. As a Sith Assassin I am constantly Force Pulling ball carriers backward and I realized just recently that my range with it is stupid far. I'm not going to complain though because other players have similar abilities or the exact same thing.


The only other thing that I think needs to be said is that other people have different opinions and have given an argument as to why they feel this way. "I disagree and this is why." Almost all of your responses, OP, have been "You're wrong because you can't read my post" or "You're wrong because you disagree with me". From the reactions I've been seeing it seems like mostly everyone else agrees with that assessment.


It's a game, if you don't like it and can't have an adult conversation about it please just stop playing the game and posting on the forums. No one wants to hear you whine. We all have things we don't like about it I'm sure.

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Havaing a Sage/Sorc pull a teammate that has the huttball should NOT be allowed. This is what passing is for. With a pull you bypass:


1). The chance that you have a bad pass

2). That your Pass gets intercepted.

3). Quicker movement between 2 points than passing a ball


Pulling the huttball is way too easy to accomplish. Remove the ability to pull the player with the huttball


This is why you can pass the ball.


I couldn't disagree with you more. Players are given tools that - if used effectively - help win a PvP warzone. That is how it should be, in my mind. Where does it end? I see so many posts about how sprints, pulls, and leaps should be removed from Huttball. Why? So everyone just moves at the same speed the entire match? And in turn, you think that makes it balanced?


But then to truly balance it, you'd have to remove all defensive CDs. Everyone would have to have the same health, defense chance, etc.


Yes, a pull is a great way to progress towards scoring. Why is that a bad thing?

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Warhammer Online showed exactly why pulls are the most OP ability you can ever put in a PvP situation. Being able to single out a key member of the other party and pull them into the middle of your own party where they inevitably get instagibbed is nothing short of game breaking.


Pulls are for PvE and should only be allowed in PvE.


However, leaps should still be allowed for melee classes as a gap closer. Though this can also be solved by giving all melee classes a sprint ability for PvP.


Oh my. Him obviously not reading the thread aside, I don't know if I've ever read a poster I disagree with more than this guy....


Except maybe skajjaj(sp?) of course.

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This is why passing exists. What's going on completely makes passing a liability in the face of pulling.


Your comments are so funny, you say the Sorc/sage pull is too good in there, but dismiss leaps etc saying its not just as good....


Your thead smells like troll.

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If you take away the friendly pull, you have to take away the enemy pull, simple as that. However, you just need to l2p. If one side has it, so does the other. It's a game of strategy, you can't just walk out your spawn and go to the ball handler, you have to cover the wide receivers and knock them out of position.


Even if you took away all pulls and leaps, you (the ****** player who thinks this **** is OP) are still going to ignore the guy awaiting a pass in your end zone or on a ledge. So you are still going to lose.

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You need to anticipate the pulling of another player. Socrerers are made of very fragile glass. Even bubbling themselves they are the softest targets on the field. It makes no sense for one to carry a ball with a pass if they can move a tank class forward instead.


Change your tactics instead of calling for nerfs. You see one in a good position to pull another player, simply stare at them hard and they will fall over and die.

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OP got owned by a team that had a Sorc that knew how to best use the pull mechanic. OP crys nerf because he doesn't have a Tank on the team that can effectively use the pull mechanic the other way.


nothing to see here.


@OP there is a counter to that mechanic, meaning its working as intended :eek:

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Havaing a Sage/Sorc pull a teammate that has the huttball should NOT be allowed. This is what passing is for. With a pull you bypass:


1). The chance that you have a bad pass

2). That your Pass gets intercepted.

3). Quicker movement between 2 points than passing a ball


Pulling the huttball is way too easy to accomplish. Remove the ability to pull the player with the huttball


This is why you can pass the ball.


Given that I know I've pulled you for a score, unless you're not the same Skaarrj who plays on Anchorhead I'm going to go ahead and say no. :rolleyes:


Besides like the other posters have said, you do this then you have to remove charging, pushing, pulling, grappling, or any other type of speed increase just to be fair. In end you take all the fun out of it.

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Again, you don't understand. Not surprising judging the past posts i've read of yours. You seem to gravitate towards "easy" than "requires skillful play".


I can deal with force speed, leap, and all that jazz. Because there is risk involved in using these abilities. There's a chance for error. And you still have to pass the ball.


Pulling a huttball carrier completely eliminates any inherent risk. It makes the huttball carrier too immobile when it's clear that the huttball carrier is supposed to NOT be mobile due to being slowed while having the ball.


No mater what you say, I think you understand I'm right on this point. Or else you'd be lying to yourself.


You can be intercepted by using force leap...? Are you truly this dumb?

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Well, if you would make a point of killing the Sorc who is getting lined up for the pull- or simply KNOCKING him off the platforms...or PULL the carrier BACK.



Wow, anything beyond focus on the guy carrying the ball seems TOO MUCH for some players.


Of course, it's perfectly fine for those leaps that only require one enemy player just entering the game and not having a clue running down his ramp...to provide a perfect leap for a score.


...but no, nerf the guy that has to keep both HIMSELF alive AND the carrier- which is SUCH an easier task than DPS, DPS, DPS.




Edited by Tourne
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Doesn't matter. You got CC'd. Totally different story. What I'm talking completely bypasses any sort of skill at passing a huttball. Get the ball, get pulled. Cap. Pretty simple. No chance at a bad pass. No chance at an interception. And it's much faster.


LOL so wait... you want to be able to pull people with the ball into the fire but their friend can't pull them out?


L2P and ****.

