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Very tired of premades !!


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The stupidity of people on this forum amazes me every time...

If there is so many people playing in groups and thats the only way to play why do the devs make a separate que for you? Oh right because then you will have to wait longer and actually get some opposition and cant just roll over everything...


Since Bioware allows people to que up alone then its their responsibility to make the game enjoyable for them aswell not just for you.


If you do not have friends to go with you in the warzone is YOUR problem, not the Bioware... invite someone and be happy.... it's a MMO!!!

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And how I will know who is good and who is bad? Just pickup randoms, do the system's job? :)



Whatever ... I have 1 WH Elite char and 2 bh/wh already. I did grouped pvp 4 times only since March.


I should say it is fun when those "premades" cant find group (about at 4 am) and queue solo. It's really equal fights when happens on both sides. All other is real headache, when recruts are stomped by WH team. And yes, my wh char being alone still dies a lot too.


I suggest simple fix - whenever group queue in solo it is broken and randomly mixed. I.e. - everybody should go solo :)

In such way newbies will get a chance to learn something from good players except being killed.

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The stupidity of people on this forum amazes me every time...

If there is so many people playing in groups and thats the only way to play why do the devs make a separate que for you? Oh right because then you will have to wait longer and actually get some opposition and cant just roll over everything...


Since Bioware allows people to que up alone then its their responsibility to make the game enjoyable for them aswell not just for you.


I agree, lets separate anyone who groups together. Then let's separate anyone who plays their class competently. Then let's separate anyone that has the best gear. Then let's separate anyone who has decent gear. Then let's separate anyone who plays a class that is considered OP. Then let's separate any group that might have a good composition. Then let's just separate ALL the classes.


Now we have a queue where poorly played commandos, in leveling greens, can 1v1 and win ACW matches by being the first one to click on their natural side turret. It is after all Bioware's responsibility to make sure EVERYONE has a good time. Even keyboard-turning, clicking, under-geared, Commandos.

Edited by criminalheretic
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Grouping with your friends in a MMO? What kind of sorcery is this????! :eek: lmfao people will complain about anything in this game.




Yeah it's crazy, it's a spell with a great many verbal components like "Wanna group up?" and "Hey, you guys recruiting?". There is a material component too, it involves clicking "yes" or clicking on a purple + sign.


But I've said too much....

Edited by criminalheretic
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The stupidity of people on this forum amazes me every time...

If there is so many people playing in groups and thats the only way to play why do the devs make a separate que for you? Oh right because then you will have to wait longer and actually get some opposition and cant just roll over everything...


Since Bioware allows people to que up alone then its their responsibility to make the game enjoyable for them aswell not just for you.


The rage is strong with this one, last time i checked this game is an MMO people wanna play with there friends genius. UMAD BRO?



Edited by PowerReaper
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Have you ever even played Call of Duty?


Also, I think its hilarious that BW gave TOR a system for competive ranked play and that nobody uses it - because the elite hardcore pvp guilds would rather go into a regular warzone and stroke their epeens playing against uncoordinated pugs.


Umm what the heck are you on? I would gladly go into a ranked warzone whenever i could, i mean free ranked comms everyone wants that (if i win i usually get about 140 ^_^) i capped on ranked comms just from 1 day of rateds. Lmao people on this forum are just soooo...WOW.

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I find it funny that the vocal minority has final say in this game. I am a brand new customer I started when it went f2p and subscribed to be able to pvp when I wanted to. I am also getting very tired of getting on teams that just get smashed by premades. I know they are never going to change anything about the pvp system but in my opinion is a game breaker for me. So probably when my wife and I sub is up we probably wont re up and go else where and I feel a lot of other people will do the same and Swtor will be in the same boat it was in DIEING
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I find it funny that the vocal minority has final say in this game. I am a brand new customer I started when it went f2p and subscribed to be able to pvp when I wanted to. I am also getting very tired of getting on teams that just get smashed by premades. I know they are never going to change anything about the pvp system but in my opinion is a game breaker for me. So probably when my wife and I sub is up we probably wont re up and go else where and I feel a lot of other people will do the same and Swtor will be in the same boat it was in DIEING


exactly this... Im not sure if they have made their money back from development and figure game is dying anyways and just dont care to put money/effort into fixing it? or they dont have the ways to fix it.

