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Who do you have a hard time pvping agains?t


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it cant be all that bad?


It's not, but it's a difficult question. There are a lot of specs, and situations.


In PvP warzones specced as a healer:

- If you are focused fired by two players and don't get help, you're dead

- If you are targeted by one player, you can survive for ages and heal yourself, but that's about it

- If you aren't targeted, you can spam heals from the background and do some AoE damage every once in a while


Duelling: Who cares?


World PvP: So many different class / companion combinations that it's impossible to say.

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Commando is among those at the bottom of the food chain, hanging there with jedi knights.


I've found commandos are a very bad 1v1 class, but with some backup (read: distractions) allowing you to really unload with impunity, you can melt faces before anyone realises what's happening. It's when the other team makes you a priority target that things fall apart.

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I think we are pretty strong. I run Combat Medic personally. It just takes me a while to get my solo kill medal. Usually someone comes and helps me before i finish my kill =P


When I was Gunnery 1 vs 1 with my coldowns up I'd always win. You have to fake out good interupters with a heal, then blast Grav Rounds / Demo / HIB in there face for 8 seconds until they can interupt you again. Kite if needed, and get distance if you need to.

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Obviously agents are broken, but sorcs are basically commandos with more stuns and better survivability. We basically have a stealth scan over them.


Just got out a warzone with 6 sorcs and 2 tanks, they simply facerolled through it.


Agents atleast can be somewhat countered with the stealth requirement.



Sorcs are by far the best all around class, only a guardian/jug is more defensive, bu tthey can self heal and are high potential dps in game.


An amazing lack of play testing to launch with a class so broken.

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Anyone claiming they're having an easy time killing juggernaughts or powertechs in 1v1 is either lying or playing against ****** players. They have enough CC and an 8 second cd interupt to lock you out of anything in the gunnery tree, and enough damage/mitigation to kill an AS that isn't specced to heal themself.
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This is from mid-level (30's) on both sage and commando's regarding the last couple of comments. The two classes are remarkably similar, they actually even have the same knockback (Commando is actually better) and CC.


What the sage gets is a shield that is the best defensive ability in the game, sprint and a better resource pool for non dedicated healers. The resource pool is big because it means you can spec dps and off-heal. The first time I went into a wz I did 130K damage and 100K healing at level 16. No way could you do that with a gunnery commando, or scoundrel, at that level. They just run out of resources too fast.


On the other hand, commando's especially if you hide and position right, can put out a ton of damage. Commando's are much better for churning medals than a sage before you get gear because you can just pop a stim, hit grav round, and you are golden for a 2.5K hit and because of the aoe you can top damage in a wz. On the other hand, you will grav round until your ears bleed. You almost won't be doing anything else.


As far as what I had trouble with it was "burst". My commando pretty much just ate it while my sage often got away or at least made them work for it. I also didn't have to stand there and just shoot I could move and kite which gave me a chance against OP's.

Edited by rainingcrazy
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I'm not a great pvper so anyone with moderate skill can down me, that being said 1v1 I have trouble against sorcs and cloaky agents. Cloaky agents are obvious, their backstabs are huge hits right now. For some reason the stuns and lightening combos from sorcs get me every time.


aside from that, i've found that in 1v1 owpvp doing a quick cc on the player, then using concussion on the player's companion helps out a lot. 1v2 I will lose, as I can't determine who I should down quickly enough which causes me to shuffle damage and not focus.


people complain about commandos (and vanguards for that matter) but I find its my inability to play my class well (Aside from healing in PVE) that kills me in PVP more than my class sucking.


for the record, I highly enjoy combat med specced commando.

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So far it has been operatives(duh), sorcs, and Juggernauts when the other team uses teamwork. Juggs are beyond annoying when their team is using proper teamwork.


Speaking of, what gets my Commando the most is when my team lacks teamwork. Maybe it is my server but the bads are more frequent on republic than on the Imp side. They are either rushing the objective aimlessly without clearing it first, running into large groups when they only have a few with them, running by themselves. And if you say anything in ops chat they say "I don't see you doing anything either stop complaining your doing no better than anyone else." Seriously, I might level an Imp to level 10 just to see how they communicate in PVP because it seems as if they consistently look as if they are operating as one.

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It's mainly teamwork (and operatives *jumps on the bandwagon*) as i usually set up shop somewhere and start dishing out the love to my teammates. This also means that after the first encounter people start to notice the lack of dps coming from my direction and they'll give me a go as well.


But in all fairness it's more the inability to sometimes set up shop that get's to me. Take Aldaraan for example if we lose mid at the first push i lose all the places to hide and heal. This makes it so annoying as the coordinated team most likely figured out that i need to die first and i'll know it's gonna be a bad bad round.

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