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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Orbital Stations Must Die!


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Agreed. When they allow players to jump magically all over the place with no sense of continuation, abstraction is complete, and environmental design gone the way of the dodo. And what resemblance of patience that remains is so tiny at any rate, nobody should be really stretched by these very short segments of what we have left of movement in any form whatsoever.






The main complaint is the blackout process in order to achieve said destination. Had the zones been designed that one could enter a shuttle, then simply watch the shuttle fly to (and dock) on the planet Im sure that players would be fairly ok with that. However, the "loading screen, run, black out, run, black out, land" train is getting very old.


Other then that, the game is perfect

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The main complaint is the blackout process in order to achieve said destination. Had the zones been designed that one could enter a shuttle, then simply watch the shuttle fly to (and dock) on the planet Im sure that players would be fairly ok with that. However, the "loading screen, run, black out, run, black out, land" train is getting very old.


Other then that, the game is perfect


I find the blackout when reviving by medical probe to be equally annoying.

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Enter elevator - walk into hangar - run to ship - enter ship - run to galaxy map - run to exit - leave ship - run through hanger - enter elevator - run along orbital station - enter shuttle




Enter elevator - walk into hangar - run to ship - enter ship - run to galaxy map - run to exit - leave ship - run through hanger - enter elevator - run through large spaceport


Both remind me a lot of Mass Effect 1 elevators.


Though they deffinitly managed to make the game last longer. With the time wasted this way, instead of one character at lvl 44 and one at 20, I'd probably have three characters at 50 and one getting close ;)


Meh, to me it's just an artificial way of making the game seem massive.

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The main complaint is the blackout process in order to achieve said destination. Had the zones been designed that one could enter a shuttle, then simply watch the shuttle fly to (and dock) on the planet Im sure that players would be fairly ok with that. However, the "loading screen, run, black out, run, black out, land" train is getting very old.


Other then that, the game is perfect


If the environment can be optimized and redesigned and still create a good sense of continuation, that is not necessarily a bad thing. The motivation for the change might some times be in question, but if transition itself feels suboptimal by the current technical solution, alternatives would be welcome, as long as they are rooted in a genuine environmental understanding, and not used as an excuse for bypassing elements. :)



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Other than liars and the hardest of hardcore masochist who enjoys bamboo shards under his fingernails to relax...most people are pretty sick of the stations/shuttle/airlock/hanger/elevator.../wrist.

and don't forget the lack of Speeders in all those areas as well. It's like someone secretly hates the players and wants to inflict needless annoyances.

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and don't forget the lack of Speeders in all those areas as well. It's like someone secretly hates the players and wants to inflict needless annoyances.



It would be so much less of an annoyance if we could use speeders in these areas.



We can use speeders in the Imperial Fleet docks...why not the any other?

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Honestly I have played wow for 4 years and i have never done as much running as i do in TOR.


I mean running to mobs, Running around mobs. Running through orbital stations and useless rooms.. All of it seem to give the image of a large world but instead just makes me want to log..Failed on a foundry run, and the run back was over 5mins.. we wiped again and everyone dropped group.


Also, Bioware really dropped the ball with our ships. Our ship's are just another room not a ship. I had images of ships orbiting planets, being able to cruise around and see others but nope its a room only. (fly above Stormwind or Orgrimmer and you see lots and lots of toons. I return to the empire and all i get is lag.


The Clock is ticking bio, Aion failed, DC failed, Rift Failed and i hate to say i see TOR going the same way. Dont compete with wow, just make a game that Dots its i's or crosses its T's

rather then making a super long walkway to waste my time (CAUSE I CANT MOUNT)


End rant !

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It's not Mass Effect. As has been mentioned before, elevators are part of Star Wars canon! For example



Good one :)


And TOR has deffinitly stayed true to Star Wars canon then. God are there many elevator rides.


The Cadmemimu one is the worst...

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I dont mind them. All the people who are ************ about 50 loading screens are full of it. It loads 1x when you exit your ship, the rest of the time it just blanks the screen for a second tops. Get a new hard drive if it is taking longer than that.


I think they would be less annoying however if you could use a speeder in them. The actual space ports on planets are even worse. The docking bay and the extra part before you get to an elevator is like 2x the size of any orbital station.

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Is anybody else put out by these orbital stations we have to go through on each planet? I mean really it's just an extra step that needs to go. I have a ship and I should be able to land on the planet.


if there was only more to do on the station other than the 1 time quest giver who stops you to say "Hey..you need to go talk to someone".


I guess you could think of it as the planet doesn't have a place for you to land your ship [yeah..I know - you could say - "well..I should be able to land it anywhere!].

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They are only a part of some planets, generally those where it would not make sense for you to land there or there is no spaceport available -- i.e. Pubs landing on Balmorra, which is Empire-occupied.


See, I am a smuggler though. Does it make sense that I need to land in a spaceport? Every other smuggler, pirate, bounty hunter, mercenary and other assorted riff-raff lands wherever they please...



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The power to destroy an Orbital Station is insignificant to the power of five loading screens.


Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen gameplay, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the missing cutscenes.

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You would either have to run through the space port on the planet or run through the orbital station it takes the same amount of time more or less, it's just that one extra elevator ride that seems to enrage people.
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