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Bungie got it right with their Halo games. If a group of 3 or more queued together it was considered a group and could only be matched against other groups, or the system would atleast dedicate some time to looking for a fitting match. SWTOR is seemingly lacking all types "group checks" and will match anyone from the second they're placed in the queue. It would be reasonable to force the system to look for a another group for atleast 3 minutes or so before putting premades against pugs. Edited by MidichIorian
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I log in and enjoy PVP. I mostly solo the warzones but 80% am thrown against premades being annihilated, getting less valor and generally logging in to provide others the joy of entertainment at my expense, figuratively and literally.


I have nothing against premades vs premades but honestly, I don't like to say I'll quit over the issue but I did quit Warhammer after two years because of the issue, which alot actually felt the same way.


No, I shouldn't have to join a guild if I am not ready just to enjoy the game and most times I am in the top 5 damage and kills but when the wz is lost, 600 valor after 15 minutes of getting pulled, stunned, chain blasted, focused and punted is less than fun.


A growing number including myself feel exactly as you do.

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I find it funny that the vocal minority has final say in this game. I am a brand new customer I started when it went f2p and subscribed to be able to pvp when I wanted to. I am also getting very tired of getting on teams that just get smashed by premades. I know they are never going to change anything about the pvp system but in my opinion is a game breaker for me. So probably when my wife and I sub is up we probably wont re up and go else where and I feel a lot of other people will do the same and Swtor will be in the same boat it was in DIEING


Very well said, I am a very hard core star wars fan and that is the only thing keeping me here in this game at the moment. I love the pve and the story is second to non but most of my time is spent pvping in most mmos i have played. The premades and the overly excessive CC that came with 1.4 kills it for me. I will give it another 6 months to a year and if this premade garbage is still going on i will likely take my money to another mmo. for god sakes this game is supposed to be AAA and it does not even have a cross server pvp que :mad:

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Nothing can explain the way things are.


If premades are truthfully holding the line that they want competitive pvp- they should be queues against other premades.


PuGs obviously loathe premades- and it's causing unsubbing and many WZ feel like revolving doors as we end up with a different team than what we started with.


Premades with talent should hate it because they aren't getting good games.


Only people who enjoy the current system are those who want easy mode wins without effort.


Any sensible pvp designer wouldn't have make a system like this. Ugh- people were right to dread when mythic's team joined up with this game.

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It has been said by countless other people on at least 2 other threads on this forum, but here goes.


People keep talking about Bioware catering to premades, even though solo-queuers represent the vast majority of pvp'ers. If this was indeed true, the chance of you as a solo-q'er being pitted against a premade shouldn't be all that big per se, should it? The chance of you being matched against a premade, especially against an exceptionally well-geared and experienced premade, should be marginally low. So no reason to complain. People stating they are being matched against top-geared pvp-guild premades 90% of the time are simply exaggerating, to say the least.

If it was the other way around, and premades constituted the vast majority of pvp'ers, well.... no reason to complain then either, because in that case Bioware would already be catering to the majority, wouldn't they?


