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I'm afraid to continue my Republic character


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If you hate huttball, roll republic, screw the new damn same side warzones...In every game there is a dev that says "I just had the best idea in the world!" but he is just not thinking things through...Happened before and now it happens again...what the hell do we even have factions for anyways? Let's just pair them and make them kill each other since the other faction has few players, screwing those few players even more. Hell, let's all roll empire and then we can rule the galaxy...and kill each other in the process.
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Yea I have a Sith Jugg on both and the numbers seem to be pretty Even. I hardly ever play Same faction Huttball.

It's not the same everywhere.


I just checked last night, since I was up anyway prepping a paper for today, how US servers seem to be.


To my amazement population imbalance does not seem to be such an issue over there (only checked two servers so maybe I just randomly chose 2 great Republic servers)


Anyway, across pretty much all European PvP servers(except the infamous multilingual ones ofc) it is the same: Republic side is either a barren wasteland or on its way there.

Edited by mufutiz
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On my server (legions of lettow) it seems like we have 3-4 Imp on 1 Rep. But here is very good population overal, no problems with quests. PvP (not in WZ) kinda funny, 3 vs 1 - standart setuation. I think this not so bad, more worst that many Rep players useless in PvP and Flashpoints, they just don't have brains and hands and in pvp lvls. In WZ 70-90% of Imp team geared 50 lvls, on Rep side one or two heroes, thats a big peoblem. I'm only take 50 JK(not the best pvp class) and my stat in 80% WZ 7 kills 7 deaths and i'm on first place in my team. But when i have ok team we crush Imp no problem with 30-40 kills each.


And one funny point about Imp pvp on my server - always about 4 Inqisitors spam one skill all time - funny way to play)

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EDIT: This thread is NOT solely about PVP. It's about how faction imbalance kills the republic faction, leading to diminished ability to engage in pve, the economy, and pvp. The moderators moved this thread to the PVP forum, but this is definitely intended for everyone to discuss in the general forum.


I'm worried that, on pvp servers, Republic will become a smaller ghosttown in the coming months. Especially with the coming pvp changes (more same-faction warzones, rewarding zerg faction on illum).


Currently on the republic side, there are less players from the 1-49 range, and much less at 50 than on the empire side.

This results in:

-a poorer economy

-difficulty finding pve groups (fleet chat on many pvp servers speaks for itself)

-and less opportunities to gear up for pvp

- constant zergs against the republic in ilum


Empire gears themselves up quickly with same-faction warzones, resulting in well-geared imperials fighting less-geared republicans in world pvp. They don't need the republic to gear up. This has, and will continue to, create problems for world pvp, which will cause the faction ratio to get worse and worse as it has with every game that let faction balance go unchecked.


Adding more same-faction warzones makes faction imbalance a non-issue for the empire, while making it an even more crippling issue for the republic.


The vast majority of pvp servers are like this. Rp-pvp servers are still imbalanced, but moreso on a 2:1 ratio. This is considered 'good balance' in swtor, which is strange to me.


All of this translates into the republic side dwindling even further down the line, making PVE more difficult to do.


Is there something I'm missing? I simply don't want to be forced to roll empire if I want to find PVE groups, participate in a decent economy, or have balanced PVP experiences.

Hopefully Bioware can ease this worry by implementing some changes that actually help BOTH sides for once, rather than just the empire side. I'll be keeping my eyes on the bioware tracker.


If you want to play a Republic, find a server with a healthier republic population. I know my guild alone has 50-60 level 50s, with several nights already seeing Ops. I am going to be leading my own static Op group soon and I've been doing HM FPs regularly (did 3 yesterday). If you are finding your server light on the faction you want to play, look for a new one. It's not on you to fix class balance; it's on BioWare to fix their imbalances.

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For my two cents on the issue at hand I think the short term solution is for Rep players to gather on serves and hold the line to the best of their abilities. Until Bioware gets off its butt and fixes the 'invisible, background' statistical issues, then Reps can start Expanding again. We as players, have no right to shout at the management, saying "make newbies roll-up only Rep characters for the foreseeable future." To do so goes against the will of individuals and will cause many people to just outright quit or go to other servers and add even more to the Imp' s side.


For reference I prefer to play on the Rep side of things got a primary Gunslinger and I'm loving it. But I also have an Imp A and a Sith Jugg. out there.


