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Everything posted by somnang

  1. I cancelled my sub this past Monday (have until the 19th to play) and I found out about the free 30days like half an hour ago. If I re-sub, will I get the extra 30days? Or am I basically screwed? I'm screwed of the 30 days huh?
  2. I've been seeing more and more Operatives lately, though most of them are concealment spec. I'm assuming a lot will switch to heals come 1.2 Operatives by no means an easy class to play, but I really like the class. You have to be aware of your energy at all time, or else you're screwed. Operatives don't have any gap closers or leaps and such. Yes we have stealth, but so does marauders and assassins. In terms of raiding, having an operative is actually nice because we're good with single target healing.
  3. Whoever is saying having a sorc healer for SOA is a must, is TOTALLY WRONG. We downed SOA nightmare last week with merc + operative healer combo. It was a little bit tougher healing during the jumping platform part versus having a sorc, BUT when we got to the bottom, we were able to top everyone off by the time SOA reappears. 1.2 will only make Ops better, maybe not as much, but it's better than getting nerfed.
  4. As a healing Operative, I'm happy thus far for the buffs in our Medicine tree. Even though more can be done, it's heading in the right direction
  5. I know there aren't any exact details on the upcoming rated warzones, but could anyone speculate on how the ratings would be for someone who solo queues? Reason why I ask is because I mainly solo queue for current warzones. For example, let's say if a good player queues into a bad PUG and that team loses, would the good player get hit by the ratings? What's being scored?
  6. In pve -- ops are better at healing single target, at least that's what I notice in our raids. In pvp, we excel in being able to keep healed while running around; KP + Revitalizers, then surgical probe once TA procs.
  7. I'm running 28/13/0 spec and prefer revitalizers over slip away. For me, I find that extra heal helps because I'm constantly being targeted. Revitalizers + KP + Perpetual Healing Device(yeah I know it doesn't heal that much) are very nice!
  8. This is my spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401RffMzhMRzcZMcGozz.1 I agree lacerate and revitalizers are both incredible, which is why I went with 28/13/0 spec. I get a little bit more dmg which is really useful because there will be times when a guy with less than 50% health is on you. You can finish him off. To the OP, great write up though!
  9. I have mixture of Rakata/BM medic sets that I use for PVP and FULL Rakata for PVE. I only have 28pts in Medicine because RN IS CRAP!! Even with 15% increase, it still a waste of energy/ability/spec points.
  10. What really annoys me are the duration of these stuns. 6 second stuns??? That's a ridiculous amount of time. Yes I can use CC breaker, but there's only 1 and if it's on a cooldown, then I'm screwed. Plus that resolve bar is a joke. They need to change the name of it to "You're About to Die Bar" or "You just respawned and now staring at the white going down bar".
  11. ^^ Basically this... I would love some sort of knockback or sprint. As for healing, maybe another stack of Kolto Probe or increase the healing of it. I wouldn't mind increasing the length of TA. They should just remove recuperative nanotech and replace with the ability I just mentioned.
  12. There's open pvp in this game??!?! WHERE?! Joking aside... Ever since 1.1.5 patch, Ilum on our server is completely empty now. There used to be big skirmishes here and there, but now it doesn't exist anymore. Hopefully BW does something good in 1.2 to attract everyone there. On our server, we outnumber the Republics like 3 or 4 to 1. On the flip side, since there aren't too many people in Ilum anymore, armament spawns are more plentiful.... wooooo!!!
  13. Abilities I dont use: - Headshot (don't think I ever use it once) - that one ability where it heals you and your companion. - Cover (I'm a healer and consistently being chase in pvp so this ability isn't good) * the abilities that utilizes cover I use all the other abilities
  14. I was heal spec all the way to 50. I never had any problems with Kaliyo. I actually prefer Kaliyo as tank over Scorpio (never use her). On boss fights, I always use Kaliyo to tank. The fights are generally longer, but it's almost a guaranteed win. I can even do elite mobs with Kaliyo as tank. For normal mobs/quests, I use Ensign. I prefer her dps over Vector. I felt questing was good pace as heal spec. You can try switching to Concealment spec for quicker kills and then go back to heals or whatever once you reach 50
  15. ^^ This Although I mainly heal in Ops, I did have a chance to do dps a few times. I tried both Concealment and Lethality. Concealment requires you to be up close and be "in positioned for maximum dmg". Lethality is all about dots so you can almost be in any position (as long as you're in range) to do dmg. In ops, you're always moving about so Lethality is a better option, though Concealment is okay too. If you have competent healers and tanks, then you're fine with either specs -- just a matter of personal preference. I personally prefer burst dmg over dots, but that's the rogue in me speaking.
  16. Go Biochem! Especially for raids/pvp (basically endgame stuff lol). Those stims/medpack are huge in HM/Nightmare Ops. I was 400 armormech but just switched over to Biochem and training it now. My lvl 50 Assassin is 400 biochem and I'm currently making lots of stims/medpacs/adrenals. My BH alt is 400 cybertech and the only items that are useful are the bombs (for PVP). The stun bombs are vital for me (Op healer). The fire dot bomb is cool too, but will becomes useless after 1.1.5 patch.
  17. Anything is better than Rakata!! It's like a retarded ninja look. I actually prefer the BM/Champ look more.
  18. I like how they're fixing stuff for healers. I'm a healer and we're finally get our due in pvp. It always sucks to be at the bottom of the medals chart even though we keep everyone alive to win/cap/etc etc The patch says that BM and Champ commendations area available via pvp vendors. Does this mean that we can trade in Champ commendations for BM tokens?
  19. But on a side note, if you're healer spec (like me) -- you now get kill credit for healing the person who did the killing.... yes at last!
  20. Thanks for the clarification! I'm already part of a great ops group, but another group asked for help. I would love to help them out, but now that I know I'd get locked out, I'll pass until my group goes. Thanks again!
  21. If I joined a group for a HM operation, say EV... would I be able to go there again in another totally different group? Or am I locked out? Just curious. Thanks in advance
  22. Don't even bother with RN. I only have 28pts in medicine and I do perfectly fine in HMs, OPs, PVP. If you have RN, then I suggest you respec and put your pts somewhere else that's useful.
  23. Thanks, I'll tinkering around with my gear setups.
  24. Thanks for the in-depth comparison! I'll give the 13pt Lethality a try. The 2 things that stands out for me with Lethality is short cool down on Stim boost and the 21sec dot (very crucial for stopping multiple enemies from capping)
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