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swtor-epic experience or epic fail?


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Swtor fails horribly as an MMO. It would make a cool single player/co-op RPG but thats about it. There was a couple aspects of the game I enjoyed but the majority was awful. There is absolutely no way I can justify paying $15 a month for this, in fact you could not pay me to play swtor as a serious MMO. I would maybe consider playing casually if it went F2P and by casually I mean probably never. The only feedback I can give Bioware is scrap this project and go back to the drawing board. Instead of spending 200 million dollars on cut scenes and voice overs try and make a good game.


• Horrible unplayable PvP. The worst PvP combat I have ever experienced. This goes beyond just bugs and lag the entire pvp combat system flat out blows. Only way to fix this would be to redesign the entire game.

• Outside of leveling all you do is sit in a bland boring space ship hub and do nothing.

• No sense of world or universe. You hop in an elevator and you are on a new planet or in a dungeon.

• Travel is horrible, fake, boring and not worth the effort.


How can you ask us to pay $15 a month for this?

Edited by zonedxx
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epic fail as a MMO. I know many on here are happy with this being Kotor with a chat box, but that's not my idea of a MMO.


I wish I had a dime for every time I've heard someone say this, and every time all I can think is "you're playing it wrong."

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Eh I have decided to unsubscribe, when at level 34 I can go "Ok I'm bored" and log out after 10 minutes, there really is no reason to stay subscribed, add onto that.....


- All the bugs


- Bad customer support


- Ability delay


- All the Bioware groupies clamoring that there is nothing wrong which will lead to lack of bug fixes and desperately needed features


- All the UN-NEEDED voice acting class quests are fine but for every last detail of this gameto be voice acted it gets annoying fast.


- On rails questing and done in a lot of hallways


- Single player game with co-op features.


It just really isn't fun for me, maybe I will come back maybe I won't who knows.

Edited by Gunryu
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Not realy sure. It's a fail at beeing kotor 3 due to beeing an mmo.


And as a mmo it's lacking content, half the hm's are bug'ed, either giving you no loot or just one shoting the tank.

Luckily they're adding a new imp/imp wz so atleast I can play something else then huttball, but pvp still is unresponsive.


Imo is a decent game, but I feel it's just a watered down kotor3 mixed with some mmo features.


I'd like to know how it's lacking content. This statement constantly boggles my mind.

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So after reaching level 50 I have come to the conclusion that swtor is starting to become an epic fail. Why? well its like this as a pve player who really has no interest in pvp or the "good loot" that pve has to offer I would much rather run hardmode flashpoints to obtain gear and to do ilum dailies for mods etc. Now this is were the problem arises so far out of the 6 hardmode flashpoints only 3 of them are worth doing, why I hear you ask, well boarding party is unfortunatley bugged so that the stealth troopers loot chest is not lootable so kinda defeats the object of going there unless you really want to just finish it (I mean you could farm the relics from the first boss by reseting the instance but this feels like exploiting so its not really something I agree with). second fail instance is foundary because of yet another bug that causes revan to simply 1 shot the tank (this can be overcome by the use of some well timed CDs, combat resses and alot of luck) this makes this instance to me not really worth doing along with boarding party. The final fail instance is the battle of ilum this goes all out and decides to give you two bugs in the same instance. 1st is the 2nd boss who sometimes decides to spawn maybe 3 waves of adds before you even get the first stun or maybe he ll just throw double the amount at you and 2nd bug is yet again the last boss has a chest that is not lootable. All these fails kinda defeat the object of going in there is if all your gonna get is a massive repair bill.

That leaves the 3 instances black talon, false emporer and directive 7. Black talon I basically do because being overgeared for it now means you can complete it in about 30 minutes and get your daily hardmode done (although this is starting to get a little boring now). False emporer is also ok so long as you get 2 people with push back abilities (I hear grenades will be sold outside after next patch). Directive 7 I have still yet to experience in hardmode as after going in normal and seeing the amount of damage bulwark does it is kind of scary :p (may do that 1 this afternoon)

So with all this said the flashpoint to me seem to be fail but the funniest thing is bioware are adding a new one in the next patch. So not only can we not experience the current flashpoint we will get another they expect will be bugged. Nice work Bioware.


I feel that I should also mention that not only are the above bugs in game but also things like "defend the shipment" daily at ilum is only doable about once every 3 days because that bugs on a regular basis.


The thing that could be most annoying though after spending about 5 days collecting 66/67 datacrons I get to Ilum just to find that the aim datacron is, yes you guessed it, bugged so it cannot be collect which means I cannot complete for the title.


So yes with all this said apart from the extremely good leveling process and very exciting interactive story modes swtor is starting to feel a little like a fail imo and if 1.1 does not fix these problems I for one and probably many others will just cancel subscriptions (Thank god I have not quite cancelled my wow subscription)


So there we have it I leave you with the question- epic experience or epic fail?


epic experience

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Whats sad is all the fan boys expect us to pay for this garbage. Take a look at FF14 most epic fail MMO to launch and even they didnt start charging people for subs til they got the game to a more playable state more befitting of an mmo which took them over a year.


Game is perfectly playable. Bugs? Yep, perfectly reasonable in a game of this magnitude. Hilariously deluded if you didn't expect them, and pathetically impatient if you can't accept it takes time to fix them. By all means unsubscribe, but painting the picture of some amazingly catastrophic unplayable failure that most forum warriors claim it is just shows your stupidity and ignorance.

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They propritised horribly wrong imho. What's the point of all the voice acted cut-scenes when the UI is prolematic, Classes are unbalanced, finding groups for flashpoints are hard and the game-world feels dis-jointed?


