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Hey Imps, reroll Republic...no really


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On my server i have both Republic and Empire characters.


Aside from the fact that Empire has much higher numbers, it is ridiculous how many Inquisitors there are, like 4 of them to one of every other class.

Lightning everywhere literally, unlimited powah and all that...

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Yeah it's pretty despicable on Bioware's end.


Found this in another thread:


Forget the story-lines, voice actors, class aesthetics, etc. that Empire has loads better. The biggest reason Empire is favored on PvP servers is because their "mirrored" classes have better mechanics.


1. Smuggler Flash Grenade has 90 scond cooldown (untalented) vs. Imperial Agent Flash Bang has 60 second cooldown (untalented).


2. Smuggler Dirty Kick roots the kicker for 1 second to complete the animation vs. Imperial Agent Dehabilitate does not root the player doing the ability.


3. Smuggler Back Blast takes 1 second to actually do damage and can be canceled with a timely knockback vs. Imperial Agent Backstab is instant activation AND damage.


4. Trooper Mortar Volley takes 1.75 seconds for the first volley to hit the ground (4.75 seconds for TOTAL damage on a 3 second channel...) vs. Bounty Hunter Death From Above firing its first missile near after about .7 seconds and finishes damage within the 3 second channel.


5. Trooper Stockstrike has a .75 second delay in dealing damage and can be completely negated with a timely knockback vs. Bounty Hunter Rocket Punch being instant.


6. Jedi Sage Project takes 1-2 seconds to travel to the target before doing damage vs. Sith Inquisitor Shock being 100% instant.


There are more exapmles scattered across the forum, and there are also situations where the Republic class performs slightly better than the Imperial mirror, but that is few and far between and doesn't have as much impact as the ones I listed above.


Fix. This. ****. BioWare.

Edited by Auxili
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I'm surprised people compared Horde to Imperials. I'm a 100% hordey, which is why I went with Republic. The underdog feel is prevalent on both sides (although there isn't a faction imbalance in wow). I find that the attitude of Imperials and Alliance (Humans first) is a much better correlation. So any of you who are hardcore Horde players playing Imperial...you're on the wrong side.
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I'm surprised people compared Horde to Imperials. I'm a 100% hordey, which is why I went with Republic. The underdog feel is prevalent on both sides (although there isn't a faction imbalance in wow). I find that the attitude of Imperials and Alliance (Humans first) is a much better correlation. So any of you who are hardcore Horde players playing Imperial...you're on the wrong side.


In WoW I could only ever bring myself to play Horde... But I really don't feel strongly about either faction here. I'm just enjoying my Agent, which I was set on as my main before its official reveal (when we only had the timeline entry hinting rather loudly at it) :D

Edited by archifikoss
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I want to play a Jedi consular badly, but throwing stones you can barely see or shooting lighting from the fingertips, a no brainer. The spell graphics and storylines and most armors are just so dull on the Republic side. If they change those things I would make an alt there.
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Working on two Empire characters currently. But I'm leaning towards rolling a Republic one next. Have to balance out those darkside actions with some noble goody two shoes lightside hero play. Plus new planets and quests to experience on the other team.


Karma must be satisfied.

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Not being able to send mail to my cross-faction alts is a serious disincentive. One of the nice things about alts is that you can use your main to craft them nicer leveling gear... except you can't in TOR.


Use the Nar Shadaa marketplace. It's cross-faction and bypasses not being able to send credits to alts on the other side.

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I want to play a Jedi consular badly, but throwing stones you can barely see or shooting lighting from the fingertips, a no brainer. The spell graphics and storylines and most armors are just so dull on the Republic side. If they change those things I would make an alt there.


I acutally played a jedi consular before I started my Sorc, the storyline and voice acting for the consular (when compared to the inquisi) is no where close.


I played about 3 hours of my jedi consular and I managed to... tattle on about 5 people, where on my sorc I was torturing before I even killed a mob. I would have stuck to the consular but running to tell my superiors that two of my peers are falling in love and need to be seperated doesn't make me feel like I'm doing the 'right' thing, just the more annoying.


as for re-rolling rep, I might make a PvP alt to do just this. At least from what I've seen on my server the rep put up a pretty darn good fight.

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During Beta, I tried out Jedi Consular. The storyline was boring to me -- I found myself 'space bar-ing' at each cut scene. I really want to try it out, but Empire storyline is really cool. Currently I have a lvl 50 IA, 43 Sith Inq, and 32 BH. IA storyline is incredible!! My Sith Inq was actually my first char, but when I started IA -- I was hooked from the start.


How's the trooper or smuggler storyline?

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I acutally played a jedi consular before I started my Sorc, the storyline and voice acting for the consular (when compared to the inquisi) is no where close.