This point alone should be self-explanatory. If you as a solo-queuer constitute the vast majority, there shouldn't be a matchmaking problem, since most of the time you would be pitted against other parts of that 'vast majority'. Of course you will be pitted against premades every now and again, but certainly not to the extent that they would be ruining the bigger part of your pvp experience. Not to mention that:


a. There is no way in hell a solo-queuer will constantly get pitted against premades without having a premade of his own on his team roughly the same amount of times. It is not as if premades were restricted to one faction only - they are not always on the 'other team', but roughly the same amount of time there should be one on 'your team' aswell.


b. You cannot always identify a premade. I form premades with friends from quite a few different guilds, and unless someone says anything in ops chat, there is no way the other people in our team could possibly know we are playing together. In these sort of premades, btw, we do not use voice chat at all. But I can rely on the other people knowing what they are doing without that form of voice communication.


c. Not every premade is good, or exceptionally well-geared. The elite war hero min-maxed premades that didn't get a ranked pop are the exception to normal wz's - not the rule. How high can the chance be of you encountering premades like this over and over and over again for you to come here and cry about them? If that really is the case on your server, then you have a vastly unhealthy pvp population and should really consider moving. :/


d. A premade does not constitute a guaranteed win. The premade might be the best-geared, vastly experienced crew on the server, but four people cannot carry four bad pugs.



Okay, I guess it's time for me to sit back, have a coffee and wait for the bashing to start. About me and my posse of 'Premaders' only doing it to roflstomp pugs, being afraid of 'real' competition, yada yada yada. And just fyi, I solo queue about 50% of my pvp time, simply because either noone else wants to queue at that moment because they're doing ops or whatnot, or because I'm feeling antisocial.^^ And trust me, having a healing sage main, I know how painful pug experiences can be if you're caught on a team of idiots. I understand. I just don't feel sorry for people who insist on having THIS experience exclusively and come here to cry about it. :)

Edited by Nessaia
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I've decided to create new characters and NOT level them to 50 to enjoy PvP these days. Every now and then I come up against a coordinated group and we get waxed. But that happens about 20% of the time at most. The other 80% of the time I usually have a lot of fun.
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I've decided to create new characters and NOT level them to 50 to enjoy PvP these days. Every now and then I come up against a coordinated group and we get waxed. But that happens about 20% of the time at most. The other 80% of the time I usually have a lot of fun.


lowbie wzs = uncoordinated, unskilled, unbalanced mess.


i can understand some of the frustrations with pvp at 50 (gear gap, premades, etc) but when people claim that lowbie PvP is "better", ie more fun/skill based/whatever i just baffles me

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your logic doesnt belong here!!! :eek:





I agree these people that think they are on the top of some kind of pyramid of l33t skillz just need to find a new game. Their cliquish kind are turning dozens of fresh 50's away from PVP.

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I agree these people that think they are on the top of some kind of pyramid of l33t skillz just need to find a new game. Their cliquish kind are turning dozens of fresh 50's away from PVP.


Uhm... you do realise the person you quoted is on my side, right?


And... where was the part where I mentioned anything about anyone's l33t skillz? Must have missed it, or my english is indeed worse than I thought.


And while we're at it.... could you introduce me to those floods of hapless fresh 50's that quit pvp altogether on a regular basis because of premades? I'd really love to meet them!


But to be honest, HuaRya, I have read some of your posts concerning this matter.... they are not very coherent, nor do they contain any really good arguments - except if you think that calling people names and generalising everything can be considered a good argument. So to be frank, I am not expecting a lot to come from it... :rolleyes:

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It has been said by countless other people on at least 2 other threads on this forum, but here goes.


People keep talking about Bioware catering to premades, even though solo-queuers represent the vast majority of pvp'ers. If this was indeed true, the chance of you as a solo-q'er being pitted against a premade shouldn't be all that big per se, should it? The chance of you being matched against a premade, especially against an exceptionally well-geared and experienced premade, should be marginally low.

No. That would only mean that the majority of players endure a couple of matches to complete their dailies, then do something else or log out, while premades keep going and going and going. My guild's groups can spend 3 hours each evening having their way with pugs, chatting on TS and generally enjoying themselves.


We even go as far as going weaponless with Legacy fist abilities. Quite hilarious, tbh - especially Huttball. Getting molested by an unarmed fat twi'lek in Covert energy armour is one of the most embarrassing things you can experience in ToR PvP.

Edited by Helig
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