I play this game to see the interesting stories that i can explore. I find PVP interesting on somedays and find it sad the the intergalactic market has a realworld trend. lol But all in all as irritating as it is too see Imps running around with a standard 3:1 ratio (from both sides), we have to allow choice or i say 'Screw you guys i'm going home'.

Edited by EmptyCaster
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On the Port Nowhere server it is the other way around. All the Republic 50s are running around with full Battlemaster/Champion gear or a mix of the two.


It's gotten to the point where it is impossible to kill level 50 Sages even with 5 people beating on him.

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I'll copy/paste what I posted on another thread:





Just a couple of ideas I had to help fix this issue:


1. SHOW the individual faction population of each server. The same way the servers show the population now, but instead split IMP/REP populations. For example Black Vulkars Imperial: Heavy Republic: medium. Call me optimistic but I tend to think players like to go with the underdog. This would have been a lot more effective if this was done at launch though.


2. Again this goes with my underdog theory, but more so than giving incentive to roll republic, let 50s (and only 50s) get the choice to switch sides. I myself would never want to switch sides purely based on the amount of time invested on my main character. Now, look at that how ever you want it, my thought would be that if you switched sides, you switched to said mirror class but, like I said, just thinking out loud here....


Just trying to help Bioware with Ideas here as they don't seem to have any.

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I'll copy/paste what I posted on another thread:





Just a couple of ideas I had to help fix this issue:


1. SHOW the individual faction population of each server. The same way the servers show the population now, but instead split IMP/REP populations. For example Black Vulkars Imperial: Heavy Republic: medium. Call me optimistic but I tend to think players like to go with the underdog. This would have been a lot more effective if this was done at launch though.


2. Again this goes with my underdog theory, but more so than giving incentive to roll republic, let 50s (and only 50s) get the choice to switch sides. I myself would never want to switch sides purely based on the amount of time invested on my main character. Now, look at that how ever you want it, my thought would be that if you switched sides, you switched to said mirror class but, like I said, just thinking out loud here....


Just trying to help Bioware with Ideas here as they don't seem to have any.


Great post. I think simply removing same-faction WZs would help, because there would be a proper drawback to being part of the zerg faction and getting an easy ride throughout the game.

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I'll copy/paste what I posted on another thread:





Just a couple of ideas I had to help fix this issue:


1. SHOW the individual faction population of each server. The same way the servers show the population now, but instead split IMP/REP populations. For example Black Vulkars Imperial: Heavy Republic: medium. Call me optimistic but I tend to think players like to go with the underdog. This would have been a lot more effective if this was done at launch though.


2. Again this goes with my underdog theory, but more so than giving incentive to roll republic, let 50s (and only 50s) get the choice to switch sides. I myself would never want to switch sides purely based on the amount of time invested on my main character. Now, look at that how ever you want it, my thought would be that if you switched sides, you switched to said mirror class but, like I said, just thinking out loud here....


Just trying to help Bioware with Ideas here as they don't seem to have any.


ppl don't go with the underdog. in every pvp mmo i've played ppl take the ez route. ppl always askin 'what's the best class for pvp' etc. i talked to 3 ppl today that said they were going to roll on imp side so they could win some wz and get gear.

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The last actual quoted statistic I saw (and things may have changed) is 50% Republic to 53% Imperial, on average. People will come and go and things will balance themselves. As far as same faction WZ's go, the Republic doesn't need them. There are always Imps to fight lol.
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The last actual quoted statistic I saw (and things may have changed) is 50% Republic to 53% Imperial, on average. People will come and go and things will balance themselves. As far as same faction WZ's go, the Republic doesn't need them. There are always Imps to fight lol.


Those are warzone victory stats. They have nothing at all to do with this thread in any shape or form.

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Interesting thread, I actually stopped leveling my Sith Sorcerer at 41+ and began working on my Republic characters because of the imbalance.


I like being the underdog and I was really really tired of Hutball ;-) I think things will balance out a bit more as time goes on, in the meantime I'm enjoying my gunslinger and other republic toons.

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PvP died in SWTOR today. Yes, Bioware can possibly fix it, but the disaster has happened. All people really wanted was the 50 bracket for now, and some logical improvements down the line. But no we have to have valor given to the turrets and then Imperial faction on my server Zerg the Republic base and camp it for rep till they have had enough.
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