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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm afraid to continue my Republic character


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Incentives for the Republic are the way to go.

Making a new exclusive race for the Republic players to choose is also a way to go.

Togruta, Kel'Dor, Nautolan.


All this has already being discussed here.





Obviously this will become an even bigger issue unless something is done about it.

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Has Bioware spoken about this subject?

I can understand why they wouldn't, so I can't blame them. They've been warned by players throughout beta, but they didn't do anything. They just allowed the empire side to grow, knowing well that it would get out of control as it is now.


I've played 1-faction MMOs before (games with 2 factions, but where 1 is a ghost-town). I don't understand why Bioware is making decisions that is causing SWTOR to become one of those games to players on pvp servers.

Edited by Auxili
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Don't worry I expected these things to happen.


First people roll whatever is more ****** (aesthetically) then people witll splinter out deciding that "Horde is sooo mainstream".



Just wait for recoil. it will come eventually.


To hasten the process implement realm forums, then realms will get actual face, and newcomers will be able to judge the server beforehand.

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Don't worry I expected these things to happen.


First people roll whatever is more ****** (aesthetically) then people witll splinter out deciding that "Horde is sooo mainstream".



Just wait for recoil. it will come eventually.


To hasten the process implement realm forums, then realms will get actual face, and newcomers will be able to judge the server beforehand.

Recoil never comes without developer intervention. Even blizzard had to intervene.


The ratios in swtor are far too out of control, much moreso than WoW ever was on a consistent basis.


This is NOT similar to how horde and alliance are in WoW. In WoW, a 3:1 faction ratio is seen as extreme in the handful of high-pop pvp servers that have it.

But in swtor, 3:1 isn't a stretch. It's very common, anyone who've used /who can attest to that. Bioware seems to agree that a 3:1 ratio is fine, seeing as how they're implementing changes that will directly cause the empire to grow.


Bioware was warned for the past few months about this, and even earlier from player feedback. But they did not acknowledge the faction balance once. Not once.

This communicates to us that Bioware is intending the factions to grow this way, and that they want the empire to get larger. I'm not sure why but I'm trying to figure it out

Edited by Auxili
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Economy is not in exactly wonderful state no matter the side, but it has been discussed before (btw nar shaddaa GTM is cross-faction, unlike fleet ones, so better look there I would guess - and see for yourself if just republic one sux)


You're kidding? That's complete news to me!

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Recoil never comes without developer intervention. Even blizzard had to intervene.


The ratios in swtor are far too out of control, much moreso than WoW ever was on a consistent basis.


This is NOT similar to how horde and alliance are in WoW. In WoW, a 3:1 faction ratio is seen as extreme in the handful of high-pop pvp servers that have it.

But in swtor, 3:1 isn't a stretch. It's very common, anyone who've used /who can attest to that. Bioware seems to agree that a 3:1 ratio is fine, seeing as how they're implementing changes that will directly cause the empire to grow.


Bioware was warned for the past few months about this, and even earlier from player feedback. But they did not acknowledge the faction balance once. Not once.

This communicates to us that Bioware is intending the factions to grow this way, and that they want the empire to get larger. I'm not sure why but I'm trying to figure it out


And how are they supposed to intervene? give republic 10% damage buff and break the game? Don't be ridiculous.


In wow there are traditional "horde"

and "alliance" servers and a few are truly balanced. People are aware of ratios beforehand when picking server according to their needs.


The only problem is lack of info. Players didn't pick empire because it's armor looks better, black talon better than esseles or other way around. No matter.


Player knew nothing (and mostly still don't), players picked empire for the the love of bad *** bobba fett and darth vader stuff. It's normal.


Give players a means to communicate and we will see republic banding together somewhere, we'll see balanced servers too.


It's all about information flow, so far game (and servers) aren't thouroughly mapped like it is in that other game.




Edit, I'll include top 10 EU servers PVE progress-wise. Hence filled mostly with people who are certain in what they want from a game.


EU-Свежеватель Душ PvP ru 1 26,168 (1 / 0.02)

EU-Auchindoun PvP en 2 16,625 (0.32 / 1)

EU-Гордунни PvP ru 3 21,267 (0.04 / 1)

EU-Blackrock PvP de 4 18,188 (1 / 0.48)

EU-Kazzak PvP en 5 24,110 (1 / 0.21)

EU-Twisting Nether PvP en 6 18,711 (1 / 0.07)

EU-Aegwynn PvP de 7 20,108 (0.30 / 1)

EU-Ravencrest PvP en 8 24,780 (0.36 / 1)

EU-The Maelstrom PvP en 9 12,021 (0.52 / 1)

EU-Destromath PvP de 10 11,714 (1 / 0.03)


Horde ratio is bolded

Edited by Oneiros_IV
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Besides that servers has specifics for example you want to do some stuff but there's only one guild on that side of server who can provide the stuff you want.