I played about 3 hours of my jedi consular and I managed to... tattle on about 5 people, where on my sorc I was torturing before I even killed a mob. I would have stuck to the consular but running to tell my superiors that two of my peers are falling in love and need to be seperated doesn't make me feel like I'm doing the 'right' thing, just the more annoying.


as for re-rolling rep, I might make a PvP alt to do just this. At least from what I've seen on my server the rep put up a pretty darn good fight.


I loved the Sorc storyline. I finished that and helped my husband finish the Sith warrior one, both entertaining but the sorc was great. I am full light side aligned as a Sith as I just dont have it in me to be evil, even in a game, thus playing a Jedi seemed natural. But yeah, that tattling on lovers is about as childish a thing as I have seen. I felt like I was back in 3rd grade in parochial school.

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During Beta, I tried out Jedi Consular. The storyline was boring to me -- I found myself 'space bar-ing' at each cut scene. I really want to try it out, but Empire storyline is really cool. Currently I have a lvl 50 IA, 43 Sith Inq, and 32 BH. IA storyline is incredible!! My Sith Inq was actually my first char, but when I started IA -- I was hooked from the start.


How's the trooper or smuggler storyline?


Trooper so far has a heavy Mass Effect feeling, at least at early levels - it's pretty fun.

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I've heard stories about people being kicked from Republic flashpoints for picking dark side options in the dialogue. True?


Stuff like that is insufferable. I'd rather the opportunity to kill the sort of players who see themselves as 'the good guys' and have fragile sensibilities like these. Not that they're all like this, but not having the option to kill those who do is too annoying.


Also, brown robes and Jedi. Yeech. NTY.


In most groups I played in most of us wished someone would take the Dark Side option but all too often we were all goody-two shoes because of the alignment restricted gear and for story reasons. But it's great to see evil winning sometimes, for the sake of variety.

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I acutally played a jedi consular before I started my Sorc, the storyline and voice acting for the consular (when compared to the inquisi) is no where close.


I played about 3 hours of my jedi consular and I managed to... tattle on about 5 people, where on my sorc I was torturing before I even killed a mob. I would have stuck to the consular but running to tell my superiors that two of my peers are falling in love and need to be seperated doesn't make me feel like I'm doing the 'right' thing, just the more annoying.


as for re-rolling rep, I might make a PvP alt to do just this. At least from what I've seen on my server the rep put up a pretty darn good fight.


Pretty much. Republic just isn't "cool".


the problem is not theres too many sith. the problem is there are not ENOUGH republic. whether there are 300 sith or 600 sith or 900 sith in the zone, as long as there are 100 republic and everyone can find groups and get their FPs and quests done then its no biggie (other than the zerg pvp aspect). but we are in a situation where unless you are on a very heavy or heavy server as republic, you'll struggle to even get your PvE done as there are like 20 of you in the zone max


on my sith guy, you go to the fleet, there are 200 people and you can find a group for any flashpoint in about 10-20 minutes. on my republic on the same server you cant even find an esseles group in under 30 minutes (i.e. you cant find ONE other person). because theres only 40 people total on the fleet.



Its a problem that makes it nonsensical for anyone to play republic, which means more and more people will go sith as time goes by until literally it is a 1 faction game. Who wants to stand around an empty space station? I'd rather reroll sith.



Add this to what was already said about cool factor.

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Trooper so far has a heavy Mass Effect feeling, at least at early levels - it's pretty fun.


Both trooper and smuggler have rather awesome stories.

Jedi Knights story surpasses the story of a Sith Warrior so far for me at least.

Consular is sub par when compared to the Inquisitor in just about every department, and that is one of the issues of the faction imbalance as well, Inquisitors have vast numbers, by far the most popular class even on the Empire side, like i said before lightning everywhere.

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Already do play Republic. I can't make it out of Empire starting zones because I feel bad killing random people for no apparent reason, it ruins immersion.


But honestly, let the people who want to play Empire go. They can and should play whatever is most fun for them.

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Pretty much. Republic just isn't "cool".


the problem is not theres too many sith. the problem is there are not ENOUGH republic. whether there are 300 sith or 600 sith or 900 sith in the zone, as long as there are 100 republic and everyone can find groups and get their FPs and quests done then its no biggie (other than the zerg pvp aspect). but we are in a situation where unless you are on a very heavy or heavy server as republic, you'll struggle to even get your PvE done as there are like 20 of you in the zone max


on my sith guy, you go to the fleet, there are 200 people and you can find a group for any flashpoint in about 10-20 minutes. on my republic on the same server you cant even find an esseles group in under 30 minutes (i.e. you cant find ONE other person). because theres only 40 people total on the fleet.



Its a problem that makes it nonsensical for anyone to play republic, which means more and more people will go sith as time goes by until literally it is a 1 faction game. Who wants to stand around an empty space station? I'd rather reroll sith.



Add this to what was already said about cool factor.


Precisely, agreed. But remember bioware can make the republic coolbeans too, they're the ones who've designed the game. The jedi are lamer in here than luke skywalker ever was in ROTJ. He was cool as beans

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