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OP got owned by a team that had a Sorc that knew how to best use the pull mechanic. OP crys nerf because he doesn't have a Tank on the team that can effectively use the pull mechanic the other way.


nothing to see here.


@OP there is a counter to that mechanic, meaning its working as intended :eek:


I don't mind punts/pulls, but there's no equal counter to a friendly pull as it doesn't respect cc and resolve. CC is meant to stop ball carrier or prevent a pass, but sage/sorc can pull carrier at any time and we can't pull him back as his resolve bar is full. So basically this is 'I win tactic' - wait for carrier to be stunned, pull him and score. And if you got several pullers you can play ping-pong with a carrier ignoring all cc.

This makes high-lvl sorc/sage mandatory for any huttball party so I don't think it's working as intended <_<

Edited by kudesnik
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Havaing a Sage/Sorc pull a teammate that has the huttball should NOT be allowed. This is what passing is for. With a pull you bypass:


1). The chance that you have a bad pass

2). That your Pass gets intercepted.

3). Quicker movement between 2 points than passing a ball


Pulling the huttball is way too easy to accomplish. Remove the ability to pull the player with the huttball


This is why you can pass the ball.


No way this is an awesome ability we have. The person is in trouble and we save them. the best is yanking them from the ground level pit section to the top ramp in scoring position. Game is awesome. lolol

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If you take away the friendly pull, you have to take away the enemy pull, simple as that. However, you just need to l2p. If one side has it, so does the other. It's a game of strategy, you can't just walk out your spawn and go to the ball handler, you have to cover the wide receivers and knock them out of position.


Even if you took away all pulls and leaps, you (the ****** player who thinks this **** is OP) are still going to ignore the guy awaiting a pass in your end zone or on a ledge. So you are still going to lose.


and this. both sides have equal oppurtunity to use it.

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Doesn't matter. You got CC'd. Totally different story. What I'm talking completely bypasses any sort of skill at passing a huttball. Get the ball, get pulled. Cap. Pretty simple. No chance at a bad pass. No chance at an interception. And it's much faster.


The skill involved is getting into a position where a pull would benefit the team. Think young padawan think. You see a pullable class in a good position for a pull. Then crush him, cc etc. Gives more angles. Its a great mechanic.

Edited by lordgracy
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Doesn't matter. You got CC'd. Totally different story. What I'm talking completely bypasses any sort of skill at passing a huttball. Get the ball, get pulled. Cap. Pretty simple. No chance at a bad pass. No chance at an interception. And it's much faster.



grapple, pull, push or any cc on a fire trap ain't fine then if you want skill.


What I'm talking completely bypasses any sort of skill of killing on huttball

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but sage/sorc can pull carrier at any time and we can't pull him back as his resolve bar is full.


Pull the Sorc/Sage who is a sitting duck...uhm, duh


Better yet just kill him- takes an OP/Scoundrel, Gunslinger/Sniper, Assassin/Shadow, Marauder/Sent all of...oh, 3 seconds tops to do.


Huttball is a really good situational awareness check for some players- you find out who has tunnel vision REALLY quick.

Edited by Tourne
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This. I agree with the OP. Quite a lot of Huttball matches and I'm not sure I've seen one as frustrating as two Sorcerers pulling each other to victory. Almost impossible to kill or stop.

Wow you are bad then. Maybe focus the sorc thats about to pull? Outplayed imo.

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there's more of a problem with(currently ie no brackets) Juggernaut and guardians using leap to ally as level 50s and no one can put a dent in them. 5 people on ball carrier 3 on the guy running down ramp none can kill ball carrier up at goal line /scoreX4
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As long as ALL pulling/pushing/charging abilities are affected and not only the Jedi Sage/Sith Sorc ability - then I agree.


But that makes a long list then.


I'm good with having all those effect be disabled(force speed should be thrown in there to).


Fancy plays should be done via passing the ball not interceding then being pulled from the middle to the goal in 5 seconds.


Wow you are bad then. Maybe focus the sorc thats about to pull? Outplayed imo.


All the sorc needs is a single GCD to pull, it doesn't matter if you kill him as long as he gets that split second to cast it, you can't stop it. With resolve there is no way to 100 to 0 a sorc in pvp gear without letting him get that GCD to cast either.

Edited by DrekorSilverfang
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I'm good with having all those effect be disabled(force speed should be thrown in there to).


Fancy plays should be done via passing the ball not interceding then being pulled from the middle to the goal in 5 seconds.




All the sorc needs is a single GCD to pull, it doesn't matter if you kill him as long as he gets that split second to cast it, you can't stop it. With resolve there is no way to 100 to 0 a sorc in pvp gear without letting him get that GCD to cast either.


So basically you're saying that you want Huttball to remove all the crowd control mechanics it offers in order to make people have to play on "even ground" (i.e. no class can pull or push anyone anywhere to help their team gain an advantage).


I would never play that game. It's basically taking away any advantage that one class could have over another. May as well say that everyone who play has to be a Juggernaut or a Guardian, too. That's all you'd find since they have the most survivability once CC is discounted.

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Havaing a Sage/Sorc pull a teammate that has the huttball should NOT be allowed. This is what passing is for. With a pull you bypass:


1). The chance that you have a bad pass

2). That your Pass gets intercepted.

3). Quicker movement between 2 points than passing a ball


Pulling the huttball is way too easy to accomplish. Remove the ability to pull the player with the huttball


This is why you can pass the ball.


Then grappling the player or force leaping should ALSO be removed.

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