The core functions of a great MMO seem to be suffering because the game is filled with fully voice acted cutscenes.


It's NOT really what the majority of the MMO crowd wants, at least not over other things sich as a good UI

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It's NOT really what the majority of the MMO crowd wants, at least not over other things sich as a good UI



This game is geared toward people who want KNOTR 3.......which could have been done as a single player, which to be brutally honest this game IS a single player game with co-op things thrown in, you don't even need a group for questing seeing as you have a companion.

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This game is a subpar version of WoW with thw Starwars ip that reads quests to you while making you think you are making choices, but it affects nothing.


Plus all the other countless things that shouldn't be in a mmorpg these days.

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It's not the fixable bugs that are the problem imo. The issues with the game are more fundamental than that and unlikely fixable. From the dev team to the art team.

It feels like a shallow replica of what's come before just dressed with sw themes.


I say this as someone who was completely hyped about the game. But once I got past level 20 things started getting boring very quickly. Tried another AC- same thing. THen another and different faction then server. I commend ppl getting to level 50- clearly the game is for some ppl.

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the game prity much just launched lawl u can rage quit go back to wow


Ok i feel i should just say to this person and many more like who moan about people whining and raging I did not post this post as a rage it is started as a discussion as that is what forums are for I thank everyone for there views and insights and to all the people that said "stop whining and quit" well I think you should know our opinions are what make us individuals the forums would be a boring place if everyone said "swtor is great" so maybe when these people grow up into adults they will realise life isn t perfect and people disagree but for now I suggest you get of to school as your probably late.


Again thanks to everyone who posted your views I really enjoyed reading how people are feeling and lets just hope Bioware get things on track soon.

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The Aim datacron worked fine for me yesterday. I clicked on it no problem on Saber of Exar Kun.


Check your ilum codex you can collect it but it doesn t register (check 1.1 patch notes it is going to be fixed)

Edited by ashkimlou
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It's not the fixable bugs that are the problem imo. The issues with the game are more fundamental than that and unlikely fixable. From the dev team to the art team.

It feels like a shallow replica of what's come before just dressed with sw themes.


I say this as someone who was completely hyped about the game. But once I got past level 20 things started getting boring very quickly. Tried another AC- same thing. THen another and different faction then server. I commend ppl getting to level 50- clearly the game is for some ppl.



I agree with this. It's one thing to see a lot of posts complaining about technical glitches and bugs. It's another to see a majority who are dissatisfied with the actual foundations of the game. It's at that point that you may realize that no amount of patches or bug fixes is going to change anything. And so, the phrase "this isn't the game for you" is actually spot on for most people. It's sad, but then again, it will make a good case study for future game companies (hopefully).

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I think what this all boils down to is this.. After years of having these forums while this game was in development, and having players state time and time again what they had hoped SWTOR to be with their ideas etc.. How much of that was implemented into this game?

If they didn't listen over the last few years to the player base, what makes you think they will listen now? But then again overall it is Biowares decision and not the players, and they must reap what they sow...

Edited by Ricanther
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Crafting design

Star Wars feel




LFG Tool

Open PvP


Crafting balance

Amount of walking

Heroic content in questing

Customer Service response time


Guild features

Chat options

UI options

Companion AI

GTN design

Combat log feedback

Aggro management tools


PvP Gear

I could keep going on...

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  • 1 month later...
Im sorry but i had very high hopes for this game and its not the bugs that are game breaking, i can deal with bugs, but this game offers nothing in comparison to wow. I was getting extremely sick of wow, and im a huge star wars fan. I followed this game since it was first announced and watched countless videos over and over again with excitement! The first week was fun but it still didnt pull me in the same way world of warcraft did. My merc is max level and i have a mid level op and a mid level assassin. After about 3 weeks of playing this game i was extremely bored and extremely frustrated and ready to hang it up forever. The epic fail in this game is that the world doesnt feel alive whatsoever. The economy is garbage, server populations are low, its impossible to find a group without cross server ques, and theres just a general lack of spice in this game. They put all their money into making the quests feel like a one player game when really, they are the same mmo quests with voice acting. Who gives a **** why you are collecting 5 of whatever it is you are collecting. In the end i found myself skipping all quest dialogue because i just didnt care AT ALL. This world needs to feel like a thriving community and it fails to do so. It feels literally like a computer generated world. Everything seems to be placed there just to make it seem like its alive but they arent achieving that at all. And to the guy who said "stop complaining and leave, you wont be missed" WE ACTUALLY WILL BE MISSED WHEN THERE IS NO ONE LEFT BUT YOU. Just saying, biggest gaming let down of my life. period
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They are clearly patching bugs, yet you quit before they even get a chance to fix them all of them. The only epic fail is your ability to have some patience.


This is the problem with todays gaming kids. They dont understand games like MMOs take time to grow. It takes time to iron out the bugs and it takes time to add more content. They all expect everything to be perfect, these are not gamers as a gamer knows no game is bug free or perfect.


If only these kids were at the launch of WoW. They would understand the meaning of lack of content, bugs and instability issues. TORs issues are nothing compared to WoW issues. And look at WoW now. Why... well we had paitence and understood the process of creation.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If you want to see what an epic fail in MMOs looks like take a look at Final Fantasy 14. The Old Republic is not up to par with what World of Warcraft is today but I don't think it will take Bioware long to improve. While I have no proof, I'm confident that once the first expansion drops we'll be looking at a very improved game. It's unfortunate that it didn't launch with the expected epic experience and currently I am unsubscribed but it is far from epic fail.
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