Then you make a joke about GM's girlfriend and find yourself looking for guild out of options for server you are on. Simply because no other guild can suit your needs there.


In another scenario you suddenly find yourself in need to urgently learn to speak polish/serbian/hungarian/russian to get anywhere on server you already picked (and spent time levelling!)


Too bad man. But I cannot stress enough how important beforehand knowledge is. Wich we cannot have, for now.

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as of 15 minutes ago on the Terentatek PVP server, there are:



Republic - 11

Imperial - 92



Republic - 39

Imperial - 147


In my journey to 50 i've been able to find groups for TWO flashpoints, that's it. Whenever I go on Ilum to do my PvP daily (aka trade points) there are a good 9-10 waiting for me to cap so they can recap. My server is a joke and honestly I've been able to do more flashpoints on my 21 bounty hunter than my 50 smuggler

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Does Bioware not see this as a problem? Bioware is making an overt decision to encourage the zerg side grows even larger than the underdog side. How are we republic players not supposed to feel threatened by this design direction?


It isn't Bioware's job to decide for us where and how we want to play. We will get to PvP when we feel like it. You boys go on ahead you deserve your experience.

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I tried to roll a republic toon, and deleted him.

After 3 hours of " guz wheres my trainer", and then finding 2 pages of greys on the galactic market ( greys?? what kind of tool puts up greys??), that was the last time I rolled repub.

Edited by Your_dominus
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It isn't Bioware's job to decide for us where and how we want to play. We will get to PvP when we feel like it. You boys go on ahead you deserve your experience.


Spoken like a true zerger ;)

Edited by Auxili
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Join The Deadweight. We have a guild called Hazmat here that is going to fill this forum with the QQs of our servers empire population.


I soloed a 50 Sorc and a 50 bounty hunter who were obviously using vent for 2 minutes at the weak side door on Voidstar, until healers showed up and we killed both of them.


They proceeded to cry in /say chat about how the Warzone was 8 versus 7 and not fair to Imperials.


This is how pvp works when one side is given hand outs.


Edited to say Im a Vanguard. I was jumping behind the Bounty hunter and Interrupting the sorc.


When you interrupt force lightning in this game Sorcerors just seem to stand still in disbelief.


I could kill you. Just because a few are bad, does not mean all are bad.


From my experience? I could say the same about the Republic.


Weird, huh?


Handouts. Rofl.


Time for elitism to set in! I was waiting for it!


Faith in humanity - another 2,000.

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I could kill you. Just because a few are bad, does not mean all are bad.


From my experience? I could say the same about the Republic.


Weird, huh?


Handouts. Rofl.


Time for elitism to set in! I was waiting for it!


Faith in humanity - another 2,000.


We can talk about "handouts" after empire players gear up because they can idle by as their zerg slaughters republicans in ilum

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Maybe it's just the server I'm on (RP-PvP) but usually the fleet for Republic has 100-150 people there. Granted I'm only level 24 and I've PvP'd just a few times, but I haven't run into any grouping problems or anything like that.
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We can talk about "handouts" after empire players gear up because they can idle by as their zerg slaughters republicans in ilum


Not our fault there are less Republic players.


I didn't roll Empire because I wanted to be on the "popular" side, or because evil is "cool". I rolled Empire because I tried all of the classes during the beta and had the most fun as a sniper. Problem?


At any rate, fail argument is fail. Try something else.

Edited by Vaegaknight
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Faction imbalance is a serious problem and it's only going to get worse. It doesn't just effect PvP. It effects the economy, it effects PvE progression, and it creates a negative feedback loop.



You have ten players on the Republic. They see that their economy is crap and they can't find a group. This causes one of them rerolls to Empire.


Now you have nine players on the Republic. Their economy has just gotten worse and it's even harder to find a group. This causes one more to reroll to the Empire.


Now you have eight players on the Republic. Their economy is even worse and it's even hard to find a group. This causes two more to reroll to the empire.



You see where this is going.




The fact is that BioWare has screwed themselves and the only way to fix it is that when you go to the character creation screen and it tells you to pick a side, any side with more than a 2 to 1 advantage should be locked out.

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Faction imbalance is a serious problem and it's only going to get worse. It doesn't just effect PvP. It effects the economy, it effects PvE progression, and it creates a negative feedback loop.



You have ten players on the Republic. They see that their economy is crap and they can't find a group. This causes one of them rerolls to Empire.


Now you have nine players on the Republic. Their economy has just gotten worse and it's even harder to find a group. This causes one more to reroll to the Empire.


Now you have eight players on the Republic. Their economy is even worse and it's even hard to find a group. This causes two more to reroll to the empire.



You see where this is going.




The fact is that BioWare has screwed themselves and the only way to fix it is that when you go to the character creation screen and it tells you to pick a side, any side with more than a 2 to 1 advantage should be locked out.


They had the same issue in WoW and... The game is fine. Funny how that works.

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