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I'm level 32 almost 33 and I haven't had much to complain about....


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But I've found like other players that I'm hitting a wall in my 30's. I could understand hitting a wall in my 40's but not 30's.


I think one thing that would make it a little more bearable is if the WZ quests weren't daily and basically repeatable. I know WAR had a similar system to this and it just gives people another option of leveling. Is there a downside to this I'm not seeing?


Personally, I would rather just get in a group and grind mobs all day long ala old school DAoC, but it seems everything is geared towards questing these days.


Other than that I'm still enjoying the game regardless of my hate for questing. :D

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Trying to level without questing is probably the mortar for your brick wall.

Between class quest chains, planet quest chains, bonus serieses, side quests, heroics, the odd flashpoint and daily space missions, I'm hitting planets where everything's green. Just finally finished Balmorra, very nearly level 43, and aboot to head back to Alderaan for the bonus there, then onto Hoth.

Spent maybe 30 minutes on Quesh, skipped a lot of Nar Shaddaa and a bunch of Tanis. Will revisit on another character.

Although I'm running around in a group of pen & paper roleplayers so it's probably not your average dynamic.

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Do you guys think repeatable quests for PvP would be a good idea?


you should be doing pvp dailies and space mission dailies they are worth a huge chunk of exp.


I didn't hit any wall of any sort in my 30's maybe its the class/companion combination you are using?


Is it getting harder to solo? Or whats the real issue.

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you should be doing pvp dailies and space mission dailies they are worth a huge chunk of exp.


I didn't hit any wall of any sort in my 30's maybe its the class/companion combination you are using?


Is it getting harder to solo? Or whats the real issue.


The issue is that not everyone likes quest for hours on end to level. There should be more options for leveling through PvP.


I think it would break it up nicely if I could spend a day leveling with PvP quests and the next day with story line quests.

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I have had no issue with the 30's, Taris' main quest line was awesome and felt cinematic all the way through, my personal class quest finally got interesting, Quesh was started and finished before i could get bored with it and Hoth is like a snowy wonderland where i can cruise the scenery in peace on my way to quest objectives.
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What I noticed at 30ish was that the fights got noticeably more difficult. For the first time I had to upgrade my gear and my companions. Once I went to fleet and spent all the old commendations I had leftover on upgrading gear and mods for myself and companion I went back to steamrolling over everything as before.
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