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Orbital Stations Must Die!


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i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE orbital stations!!!


they are on every damn planet except for capital planets. i just want to land do my quests and leave not land on a ****** station run through 2 zones to get to a shuttle to take me to the planet.



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I would actually play the space mission where you disable the orbital space station if it let me bypass the lame orbital space stations.


Nothing would be more satisfying then pumping that stupid station full of missiles. Rather use a photon torpedo except for the 50 level restriction.

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I've been asking this question for quite some time, as most of my guildies have. Why the hell are there so many instances in this game? What's with the orbital station love? Bioware, please remove the orbital stations, they are so freaking redundant.


I can only assume due to how poor the engine is, Bioware are trying to reduce numbers in any areas that's possible. That way those of you who have not visited Ilum yet, don't know how poor this game performs in highly populated areas.

Edited by Tgpo
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These space stations offer more flexibility for adding new content later. Imagine instead of taking that one shuttle down to the surface you have a choice of 2 or 3 which take you to a new different areas of the planets to be released later.


That's how I look at it at least.

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These space stations offer more flexibility for adding new content later. Imagine instead of taking that one shuttle down to the surface you have a choice of 2 or 3 which take you to a new different areas of the planets to be released later.


That's how I look at it at least.


Now that is more than likely what is coming. It would be bad if did not have them then say land in a lvl 18-20 zone and need to take a 20 minute speeder trip to a lvl 50-55 area.

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These space stations offer more flexibility for adding new content later. Imagine instead of taking that one shuttle down to the surface you have a choice of 2 or 3 which take you to a new different areas of the planets to be released later.


That's how I look at it at least.


Exactly how I see it too. And those areas will be separated with exhaustion zones or completely separated by loading screens. The good thing is i will not be around to see that joke.

Edited by SBite
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These space stations offer more flexibility for adding new content later. Imagine instead of taking that one shuttle down to the surface you have a choice of 2 or 3 which take you to a new different areas of the planets to be released later.


That's how I look at it at least.



I honestly don't mind Orbital station. After all... there is 0 loading time when you take the shuttle to the planet.


What i do mind however ;


- No speeders allowed in the said stations


- No ship hangar. I like looking at my ship as i go back to it. The door thing is just lame.

Edited by Alianar
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These space stations offer more flexibility for adding new content later. Imagine instead of taking that one shuttle down to the surface you have a choice of 2 or 3 which take you to a new different areas of the planets to be released later.


That's how I look at it at least.




So you think they'll be adding them too all planets? :eek:

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Is anybody else put out by these orbital stations we have to go through on each planet? I mean really it's just an extra step that needs to go. I have a ship and I should be able to land on the planet.


No because they'll become jumping off points for new planets and missions later on in the game. I can live with the 20 secs extra it takes me to head to the shuttle.


If that is too much time out of your busy life you cannot afford to waste then I must also ask why are you even playing games?

Edited by Daeborn
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No because they'll become jumping off points for new planets and missions later on in the game. I can live with the 20 secs extra it takes me to head to the shuttle.


If that is too much time out of your busy life you cannot afford to waste then I must also ask why are you even playing games?




I dunno landing on planets could be quite

and even
. :)
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Is anybody else put out by these orbital stations we have to go through on each planet? I mean really it's just an extra step that needs to go. I have a ship and I should be able to land on the planet.


Lets be honest your ship is a joke you dont actually get to fly it anywhere


atleast in JTL i could fly to a planet and land

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We should just get the option to go directly to the planet surface, but for story segments and the first time, you should have to go through it.


Simply because the planets that use the stations do not have spaceports, they have shuttle pads.

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Why? How about if we can have one button called "instant win" and if you push it before the other fella in PvP you won. :)
Will it break stealth?


One thing that Orbital Stations could be used for in the future is new higher-level (or lower-level) content on a different part of the planet. From an orbital station, you can have multiple shuttle destinations. With a spaceport, you will always land on the same spot when you arrive on a planet.

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Competely agree with the OP. Hate them!


It really takes you out of the story. I really don't see why we just can't land on the planet, not all of them, but most of them.


Also, if we HAVE to keep them, can we please use speeders in them, like you can on the fleet ships!

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Simply because the planets that use the stations do not have spaceports, they have shuttle pads.


You do realize that this is a game and not real life, right?

Creating a space port on a planet is not a big endeavor like building an airport in real life. They could either make a space port OR (even better and less taxing on the devs) just let your ship land on the planet's surface. If the Falcon can land inside of a giant space worm, surely my Mantis can land on a planet's surface.


My point is, it's a GAME, not real life, and the devs make the world. If something isn't fun, they CAN change it.

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